Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Apr 13, 2011


Ward's Shoes By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


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Ward's Shoes -- Lesson Seven (Part One)

Ward's Introduction:

What do you think fellas? Would Wardy make a good fucking drill sergeant or what? Jimmy ain't never had somebody ride his butt like me. I'm sure of that. But it's good for the little cocksucker. Did you see the way he kept his face right over that toilet bowl and looked at and smelled my stinky piss? The dumbfuck actually enjoyed it! Or was I just imagining that woody sticking out in front of his pants like a telephone pole. And he worked his lazy ass off too for once in his pampered fairy prince type life. But this weekend was the beginning of something really new for that spoiled little fagass boy. Poor little Jimmy learned to sweat and make himself useful, but even more important; the little sissy is learning how to serve me as my personal faggot, and my fucking slave. I've been singing that old tune that Mick Jagger sung, all day. You know, dudes, Under My Thumb'. That song is excellent, dudes; but I got my own version. It's called "Under Ward's Shoes". I'm gonna grind you down, boy. This is just the start of something big, faggot; as big as my fucking dick gets when I fuck your face hole, boy. Tell these dudes what you are to me, Jimmy! Let's hear it all; faggot', cocksucker', and slave'. Of course you can feel free to add on anything you want; like asshole', pussyboy', and `bitch', for example. And while you're at it go on with the story from where you left off before, peckerhead!

Jimmy's Story Continues:

Lesson Seven (Part One)

Yes, it's true. Yesterday I was just Jimmy, and sometimes James, when Mom or Dad got really perturbed with me. I didn't know that I was a faggot and a cocksucker, but Wardy taught me who I really am. I love sucking Ward's cock, so I guess (no, I have to say I know) I am Ward's cocksucker, which makes me Ward's personal faggot too. There is no use in me fighting against the truth. I have to tell you guys because Wardy said so; but I just hope that, otherwise, this will be our little secret, something that is just between Ward and me. I would literally die if the kid's at school knew, but I'm sure none of you guys know Danny, or Alan, or Eric, or Jason, Justin, and Shawn. Those are the toughest dudes at my school. They already call me nerd' and other names that are most uncomplimentary. They call me faggot' and `sissy' too, but they use names like that to all the kids they know they can beat up if they feel like it. It's not like they know that I really do suck dick. Of course, I wasn't a cocksucker the last time I saw them.... on Friday. I wonder if they will be able to tell now; maybe just by looking at me or something.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot (I guess I wanted to forget and yet I know I better not); but I'm Wardy's slave too. I just learned that this morning along with so much else. This lesson is loaded with new stuff, and with all the chores and things I had to do today, There really is no way that I can possibly not know that now. Oh, and oh yeah, there are new rules too. Wardy had a chat with Dad and then brought me into it, and boy was I fucked; not by Wardy's dick, not quite yet, but Ward is on my back and his grip on me is getting tighter every day.

And just so I'm sure Ward hears me say it, I will repeat it one more time. I am Ward's slave. And I really don't feel like I'm free to just say or add on anything, but I will go with Wardy's suggestions because it's safer for me to do that than if I don't. Like Ward said, I am an asshole, a bitch, a pussy, and I better add peckerhead too. I am whatever Ward tells me I am, and I am very thankful to Ward for teaching me who and what I am, and especially for teaching me to suck his dick.

After I had scoured and scrubbed the toilet so it shone like new, Wardy rewarded me by taking out his cock and letting me suck on it for a while. He allowed me the honor of licking and sucking his beautiful balls as well. Somehow, once I got to go down on Wardy again, the ordeal I had just come through didn't seem so bad. I really am hung up on Ward's dick. I want to have it in my mouth as often and for as long as I can. I don't know how to explain it but after the way he bossed me around and chewed me out and humiliated me; I was more excited than ever by having Ward's cock in my mouth.

