Varsity Tough

By Bart Hanks / jocktime (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 24, 2009


Chapter Seventeen And the cow says "Moo"

On that Monday morning after such a tumultuous weekend, Josh Rider crossed the school yard without a care in the world. Well actually he did have one care: he wondered if Leroy was still looking for him. But that thought didn't stay with him long, because he saw Jennings and wanted to find out about Zack.

It was still a few minutes before the come-in bell. When he reached Jennings and asked, he was told Zack had gotten the cock cage off with the help of Ricky Semmes. "One of the two of them owes me the cost of a cock cage." Jennings was always a no-nonsense person when it came to things he spent money for.

"Well thanks for letting Zack be free" Josh said. "I don't think he'll make any trouble any more."

"It turns out he's got a roommate now. Ricky Semmes has moved in. Apparently some trouble at home. They both ought to be on campus today."

Josh was glad. That meant he and Zack would sit together fourth period. Maybe it could go back to being like old times. He felt like things were finally working out. He hurried in and went to his locker. As he opened it, a note fell out.

He picked it up. It had been printed on a computer. The cover had that ad of the guy with white lips and the slogan "Got milk?" Josh smiled. Opening it, he found a message: "You are invited to join the Dairy Squad. To accept this invitation to a secret select club, be at the old gym at 3:30 today. This invitation will not be extended again."

Josh had heard rumors that there was a secret club at school, one so secret that people even hesitated to say it existed. People said it had been going for ten years or more. He knew from Social Studies that some of our presidents had belonged to a secret one at Yale. He was interested to see what this one was. He decided he would go. But for now the bell was ringing and he hurried to first period class.

Once during the morning he saw Ace's friend Gunter in the hall. Ninth graders were usually in the other building, but due to classroom shortages, some held classes here. He smiled and Gunter responded. Afterward Josh thought it was an odd kind of smile, like someone saying "I'm watching you."

As fourth period was about to begin, there was a fire drill. Josh and Zack ended up outside together. That gave Josh a chance to ask Zack how things were going.

"I'm glad to hear you got that cage off."

"Not half as glad as I am. Ricky Semmes is staying with me for a while. Bad situation at home. Sometime I'll tell you the whole story of this weekend."

"So we're good, then?" He had missed Zack.

"Yeah. You ought to come over some time. You know Ricky, don't you?"

"Not really. I know the name. I've heard people say something about him."

Zack grinned. "You mean he's the one with the biggest dick in school next to Jennings?"

Josh blushed. "That's what I've heard."

"I'll get him to show you when you come over."

Josh wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but the fire drill was ending and the come-in bell was sounding.

When class ended, Josh and Zack went out together. Josh headed for the bathroom. Zack grinned. "Going to put on a show again today?"

Josh grinned back. "Naw. I'm wearing underwear now. There's nothing to get me up."

Zack shook his head. "Don't be too sure."

Josh got up to the urinal along with all the others. Once he had pulled it out and was starting, a guy behind him grabbed his elbows and started shaking him and saying "Don't pee on yourself."

Josh couldn't stop peeing and couldn't turn around. He cussed the guy and the others all looked over and laughed.

"Another show, Josh?"

The guy kept shaking him. The front of Josh's pants was splattered. When he could stop, he turned around and threw the guy to the floor. It wasn't anybody he knew. People got all excited and stared shouting "Fight! Fight!"

Mr. Turner, the basketball coach, barreled through the door and the others fled. He recognized Josh right away.

"Is this another of your demonstrations, Josh?"

"No sir, coach. This guy grabbed me. I don't even know who he is."

The guy looked at Mr. Turner. "Coach, I didn't do anything. I swear. I was standing behind him and it looked like he was playing with himself and suddenly started peeing. Then he turned around and knocked me to the floor.

Turner glared at Josh. "This isn't the first time there's been some sort of sex stuff with you in the bathrooms, Raider."

Josh was flabbergasted. "Coach, that's not true! I mean I know what you think but it isn't that way at all."

