
Published on Jun 8, 2000


Author's note: This story was published way back in 1988 within the

'American Indian Boys' Love Stories' collection of short stories. I've

typed the following text from what appeared in that booklet, retaining

its primitive and rough writing style.


'More Indian Boys' Love Stories' Copyright 1988 by Vince Water


| An Echota boy comes to a new tribe to live with his |

| widowed mother. He discovers a strange boy there named |

| Plenty Smiles who is razed by the others. He too hurts |

| this older boy to gain quick acceptance by his new |

| friends. But Plenty Smiles would rather be taken in |

| butt by them! |

Plenty Smiles seems to be a strange boy. Slow of speech and a face

devoid of intelligent expression, it's no wonder that the other boys

taunt him in mean games by pulling on his tangles of hair or fetch away

his two cloths to bare him before the girls. And Plenty Smiles only

laughs that strange laugh of his when they humiliate him. He seems to

enjoy the attention given him by the younger boys.

Knowing that my first day will weigh heavily with my new friends, I

decide to be aggressive like a warrior. The five boys see me as the

oldest with much to prove. I want their acceptance and even more so, to

be their leader. To gain the boys' respect, I begin a game-of-tag that

will end badly for Plenty Smiles. I will use this boy to gain honor for


We enter the forest near the tribe and begin the game. At first, a

boy would touch an opponent's shoulder and announce that they're 'it'.

But I quickly change the game's intent. Whenever I'm tagged, I seek out

Plenty Smiles and hit him hard. Soon all the boys start going after

Plenty Smiles with tagging fists. He finally sees what we're doing and

takes flight into the deep forest. I lead the others in a hunt for

Plenty Smiles!

Sprawled on the ground from his hard fall after our chasing, I kneel

down and remove Plenty Smiles' rear flap. I strike his uncovered rump

many times with my hands intending to make him cry. This truly is a mean

thing to do since Plenty Smiles is older than me. My new friends look on

with keen eyes as I slap a red color to the boy's buttocks after a long


Plenty Smiles finally sobs to our expectation. It's a low sound from

his mouth but one proving that my blows had hurt him. As the boys laugh

at his released weakness, I lower myself over his butt while lifting up

my rear flap. Greater laughs are joined when our bared bottoms meet. I

squirm over his soft rump and enjoy humiliating him even further. At the

cost of Plenty Smiles' dwindling pride, I have become accepted by the

boys of my new tribe.

Satisfied with my bold conquest, the five boys pat my shoulders in

submission. I am the oldest here save that of Plenty Smiles, now

becoming their accepted leader. It has only been two days since I've

come to this new tribe with my mother. My place in it has been secured.

I rise from my captive's warm butt and notice my hardness up front.

It pushes through my cloth and draws curious looks from the younger

boys. As I turn to look down at Plenty Smiles crying on the forest

floor, a real fondness for him comes into my heart. Though I had rubbed

butts intending to humiliate him, he has given me my manly excitement in

exchange. The deep feelings at our naked touching has stirred my loins

with life.

I reach down and pull Plenty Smiles up to me. With his crying done,

he again displays that strange empty expression. As he searches for his

rear flap lost amongst the leaves, I notice his own pushing bulge under

his front flap. My eyes peer in from the side and take in his thick

fleshy member below a hairy groin. Deep longings steal my breath away at

seeing this older boy's hard penis.

"Let's swim now!" suggests a young naked boy. His friends shake their

heads in agreement and look to me for a decision.

I shake my head up and down and watch the five boys run joyfully

towards the river. Plenty Smiles and I follow close behind. Unfamiliar

with the surrounding deep woods, I place trust in the young boys to find

our way out. We run for a good ways, passing stinging tree limbs and

hurdle rotting fallen logs. Again, Plenty Smiles shows his great

strangeness to me by allowing his body to feel the cutting branches and

sharp briars reaching out for him. Many red lines are drawn on his chest

and stomach from their many scrapings. Doesn't this older boy mind the

avoidable pain?

The trees finally thin out and give way to a clearing. Two boys who

wear breechclouts release them and enter the slow river with the naked

younger boys. I drop my own without hinder and jump in to join them.

The water is cold against my bare skin yet it offers a relief to the

summer's heated hand. As I wash sweat from my face and body, I laugh

when Plenty Smiles standing near me still wears his cloths in the river.

Gently, I untie his thong belt and throw the wet clothes onto the grassy

bank. Plenty Smiles startles me with a bright smile in reply. And when

he turns to show me his backside, he surprises me even more so!

Plenty Smiles' dark hands open his butt wide to reveal its innermost

entrance. My eyes widen for his strange gesture and I gasp loudly when

he backs himself onto my loins. The other boys come to us with curious

eyes as I hold Plenty Smiles' hips and grow long for him. I will gladly

use him as I had taken that enemy warrior's buttocks long ago. My

thoughts become deep when I recall my first butt mounting...

