Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on May 3, 2011


Ward's Shoes By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


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Wards Shoes -- Lesson 8 -- Part Two By Dick Love

Wards Introduction

I don't want Jimmy to get bored, and not me either. So, I try and figure some new and exciting activity every day for Jimmy. Maybe some of you guys are wondering about how and why I came up with the idea of Jimmy having to play the part of a girl, especially when he is helping mom with the chores. Here is a photo of Jimmy. Look at it.

I know he's kind of scrawny and he doesn't have any muscles to speak of, but he really is too beautiful to be a boy. He has the most gorgeous golden hair with just a hint of red highlights that add a little fire. His blue eyes remind me of the soft brilliant blue of the rarest blue diamond, and he has the cutest little turned up nose and delicately shaped lips that remind me of the petals of a pastel pink rose. As beautiful as Jimmy really is there is no way that he has a right to think of himself as a boy, not a real one anyway. No, Jimmy definitely should have been born a girl, and when you see his pathetic little dick, that looks more like an enlarged clit, how can you not think of Jimmy as a girl, or at least want to see him play the part?

Oh, I know you are all wondering how Ward can write all the poetic shit you just read. The truth is that because I had to give you an idea of what a doll Jimmy really is, I had to enlist the faggot to help me with this introduction. It may be dangerous for him to know what a dream boat girl I think Jimmy would make, but I can't let you guys think of Jimmy as the typical dorky looking nerdy faggot, when he is really so-o-o cute you wouldn't believe it if you didn't see this here photo, and get a proper description. So I made Jimmy help writing this and got back at him for having him learn about what an adorable candy ass I think he is by giving him a special treatment this morning in the shower that was meant to bring him back down to earth and remind him he's a faggot.

As a matter of fact, I really gotta tell you guys that I make Jimmy proofread everything in this story because you know none of you are going to read a story that is filled with illiterate garbage. Even jocks and rednecks want to read stories that are decently written.

So Jimmy has to go over these introductions to make them read right. Most of the time, I want him to leave my intros a little rough, so they sound like me and not like some nerd, but here and there there's gotta be an exception so that I get my point across. Anyway, you gotta know by now that Wardy ain't no dummy. If I were, do you think I'd be able to manipulate Jimmy and his mom and Dad like I do?

Will I ever run out of ideas? Maybe; but I won't ever get sick of using the tried and true ways of fucking with Jimmy, and it will always feel great when the faggot sucks my dick. Anyway, I haven't used up all my ideas yet, as you will see when Jimmy finally tells you about what happened the first Sunday after I moved in with him. No, not by a fucking long shot.

Ward's Shoe's -- Lesson Eight (Part 2)

Ward must have woke up before me on Sunday morning because the way I woke up was from Ward shaking me.

"Wake up, Jimmy, you lazy bones. We're going to church with Mom and Dad this morning".

"Look at the clock, Sir Ward, its only 6:00 AM ".

"I know, faggot, but there is plenty to do before breakfast".

If you say so, Sir, but everyone in this house sleeps late on Sunday mornings.

"Well, I'm up, ain't I, faggot? And you get up when I say so, don't you?

"Yes, Sir".

Then you lied when you said everyone in this house sleeps late on Sundays, didn't you, bitch?"

"I guess I just spoke before I thought it through, Sir Ward?"

"Bad guess, wuss! Admit you lied to me!"

"I guess I lied, Sir".

"Good guess! Now tell me what happens when you lie to your Master Ward, Jimmy".

"I get punished, Sir".

"Right, dickface, and so you will! Come into the bathroom with me, Jimmy."

I followed Ward into the bathroom. "Get in the shower stall and get down on your knees", Ward ordered, and I did as he told me. He got in and stood in front of me, and played with his dick.

You need my piss, Jimmy. You need it all over your body. Close your eyes faggot!"

I no sooner closed my eyes then I felt the hot stream hit my face, and then my chest. The stream rose up in my face again and then it was soaking my hair and rolling down my back. It had happened so fast I didn't have time to say anything.

Ward was still pissing when he told me to open my eyes as hosed my chest again. I looked at the yellow stream pouring out of Ward's prick, and then I looked up into Ward's face. I couldn't believe Ward was really pissing on me. I couldn't believe either how hot his piss was or how weird I felt as it hit my body. It was a lot like taking a hot shower but completely unlike it too. It was gross and humiliating, but it was also exciting and sensuous.

