Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Jun 8, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

The next week went by quickly. I found it exceedingly difficult not to call Ben. Not so much with Gordy, and I realized that was my knee jerk reaction to being so casually dismissed. I spent a lot of my free time analyzing my feelings about that, coming to the conclusion, it is exactly the way I would have reacted had the shoe been on the other foot.

Patrick called. SaraLee had found a house. As soon as they closed, he would be moving. The company he now works for bought his house so he did not have to wait until it sold. So many perks, like movers coming in to pack and would unpack. For me, that would be huge, I hate moving. I had a lump in my throat as I said goodbye. Patrick wished me success and happiness. "I hope our paths cross again, Greg."

On the home front, things were rather quiet. I have to give Andie credit for bravery. She came to our home during the week, apologized profusely to Mother for her behavior. Mother actually hugged her. They had a long talk without David, and seemed to have found common ground. She and David are still an item, probably a lot more careful with their affection, at least around Mother.

On Saturday, I drove David and Andie to their soccer game. I had planned to watch, but as I was pulling into the parking lot, I noticed Gordy's car. I told them I would be back in a couple hours to pick them up, then left. Sweat was pouring off my brow, even though it was not all that warm, I know this was cowardly, but I did not want to risk an emotional confrontation with Gordy.

I drove to my special place, the bistro, hoping for a light snack, herbal tea and soothing light classical music. Ben's car was parked in from of the place. Crap! I drove away. I swear if I run into Patrick next, I am going to lose it. Not wanting to go home and face Mother's questions, I drove to Forest Park, but avoided Art Hill. I had at least 2 hours to kill, so I went first to the planetarium, very crowded, but I did enjoy it. Next, I went to the Jewel Box, a lovely art deco greenhouse, not so crowded and not many small children running amok.

After spending quite some time there, I headed back over to the soccer fields. I guess the time got away from me, most of the cars were gone, David and Andie were sitting on the curb. I could tell David was pissed. "Where did you go, Daddy, we have been waiting for you." "We thought you forgot about us." I apologized and ask about the game. "We won, thanks to our amazing goalie." David said proudly.

"That is great, son." "Do you two want to go to DQ?" I asked. "Please, Daddy, we are not little kids, you don't have to buy us ice cream to reward our winning!" Andie smacked him on the shoulder, "Well, I want to go, thanks Mr. Smith." David immediately said he wanted to go, too. "I want a vanilla milk shake." he said. "Boring!" Andie said. "Ok smarty pants, what do you want?" he asked. "A Peanut Buster Parfait, of course, it's the best thing they serve." David changed his mind, to have what Andie was having. I thought to myself, "Pussy whipped!"

After we ordered our ice cream, Andie excused herself to visit the restroom. "David told me he saw Gordy at the game. "That's nice, did you speak to him?" I asked. "Yes, of course, just because you and he aren't together doesn't mean I can't be friendly, Daddy." "I like Gordy." "He was there with our coach, Logan." He paused for a minute, "Do you think he and Logan are boyfriends now?" I told him I had no idea, it was Gordy's business, not mine.

After we finished eating our treats, we drove home. David told Andie he would see her later. I asked if they were doing something tonight. "Yep, we are hanging out with some of the team at Andie's house." "What are you doing, Daddy?" I said I was getting things ready to leave on Tuesday, had some work to do before I can go. "Daddy, that's dumb, you need to go out and have fun." I did not answer and thankfully David did not pursue the subject.

Sunday was pretty much the same as always. In the afternoon, I decided I had to see Gordy before I left for my retreat. I called him. When he answered, I told him I had to see him, I knew he did not want to see me, but please, if only for a few minutes. He agreed for me to come by. I immediately went to his house. He answered the door, shorts no shirt, no shoes, he took my breath away. I asked him to sit outside on the steps, thinking I did not want to risk falling in to bed with him.

He was cordial, but a bit distant. I asked about his mother and then moved on to his new job. He said he was still in training at the office in St. Charles, wouldn't start actually working until next month. "Greg, cut the crap, what do you really want from me?" I said I did not know, "Gordy, I just needed to see you, look in your eyes and sincerely apologize for any pain I may have caused you."