"You should have seen him, coach. He was going at it with all these guys around. I didn't know this was a pervert bathroom."

"What's your name?" the coach asked him.

"I'm Ricky Semmes."

Josh stared. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. "It's a setup! It's a setup coach. It's him and Zack trying to mess with me. Damn!"

"You watch your language, son. Ricky, I think you and Josh and I ought to go see the principal."

"Oh!" Josh begged. "Please don't! This is my lunch period. Everybody will see me with my pants wet. Let me just run to the cafeteria and get napkins and wipe off and go through the line."

"He doesn't want guys to start calling him pee-pee pants," Ricky said.

"Mr. Turner, the whole team will vouch for me that I don't lie. Hey one of your players, Steve Hawkins, he can vouch for me too."

Turner turned to Ricky and asked him, "What can you tell me about this guy?"

Ricky was all innocence. "I don't know him. Like I said, he was playing with himself and was trying to pee and got it all over the place. Then he turned around and hit me, knocked me down."

"Hmmm. And Josh, do you know anything at all about him?"

Josh started to say something, then shook his head.

Turner saw that. "So you do know something. What is it?"

Josh was about to say Ricky had the biggest dick in school, next to Jennings. "Nothing. I had never seen him before just now."

"Josh Raider, tell me. What were you going to say?" Turner was not going to let this drop.

Fortunately the two linebackers were coming down the hall. When they saw Coach Turner and Josh, they came over. Ted looked Josh up and down and said "Pissed yourself again, huh, Josh?"

Josh started to speak, but Turner said `You can vouch for him? I was about to take both of these boys to the principal's office."

Sam spoke up quickly. "He's not there. After the fire drill he had to do down to the school board for some meeting. I was in Coach's office when he called and told Coach about it."

"I guess this will just have to wait." Pointing to Ricky, he asked them "Do either of you know him?"

"What's his name?" Ted asked.

"Ricky Semmes."

The linebackers burst out laughing. "Oh we've heard of him. He's got the biggest --. "

They stopped themselves, but not before Turner asked, "Is this something dirty? If it is, I don't want to hear it."

Ricky just stood there innocently looking at the ceiling.

Sam said "Coach, if it's OK with you, we'll take pee-pee pants here to the cafeteria. We'll guarantee his good behavior."

Turner didn't really want to relinquish his power and authority, especially to two senior football players. They were mere students, whereas he was a teacher and a coach. But he waved them on, saying "This isn't over yet, Josh Raider."

Turner walked with Ricky in the opposite direction. Glancing at him, Turner said "The football players do some things that seem unhealthy, things that are not wholesome. You'd do well to avoid them."

Inwardly Ricky grinned with silent glee. "Yes sir," he said.

"Fine lad."

"I try to be, sir."

In the other direction, Sam asked Josh, "Why did you pee on yourself? If you don't want people to know you're gay, you ought to act more manly."

"I didn't pee on myself and besides I'm not gay. This Ricky guy came up behind me and grabbed my elbows and started twisting me so I pee'd everywhere."

"Well couldn't you just stop?"

"Sam, you know a guy can't just stop' and start' when it comes to peeing. It happened so fast. You two guys always try to put me in the wrong. I don't think that's fair."

"Well let's get you down to the dressing room where we can run those pants through the washer and dryer real quick."

"It's lunch period. I need to go to the cafeteria. I can dry off on a couple of napkins there."

"What, and smell like pee the rest of the day? You really sprayed yourself, you know that, don't you?"

With Sam and Ted on either side of him, the linebackers were escorting Josh in a way that he couldn't break loose. Once they got him in the dressing room, Sam said "Give me your pants. Ted can go to the cafeteria and get a lunch for you."

Josh tried to twist free. "I'm hungry. Why can't I go to the cafeteria by myself?"

"Josh, we're going to wash those pants. You're just delaying the process. Come on now and hand them over."

