Weekend Fishing Trip

By Ed Louis

Published on Mar 16, 2014


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to any real person (s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult men. It depicts unprotected sex, which I do not endorse for anyone, even partnered couples. Safe sex practices are always in order. If you are underage or object to the subject matter, please leave now. I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO NIFTY TO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND RUNNING.

We drove around for a while before going to the market. I could not believe how much development had taken place over the years since I had been there last. Actually, the last time I was here, I was still married, stayed at a beautiful resort, spent most of the time with the kids in the pool rather than the lake. We did rent a pontoon boat, which was fun. Ah, sweet memories of good times with the kids. My ex, Karen, was not thrilled, spent most of her time on the phone with work. Side note: this was before cellphones and internet were so widely available.

After our tour around the lake, we headed to the market to get the things Elliot needed for meals. Shopping is one of my least favorite things to do, but Patrick loves it. We bought all the things on the list, plus a lot more stuff we probably didn't need. It was obvious to me Patrick was avoiding discussion of what had happened and I guess I was too. I was still trying to sort things out.

Back at the house, as we were putting things away, I said, "Paddy, are we going to talk about what we did this morning?" He was silent. "Well?" I said. He turned to me, "I am holding on to the wonderful memory of what happened." "I am afraid if we talk about it, you will start to have regrets and?." "Stop it, right now!" I said sternly. "I did what I did, freely and because I wanted to, no one forced me."

I went on, "Please understand something about me, I never have regrets about anything I do or say." "I admit, sometimes, I wish I handled things differently, but I never regret anything." "Everything I have done, everything I do or will do, makes me the man I am today and forgive my narcissistic attitude, but I like myself." "Now, let's get a cool drink, sit by the pool and talk."

I excused myself, went to the loft to get my swim suit and sunscreen. I held up the suit thinking, "Greg, you really need a make over, this suit is a flashback to the 70's, baggies, for crying out loud!" I dropped it on the bed, took off my shirt, then headed to the pool. Patrick had made iced tea and a couple sandwiches. As we were eating, I said, "Paddy, I need to go to a mens shop to buy a new swim suit, mine is so old and not very hip." He smirked, "You don't need one here, just skinny dip, who cares?"

"Yeah, right, skinny dip with you, I would be hard the whole time, your hairy body turns me on so much." He reached over, took my hand and kissed it. "You make me feel so good, saying things like that, most people hate how hairy I am." "Tony is always urging me to trim and shave some of the hair, he thinks it is gross." "Fuck what Tony thinks, don't you dare do that."

"What time do you think the boys will be back?" I asked. "Well, let's see?it is now 1230p, anytime now, they are probably starved and wanting a beer." "Shit, I was hoping we would have more time together, alone." I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, let's get in the pool, but first, slather me with sunscreen, I burn easily." I dropped my shorts and handed Patrick the sunscreen. He began to spread it all over my body.

I was concentrating on other things to keep myself from springing a boner. "You want some on the monster?" "Don't want to get it burned!" he laughed. "Sure, why not, but don't be surprised if it gets hard and if you rub it too much, you might get a handful." When he had me all greased up, I said, "Your turn." I began rubbing the lotion all over his body. I was now hard as I have ever been, my dick pointing straight at his ass.

He turned around for me to get his front side, his cock reaching for the sky. I leaned over, licked the head, then took it in my mouth. "Greg! Greg! Oh God, I am going to cum? NOW!" I kept sucking until he unloaded in my mouth, which I swallowed. I picked up my glass, took a big gulp of tea to wash it down. Then I returned to applying the sun screen. We heard a boat coming up to the dock, some of the boys were back. We quickly jumped in the pool.

"Hey guys, enjoying the pool?" Matt said as he walked up. "Yes, and how was the fishing?" I said. "It was great, Richie is down by the dock gutting and cleaning the catch, we are going to have fish for supper." he said. "Man, I am starved and need a beer." He walked into the kitchen, made a sandwich and grabbed a couple of beers. "After I eat, I am hitting that hot tub, my arms and legs are sore." I yelled out, "Be sure you rinse off all that fish shit before you get in." "Fuck you, Greg!"

He began stripping off his clothes, dropping them in a heap, then went to the outdoor shower to rinse off. "Yow! That is cold as a motherfucker! Shit!" He rinsed off quickly, then headed over to the hot tub. "Crap! No one turned it on this morning and it is as cold as the fucking shower." He went over to throw the switch for the hot tub, then turned towards us to get in the pool.

This was the first time I had seen him naked. He has enormous balls and a small uncut dick, moderately hairy, not at all attractive to me. I supposed he was a grower, not a shower, but I will never know, I thought. "Shit!" "This pool is as cold as the hot tub, my balls are probably going to shrink up into my stomach!" he laughed. "Not bloody likely," said Patrick, "but the dick on the other hand?." "Fuck you, Patrick, it may be small, but it gets the job done."