"Now open your mouth and take the rest of my fucking piss, faggot! You fucking swallow my piss. I don't want to see you spit any out, boy. Swallow it now or I swear I will dunk your head in the toilet and make you drink it that way".

I gulped it as fast as I could, and since it was almost the end of Ward's piss and the stream was getting weaker, I think I managed to get just about all of it down. Maybe just a little dribbled down my chin, and some went up my nose. Most of Ward's piss had soaked the hair on top of my head, which was on the long side. Ward's piss made my hair stick together and feel like it was heavy, clumped together, and yucky. More of Ward's piss was drying onto my skin, and goose bumps were coming up on my stomach, my back, my shoulders, and my ass as the once hot piss turned cold and clammy. I also had the must horrible taste in my mouth. I had never tasted anything as strange before. Ward made me describe the taste of his piss, and all I could say was that it was weird. It tasted salty and sweet, bitter and sour all at the same time.

Ward laughed. "You'll get to love it, and crave it, queer boy. You like it well enough even your first time. I can tell because your little peanut swelled right up. It went right from 2 inches to at least 3 1/2". Wow! Am I ever impressed?"

It was the first time Ward had made fun of my tiny dick, but it wouldn't be the last. He was right, though, getting pissed on by Wardy and then being made to drink it had really had given me one hell of a boner.

"Tell me what gets you the most worked up, Jimmy, being treated like a baby, having to play the part of being a girl, or having me use you as my urinal? I wonder if all fairys have teenie weenie peepees"

I didn't give Ward an answer, and he didn't ask again, so I guess he was just making fun of me. Anyway, after promising me that there was a lot more piss where that came from, Ward finally told me I could wash up while he used the toilet. I wasn't about to ask him what he was going to use the toilet for. I didn't want to tempt the fates. I was drying off just as Ward finished with using the toilet. Before he left the bathroom he told me to be sure I flushed for him.

As I was kneeling in front of the toilet bowl full of Ward's stinky shit, as I was required to do before I flushed it, I thought that Ward must be right. Faggots like me probably had tiny dicks like mine, at least for the most part, and real guys like Ward had big cocks like Ward did. Maybe I was closer to being a girl because my dick was so teeny, and that did make me more like a baby too. Why had I never thought of that before? I guess I had always had that big bump on myself, thinking I was so damn smart, but I had been too dumb to realize what a little fairy I am. If nature had given me the equipment of a faggot, maybe that meant I was destined to be a faggot.

Momentarily, it crossed my mind that maybe Ward was brainwashing me, but having such a terrible thought got me thinking about how arrogant and disrespectful I had been to my parents and even some of my teachers, and how I had looked down on other kids, especially those who weren't as good at doing school work as I was, and how I had convinced myself about a lot things just so I could think of myself as better than everyone else. Was that the real brainwashing that Ward was taking drastic measures to undo?

I didn't know what to think anymore. I didn't like the way Ward talked to me a good part of the time, and I hated many of the things he made me do and things he did to me, but I didn't really want him to stop any of it because everything, even being made to kneel in front of the toilet, and stare into the bowl at Wardy's turds, gave me a wicked hard on. Further more, I loved sucking Wardy's dick, but I knew if I challenged Ward about any of the rest of it he'd probably tell me to go fuck myself, and walk away from me, and maybe I'd permanently lose him. I was scared when Ward said I was his slave, but now I think I was even more scared of having Ward set me free..

While I was thinking about all of this, I was still kneeling over the toilet. I had been there much longer than usual. I didn't hear Ward come up behind me.

"Wow, Jimmy, I guess you are beginning to like looking at my piss and shit, and getting some good whiffs of how it smells. Just like `Evening in Paris ', huh?"

"Uh, I was just thinking about stuff, Sir Ward".

"I bet you were, faggot. Looking in the toilet at my logs swimming around must be kind of like a gypsy reading tea leaves in a teacup. Do you see your future as Wardy's slave, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, but right now I was looking into the future to see me sucking your dick this morning".

"Well, that's not real far into the future, Jimmy. Flush the fucking toilet, and come out into the other room, so you can give me a blow job, cocksucker".

I can't begin to tell you how hooked I was on Wardy's cock. As I took the head of Ward's dick in my mouth again, I worked my tongue all around the head of it. I loved the texture and the taste of it. How do I explain that wonderful taste? Ward's dick tastes like sex, and it tastes like the best lollipop I ever sucked on even though it's not sweet or fruity. The texture is smooth and silky especially as the precum starts to leak out of Wardy's piss slot and cover the head of his cock, and when Ward shoots his load I love the sweet musky cream that fills my mouth.

