Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Mar 24, 2011


Ward's Shoes -- Lesson Two By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

This is an adult story with sexual themes. If you are not of legal age to read this where you are accessing this story or it is illegal for you to do so for any reason, or if you find material of a sexual nature of any kind offensive, you should exit the website where this story is posted immediately. This story is only intended to be viewed by those who may legally do so and who enjoy this kind of literature.

Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address. There are several additional chapters (lessons) that will be posted soon

Ward's Introduction:

Some of you guys that read about Jimmy's first lesson are already wonderin' `Where the hell is the sex'. That little smarty pants dork, Jimmy, really deserves to get his face fucked! He needs to get his ass fucked too, don'cha think? Yeah, and you're right. That's part of it; giving a faggot what he needs and deserves. We'll get there all in good time. Step by fuckin' step, and lesson by lesson. But this is really a story about power, and about domination and submission. There's a lot more to it than slam, dunk, thank you, bitch. Guys who like quickies more than a long, slow, deep penetrating fuck, won't like this story very much, maybe.

I dig fucking. Total fucking! Fucking over, fucking a bitch or a faggot up. Hole fucking! Mind fucking. All kinds of fucking! If you can't enjoy a long drawn- out fuck and want it over quick, skipping all the foreplay and role play that can make it such an intense experience; well, that's a fuckin' shame. You don't know what you are missing, dudes. And if you don't like this story, I don't really give a sweet shit. All I can say is FUCK YOU!

Maybe Jimmy learned something from Danny, but really not a hell of a lot. Shit! His attitude stinks. And he don't even know how much of a faggot he really is. Well, what do you expect anyhow? He don't know me yet! But we are about to get really well acquainted. Ain't that right, Jimmy? You little piss ass peckerhead! So go ahead and tell the guys about me and you, dude. How I come to be in your life and in your face and shit. Yeah, pussy boy. Tell everybody all about your lesson number two, which is really the lesson number one that counts; cuz while Danny told you a thing or two that you needed to hear; he fuckin walked away, dickhead. Wardy won't walk away, sissy boy. No way! You found yourself a teacher who will see to it you get every lesson a punk like you has coming. So, go ahead, you prick, start talkin' about me and you. I'm all fuckin' ears.

Jimmy's Story Continues:

Lesson Two

I guess it was a week or two ago when Mom mentioned the letter she got from Aunt Agnes. It said she was very ill and had to go into the hospital for surgery, and afterwards she will probably have to go to an extended care facility for perhaps several months. Her third husband, Uncle Frank, who turned out to be, according to Mom, "the worst of the bunch" was sent to prison for robbing a liquor store. There is one son, Aunt Agnes's boy, Ward, who is two years younger than me. Uncle Frank is his stepfather, but Mom told us that he is the only father "however bad his influence has been" that Ward ever knew. His real father abandoned Aunt Agnes a long time ago, and has never been heard from again. Anyway, Aunt Agnes asked in her letter if there was any way Mom and Dad could be kind enough to look after Wardy, as his mother often calls him, until she is well enough to be at home again. To make a long story short, Mom and Dad agreed, and my cousin Ward arrived yesterday. I really didn't like the idea of sharing my room with some distant cousin (Ward is actually my first cousin because Aunt Agnes is Mom's sister, but I never knew him before and he was living two states away from here, so that's distant. Right?), But I really don't have a choice. I have a big bed (queen size) in my room, but I like space to stretch out and roll around in, so if it were up to me, which it isn't, and I had to have someone share my room, I would have him in a sleeping bag down on the floor. After all, I didn't ask this guy from the wrong side of the tracks to come live with us. And he is two years younger than me and probably dumb as hell too; so I thought: "What could we possibly have in common? I will practically have to baby sit this kid". Of course, I was thinking all this stuff before I even met Ward. I know better now.

Wardy wasn't at all like I pictured him. I was expecting some little hayseed ragamuffin with zits and a big belly, I guess. Anyway, I was prepared to hold him in utter contempt, and ready to let him know that he should be grateful for the charity Mom and Dad were extending to him. After all, he would be freeloading at our house for far too long. I was sure that it wouldn't take much time for Ward to wear out his welcome with my parents either.

Boy, was I ever wrong about everything. First of all, it didn't take long before Mom and Dad were falling all over Ward, like he was the prodigal son or something. Dad was thrilled when Ward and he got into a discussion about the addition Dad planned to put on the house, a breezeway and attached garage. Right away, Ward offered to help. He told Dad about how he had worked side by side with Uncle Frank to add a room on his house. Uncle Frank had taught him all about tools and how to use them, Ward said, and ever since he was just a little kid he been learning how to do stuff, since his family couldn't afford to hire people to come and do things like put a new roof on the house, or replace a toilet. Ward bragged that he could do all these things, and what he didn't know about fixing stuff he was ready to learn from Dad and anyone else who would teach him. I couldn't understand why anyone would be anxious to get his hands all calloused and dirty doing such menial labor. Besides, I was so sure that he didn't know as much about such things as he said.