There wasn't much time until lunchtime, so after about ten minutes of sucking, Wardy beat off in my mouth again. Maybe I was just getting more used to it, but this time I actually enjoyed the taste of Ward's cream, and did all I could to suck out every precious drop of jizz from Ward's piss slot, and then, without being told, I carefully and thoroughly licked his cockhead clean, and licked up and down the shaft too. There were some droplets of cum that had dripped down into Wardy's thick black bush, and I licked and sucked his pubic hair until I got it all, and had swallowed every last drop. I got a few of those wiry hairs from the base of Wardy's prick in my mouth, and I thought they might make me gag. But, I was surprised to find that getting them in my mouth actually got me even more worked up. My dick got hard as a rock. It's strange, I thought, how Wardy has such silky blond hair on his head, but his eyebrows are so dark, and his pubic hair is so springy and black. But it's really kewl too, like Ward's wonderful penis, his manly voice, his icy blue eyes; and everything else about Ward. The only men I could compare him to in my mind were all those Greek gods and heroes I had read about and knights from the middle ages too. In olden times, I'm sure Ward would have been the King in some chivalrous and fabled realm.

But, all too soon it was time for Ward to put his dick back inside his pants and button up his jeans. Ward told me to get up off my knees from which position I had been sucking him this time; and we went down to join Mom and Dad for the noon meal. We had sloppy joes and you might have thought that with a stomach full of cum, my appetite wouldn't have been so good. But that wasn't the case at all. I ate like a pig. Right from the start, when we first sat down at the table again, Ward placed his left shoe on top of my right foot and let it rest there. The only time he really pressed down hard on it was when I asked Mom if I could have a third sandwich. I got that one, but I knew Ward must have felt I was being piggy, so I didn't dare try for a fourth one.

Towards the end of the meal, Ward decided to say something for my parents benefit. "Dad and Mom, You really need to make a special trip upstairs and take a look at our bedroom. Jimmy and me have been working all morning, and it really looks good again. The bathroom is so clean it sparkles."

"I have been avoiding that room for weeks, Ward. It was just so terrible, and James wouldn't do a thing no matter how many times I asked him to at least pick up the trash on the floor and his dirty underwear."

"I know, Mom, but Jimmy and I had a little talk about that situation, and Jimmy had a real change of heart. Really, he was such an eager beaver today, you wouldn't believe it. I have to say that Jimmy did most of the work".

"Yeah, I can just imagine", Dad interjected," I can just picture him working hard. You are much too kind, Ward, covering for Jimmy like you are."

"No, honestly, Dad. I can understand where you are coming from. I guess Jimmy has been pretty lazy, but I think he feels it's so neat having me for his brother that his attitude has really changed. And, he really did do most of the work. Please, go take a look when you can".

"Well, I just can't wait to see what you've done, Ward. If you will excuse me, I'm going to go take a little look", Mom said.

She returned in just a couple minutes with an astonished expression on her face. "Why it's absolutely wonderful, Wardy. You are a miracle worker"

"Like I told you, Mom, Jimmy did almost all the work. All I did was give him a pep talk and kind of get him going."

"Well, thank you too then, Jimmy. Ward certainly does have a good influence on you. Does having Ward for a brother really make that much of a difference in the way you think about things, Jimmy?"

Before I could answer, I felt Ward's shoe give an extra burst of pressure on my foot as a warning to be careful how I answered, no doubt.

"Yes, it really does, Mom."

"Well, I am just so happy; I can't begin to say. What a difference you make in our lives, Ward".

"I agree, Wardy", Dad affirmed.

"Well, I could say the same thing, Mom and Dad. I am happier than I've been in a long time. And it's thanks to both of you. Mom, do you need help with the dishes or clearing the table or anything?"

"No, not this time Ward. There really is very little to do. Why don't you and Jimmy go outside and have some fun? But, thank you so much for offering, son."

I was getting a little sick to my stomach listening to all this Mom' and Dad' stuff from Ward, and now Mom was calling him `son'. And really, even though Ward told my parents that I did most of the work in my room; I could tell that they gave Ward all the credit. Ward really had them wrapped around his little finger. But, then when I thought about it, he really had me right where he wanted me too. And every time I thought about the way Wardy kept his shoe on top of my foot all the time we were at the dinner table I felt my dick jump around inside my pants.

"Yes, Mom, that's what we plan to do, go outside and have some fun. You haven't changed your mind have you, Dad? Me and Jimmy are so looking forward to washing and waxing your van."

"If that's what you boys really want to do this afternoon, that's fine with me, Ward. All the stuff you will need is in the garage; the car wash detergent, the wax, the squeegee, the hose, everything. Do you know how to drive, Wardy? Can I trust you to back the van out into the drive? Or should I do it? Jimmy can't do it."

"I can drive it, Dad."

"All right, Ward, here's the key, but don't take it out of the drive, okay?