Ward's dick is usually soft when I began sucking, but it quickly gets stiff in my mouth and when it does, it's so-o-o big that it is a challenge to get my mouth around it and go down on it. Ward has a long, fat dong that I still choke on whenever I begin sucking it in earnest after it has gotten hard. The first time I sucked on it I had trouble taking it a quarter way into my mouth. I just got a little past his cock head at first, but now I get about half of his huge dong in my mouth. Ward tells me to do the best I can. He knows I can't take it all the way yet, but with practice Wardy says he knows I will be able to swallow it all and take it down my throat.

Whenever I start to gag on his dick, Ward laughs and suggests I lick it for a while and spend some time making love to his balls, which are also huge, about the size of jumbo eggs. Unlike my tiny little balls, Ward has low hangers. No wonder they produce so much baby batter. Ward's balls are the most amazing cum factory ever, or at least I can't imagine anyone who can shoot a bigger load than Ward.

I think Ward held back on cumming this morning though. He kept making me take my mouth off it, and directing me to kiss his feet and then his ass. It must have been a half hour before Ward blew his load in my mouth, and it seemed like he would never stop cumming. Now that I had eaten Wardy's cream several times, I loved swallowing his loads. I felt like I could never get enough of that sweet gravy.

Afterwards, Ward had me lick him clean and then get a damp wash cloth from the bathroom and wipe him with it. When I was finished with the clean up, Wardy leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. "You are starting to become a good, obedient little slave for me, Jimmy. That makes me very happy, and makes me want to reward you. I have a special reward for you this morning". Ward walked over to the closet and took out a paper bag.

"Jimmy, there's a plastic basin in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. I want you to get it, and fill it about half full with hot water, and put it on the night stand here by the bed, and bring out a bath towel too".

"Yes, Sir Ward" I answered, and went to do as I had been told. As I was putting water in the basin, I wondered what Ward had in mind. I brought out the basin and put it where Wardy had said to put it. I was still completely naked, and so was Ward.

"Lay down on the bed, Jimmy. That's right, on your back with your head on the pillow. I had a talk with Dad yesterday, and he lent me some stuff for the surprise I'm giving you this morning. You can turn your head and look over here as I take things out of the bag.

I looked as Ward took a small container of baby powder and a bottle of baby oil from the bag. Ward stopped for a moment, with his hand still inside the paper bag. I guess he was creating a moment of suspense, and I really was curious. Then, Wardy pulled out a can of shave cream, and a disposable Bic razor.

"Jimmy, I am going to shave your body so that it is smooth like a baby's, or like a girls, and you are going to love having me do it because it will make your Master very happy, and it's a wonderful thing for you to make me happy. You want to make me happy, don't you, Jimmy?"

"Yes, Sir Ward. You know I do, but it will feel very strange not to have any hair on my body, Sir?"

I'm not touching the hair on your head, Jimmy. We're going to let that keep growing, until it gets much longer, so that you have long girly hair. You are going to be so sweet. I just know your mom will be thrilled that she has such a pretty girl".

I wanted to protest, but the last thing I wanted to do was make Ward unhappy. If I didn't go along with what Ward wanted to do, he would do it anyway, and afterwards I knew he would subject me to some harsh punishment. I didn't want to make Ward angry.

"I'm going to love doing this, Jimmy. Mom and Dad approve, and everyone will just love the new you. Do you want me to begin?"

"Yes, Sir. I know you know what's best for me. I trust you, Sir"

"You need to trust me, baby. I know just what you need, and I'm going to make sure you get it all. You can't begin to imagine what your life is going to be like from now on, Jimmy, but believe me, the fun has just begun"

Ward started by shaving my armpits. He placed a wash cloth that he had soaked in the hot water and then wrung out under one of my arms, and held it there for a minute before lathering it with the shave cream. Then he gently shaved the armpit, going over it several times until there was no hair left. Then, Ward rubbed some baby oil into the pit. After he did that he wiped it with the wash cloth again, and finished off by applying some baby powder. He cleaned the razor, and use the same process to shave the other armpit.