We were all laughing when Richie came up. "What's so funny?" he asked. We told him what was said. He chuckled, "He is right, it does grow, I've seen it." Matt asked when the fuck had he seen it hard. "You think I can't see you jacking off in the bathroom, you leave the door open and I can see you in the mirror." Richie said. "You're a fucking pervert, did you get off watching me." Matt asked. "Yeah, I did, it looks like a pussy with a large clit" "And those man boobs, if I sucked on them I would probably get mother's milk."

Matt was not amused. "Fuck you, Richard!" Richie went to put the cleaned fish in a cooler on ice, laughing all the way. "He is a fucking asshole, thinks he is such a stud with his skinny ass and long dick." Matt said sarcastically. "Hey, guys, this is just fun talk, not serious, Matt lighten up." I said He smiled and agreed.

Richie came back with a sandwich and a beer. After finishing, he stripped down, rinsed off, then got in the pool. Matt was right, he is a skinny man with a long thin dick and low hangers. Again, not at all attractive to me. I was thinking to myself that from the beginning of this weekend, I had noticed more dicks than ever and to top it all off, I sucked one and fucked an ass. I had to stop thinking about Patrick, else I was going to be sporting wood. However, I secretly wished they would all go away so Patrick and I could be alone.

Soon, all the guys were back from the lake, some got in the pool, others went in to watch TV. Elliot was puttering around in the kitchen. I got out to help him. "Are you going to fry the fish?" I asked. He said he was going to grill them, along with some vegetables and baked potatoes. "Yum! Sounds good." I said "What can I do to help/" He said I could wash and cut the veggies, while he was seasoning the fish and making the grilling sauce.

As usual, dinner was excellent and the conversation lively. Dan said they were going back to the club. "You guys should come with us." he said pointing to Elliot and me. Elliot said he was going to the outlet mall to get some things for his wife and kids, plus, they have a cooking supply store there. "I am a sucker for new gadgets." I said I wasn't interested in the club, would probably relax and watch some mindless TV. Patrick said he was going to pass, too, claiming his stomach was still queazy from all the drinking he did yesterday. "You notice all I had to drink tonight was water, no alcohol for me."

"Ok, you party poopers, you are going to miss a lot of fun, lots of hot chicks just waiting for us." Matt said. "Exactly!" said Elliot. Dan said he needed to take the stick out of his ass and loosen up. "Sorry, Dan, to each his own, I prefer not to run around on my wife, you do whatever you want?no judgment from me." he replied. Tony asked Patrick if he was sure he didn't want to go. "I'm sure. Have fun, see you later."

We stood at the door waving goodbye and cat calling not to get arrested for molesting the young girls. Elliot offered for us to go with him, but Patrick and I declined. As soon as they were all gone, Patrick turned to me, "Alone at last." He kissed me deeply. "Come with me." I said, taking his hand and running up the stairs to the loft. With urgency, we stripped off our clothing and fell on my bed.

"What has come over you, Greg?" "I am not complaining, but you amaze me at how quickly you have turned the corner." I told him I didn't know what was up with me. "I guess it is years of sexual frustration built up that needed release." "I am still trying to figure it all out, but right now I am hot for your body and don't want to over think things." "Can we talk about what men do together, specifically what you like, how does it feel, etc.?"

"Ask away!" he said. "OK, say if I wanted to try getting fucked, what do you do to get ready for it, does it hurt?" "Why do you love it so much?" I was rambling. Patrick held up his hand, "Slow down, I will answer all your questions as best as I can." "Preparation is the key." "First you need to be sure you are clean, you don't want to stick your tongue or dick in a shitty ass."

"Whoa, cowboy, tongue in the ass?" I asked. Patrick started laughing, "Yes, it is one of the most sensual, pleasurable things you can do or have done to you." "And you like doing this or having it done to you?" I questioned. "Of course, but it rarely happens to me, especially not with Tony." I asked if Tony ever did anything other than fuck him and receive blow jobs.

"Once, I lubed my finger, stuck it in his ass and massaged his prostate when I was blowing him." "He freaked out, threatened to kick my ass if I ever tried to do that again." "Secretly, I think he liked it, but it scared him?oh I might be gay!" "Why do you put up with him, he is just using you, you are his toy." Patrick said he knew what Tony was and actually he was using him. "He is just too stupid to realize it."

"Go on with the prep thing." I said. He explained after you were sure you were clean, then the ideal romantic situation is kissing, fondling?you know, foreplay. "When you are feeling the unstoppable urge, you can start the ass licking." "I promise you, it will drive you wild." "Or if you are not into that, lube your fingers and the persons asshole." "Start with massaging the sphincter, gradually inserting the tip of one finger, advancing slowly until you reach the prostate."