I told him about my realization that I was a user, thinking of myself only and not considering anyone's feelings but my own. "You made me see that, and I want to thank you." He looked at me a moment before he spoke. "Greg, you have special qualities that you keep hidden, except when you are with your family." "I can see the love you have for them, you are a good son, a good father." I was waiting for 'the but", however, he said nothing.

"Gordy, I am a good person, I am just a little?no...I am a lot fucked up." "I don't know why I am this away, but I am trying to find out and change." I stood up, stuck out my hand for him to shake. "Gordy, I am so glad I met you, I wish you all the best in your job, your new life here in St. Louis and I hope you find someone who can give you the love and devotion I could not." I released his had, turned and walked away.

In the car, I began to cry so much it was hard to see. I had to pull myself together, else I was going to have an accident. What I really wanted was to see Ben. But, I knew if I went to him, it would only screw with my mind and that was the last thing I needed. I know what I want, but I still want to make the retreat to be absolutely certain when I tell this person, that it is real and I can be totally committed to making a life together.

Monday went by quickly, no incidents at work. Matt could handle anything that came up. I told him I was going on this trip to clear my head and make some decisions about the future. He had a worried look on his face, "You're not thinking of leaving the company, are you?" I shook my head, no. "I have to sort some things out and quiet reflection is what I need." "You can't get that in the city or at home, too many interruptions." He wished me well, gave me a manly hug, then I left.

Early the next morning, I said goodbye to my family and was on my way to the abbey. Once I got off the interstate, the drive was nice. I wished I had a driver so I could enjoy the scenery. It is a 3+ hour drive. The sunroof and windows open, I was feeling so good, peaceful, not a thought in my head except wondering why I had never taken the time to enjoy this state and its beauty. There really is more to Missouri than St. Louis and Kansas City.

Arriving at the abbey, I was impressed with the surroundings. I parked, went to the reception area, was greeted by a monk, an older man, friendly, but not much of a conversationalist. He gave me brochures and a schedule of activities, meals, prayer, Mass, etc. Then I was shown to my room, austere, but adequate. After I was alone, I took the time to read all the guidelines, which were very simple, look over the schedule for prayers, which occurred 7 times daily.

The outdoors was calling to me. I walked all around the abbey, stopping occasionally to soak it all in. The only sounds were of the monks going about their daily tasks and a bell ringing, which I assumed was a call to prayer. I walked a short distance from the main area, found a boulder to sit on, and I breathed deeply, inhaling the fragrance of the area.

I sat there with tears running down my face, revisiting my recent past. Even though it was painful to recall, I started at the beginning, my self discovery with Patrick. I recalled everything about him, his hairy body, his brilliant smile, his willingness to sacrifice his happiness for his family, a truly sweet, kind, wonderful man. I thought how similar he and I were in our thoughts and our actions. Thinking of him made me smile. I most certainly did love Patrick. He would always have a special place in my heart.

Gordy. What an improbable situation! How we met and the time we spent together, a total disaster, and I was mostly to blame. I did somewhat love him, but we are so diametrically opposite in all ways, looks, careers, wants and needs. Yet, I felt this burning desire to be with him. Lust!, I am such a horny bastard.. Then again, if it was love, could I commit to him and put him first in my life. That was the answer I was seeking.

Ben. What a surprise! I had known Ben for a few years, but not as a love interest, rather a workout partner and racquetball opponent. He was fun, always made me laugh. When he came out to me, it was totally unexpected and exciting at the same time. Even more unexpected was my decision to come out to him. What was I thinking? Did I ruin a perfectly good friendship? He says he loves me and is willing to wait for me to realize we are meant to be together. No one else had said that. Did I love him? Yes. i am sure I do.

Lots to think about over the next few days. I decided to go to the chapel to pray for guidance. After prayer it was meal time, not a 4 star meal, but good, nonetheless. More prayer and walking about the grounds. I do not think I have ever been so completely alone, not speaking to anyone, only my thoughts battling in my head, yet, I felt so at peace. This was certainly a wise decision on my part, coming here.