Josh started to say something else when Sam said "Get his pants, Ted. I'll hold his arms."

As Josh twisted and complained, Ted jerked his pants off, making a smelly expression about their condition, and Sam cried, "What? You're wearing underwear! Get them too, Ted. We'll just toss them out right here."

"No, guys! Don't throw them away! You don't know my mom! She keeps track of all that stuff. She already asked me if I wasn't missing a couple of pairs." Josh was getting upset.

While Ted twirled Josh's briefs around on his finger, dangling them tantalizingly near and then pulling his hand away, Sam was throwing his pants into the washer. Josh stood there in just his t-shirt, bare all the way down to his socks and shoes. He had never liked being undressed when everybody else had their clothes on.

"Aren't there some spare pants around here anywhere? I could pull them on are go through the lunch line and get right back."

Ted and Sam looked at each other, conferred, and agreed. Sam pull a storage locker open and threw an old pair of Levi's out. "Try these. They'll do in a pinch."

Josh pulled them on. They were a little big and there was no belt, but he dashed off for the cafeteria. On the way he passed other guys who grinned. At first he thought they might have been in the bathroom, and then he realized that his pants were slipping down and his butt crack was probably beginning to show.

He hiked them up and got in line in the cafeteria. Girls began to notice him and smile too. He pulled them up again. As he neared a table to sit, one guy came up and started to take his tray as another came up behind and gave his pants a jerk. They collapsed at his ankles and students nearby cheered. In an instant the whole dining room was laughing. Some people jumped to their feet to get a better view. Josh was humiliated, and grabbed his pants as he leaned forward, bowing his head to hide his `special friend'. His face was crimson. There was a lot of applause, and he sat down to eat. The two guys who had done that seemed to have disappeared before Josh could see who they were.

That was when he realized there was a sealed packet on his tray with his name on it. He opened it before even starting his food. Inside a printed message said "The Dairy Squad is a special small group of only eight people. Our loyalty is first to our group, second to our team, and third to our school. We never tell our secrets, but we always help others in need. To join, go to the old dressing room at the back at 3:30. There will be a blindfold hanging on the door. Put it on, and slowly open the door and step inside. You will be met there. In joining, you will become a part of us and we will become a part of you. Should you choose not to accept this invitation, simply do not show up. The invitation will never be repeated."

Josh ate quickly, since lunch period was almost over. He thought about the note and he wondered what joining would involve. Suddenly he was aware that a boy about his age was standing beside him. Blond haired like Josh but brown eyed, Josh couldn't remember if he had ever even seen him around. The boy grinned and handed him a coiled rope.

"I had this in my locker. I thought maybe if you didn't have a belt, you could run it through your belt loops and it'd hold your pants up until you got home."

Josh was surprised. "Why are you doing this for me?"

"I've seen you play, followed the team, and I think you're a great quarterback. I wanted to do something nice in return."

Josh was really touched. He grinned, accepting the rope, and began threading it thorough the loops. "Thanks, man. I'll return it to you tomorrow."

"You can keep it. You never know when you might need it again." He started to turn away, then with a mischievous grin he said "Nice butt, dude! One guy said he'd pay big bucks to have a crack at that one."

With that the boy was gone. The cafeteria was emptying out, students getting ahead of the bell. Josh stood up, returned his tray to the stack, and with the note in his pocket, headed back to the gym.

Sam and Ted greeted him with smiles. Holding up his freshly washed pants, they said, "See? All dry. No pee-pee on them. Aren't you glad?"

Josh grinned. " Thanks, guys. Now give me my shorts and I'll get into my pants."

"No shorts, Josh, remember? No underwear."

"Guys, my mom --"

He didn't get any further because Ted pointed to his rope belt. "Look, Sam. Someone gave Josh a friendship knot on his belt. Who was it?"

"This guy saw my pants fall down --"

"What? Your pants fell down?"

"And I was carrying my tray and I couldn't bend over, but one guy came up just as a guy pulled them down and he held my tray and -"

"And you were set up!" Ted and Sam whooped together.