I know I never liked doing hard, physical work myself. Once when Dad insisted I help him put this cabinet together, I managed to bang my hand with a hammer. It hurt so bad that I cried. After that I refused to set foot in Dad's workshop. I only mowed the lawn when I couldn't get out of it. After all, I have very high intelligence. I was meant to use my head, not my hands, to accomplish great things the way really brilliant people do. I can remember too, how many times Dad had suggested we go camping or fishing together. I told him that I had no desire to go out in the buggy woods and put worms on hooks and sit with a line in the water waiting for some stupid fish to swallow the bait. That was no contest anyway. Man over fish was about as challenging as Man over tree stump. A few years ago, Dad wanted me to go out for Little League. I told him then too that I thought it was utterly ridiculous to waste time hitting a ball with a Neanderthal club and run around and slide in the dirt, and so forth. With the exception of chess and croquet, I have an innate loathing of sports as a participant, and think watching such spectacles is a total waste of time.

So, Dad was just thrilled to have someone around who liked all the stupid stuff he liked. Wardy talked with Dad about baseball and football, and about cars. He told Dad how he rebuilt his first carburetor when he was just ten years old. He mentioned to Dad before my father ever brought it up that he only wished he could have gone fishing and camping with his own Dad more often. Ward talked about the fun times he used to have with Uncle Frank with enthusiasm, and Dad responded with great interest and pleasure. The only time Dad became sullen and said nothing ...was when Ward mentioned how Uncle Frank had been framed by the lousy Police Chief in Hicksville (or whatever god forsaken hole Ward and his family lived in) for a robbery he didn't commit. The Chief, Ward said, had lost three hundred dollars to Uncle Frank playing poker, but wouldn't pay up, and then got mad when Uncle Frank went around town calling the Chief a welcher. To get even, the Chief had planted phony evidence in Uncle Frank's pickup truck to implicate him in a liquor store robbery. And then, just to be sure that Uncle Frank would go up the river, the Chief had some rocks of crack cocaine planted there too. Our family all believed that Uncle Frank was guilty or he wouldn't be in prison. Dad, especially had complete faith in the criminal justice system, and was often very vocal about how nobody went to jail that didn't belong there. If anything, the judges were too easy, he often said. They should give longer sentences, especially to guys who got high on crack and went out and committed terrible crimes. I was amazed that he didn't launch into his standard tirade on the subject when Ward told about Uncle Frank being framed. The fact that Dad held his tongue was more proof then I wanted to see that Wardy had won Dad over.

Ward was just as nice as pie to Mom too. He complemented her cooking, saying that his own Mom was not a great cook, but that my Mom cooks better than anyone he ever knew before. He said that the first dinner he ate in our house, was just about the best meal he had ever had. I thought it was boring. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas from Dad's garden (why did he waste time on that dismal plot in the backyard) were not my idea of a great meal at all. And, then Ward said, "After making that great dinner, I think the least me and Jimmy can do for you is do the dishes. How about it, Jimmy? I'll wash and you can dry". Of course I couldn't very well refuse after Ward volunteered my services, but I made a mental note to tell Ward about how I felt later. I never did any work around the house, especially woman's work like cleaning up in the kitchen after we ate. Mom knows perfectly well how to do all that, and besides it is her job to do it. Anyway, Wardy knew just how to make a hit with both my parents. I wonder sometimes how two such simple people could have produced a boy like me because, at the very least, I can say quite modestly and truthfully that I approach the threshold of genius, or at least come closer to it then anybody I have ever met.

All of this time, I was sizing Ward up. I thought he was either very clever, or my parents were more gullible than I had imagined. He kept buttering them up and they were eating up what Wardy was serving them like it was some kind of sumptuous feast, instead of a pile of cow manure that Wardy had probably brought all the way from Hicksville on the bottom of his cowboy boots. Although, really he didn't smell bad, so maybe I'm being unfair. I keep forgetting that Ward is listening to me as I'm relating what happened too. Really, I'm only telling you guys how I used to feel about all these things. I've changed a lot. I really have. Wardy has taught me the error of my ways. No, sir, I don't have an "attitude problem", as Ward says, any more. But I did yesterday and maybe for part of today too. It seems like all I have been doing is criticizing Ward, but honestly, inside me other emotions were taking hold that were far more complimentary, I just haven't admitted them so far.