"I won't, Dad. Can I play the radio in the van while we are working?"

"That's fine, but don't play it for too long. I don't want the battery to get low".

"Sure, Dad, I understand, but before Jimmy and me start washing the van, I was wondering if we could have a little private talk in your study".

"Of course we can Ward. Let's go in there now. Jimmy, Go help your mother in the kitchen for a while, while Ward and I have a little heart to heart to heart talk".

I could not believe my ears. Dad never let anyone even back up the van in the drive, and here he had given Ward his keys and said it was all right to play the radio. This was totally incredible. And now Ward was going to have a talk with Dad. I was dying to know what Ward was going to say. I knew it just had to be about me. I knew it wasn't right but instead of going in the kitchen to help Mom, I doubled back and put my ear to the door. This was one time I was glad that we had those cheap hollow core doors in our house because I could hear everything.

Ward and Dad were discussing my behavior. Ward told him that despite the big improvement in my attitude, it was going to take a lot of discipline and training to overcome years of my being spoiled and pampered.

"I am not saying anything bad about Mom. She is the nicest woman I know, and so full of love for everyone, but you know she let Jimmy get away with murder for a long time, and you allowed her to do it too. He developed the attitude that he was better than anybody else, even you guys, because he could get away with it. Maybe you think it's not my place to say these things, but you also know I'm right. Jimmy has gotten way too big for his britches, and It has gone on for so long that something really has to be done that goes beyond me just playing big brother and lecturing your little boy.

"I know you are right, Ward, and that you are saying these things not because you want to hurt my feelings or your Mom's, but because you really care about us, and that obviously includes Jimmy. Your being here with us has done nothing but good, and it seems to me that you are wise beyond your years, Ward. So, I want to hear your ideas for handling Jimmy."

There were some other things said back and forth. I'm not about to repeat it all, but I can say I was shocked by what Ward told Dad next. Firstly, Ward wanted Dad to give him permission to spank me, and even to take down my pants and take me over his knee in front of Mom and Dad whenever he thought it was best to do it that way. How humiliating is that?

Secondly, Ward told Dad that he thought I needed to be taken back in years to when I was almost a baby, and retrained because I needed badly to be humbled. In particular Ward suggested that I be made to wear short pants to school, if that didn't violate the school dress code, and that I wear shorts every place when I was away from home. At home, Ward suggested I wear nothing Besides tighty whities. He told Dad that he would really prefer that I be made to go around in a diaper, but since Dad and Mom might feel that was taking things a little too far, he would settle for the tighty whities.

I expected Dad to jump all over Ward for these ridiculous suggestions, but instead Dad said "The diapers are out, for now at least, but we might go with the tighty whities, I definitely am for the spankings. I wanted to spank Jimmy many times but your Mom always begged me not to do it, but I don't think she will stop you, Ward.

Dad started to say something else, when suddenly somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the study door.

"Just what do you think you are doing, young man? Are you eavesdropping on your father and Ward?"

At almost the same time the door to the study flew open and Dad was standing there with Ward right behind him.

"What is going on here?" Dad asked in an angry tone of voice.

"I caught James with his ear to the door. He was obviously listening to your conversation with Ward" Mom replied.

"Oh, was he really? Well, there is no reason why you shouldn't hear what Wardy and I were discussing, James. Come right inside. Your Mom may come in to. This is now a family conversation, or let's call it family court, Jimmy, because we are gathered together to make some decisions about what to do about your behavior. Granted, there has been some improvement since Ward got here. But, Jimmy, you really do need a lot of training and correction. Ward was just explaining how he felt you needed to be dealt with. I was a little hesitant to let him go as far as he wanted to go in dealing with you. Ward asked for permission to spank you whenever he thought you needed that, even in front of your Mom and me, and he also felt that since you act like baby so often that you need to be treated like one. He thought we should put you back in diapers, and maybe he's right, Jimmy, but for now we may settle for making you wear nothing but your white briefs when you are at home.

"I want to support Ward's efforts to make you a better behaved boy. Especially after the demonstration you just gave us all of just how naughty and inconsiderate you can be. I hope your Mom agrees with Ward and me, so we will give Wardy carte blanche to correct and discipline you as he sees fit. Ward has proven himself to be wise and sensible in everything he says and does. I have full confidence in your brother to do what is just and right and for your own good, Jimmy. So, I am asking your mother now to back me up on this."