"What do you mean?"

"Two guys saw your pants were loose, so one grabs your tray as the other guy depants you! Dude, you were had! That way you don't spill food or do anything to bring down the staff on you, you just loose your pants and your tray sits on a table waiting for you. Everybody hoots and cheers. They run out and you sit down and eat. Right?"

Josh just looked at them. "How can you two guys know these things? You weren't even there."

"Kid, people have been playing that trick on guys since the second grade."

"Well what happens next?"

Ted looked at Sam, who shrugged. "Beats me."

Ted said "Maybe a picture of you showing your ass to the world turns up on the school bulletin board or on the net. But that's not the point right now. You need to get your pants on and get back to class."

Josh was already out of the borrowed trousers. He just stood there with no pants on. "I want my underwear."

Ted came up with an idea. "How about this? We'll give you your underwear back and let you keep wearing briefs if you agree to wear that rope belt with the friendship knot on it. As long as you do that, we won't take your shorts away."

"How do you know it's a friendship knot?" Josh asked, looking at it closely.

"It's a double knot at the end, done in a twist that makes it impossible to break. It's like saying `friends forever.'"

"Yeah" Sam said, "or `special friend'." He burst out laughing.

"Josh, hurry up. You're going to be late for class. Here's your underwear. Put everything on and then take off for class, you and your `little friend'."

The two linebackers roared with laughter, huge guys who dwarfed Josh's 5'8" height.

As Josh zipped up and turned to go, Ted grabbed him between the legs and squeezed his crotch.

"Everything nice and snug in there now? All protected so you won't get hard?"

Josh yelped and twisted, but Ted held on, searching with his fingers until he said "I've got it! I found where he's keeping it now! Oh...feel that thing get hard when I rub it. Even with all that padding in the way, I can feel it toughening up." He liked the way it had leapt to life the minute his fingers found it.

Josh was flailing his arms and bending over trying to escape Ted's eager fingers. "I've got to go, Ted."

"Is he hard?" Sam was interested in a noncommittal sort of way.

"Damn right" Ted said with a grin, releasing Josh. "I think it's always good to send him off to class with a bone to show his friends."

Josh dashed toward class, his bone throbbing in its confinement in his briefs. He thought to himself, `And to think, people ask why I wear briefs.'

At 3:30 Josh stood in front of the door to the old dressing room. Unused for anything now except storage, no one ever came this way. Josh took the blindfold off the door handle, put it on, and pulled the old door open. He stepped inside. The door closed behind him. In the silence he thought he could hear someone breathing.

"You have come" a deep voice said.

Josh jumped. The speaker seemed to be standing nearby. The voice sounded almost artificially deep, as if someone didn't want to use his real voice. That was OK with Josh, since the guy was probably part of the team anyway. Actually the thought of the team doing something to him sent sparks through his system.

"Yes." He didn't know what else to say after that. The room always smelled like dust and mildew anyway, but now it also smelled like the gym did when the team was all gathered. He had always loved sports, and it seemed that sports and sweaty guys smelled the same.

"Are you ready for the initiation?"

Josh started feeling a little apprehensive. "I guess."

"Then strip and we will take you to the initiating table."

Josh almost lost it. What the crap was the initiating table anyway? He was aware that several guys were standing right beside him now. He could feel their body heat and the breathing sounds. Then hands began touching him.

"Your clothes. Give us your clothes."

Josh wanted to ask if they were sure he could get them back, but decided against it. As he began undressing, hands took the shirt as soon as he removed it. Finally he stepped out of his briefs. He was naked. He could feel the slight stirring of air in the room. Then hands were leading him to a table, where arms lifted him up.

They spread him out on the table, strong hands holding him by his wrists and ankles, pinned flat on his back with arms and legs spread. Other hands were moving across his body.

"We are the Dairy Squad. Do you know why we are called that?"


"Because when a new member is installed in the group, we milk him."