But, I guess I really have to confess that I found Ward very attractive in a certain way from the first minute I saw him. He is shorter than me by at least four inches, but what he lacks in stature, he makes up for in build, although I didn't get to see his body until sometime later. He also makes up for his being short; by the way he carries himself and the way he speaks. There is self- assurance and determination that is always expressed in his voice and body language. Ward has natural blond hair that he wears short, but has very dark prominent eyebrows that contrast but also compliment his hair that are set just above the most piercingly cold but dramatically blue eyes I've ever seen. He arrived in jeans, a blue plaid lumberjack shirt, and of course the sexy cowboy boots I mentioned in such an unfairly disparaging way earlier. And I have to admit that I was impressed too by his masculinity and especially by the big bulge that was showing in his jeans. As I've said before, I am not gay, but I can admire a good-looking guy when I see one.

But, then, as we were finishing up dessert. I made a serious mistake. Despite the fact that I found myself being attracted to Ward, or maybe even because I was attracted, I opened my mouth and said some things that I later regretted. "What has got into you, Mom and Dad? Can't you see through everything this guy is saying and offering to do? He is just sucking up to you. His stepfather is a crook, and I bet the most important thing he learned from him is how to be a con artist."

Mom exploded first. "How dare you insult someone who has been invited to stay in our home, as our guest, James? And really Ward is more than just a guest. Ward is family, which makes what you said even worse, James". Mom only called me James when she was angry about something I said or did. She knew I didn't like it, and wanted to be called Jimmy. It wasn't that I didn't want to put on airs. I just liked the sound of Jimmy better. But right at that moment I was `James', and there was no getting around it. Dad was pissed too. "I think you could learn some manners and a whole lot else from Ward. You will not leave this table, young man, until you apologize to Ward for those uncalled for remarks. Because Wardy is a couple years younger than you, Jimmy, I had expected you to be like an older brother to Ward, to look after him, and to let me know whether his behavior was acceptable, but it doesn't seem to me that Ward's behavior presents a problem. It is becoming very clear to me, however, that your conduct and your attitude is very much in need of improvement, and that Wardy is much more mature and sensible about a lot of things than you are. So, it is Ward that I will be asking about your behavior, and if I don't like what I hear from Ward concerning your conduct, Mister, you will be punished. Am I understood, Jimmy?"

"Yes, Dad, but I bet he doesn't get good grades in school like I do, and that you won't like his report card. I'm sure I'm better than him in lots of ways."

"No, Jimmy. You aren't better than anyone. You excel at certain things, and either can't or won't do other things. Your grades are great, and they will get you into a very good college, if your attitude doesn't cause you to screw up your acceptance interview, but there is more to life than good grades. I don't know much about how Wardy does in school, but if he needs your help, I will expect that you will do everything in your power to help Ward get good grades. If you think that Ward will get poor grades and you will gloat about it and make him feel bad, you have another think coming. You will keep your own grades right up where they are. I know what you are capable of and I expect those grades.

I don't hold Ward to the standards I expect from you, but I will hold you, rather than Ward, responsible for any D's or F's that appear on his report card, and such bad grades will be taken out of your hide, not Ward's, because you can help him and make sure that he gets at least average grades. Now, I don't want any more of your lip. I just want you to tell me that you understand what I expect and will do your best not to disappoint me."

"Yes, Dad, I understand; and I will do my best to live up to your expectations."

"That is much better. Now let's hear you apologize to Ward".

I looked over at Wardy. He had a very serious expression on his face, but I caught just the slightest trace of a sardonic grin forming at the very corners of his mouth and what seemed to be the gleam of triumph in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ward. I shouldn't have said the things I did about you"

"That's not bad, but I want to hear at least three good reasons why you shouldn't have said those things to Ward", Dad responded.

"Well, first of all, like Mom said, it's not right to insult guests in your home. Secondly, I was just saying things to be mean, not because I know that they are true. I don't know any such thing, so I shouldn't have said them. And thirdly, when someone says something mean it can hurt a lot, so nobody should say mean things for no good reason. I really am sorry, Dad.

"Then say it again to Ward, rather than to me "

"I'm really sorry, Ward"

"I believe you are, Jimmy. Let's just forget it happened. I'm sure you have learned a lesson out of this. Well, if Jimmy and I may be excused, we will clear the table, wash the dishes, and clean up in the kitchen. Thanks again, Auntie, for such a delicious meal".

"You are most welcome, dear. And thank you boys for taking on the cleanup."