"Of course I will, dear. Ward is a wonderful young man and the perfect brother for James. I made some mistakes raising you, Jimmy, I know now. You need more than just our love and affection. You need tough love and Ward is the just the one who can give it to you. I won't get in the way. I will leave it to your Dad and Ward to look after these things. I will not interfere."

"I knew you would want the right thing for Jimmy, dear, and Ward will give Jimmy exactly what he needs. In fact, Jimmy, in case you have any objections I will give you a choice. You may stay here with your Mom, and your brother Ward and me, and if you do, you will be under Ward's control; or we can send you away to military school. I need to know which you prefer young man. Are you ready to answer me?"

I knew Dad was angry, and Mom too because she didn't even try to Get Dad and Ward to go easy on me. She didn't even raise an objection to me being spanked. And the very idea that Dad was ready to send me off to military school, while Ward would get to stay here and take my place as their son had me very upset. But I was truly screwed. I not only had to agree to be under Ward's total control on his terms, but I had to give a convincing performance that I was a willing victim, or face Ward's wrath. I pulled myself together to give my response.

"Jimmy, I'm waiting to hear what you have to say".

"I know, Dad, I was just trying to get my thoughts together. I know I'm a bad boy and you are all right. I often act like a baby. Ward knows best. Until I learn how to behave I need to be treated like a baby. I don't know what came over me to invade your privacy when I knew you wanted to have a private talk? I was very wrong and I'm sorry. I apologize to everyone for my unacceptable behavior.

"I don't deserve to stay here. You ought to send me to military school, but I am grateful that you are allowing me to stay with the understanding that I must obey Ward and accept whatever training and discipline he decides I need. I love you and Mom, Dad, and I want you to know that I really do love Ward too. It is only a very short time Wardy has been here, but I already feel he is my big brother and that he knows better what is good for me than I do myself. Please, Dad and Mom, I want you to accept that Wards knows best. Please let him do whatever he thinks is best to teach me to be a good boy without interfering. He already has helped me a lot with my problem behavior, and I know having Ward in charge is really good for me".

Dad's frown disappeared and he now had a big smile on his face.

"Right now, I am really proud of you, Jimmy. Those were just the words I wanted to hear. Had you said anything less or had you been reluctant to agree to what I want and what Ward demands from you, it would be off to military school with you, and there would be no coming back home until graduation. That is how strongly I feel about things. You will listen to Ward and obey him. I can't stress this enough. I will not tolerate having you whine and complain about anything the way you used to do, but If you make a real effort to be a good boy, things will be just fine.

Ward, do you have anything you want to say to Jimmy?"

"Just that I am glad you see things the way Mom and Dad do and that you see them my way, which is the right way. I am happy with how you put things just now. With a good attitude and if you are willing to obey me as well as Mom and Dad, everything will work out okay.

Right now we can get things moving by you dropping your pants and getting across my lap for a good spanking".

Ward could not have said anything I dreaded more at the time. I knew he was serious. Ward really intended to give me a spanking in front of Mom and Dad, and all I could do was submit to it. So, I turned toward Ward so my back was to Mom and Dad and putting on the bravest front I could, I looked Ward right in the eyes and unbuckled my jeans and dropped them down around my ankles.

"Kick off your pants, Jimmy. You won't be needing those when you are at home anymore. Remove your shoes and socks too. You are just a little boy again and all you will need to wear is your tighty whities. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ward. I only wear my briefs at home".

"Not your briefs, Jimmy. Briefs are for bigger boys and men. You wear tighty whities, and if you don't like that and don't call them tighty whities like I want you to, then you will be wearing diapers."

"Yes, Ward, I understand", I said as I quickly got out of my jeans and the other clothing Ward had told me to remove and stood in front of Ward in nothing but my `tighty whities'

"Drop them too. I want you bareass for your spanking, little boy".

I didn't dare say another word. I quickly removed the last thing that covered my nakedness, and waited for Ward's next command.

"Come over here on the sofa. And lay across my lap".

It's a good thing my back was to Mom and Dad because when Ward ordered me to do that I got an instant boner.

Ward smiled as he noticed my hard on and signaled with his index finger with the `come here' sign.

In spite of my nervousness as I faced the punishment I had coming, I found Wardy's gesture and the stern expression on his face as much of a turn on as his last order to me had been.