The three days went by quickly. At the end of the stay, I gave a 500 dollar donation to the abbey. The Father Abbott of the abbey came to say good by, wish me well and offered his blessing for me. He invited me to come back at any time. It was the most anyone had spoken to me in 3 days. I was so ready to get home to hear the sounds in my home, the city and I could not wait to tell someone special, I loved him, that I was ready to begin building the foundation for our life together. A flash of nerves came upon me, but I quickly pushed them aside.

I knew how I wanted to tell this man, but I could not do it at home, nor did I want to go to his place. My plan was to book a room at a hotel, call him and have him come there. Yep, that was a plan. I stopped, called Mother, told her I would not be home until Saturday. She asked if I had made a decision and was I ok. "Yes, Mother, I am fine, I know what I want and I am going for it." She was pleased and asked me when I was going to tell her. "On Saturday, Mother?notice, you are Mother again, your little boy is a man once more."

I drove to a luxury hotel in the city, not knowing if I could get a reservation or not. Fortunately, I was able to secure a suite. Once in the room, I made the call. I explained where I was and gave instructions to come to my room. Next a quick shower and shave. I was extremely nervous, but I knew this was what I had to do, what I wanted to do. For the first time in my life, I was going to do something I never did, make myself vulnerable, expose my tender underside.

Time seemed to be at a standstill as I waited. Finally, the wait was over. Hearing the knock on the door, I looked throughout the peep hole to be sure it was who I expected. It was. I opened the door, completely nude, arms stretched wide, "Come in, Ben." The look on his face was priceless, a grin from ear to ear, "Wow! What a surprise." He said as he rushed into my open arms. I kissed him with more fervor than I had ever kissed anyone before.

"Get out of those clothes right now." I demanded. I was helping him undress, but I had him leave his silk tie on. He came at me, but I stopped him, I wanted to look at his ripped body, nude except for the bright blue tie. Perfection, so sexy! I thought my dick was going to explode. He grabbed me into a tight bear hug, looked me in the eyes, "Does this mean?.." I told him to stop, we would talk later. "Right now, I want to make love to you and you to me, we have plenty of time to talk."

"Greg, I am sweaty, and I am sure my ass is not clean, I need to shower first." I told him I was clean and to fuck me first, then afterwards he could shower. "Where are the condoms and the lube." he asked. "Fuck that, I want you in me now." "But?." I put my fingers to his lips, "I don't care, just do it." Now on the bed, I drew my legs to my chest, spread my cheeks, and waited. He paused a minute, took off the tie, then dove in with his face in my ass crack, tongue flicking in and out of my hole, rapid fire speed.

After tormenting me with his tongue, he began to finger my hole. I was about to lose my mind. "Now, Ben, I want you now." I cried out. He aligned his cock with my now gaping hole and slowly began to penetrate me. It felt so good. I rammed my ass upward until he was in balls deep. He, once again, encouraged me to slow down and enjoy love making, "We can have wild animal sex later, right now I want to enjoy this, my first ever male bareback sex."

This went on for quite sometime, slow, even strokes, hitting every spot that sent me over the edge. I shot a huge load all over myself, but just like the last time I stayed hard. I could tell Ben was getting close as his breathing and thrusting speed increased. "You want my load on your chest?" I said, "No, in my ass, I want you in my ass." I could feel his hot semen deep inside me. It was sheer bliss. He collapsed on my body. I held him tightly until our breathing returned to near normal.

We lay there holding on to each other. His cock slipped out and he rolled off me on to his side. He lay there looking into my eyes, waiting for me to tell him that he was the one. I was teasing him by being silent. He couldn't stand it any longer, "So, tell me!" "Tell you what?" I said. "You know?" "Oh, you want to know what I discovered while on my retreat, right?" "Yes!" he said pleadingly.