I was eleven seasons old and still living among the Echota. Great

excitement had filled our tribe at the capture of a great Shawnee

warrior. He was brought into the men's lodge where he was to be

tortured. And though I was only a boy, I wanted to see this secret rite.

The lodge's door flap was closed so I had looked in through a rounded

crack. I saw the enemy warrior bared and brought to his knees before the

center post. His hands were held high above him with thongs running from

the ceiling. Weights tied around his ankles kept him held down as all

manners of punishments cut into his flesh by Chief Counting-many-coups.

The great warrior's head dropped down at last from the agony and all

grew quiet within. It was then that a strong hand took hold of me and

brought me inside to the chief.

Fearing greatly at being caught watching, I was assured that no harm

would come for my curious spying. The chief even asked if I wanted my

turn at shaming the warrior. I had shaken my head rapidly in joyous

reply. So I was taken before the captured prisoner and my face painted

black as that warrior's feathers were placed in my hair. His eyes had

glared angrily into mine at seeing a mere boy wear his honor. Supported

by my chief as I stood facing those flaming eyes, it was easy to laugh

mockingly at the angry captive.

Then came the strange part of my shaming ritual. The chief had bared

me before the glaring warrior and his gentle hand took hold of my pole

to rub it. His other hand caressed my butt softly and he asked me to

grow in a man's way. It took only a short moment within my chief's warm

hands to give me an erection. As the warrior struggled vainly against

his bonds knowing what was to happen, I was brought around to his naked

backside. It was there that I was to use him as a submissive squaw!

My chief kneeled me behind the man's sweaty form and his steady hand

pointed my erection into his resisting butt hole. Pushing on my butt hard

from behind, the chief made me pierce the warrior's warm insides. I was

instructed to hump in and out of his hole while my biting kisses were to

come to his neck. As a young boy without a loin's lusting, my thrusting

had brought me little sexual pleasure. But my act of mounting a Shawnee

warrior as a man brought me much pride from the brave and warriors

looking on.

After a long while, I was pulled out of his bloodied butt by my

chief. A brave was waiting his turn to mount him as I. But before I gave

the warrior up, I had reached my teeth down to his left cheek to bite

him. This drew knowing smiles from the others. I stood close to 'my

squaw' after that and before a brave mounted, he asked for my permission

nicely! Many loins spilled their seed in that warrior's butt that night

since I denied no man that pleasure.

Now, Plenty Smiles wants me to mount him like that enemy warrior from

long ago. This time, my loins cry out for me to conquer his willing

spirit! I glance around at the dark pairs of eyes watching me and smile

at their obvious innocents. But Plenty Smiles isn't unknowing and makes

me wonder at why he offers me the pleasure of his butt hole.

I test the older boy's wanting with hands rubbing over his breast and

kisses to his soft neck. In reply, Plenty Smiles wiggles his butt

teasingly over my excited loins and his hand even reaches back to point

my erection inside him! Sure now of his intention, I push into his tight

warmth with my hardened length. We both groan in deep pleasure and pain.

A few younger boys giggle beside me as I smile to them for my bold act.

Deeply inside the older boy's warmth, I begin my urgent mounting with

all the young boys looking on.

Plenty Smiles is so soft in there! Wet softness with warmth

surrounding my invading flesh. I pull from his body and then thrust

forward into his yielding tight passage. Tremendous pleasure comes from

it since I need it so bad. I had pulled on myself three days ago and now

feel the urgency to release myself again. But this time, my sperm will

have a warm place to rest in unlike the cold ground I had pissed it to

before. But who else of this tribe uses Plenty Smiles to piss their seed

into, I wonder? This older boy had to learn this trick from someone.

With the younger boys watching my mounting with great interest, I

become more bold with Plenty Smiles. As I drive my long manhood into his

butt below, my lips dance up his shoulders with kisses that reach to his

neck. Hearing the older boy's low moans, I make him cry out when I bite

his softness there. He turns to me with a frown that fills me with great

shame. Why must I be so mean to this boy?

My lips go to him again but this time, I try touching his face's red

softness to appease him. Plenty Smiles reaches back to meet my lips and

we kiss deeply as I thrust into him now with care. This boy deserves to

be loved gently, unlike that great warrior we had tortured in the men's


I have to break from our wonderful kissing to take in a deep breath.

After filling my lungs, Plenty Smiles sees on my face the deep pleasure

given me when I sperm him. I smile back as my thrusts spill more of my

seed inside his eager opening. After wetting much, I grab his shoulders

for support and peer into his eyes deeply. The boy sees my sexual relief

and smiles knowingly at me. He knows that it is he who has conquered my

spirit. Not a day will pass that I won't be longing to have him again.

And only he can offer to quench the terrible fire in my loins! I shake

my head at this thought and wonder how I can counter his strong hold on


"Let me try it!" asks one of the boys near the mating pair.

My eyes widen with a bold idea. "Mount this boy and sperm him, Colt

Running. But there is a price to pay."