"Oh crap. You guys aren't really going to milk me, are you?"

"We take your milk, and we give you our milk."

Josh tensed. Did that mean he would have to suck off all the members? He began to wonder if he could get out of this. But he didn't have time to react because hands were already working on him. Someone took his dick and began playing with it while others pinched his nipples and stroked the light sandy hairs on his strong legs. Someone gently played with his balls.

Josh began to twist. This was turning him on. "Guys..." But he got no further. A moist finger was inserted in his mouth. He wondered how the finger got moist, then decided he shouldn't borrow trouble.

One hand playing with his dick was replaced by another. As his erection lengthened, real strokes were working on his shaft. He began to stretch his muscles in pleasure. Being played with by this many guys was something he had imagined while jacking off, but he never thought it would happen in real life.

Now he could hear them talking. They were working themselves up for this. They started saying things like "Look at that pecker drip." "See how full his balls are?" "Man, working this hot shaft is like stroking a snake in the blazing sun." "Yeah, Josh puts out a lot of body heat when his dick's being worked."

The effect of all this was to make Josh hornier than ever. What doubled the sensation was that he couldn't move because they held him so firmly. Their fingers and hands on his wrists and ankles were an incentive to struggle just to see if he could do it. And each time he struggled, someone's hand began slowly caressing his balls, while a voice said "Quiet, little one, let those twin eggs of yours churn out the good milk for us all."

His nipples were finding a life of their own. He had never realized they could give him such a sensation. When anyone stopped twisting them, he was about to beg for more but immediately another guy would start in. And each of them had his own technique.

But most of all it was his dick. They could do things with the head that he never dreamed possible. They could work the shaft like a piston one minute and like a magic violin the next. They were building him higher and higher. Then finally he cried "I'm going to shoot!" Blast after blast came out, firing off somewhere but somehow landing on his stomach. And always the hands kept jacking, the fingers kept moving, until the last dribble came out. He gasp, caught his breath, and lay still. Then a voice said "You want a five minute rest before we start the next one?"

"The next one? `The next one'? I've already shot my load, man. There's nothing left. I can't remember when I shot a load like that."

"We'll let you rest and recover. Then we'll start in again."

One of the guys said "Great. My hand's tired. That bone of his can wear you out." Someone else said "Did you see how his balls started quivering just before he shot? Maybe we can lift his legs next time so everybody can see that. I've never seen that even in porn." Someone else said "Porn? You wouldn't know porn if it came up and bit you on the dick." This was followed by laughing and cursing. Josh rested and wondered where this would end. But it was comforting to have the hands still holding him, and the palm of someone's hand resting on his chest. He sighed.

"You ready?" a deep voice asked. Apparently he wasn't asking Josh because guys started working on him again. "Yeah, he's responding pretty good to this. He boned up without too much trouble." "I think he beats off a lot more than he says." "Is that true, Josh? You beat off all the time?"

Josh was enjoying the sensations. "No." He knew his dick was a little sore, but they were being really careful with it.

"I bet he does." "Tell us about it, Josh." "Let's play with his nipples some more." "Yeah, I like the way he tries to twist like he thinks he can get away."

"You guys..." Josh said. But now they began again in earnest, trying to build him to a climax. He was surprised that he began to feel his nuts churn and his sack pull up a little. He wondered where they had learned all these techniques for turning a guy on. Hands moved all over him again, and fingers played around his dick head like minnows nipping in a pond. He could feel he was rising to a climax. This built and built. Finally a voice said "He's about to shoot. See how he's trying to come off the table." Josh arched his back, went rigid, and shot another load. It felt marvelous.

"Not as much as the first time, but still a good load. He'll need a few minuets to recover. He's sweating a little." Someone patted his cheek and asked, "You doing OK, son?" Josh just laughed. Those guys were always kidding him.

A few minutes later the deep voice said "This will be the big milking. Josh we don't have Matt to put his finger up your butt, but one of us has the longest middle finger at the school. We're asking him to do the insertion this time. You ready for that?"