"I am so sorry, Ben." I began. The look on his face turned to sadness, as I slowly, deliberately strung out my answer, "But, unfortunately, at least for you, that is, you are stuck with me, I love you Ben Abbott, I want you in my life." "I cannot envision my life without you in it." He started laughing, then tears were welling up in his eyes. "See, you are crying and thinking, what have I gotten myself into, oh, dear God, help me." I said.

He grabbed me hard, pulled me very close, so close I could feel his breath on my face, "Shut up, you stupid motherfucker, you scared me shitless, don't ever do that to me again." "When you were taking so long to answer and began with an apology, i was thinking this was a goodbye fuck, a pity fuck." With that, he burst into tears, sobbing on to my shoulder. "Oh, babe, I am so sorry, I thought it was funny, I have a sick sense of humor." "Don't cry, I am so sorry."

He looked at me, "You really are a dumb ass, these are tears of joy, I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life." "I was so scared for these last 11 days that you would reject me and I didn't know how I was going to deal with that." We kissed and held on to each other until I could feel both our cocks reacting. "Let's get a shower, then we can continue." he said. "And, I want to hear about the retreat, I want to know what your thoughts were, everything."

I said I would tell him everything, but he had to know something first, "I knew last Sunday, before I went on the trip, no doubt whatsoever, I knew." "The retreat gave me time to reflect on my life, to put things into perspective and to realize what was important to me." "And that is you, Ben." "I want to be a better man, to always put you first in my life, to love you without conditions, to love you beyond the fantastic sex, you Ben, I love you.".

"I wanted to call you before I left to tell you, but for the first time in my life, I didn't do what I wanted." "You had asked me to not call and I didn't" I told him that was huge for me. "Shower!" he said, pulling me up from the bed. "Holy crap, this is some bathroom?I could live in this room." I adjusted the temperature, "Warm or hot?" I asked. He said he probably should take a cold shower, pointing down to his rock hard cock. I know I have seen it before, but I think this was the first time I ever really appreciated the beauty of it. 7.5 inches, perfect circumcision, bushy pubes, shaved balls.

I dropped to my knees, took it in my mouth all the way down my throat, surprised that I could do that without gagging. He pulled me up into a hug and kiss. "Save that for later, I don't want to cum now." We washed each other, paying special attention to the cock, balls and ass. I was already clean except for the large load of spunk now flowing out. After a long, sensual shower, neither losing our erections, we dried off. I handed him one of the luxurious Egyptian cotton robes provided by the hotel.

I could not take my eyes off him, he is so beautiful. How is it I never recognized it before? I always thought he was a nice looking man, but that description doesn't do him justice, he is just flat out beautiful. His body and mine are similar, however, he is more ripped than I am. When I was washing his body, I could feel some stubble on his chest. "Do you shave your chest, Ben?" He said he did. "Becca did not like my harry chest, said it itched her, so I shaved it and have kept it up since."

"Well, you can stop that shit right now, I love a hairy chest." "Your wish is my command, sire!" he answered. He said I would have to rub his chest often until it grew out, "I tried growing it out once, but it itched so badly I couldn't stand it." I told him that would be no problem, I planned rubbing him all over for a very long time. "Let's look at the room service menu, order dinner and champagne."

He looked over the menu, "Greg, these prices are outrageous, we can get a better meal, cheaper outside the hotel." I told him I did not want to go out, I wanted to stay right here with him; I did not want to share him with anyone; I wanted him naked in my arms and to make love until we couldn't move. "And, I have a lot to tell you, things you need to know." We ordered our meal and champagne.

When the room service waiter came in to set up, I noticed him checking us out. Ben's robe was slightly open, showing a little of his nakedness, which I don't think he realized. Once the table was arranged, I gave the waiter a generous tip. He wished us a good evening, pausing to look at Ben again. There was a bulge in his tight pants, revealing a sizable cock. I smiled thinking of him jacking off, fantasizing about us.

As we ate, I told Ben about my sexual awakening, revealing for the first time about Patrick. "Patrick?" "Oh my God, I never expected that." I told him the entire story, beginning to end. He did not ask questions, nor comment. "Does that bother you, Ben?" I asked. He said it did not, just surprised him. "Is that why you wanted me to find him a job away from here?" I told him maybe a little, but I knew some where down the road, he and many of us will probably lose our jobs or offered a transfer to one of the newly created companies. "He needed to move on, he is a smart, smart man, probably should have been my boss."