There was only a wisp of hair on my chest, but Ward shaved that too, as well as the stomach area. There was hair of a deeper golden color there, what some guys call a treasure trail because it forms a line leading to the pubes. Ward got all of that with the razor. Then he made me turn over and shaved what little hair he could find from my neck and back, before going to work with the razor on my ass.

When he began to shave my butt crack it was so tender, that for the first time I felt some discomfort, and also some tickling which caused me to squirm. Ward warned me to stay still so he didn't cut me, and I became much more careful about how I moved.

Ward shaved my legs after that, commenting several times about how pretty they are. He saved my pubic hair and the entire groin area for last, and when he did that I felt a wave of shame as I realized what a drastic change this really was. I felt Ward removing everything that identified me as a male. All I had left was my tiny penis, which was more of a bad joke than a sign of my masculinity.

I was feeling pretty far down by the time Ward had finished shaving my body. I guess Ward realized that was the case because he then turned to giving me a whole body massage with the baby oil, and it wasn't long before I was feeling really good again. Ward's touch was like magic, and for the moment at least I forgot about the emasculating effect of having all my body hair removed.

The most notable way I was affected by the very sensual massage Ward gave me was that I got another stiffy, and apparently it affected Ward the same way because before I knew it Ward had shoved his cock into my mouth again and I was sucking it. But, something new was going on at the same time. I felt one of Wardy's fingers pushing against my butt hole. He kept working it into my ass until he got it inside. He had greased it up with the baby oil and was moving it around inside my hole gently. It hurt a little, but it also felt kind of nice.

Ward started moving it in and out and he started to do it more rapidly.

"Now you know what a girl feels when she gets finger fucked, Jimmy. Your tight little asshole is just like a pussy, and you are my little pussy boy, faggot. I know you have gotten to love sucking my dick, Jimmy, but now you are going to learn what it means to get fucked. You don't need to say anything, queer boy. You just keep sucking my cock, while I start stretching your asshole with my fingers.

It was starting to feel really good getting finger fucked by Wardy, when he began working in a second finger, and it started hurting again. I didn't think I would be able to take it, but gradually it began feeling really nice again. Ward just kept working on my hole, until finally he had four fingers up inside my asshole, and was going in and out with them kind of fast, and I was loving it. Sure, it hurt some, but in a good way.

"Yeah, Jimmy, you are my bitch. You are gonna make me such a sweet little girlfriend.

It's time we go all the way, Jimmy. You can stop sucking me for now. It's time you take my big fat cock up your ass, pussy boy".

Ward grabbed the baby oil bottle and put lots of oil on his dick. He made me turn over on stomach and put my king sized pillow underneath me so it boosted my ass up higher. Then, he started using his fingers to shove a large amount of the baby oil into my asshole. Once he had it well lubricated, Ward put the head of his cock into the crack of my ass and up against the hole.

Then Ward began pushing his cock into my butt hole. Ward has a big dick with a huge mushroom shaped cock head, so it seemed like it took forever to get his dickhead inside of me, and even though Wardy took it slow, it hurt like hell. At first, I started to cry out a lot, but Ward wasn't having it and stuffed one of his socks in my mouth to gag me.

"I know it fucking hurts, Jimmy, but I got to shut you up before you wake up the dead, or worse yet, before you wake up Mom and Dad".

Eventually, Ward got his dick head past my sphincter, and was able to start going in and out until he finally pushed it all the way in. I felt like screaming at first. I thought I was being torn apart, but then I relaxed more and it seemed like Wardy fit inside me perfectly and being fucked by Ward started to feel really good, and then it felt great, and after that it felt like the most wonderful thing in the world. I was being fucked, and I was being fucked really hard, but I was now loving it.

When Ward finally came inside me it was like a river of hot liquid gushing through my insides. I had never before felt anything so incredible. I loved it. Afterwards, Ward gradually went soft again, so there was no hassle getting out of me like there was getting in. I felt really relaxed and tired out. I no longer felt like I had just had a good night's sleep, but I was happy.

Ward must have been happy too because he hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss, And then he said, "You are the only girl friend I need, Jimmy. You are the best fuck I ever had, but don't let it go to your head because that isn't going to get you out of being my slave, or keep me from fucking with your head, faggot."

No wonder Wardy woke me up at 6:00 AM . It wasn't even eight o'clock in the morning and so much had happened already, but Wardy said, "You better rest up a little because we have a very busy day ahead". I fell back to sleep with my head on Wardy's shoulder

(End of Lesson Eight)

Next: Chapter 11

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