I lay face down across Ward's knees and he immediately began to rub my ass with a circular motion. I was still scared of the coming spanking, but Wardy's hand felt good on my ass, and my nervousness nearly disappeared, until Ward lifted his hand up high and brought it down on my butt with a loud smack.

My butt really stung, but it wasn't all that bad, not nearly what I expected.

"It won't always be the same way, but for your first good spanking, Jimmy, I want you to keep quiet until I'm finished. I'll tell you when its over and then you can thank me for your spanking. I want you stay put as much as you can. It's okay if you whimper a little and cry, but I don't want any screaming or struggling or carrying on. You try and take your punishment like you were a big boy, and it won't be too bad but if I feel you are fighting me you will get more swats and harder. Do you understand, Jimmy?"

"Yes, Ward".

"Are you ready?"

Yes, Ward""

Ward raised his hand again and gave a smack that was harder than the first oneand stung a little more, but still tolerable. Then I got another. The third smack was just as hard, but Ward waited about twenty seconds between each smack he gave, and the sting from the previous spank was almost gone before the next one hit my ass. I was able to take it without crying out or even whimpering. Just like a big boy, I thought to myself. Nobody can call me a baby, Well, maybe they can, but I know better.

Just as I was beginning to really be proud of myself for taking the spanking so well, and feeling so grown up, Ward raised his hand and brought it down on my ass much harder, so much harder that I began to shed tears. This time he only waited about five seconds before another real hard smack landed on my buttocks, that was when I gave my first soft whimper.

Yes, Ward is right I am a baby after all, and I guess a wimp too. My rear end was beginning to feel hot, and the stinging sensation was still there, And, my butt still hurt badly when another hard crack came down. And then, it was like a rain of fire. Crack. crack, crack, crack. crack! Then, smack, smack, smack. Ward kept hitting my ass, slapping it over and over until I thought I couldn't stand any more. I squirmed and jerked my body around, and then I cried out pretty loud.

Ward cautioned me to relax and keep quiet, or he would keep going. I did quiet down, but I was most miserable, and worst of all I lost my boner, but Ward gave me another ten really hard spanks rapid fire before stopping.

"Is that enough?" Ward asked.

"Yes, Ward. Thank you for punishing me for behaving so badly. I will really try to behave much better".

"For your own sake, Jimmy, I hope so. You can stand up now and show off your red butt to Mom and Dad. Good, that's my boy. You can put on your tighty whities again, and thank Mom and Dad for bringing Wardy into your life to look after you.

I very quickly put on my underwear shorts, I mean my tighty whities, and turned around to look at Mom and Dad, but really looked down at my feet. I was really embarrassed that they had watched me being spanked, and also because all I was wearing was my tighty whities.

"Look up, Jimmy. You should be proud of yourself for taking the spanking Ward gave you so well. Did you learn anything?"

"Yes, Dad, I learned not to go sneaking around listening to private conversations that adults don't want me to hear. I also learned that I am just a little boy who needs to respect and obey my big brother Ward and my Mom and Dad".

That's good, Jimmy, but just see that you do!"

"Are you all right, Jimmy dear?" Mom asked. "You know that until now I have never approved of spankings, but your father and Ward have changed my mind, dear. Some boys do need spankings and you are one of those boys, son."

"I am so sorry I misbehaved Mom and Dad, but I just know Ward will do great in helping me improve. I thank you both for allowing Ward to do things his way because my first spanking really helped me see things differently and just being around Ward is good for me.

It's even better when I know I have to obey Wardy. Mom. You are right. I am one of those boys who needs spankings".

Good grief! Why do I have to say all this? It's because even if I must play the game of being a `little boy', I'm still very bright. I can say all the things my folks and Ward want to hear even if I'm really not all that enthused. Even though Ward is in back of me I can feel his eyes penetrating my back, so I try to say all the right things. I've really been spanked more than enough for one day.

"Turn around, Jimmy. That was a good performance, but you have a long way to go before I believe everything you say. Words are cheap. It will really be your actions that I will be watching to see if you can be a good little boy. You've had your day in court and been been given your sentence. I want you to go put your clothing, except for you tighty whities, and put them in the hamper. Then go to the bedroom and put your shoes in the closet. Put on your flip flops, and get your butt back here fast. You and me have a van to wash and wax, so let's get going".

(Lesson Seven to be continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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