Waiting For The Sun

By Dylan

Published on Jan 25, 2006



This story is copyrighted by the author, do not use this for any other purpose than reading without the authors permission. This story has sex between males in it, if this disturbs you, then stop reading. Homophobia is a disease.

Waiting For The Sun

I love gym class, its my favorite class. I'm the top student in gym class, the teacher even told me so. I'm naturally built like a football player, I workout too so my muscles are all defined perfectly in all the right places. I have dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

I have a crush on the cutest boy in gym class, his names Jacob.

He doesn't have any friends, and hes picked on alot, he's skinny and alot shorter than me. He has the cutest face, black hair, and the most innocent eyes I have ever seen. Everytime I see him I want to hold him, and kiss his soft, delicate lips, tell him I love him....

After school I was walking to my bus to go home, and I saw him on the ground, Mike, Nathan, and Tom were kicking him and laughing. I felt the heat rise in my arms and legs, I felt like I was going to kill them. I ran over to them as fast as I could.

"Hey dude, wanna join in?" Natan asked.

"What the fucks wrong with you?" I said offensively.

"Whoa man, settle down, I just asked if you wanted to hit this faggot a few times." He laughed, I didn't.

Thats when I hit him in the stomache with my knee. He immediately fell, clutching his stomache. Mike and Tom ran, they knew they couldnt take me. Jacob was still lying there on the ground, in a ball. I kneeled down and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Jacob, it's ok, those assholes are gone. Are you ok?" He nodded. I helped him up and carried him to my car. "hey, I'll give you a ride home, where do you live?"

He told me the directions to where he lived, he didnt live too far away from the school. Before I knew it we were there,

"hey Jake, umm, you mind if I call you that?" he shook his head, "if those guys give you any more trouble, or anybody, just tell me, ok?" I saw him smile and a tear come down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. "Ok, thanks...I really appreciate it...no ones ever done something like that for me before.."

He got out and went into his house. I drove away and I had to stop at a park for a little bit to cry. That boy must be so strong, he shouldn't have to go through that, its beyond me why anyone would want to hurt him.

After about 15 or so minutes of crying, I finally went home. All day I thought about Jake, I couldn't get my mind off of him. A few times I got a burst of energy from the excitement. I couldnt wait until the next day at school to see him. The rest of the day just flew by, I was so excited.

The next day, I felt like I was responsible for Jake, like I was his guardian. I felt like a wolf, ready to kill anyone that was about to hurt Jake in any way. I laughed to myself, I think I was getting a little too obsessed with Jake, I didn't even know if he was gay or not, which made me a little sad, but I didn't care, hes gay, or hes not, theres no need to get depressed about it.

I didn't see Jake that entire day, and it made me sad. I guess he was sick or something. The day went by pretty slow, it may have been a little faster if Jake was there for me to get excited about, but he wasn't. I was going to my car afterschool and then a lady approached me.

"hello, are you Dylan?", "uumm, yeah, why? am I in trouble or something?", "ooh no, not at all! I just wanted to thank you for what you did for my son, Jacob.".

So this was Jakes mom, ah, He has her hair, his hair was in a different style of course, she wore hers short and curly, but it was the same kind of hair as Jakes.

"I was so surprised when Jacob came home and he ran to his room crying. I went upstairs to see what was wong, and he told me all about what happened."

I saw her eyes tear up, "thank you, thank you so much" She took my hands and held them. "Jacob stayed home from school today, he didn't have the heart to go....im happy someone finally stuck up for my Jacob, he's had it rough...if you don't mind, will you come over for dinner tonight? you already know where we live."

I was kinda shocked at everything that happened, this lady was Jakes mother,

she just cried on front of me because something I did, and now shes asking me to go over Jakes house for dinner.

"umm, ok sure, that sounds great" She wore a big grin, "great, I'll tell Jacob you're coming, he's been talking about you all day.".

I drove home singing, I was so happy. A day ago I was daydreaming about Jake, now im going over his house. I made sure I looked good, smelled good, I already felt good. When the time came, I got in my car and drove to their house, I pulled up in front and just looked at it. This is Jakes house, im going in. I felt my legs shake a little, and a hollowness in my stomache. The nerves were coming over me, NO, I had to fight this, I wasn't going to bail out on them, I said I was going and that's that!

I went up to the door and rang the doorbell, I took a deep breath, I was a bag of nerves. Why did they want me to eat dinner with them? All I did was stick up for Jake, now I have to meet everyone? I feel like I'm his boyfriend or something...I quietly laughed to myself, that felt good saying that, even if it was just to myself.

Jakes mom greeted me at the door, "I'm glad you came." she led me inside. "Jacob is upstairs if you want to see him." "alright, thanks." I said.

I walked up the stairs, a bit nervous and excited about seeing Jake. There was two rooms up there, one for Jake, and one for his parents, he was an only child. The room I saw when I went directly upstairs was his parents, the door was open and inside was a bed, a dressor, and a mirror directly above the bed. Across the hall I saw a closed door....This is Jakes room. I took a deep breath and walked over to it and knocked.

"oh, um, come in".

I walked in and saw Jake sitting on his bed, looking like the most huggable creature on this earth. He smiled when he saw me, I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"hey Jake, hows it going?" "good, I couldn't wait for you to get here....Dylan, sit down, I have something I need to tell you, you may not like it, but im going to say it." "ok Jake, you can tell me anything." I said as I sat down on his bed. He moved close to me, his leg touching mine. As he reach out his hand was trembling a bit, and he took my hand in his.

"Dylan, everyday I see you, I want you to hold me, and I want to kiss you, and hug you.....Dylan, I love you, and I have ever since I first saw you, and the fact that you came to my rescue in my time of need, has cemented that fact. Dylan...I don't know if you're gay or not, but I am, and I love you." He looked deeply into my eyes, they seemed to be a mix of sadness and happiness. I hugged him "Jake...Ive felt the same way about you...I love you Jake..." I could hear his breaths and sniffs, he was crying. This moment was beautiful. Both of us were crying tears of joy.

Jakes mom walked in on us hugging, and all she did was smile. "Dinner time, both of you can come down when you feel like it, or you can eat later."

I took Jake in my arms and we both layed on the bed, and we both cried. This was our therapy, our own personal liberation. This was our time. When we were done crying, Jake rested his head on my chest, and we both stared at the ceiling. Since it was a friday I asked Jakes mom if I could sleepover, and she said yes. I don't think we even ate that night, me and Jake. All we did was enjoy each others prescence. Laying in the darkness of Jakes room we both fell asleep, together. Not a lonely night, not cold. We both had each other, and our bodies heated each other under the blanket, we both were totally free. We both loved each other.

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