"Don't sell yourself short, Greg, you are in your position for a very good reason that the company recognized and rewarded." "Now, tell me about Gordy." I started with the first encounter in the restroom on my way to the lake. "I had no idea he was the manager of the truck stop." "What a surprise." I told him everything, right up to the end. "Wow! That is some story."

"Well, it is not something I am particularly proud of, giving my number to a complete stranger, and fucking him on our first time together." He said he knew I loved Gordy, and probably still did. "You are wrong, Ben, I don't love him, at least not in a romantic way." I told him I loved sex with him, "I was just plain horny and he filled the need." "Please believe me, I don't love him, I wouldn't lie to you, I wouldn't."

He said he believed me. "Now, tell me about us, when did you know you had a thing for me?" "When I was at the abbey, I had time to sort that out." I told him I was attracted to him long before we knew each other was gay. "I liked you, wanted to be your friend, being with you the short times, working out and racquetball, made me happy." I said I supposed I had a sexual attraction to him, but all that was buried deep inside,

"When you told me about yourself, I did feel a stir inside, I wanted you." "But, I didn't reveal it until later, I did not want to complicate things, I wanted you as a friend." "I was afraid telling you would screw that up, we would have sex and then I would get hurt." "My defense mechanism, don't take chances, think only of yourself."

He asked what changed that mindset. I smiled, "When we went to the gay club, knowing you were going back to hook up, I was jealous, I didn't want you to go back, I wanted to be the one!" "So, I told you, lying about being jealous." "I did not expect your reaction, nor your comments and the last thing I ever expected was to have sex with you, hoping, but did not expect it.' '"I figured I had screwed the pooch and our friendship was in the toilet."

I told him I called him the next day to apologize, praying I could salvage our friendship." "I was ecstatic when you asked me to go to the river, once again, not expecting to have sex with you." "I just wanted to be around you." "Then you knocked my socks off, telling me you loved me, had loved me for a long time." "And, when you said I should go on the retreat, but to see Gordy first, that I was worth waiting for, that you knew we were right for each other?Oh my God!" "That was when I knew, I knew it right then that you were the one I wanted to build a life with."

I asked if all this made sense to him. Tears were rolling down my face. He sat there looking at me, weighing his words before he spoke. "Yes it makes perfect sense to me, Greg." "I knew it, but you had to find out for yourself." "No matter what I said, you still had doubts that needed to be resolved." "I will ask you again and for the last time, "Are you sure this is what you want?" I said it was. "This is the beginning, one that will require a lot of work, total commitment, it's not going to be easy."

He took my hand, removed my robe and his, we lay on the bed holding each other, an occasional kiss, but no move to have sex. Our cocks were hard and rubbing against each other. Neither of us said a word, just looked into each other's eyes. It was a precious moment. After what seemed like hours, Ben said, "It would be impossible for me to tell you about all my experiences, there have been so many, but I will tell you, I have never had a real relationship."

"I am not saying I didn't have a couple of long term fuck buddies, I did, but that was for sexual release." "The first time I felt anything close to love was when you fucked me for the first time." "I know you did not feel the same as I did, and you were upset it had gone that far." "Remember how pissed I was?" I said I did. "It is amazing how far we have come in such a short time."

I agreed. I repeated my earlier comment, "Ben, this is not going to be easy for us, but I think with patience and commitment, it will work." "I would love to be open with you, live together, but the reality is, that has to wait a bit." "Once my son is away at college, we can decide where we want to live, my place, yours or get a new one." "Until then, I will come to your place or you can come to mine."

"How do you think your family will react if I stay overnight in your bed." I told him they loved me, wanted me to be happy and would be accepting. "You know, it is not like they will be in denial about us having sex, making love, they will know we do." "I promise you it will be fine." I told him when I went home tomorrow, I was going to talk with my mother and son. "I will have to wait to talk to Anne, until she comes home." "I guess you could say we are dating." We laughed.