"The longest middle finger in school?"

"Probably...unless Jennings has one." There was laughter.

"Ok I guess."

A different voice spoke up. "Speaking of `the longest', has anybody seen what Ricky Semmes has the longest of?" There was general rowdiness and laughter. Someone else said "Yeah, Jennings, I hear you've got real competition for that title." That let Josh realize Jennings was among the guys there. Then he recognized Jennings' voice as he replied "No names during the ceremony. You know that." Then a voice deliberately made deep said, "Let's begin."

Someone asked, "Does he need lube?" "No he drips precum like a sieve." Someone else said "Yeah, but not so much now. Is there any lube here?"

Josh felt moisture on his dick. Someone had lube and they were greasing him up. But he was still limp, and he knew his balls were empty. He didn't see how he could go again. It had been so great at first, feeling the power of all the hands and heat and strength and guys all over his body. Now it was like there wasn't anything left inside to come out.

"I don't know, guys" Josh admitted.

Someone beside him said "His dick acts like it's dead." Then the others began to razz him. "Oh, the poor little thing. It's all shriveled." He felt someone gently handing his balls. "They're so small now. The whole sack is empty." "Oh Josh, we've killed it."

Jennings spoke up in his natural voice. "That's what the insertion is for. Let's get it poked up in there and start some real massaging."

A different voice said "Let me try his dick first. There's something in physical therapy that's used to bring feeling back to numb muscles. I think I can do that here."

Someone else said "Well if that doesn't work, let's just quit and go home. If Josh can't make the load, he doesn't get to join the club."

Josh's heart sank. After going through all this, if he couldn't --

But his thoughts were interrupted by other comments. One guy said "I need to get my load off. If we send him home, who's gonna take care of my load for me?"

Josh quivered. Were they really serious that he would have to suck them off? All of them, hot and sweaty and dirty while the rest watched? Josh couldn't stand that. He would die. `Maybe it's a good thing that my dick died before I did' he thought.

"I'm with him! We didn't go through all this not to get our loads off. If Josh can't measure up, we better find somebody new...and quick."

It was at that moment that the fingers working carefully on the head of his dick began to make things stir inside Josh. It was really weird. The fingers weren't exactly pinching, but they were sort of manipulating the nerve there.

"It's responding" the voice at his crotch said. "It's coming back to life."

"OK" Jennings said, "you guys do the nipples and the crotch, and you two take the toes again. Work them gently and work them good."

"When should I start the insertion?" an unfamiliar voice said. Josh wondered who the voice belonged to. He didn't know all the team well enough to identify their voices. New players like himself spent most of the time away from the older ones. It was safer than getting swatted with a towel or someone throwing something at your balls.

"Wait until the flag goes up the flagpole" was the reply. Josh smiled to himself. They always had funny ways of describing stuff. He set his mind to thinking about stuff that would turn him on, things to help get the cum to flowing. It's odd, usually he could think of a bunch of stuff, but now his mind was blank. Well not exactly blank. He was waiting for the finger to start inside him. He used a finger to help himself get off, but that wasn't something you could ask another guy to help you with. Now someone was going to help him with that. He wondered if he would know the guy afterwards.

"I can see him rising" a voice said. Guys were driving his nipples crazy. He knew he'd be sore there for a week. And what if somebody asked why they looked so big and red? Josh began to tense as the feeling inside began to reach his bone. He could begin to feel the strength. He could now experience the rising power like a mighty engine revving up.

The finger started going in and out and Josh was in orbit. Best damn finger he had ever had. Only damn finger he had ever had except his own, and Matt's that day at the creek. But this was no time to remember that! This finger had power, it knew where to push, what to nudge, how to scratch. He tightened his butt and a voice said "His butt's got my finger like a pit bull that won't let go." Some cried "Ride it, Josh! Ride it, man!" "Squeeze those cheeks, Josh! Don't let him get his finger out."