I couldn't say much to Ward while we were doing the dishes and cleaning up and all. It seemed like Mom found some reason to come into the kitchen every five minutes or so. She would smile and ask how everything was going or make other small talk. Wardy always seemed to be one step ahead of me. He would have two items washed and rinsed and ready to be dried and put away quicker then I could dispense of one. He kept reminding me that I needed to work faster, and once he asked me, "Jimmy, how do you ever expect to get a job as a dishwasher, when you are so slow?"

"I'm not looking for a dishwasher's job, or a janitor's, or a ditch diggers, or any such low life job. That may be your place in life, but it definitely is not mine, Ward."

"You don't have much of a sense of humor, boy", Wardy replied.

"Well, I didn't know you were joking".

"I wasn't! I think with a little training you would make someone a pretty good servant, or maybe even a slave".

"How can you say such a thing, Ward? There is no way that I will be ever be anyone's servant, let alone slave".

"Yeah, well we'll just have to wait and see what the future has in store, Jimmy."

Later, when it was close to bedtime, I was in my room with Ward. That is when I just had to say something to let him know I didn't like certain things.

"You know, Ward, if you want to volunteer to do my mother's housework, or any other lousy chores around here, be my guest. That's fine with me. In fact you can clean my private bathroom, scrub the toilet and stuff if you want to. Tomorrow, you can vacuum my room and clean it since you are so gung ho to work. But, don't you ever volunteer me for any shitty chores like you did with the dishes tonight. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

Wardy sat down on my bed and just stared at me for a minute. Then he shook his head a couple of times before he answered.

"I guess your Dad is going to very upset with you when I let him know about what you just said, Jimmy. He did tell me to let him know if you acted up again. What does he use? His hand? His belt? Or maybe, he uses a hairbrush or a paddle to beat your ass, dude. Anyway, maybe I will get to watch him give you an attitude adjustment. I think I will like that. If he does let you off again this time, I will make sure that you get the whuppin' you have coming to you, even if I gotta set you up for it. I have your Dad, and your Mom too, eating out of my hand, dude. And after your performance at the table tonight they like me a whole lot better than they do you, so you better change your fuckin' tune, dickhead."

"Don't you dare call me names! I won't tolerate that?'

"Yeah, you will! You will not just tolerate it, you will take whatever I dish out, or I will fuck you over and fuck you up a whole lot more than you think I can, asshole"

"Don't threaten me! You are in my house and my room. I will tell Mom and Dad how you just spoke to me."

"Jimmy, listen up! You ain't gonna win. Now you are a very smart boy. You are at the top of your class. You are a brain, man. But you don't know how to play the fuckin' game. You ain't got no idea how to fuck with people, or how to get what you want from them, and control `em. Go to your Mom and Dad, if you want, but I will just make you look bad if you do. Really, you will make yourself look bad, and you will be in a lot more trouble with them than you already are with me, buddy. So, I say cool it, dude. One way or another, things are going to be my way, so you just gotta stop fightin' it and go with the flow."

I knew that what Ward said was right. If I said anything bad to Mom and Dad about Ward, after my remarks at supper, they would get angry with me all over again. Right now, Ward could do no wrong in their eyes. And I didn't want Ward going to my Dad and telling him what I said about me wanting him to clean my toilet and that I didn't want him volunteering me to do chores and stuff. I knew I would get a spanking from Dad for having such a bad attitude. So I had to back off.

"Wardy, I'm sorry about what I said about you cleaning my room, and about you not volunteering me for anything. I didn't mean any of that. Please don't tell Dad about it. I wasn't thinking straight when I said it."

"Right! You weren't thing straight. You never think straight, Jimmy. And you really don't need to think at all. Save your thinking' for school. What you need to do from now on is let me do your thinking for you. Just do what I say, and things will be ok. You gotta realize, dude, that my way is not just the only way for you to go....."

"But, Ward, I....."

"No, dude, don't interrupt me. When I'm done talkin', you can ask my permission to speak, and then you better fuckin' watch that mouth of yours! From now on you need to remember that everything you say to me should please me. If you will remember that you will stay out of some real deep shit.

"Now about your apology, Jimmy. That's cool. It's the smartest thing you've said today, but it doesn't get you off the hook. You can't just take things like you said back. You fuckin' need to eat your words, dickhead. And you are a dickhead, so I will call you one or anything else I wanna call you, and you will not complain. You got that? No, don't answer, just fuckin' listen, asshole.

`Tomorrow, you will clean the bathroom, including scrubbing the toilet, the sink, the tub, and the floor. You will vacuum and pick up this room too. It's Saturday. We have all day. So, you will do that in the morning while I help your Mom and Dad with some other stuff they need help with. I will inspect your work, so you better do a real good job. I want my room to be nice and clean. And, do take notice, bitch. I said my room, not your room. Behave yourself and you can sleep in my bed. Be an asshole and I will make you sleep on the floor...."