"This will be a learning experience for both of us." "I want to know everything about you and you to know everything about me." He asked what about him did I not know. "Oh, so many things, like I don't even know how old you are?do you know my age?" He smiled, "I am 38 and you are early 40's I think." I told him I was 45. "Well, you don't look it, you look much younger, if I did not know you had teenagers, I would have thought you were younger than me."

It occurred to me I needed to talk about my job. "I have to be very careful how open I am about us at work." "I have no idea how it would affect my job, but I feel it would not be accepted very well." I said I hoped he wouldn't think I was hiding our relationship, it was just a fact of life in this day, this time. He said that was totally understandable.

I asked about his company. "Well, it is different for me since I am senior partner, have controlling interest at my company, no problems there." "I am completely out at work, no one seems to care." He said he didn't advertise his sexuality, "But I don't hide it either." "How long have I known you, what, mmmm, 2+ years?" "Doesn't matter, the point is, you did not know until I told you."

I said that was good for him, unfortunately, I am not out at work and probably will not be for a long time. "Does anyone know, beside Patrick, who is now gone?" I told him one, maybe two people knew. I explained about Elliot and Matt without divulging names. "Ben, I am not going to hide you away from my world, I want to share it with you, however discreet we have to be for now." "Is that a deal breaker."

"How fucking shallow do you think I am?" "Absolutely alright by me, just as long as you love me, tell me everyday, and we work for a common goal, to be together forever." "Of course, there will be sex, lots of it." he laughed. "By the way, do you consider yourself a top or bottom, or both." he asked. I said I liked both, "You?" He said he preferred the bottom, but since being with me, he was loving the top, too. :I guess both, is that ok?" I smiled, and the for first time since dinner and our conversation, I wanted him, badly.

I started with his lips, neck, on to his perfect nipples. I nibbled on each one before moving down to his groin. I licked all up and down the shaft, engulfed his head, drinking the sea of pre cum. then on to the balls. Even though I like bushy pubes, well, hair in general, I did like the fact his balls were shaved. Note to self: have him shave mine, that way he will not be constantly spitting out pubic hair. Licking his taint, I though he would go mad. "That is so sensitive, Greg, if you keep it up, I am gonna blow!" he shouted. I kept it up while fingering his hole.

"I'm cumming!" he yelled. I took his cock in my mouth just as he started firing cum missiles. Some got on my face, but most ended up in my mouth and throat. After the barrage slowed down, I continues my assault, moving down to his hole. My tongue touched his sphincter, which opened quickly. I did the same as he did to me, a rapid fire attack. No need for stretching, he was wide open. I placed my cock head at the entrance and pushed forward.

He was starting to move quickly, yelling that this raw fucking was amazing. I had to remind him what he said to me, "Slow down and enjoy this, we are making love, not wild animal fucking." "To hell with that" he shouted, "Fuck me hard, it feels so damned good." By now, I was fired up, nothing could slow me down. I noticed Ben was unloading again, which brought me to my own release deep in his ass. After collapsing on his body, I told him I was sorry I didn't ask what he wanted, asa or chest.

He said it was perfect, he wanted me inside him, top and bottom. "Pull out and put your dick in my mouth, I am going to lick you clean and make you cum again." We assumed the 69 position, licking, sucking and slurping all this wonderful, sticky liquid. Exhausted, we held each other. Ben fell asleep before I did. I loved watching his facial expressions and hearing his gentle breathing, no snoring.

I said a silent prayer of thanksgiving for this wonderful gift of love. I knew our road was going to be challenging, but I had faith this man was the one I would be with forever. I had never felt so completely happy.

Another installment completed. I know from the many comments I received, Gordy was the popular choice for Greg to end up with. However, I am happy with the direction I took with Ben. There will be one more chapter to kinda wrap things up at least for now. I appreciate the Emails and the comments and am not offended if you do not agree with me. Be well and Smile.


Next: Chapter 17: Return to St Louis 13

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