"And what is that?" he asks quickly.

I look at all the bright faces and announce: "I have just made love

to Plenty Smiles. For this, I will no longer strike his body nor vent

hateful words at him. He is our squaw-boy and needs our protection. Be

one with his flesh and vow that this will be so!"

Pulling out of my lover's butt, I turn to Colt Running and eye his

erection. "Can you sperm?"

"Yes... but I've always pulled it out with my hand."

I smile at his openness and tell him, "Mounting a butt feels even

better! But only if it's offered freely, Colt Running." I gesture for

the young boy to take my place.

He comes to stand behind Plenty Smiles and grips his hips lightly.

The older boy replies by rubbing his butt over Colt Running's penis.

Needing no more encouragement, he aims himself between Plenty Smiles'

open cheeks and stabs into him. I hear a sharp breath shoot out from the

young boy.

Smiling at Colt Running's obvious wonder and excitement, I ask him:

"Swear now that you'll love and protect him!"

Between deep breaths, the boy speaks words of love as he mounts his

squaw-boy. "I will love you and always be kind, Plenty Smiles."

I watch the pair from the side and grin when Plenty Smiles shakes his

head up and down. I didn't have the older boy's approval for my bold

plan, but now I see that he enjoys giving the young boy his butt knowing

that he gets a promise in return.

I stand with the other naked boys and watch the pair moving in love.

Colt Running is very clumsy at first but soon he begins a proper rhythm

with his penis. I watch his cute little butt hump in and out over the

older boy's and know the great pleasure that comes from it. Though that

enemy warrior's butt was my first mounting, my sperm found its way into

Plenty Smiles. Soon, this boy's seed and I think one other will be

joined inside our squaw-boy. But how do I bind the younger, innocent

boys to him?

Colt Running pounds into the butt like a wild drummer and suddenly

slows himself as he cries out from the sweet agony of it. He pushes into

Plenty Smiles for a few slow thrusts and gives the older boy all his

sperm. Colt Running then hugs his new lover hard. As he recovers his

breath, Plenty Smiles reaches back and caresses the boy's small rear end

with loving hands. They part after a while and the next boy comes to

have his turn.

I watch Colt Running's twin brother speak his vow and mount Plenty

Smiles until he also sperms him. I know that he has mature loins when,

after pulling out of the squaw-boy's butt, thick drops of white fluid

fall down from his penis to the hungry stream. And on his face is such

an expression of relief! The two brothers come to stand with me while

the remaining three young hesitate from taking the offered butt hole.

Without lust in their loins, these younger boys don't feel the need to

sperm Plenty Smiles as we have. I can't leave them out of our loving rite

so what can they do with our squaw-boy to bind themselves?

Plenty Smiles turns around and approaches a young boy. He drops to

his knees in the rushing stream and begins mouthing the boy's breast.

The little boy welcomes his kisses and only giggles when Plenty Smiles

takes his limp penis into his mouth. My eyes widen at what our squaw-

boy has been taught by his other lover in the tribe!

The little boy looks at me and gives his vow between giggles. Plenty

Smiles pats the boy's rear end in reply and begins bobbing over his

groin in earnest. It is deadly quiet as we all look on at the joining

pair. The little boy must be enjoying it since he starts humping his

butt when he thrusts. Then the boy holds a breath and releases a high-

pitched cry... Was he old enough to sperm after all?

Plenty Smiles releases his boy and another comes to have his pole

sucked on. A vow is given and he too shouts out when his great pleasure

is felt. Curious at what happened to them, I approach the two boys to

ask as the last boy, Little Eagle begins thrusting into the older boy's


"Did any of you sperm?"

"I didn't..." answers one youth. The other little boys shake their

heads in agreement.

"But it felt good?" I ask.

"Yes!" they shout out in chorus. Multiple cries from behind turns

them to watch Plenty Smiles and his boy with wonder.

Little Eagle seems to really be enjoying himself. With each of his

held breaths, he thrusts into Plenty Smiles' mouth and cries outwards

before taking a new breath. And on his face is such an expression of

pleasure. It seems that boys without sperm can keep feeling tremendous

sexual release. I look on with envy as the little boy swings his hips,

little butt flexing when he cries out again. How long can he keep doing

it, I wonder?

The little boy finally pushes away from Plenty Smiles to end it.

Sticking from his balls is a very red boy pole! He sits down in the cold

water so I take his place with Plenty Smiles and enter that boy's

offered embrace.

The older boy grabs my butt and starts rubbing his hard penis over my

groin. I take his rear end and allow his body to ride over mine with its

desperate need to release aching loins. Very quickly, my squaw-boy lets

out a sharp breath when he wets his sperm on me. Arms then wrap around

us from all the boys coming to us with their fond hugs. Our warm bodies

become as one in the stream proving how love has united us with its

sacred rite.

End of file: SQUAWBOY.TXT This was an older story found in my collection.

Next: Chapter 3: An Older Boys Pleasure

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