Josh felt hands all over him, moving and massaging and stroking all at once. It was like a frenzy was building up, not just in him but in the group as well. People kept calling out encouragement and cheering him on. He had never received so much attention in his whole life, and never had he had the sensations he was having now.

Sweat broke out all over him. The dried cum became moist again. The smell was raw and sexual. His whole body stank but it was the greatest stink he had ever had. He was building to the top...and suddenly his dick exploded.

"Way to go, man!!!" "Good work!!!" He knew it was only a dribble, but it shot out pretty well.

Now everyone caught his breath. Josh was exhausted. Jennings' voice asked, "Would you like the blindfold off now? You want to meet your new club members as we do our part in giving you our milk?"

Josh said yes, but that last part about the milk took some of the joy away. The blindfold came off and he blinked in the light. He saw Jennings, Ted and Sam, Chet, and four others he didn't know. They were grinning and they all shook his hand. He started to get up but Jennings put his hand on his chest to keep him on the table.

"Now we do our part. Boys, are you ready?"

They all said yes. To Josh's amazement they unzipped their flies, pulled out their dicks, gathered right at the table...and began jacking off. Josh started laughing in amazement.

"I thought you were going to make me suck you all."

The minute he said it, he knew he had said the wrong thing. They stopped, their mouths came open, and the outrage began.

"What the hell do you think we are, Josh?" "You think we're gay?" "You wanted to join a group of queers, is that it?" "Well if that's what you think, this isn't the place for you."

"Hey. I didn't think that. I just didn't know what this was going to be."

It took him a minute to clam them down. Then they grabbed their respective meat, and started pounding away. They shot off all over him. The last guy to finish got razzed by the others. Josh hadn't known him before, but the guy seemed very nice. Josh looked to see if he was the one with the longest finger, but he couldn't be sure. Josh did think he had a nice dick, though. In fact he decided it had been a bonus to lie there and see them whacking their things, see what technique they used, see how long each guy's was. It was a real education. If his own equipment hadn't been so empty, he would probably have boned up over it. He briefly considered complimenting a couple of them on their technique, but decided against it. If they already thought he was gay, they would only think it even more if he said anything.

Then the time came to go. It was late in the afternoon. Some of them zipped up and went on out. Sam and Ted said they would give him a ride, but that with all that cum and the way he smelled, they didn't want him in their car. Josh borrowed a towel to rub down with, but until he could get a shower he was going to smell bad.

Jennings said he was proud of him, and nobody would hold it against him that he thought they were gay. He clapped him on the shoulder and told him to get dressed. Chet offered him a ride home.

When they were in the car, Josh told him "I never saw so many dicks at once in my life."

Chet grinned. "Yeah, when I got initiated, it was like that too. Except one of the biggest players of all kept standing over me playing with my nipples. The way he was standing, his dick kept hitting me on the lips. Being blindfolded I couldn't tell who it was, but when they all jerked off on me afterward, I could see who had one long enough to do that."

Josh always found it comforting being around Chet, even after Chet slept in his bed and accused him of being gay. He hoped Chet was free of Joe and the motel thing. He didn't think he ought to ask.

It was nearing sunset when Chet let him out. "I'll go in the front way since my mom will be in the kitchen if I try to go in the back way, but I can scoot upstairs and get a shower before dinner."

Chet smiled to himself. In some ways, Josh was sort of like everybody's little brother: anxious to get along and willing to tell everything he was doing or thinking, whether you were interested or not. Chet liked that. Being with Josh gave him a warm feeling.

But just three blocks further along, his truck started having engine trouble. Chet pulled into an abandoned service station and got out to look under the hood.

That was when Leroy and Butch caught him. Chet didn't have a chance.

End of Chapter Seventeen

(My thanks for their encouragement, ideas, suggestions and interest goes to Alan, Baruch, Bruce, Gary, Jake, Matthew, Mike, Ralph, Scott S., Scott W, and Simon. - Bart)

Next: Chapter 18

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