"But, Ward, you can't..."

"Shut the fuck up! I'm still talking and I didn't give you permission to speak, mother fucker. Also, don't you ever tell me that I can't do anything! I will do whatever I wanna do, and you, dickface, will do what I tell you to do.

"Now, after you get my room all nice and clean and cozy, there is another project that I'm gonna work on tomorrow, and you're gonna work right along with me. Me and you, Jimmy, are gonna wash and wax your Dad's truck, and vacuum it out and stuff. When we get through, it will look like a new van right out of the showroom. I am going to volunteer both of us to spend Saturday afternoon doing that. I think your Dad is gonna love me for that, James. And, he will know it's me that wants to do that, because he sure as hell knows you would never offer to do anything like that. So you see, dude, I am going to get you to help me become your parent's favorite special person. Heck, by the time I get through they will be thinking of me, Wardy, as their son more than they think of you.

"Well, I guess that's it for the lecture. I love to chew out little punks like you. You are little, you know. It don't matter that you are older than me and taller. I can kick your ass, and would love to do it, peckerhead. I'm just waiting for you to invite me to beat you up. But I love to chew out dudes like you, who are too big for your britches, too. I could go on an on, but it's late, dude, and we ought to go to bed"

"May I have permission to speak, Ward?

"That's very good, boy. Yeah, go for it, but be careful you don't piss me off"

I watched as Ward unbuttoned and removed his shirt. What a beautiful build he had! I had sat spellbound while he was telling me off. Looking at him and listening to him was having some kind of strange effect on me. I didn't want to give in to him. I didn't like him giving me orders, and I dreaded having to obey the orders he gave. I didn't like the way he was talking down to me and calling me names either. But, something else was going on here too. My dick was reacting big time. What I didn't like, my dick loved. I hated Ward. I wished he had never come into my life. But at the same time, he excited me. Whatever was happening, I wanted it to stop, but then again I didn't. How screwed up all of this is. What the hell is happening to me? I felt like I really was becoming Ward's slave, like he had suggested earlier. It was a horrible thought! And yet, I was fascinated, even mesmerized by this power that Wardy seemed to have over me. I knew that while I might put up a show of resistance, I no longer had any real desire to fight him. I was too intrigued by what all this might lead too. And at the moment, not only Ward, but also my stiff dick was running the show.

I was sure, but how really sure, that I wasn't gay. I had often felt an attraction to boys, like I had felt for Danny, for example. But there wasn't all that much of an attraction, except towards the more aggressive and tough guys. The ones who I knew looked down on me, and had no regard for my intellectual superiority, and even held me in contempt because I was a nerd' and a geek'. Those were the dudes who caused a reaction inside my pants, even though I thought I was better than them. Some of them would give me the finger and call me faggot as they passed me in the hall at school. I would lie in bed at night and wonder what it would be like to suck a real jock stud's dick. But sometimes a girl can kind of turn me on a little bit too, so I know I can't be gay.

Anyway, I decided to word my response to the thorough verbal reaming out that Ward had just given me very carefully. I didn't want him to get pissed, but I didn't want to say something that I couldn't back away from either.

"You are right, Ward. It's late. We should go to bed. I take the things you told me very seriously. I promise I will think them over very carefully. I know that my attitude hasn't been very good at all. I apologize for that and will do my best to improve it. I will also try very hard to behave better towards you and avoid saying or doing things you don't like."

"Yeah, you think about it. Give what I said a lot of thought, and while you're doing that, also think not just about how you can avoid talking like and acting like a smartass, but also how you are going to do what I say, whatever that is, and whenever I want it done; and how you are going to become polite and respectful, and come to understand that there are only two ways to do anything anymore...the wrong way and Ward's way. That is the end of our little talk, dickhead. So, I'm gonna take me a shower, and get into bed. Then you should do the same. Got it?

"Yes, Ward."

"Fine, I'm sure you learned a lesson today. While you are doing all that thinking' tonight, I want you to think too, about what you learned. And if there was more than one thing you learned, Jimmy, I want to know what the most important thing was, cuz I will ask you in the morning."

I watched as Wardy started to undress to take his shower, trying not to be too obvious, especially as he took off his jeans and I looked at his crotch. He was wearing briefs and they really showed off his basket. I had thought he had a big cock by the bulge I had seen in his jeans, but now I knew he was really well developed for a guy two years younger than me.

(End of Lesson Two)

Next: Chapter 3

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