"Stop, stop it!" "I am so fucking hot right now, I might blow." I said breathlessly. "I want you to show me, I want you to fuck me." "Greg, I am afraid." "Afraid of what?" I asked. He would not look at me. I turned his head so he had to. "Why?" He said he was afraid because he had not fucked anyone in years and he thought he would hurt me. "I am a total bottom, Greg." I said we could learn together and if I couldn't do it, I would tell him and he could stop. He seemed to relax, then pulled me up. "We need to shower and cleanse our assholes."

After a wonderful shower and douching with the handheld, we dried off. Patrick went to his bedroom to get the lube. Back in the loft, I lay on the bed, spread my legs and waited for Patrick. He began to lick my asshole, tonguing my sphincter. "Oh God, that feels so good." I screamed. He kept it up for a few minutes, then squeezed lots of lube on my hole and his fingers. Massaging the outside until I thought I would lose my mind, then inserting one finger, rotating it all around. Next two fingers, then finally three.

"Are you ready, Greg?" I shook my head, yes. "If I start to hurt you, tell me and I will stop." He lubed his cock liberally, then placed the head at the entrance and gently pushed. It hurt like hell, but I was determined to take it all in. Slowly, he inched back and forth until he was all in. He stopped, kissed me, asked me if I was ok. I said I was. He began moving in and out as I screamed for him to fuck me hard. The pain passed and pleasure set in.

Soon, he was filling my ass with his cum. He lay on my chest, kissed me, tears rolling down his face. "Are you sure you are ok?" he asked. "Absolutely, not believing what just happened, but I am good, no, I am great!" "Greg, you have no idea what this has meant to me." "All I have ever been is a fuck toy, no emotion, no commitment, nothing." "You let me, no, you wanted me to fuck you, something I am?" With that, he began sobbing.

I held him closely, kissed his forehead, "Stop crying, Paddy, stop." I could feel his dick slowly slipping out of me as I spoke. I moved him off my chest to lay beside me. "You know, this is supposed to be a fun weekend, not a weekend to be sad and crying." He looked at me, wiped his eyes, "I am sorry, it is just so emotional for me to have someone that actually considers my feelings." "Greg, I am going to say something to you and I want you to listen and not freak out."

I said I would. "Greg, I have been in love with you for a long time." "You, being the boss, kept me from saying anything to you." "In all honesty, you are the first person I have ever truly loved and it is not just the sex." I was quiet. He said, "Shit! I have really fucked up, haven't I?" I looked at him seriously, "No I don't think you have fucked up, I just don't know how to respond." "I am supremely flattered, but it is something we have to talk about, sort out our feelings and discover where we go from here."

"Paddy, the last thing in the world I would want to do is hurt you." "I really like you, care about your feelings, but can I say I love you, no I can't at this moment." "I will admit I have strong feelings for you, but are those feelings lust or what." "I don't know." "I am being honest and realistic with you." I went on to explain how we had so many things to consider, family, work, etc. "In a perfect world, I would say we should become a couple, maybe live together and our relationship?a work in progress." "But it is not, Paddy, it isn't."

"So what do we do now?" he asked. "Turn around, I want to lick your ass, then fuck you." I answered. He smiled, then said we had to hurry, Elliot would be back anytime now. "Don't want to get caught, do we?" I spread his cheeks. Just looking at that jungle of black hair made me very hard. I had to feel around to find the hole, but when I did, I without any hesitation, dived right in. I surprised myself at how furiously my tongue was darting in and out of his asshole.

After some time, I lubed his hole and my fingers. He was wide open, ready for my cock. I started inching my way in his anus, but he pushed back quickly and I was in half way before I knew it. "Don't pull out, but turn us over and let me ride you." he said. Patrick is a strong man, with powerful legs from running marathons. He was riding me like a bucking bronco, taking the full length without any problem. I grabbed his dick to start stroking him, but he pushed my hand away.

Pretty soon, he was firing load after load on to my stomach, chest and face. I was close, very close and soon I was shooting volleys up his chute, so hard I expected it to come out of his mouth. "Oh, God, Oh God, that was amazing, Paddy, don't move, let me stay inside you until I fall out." He leaned down, licked the cum off my face and kissed me. I pulled him into my body, strongly embracing and kissing him. I have never in my life had such a feeling of complete satisfaction, ever.

When we both calmed down, just holding each other, he looked into my eyes, "I love you, I don't care what you say about it being too soon, I love you, Greg." I kissed him, pressing my lips hard against his, our tongues battling, then pulled away. "That was amazing." "I don't know if I love you or not, but maybe I will, or maybe I do." He began sliding off my cock, his face to my chest, licking his cum off me, all the way down to my cock, which to my surprise, he took in his mouth to clean my cum off it.

"My cock was just in your ass, Paddy!" He said he knew it, but he didn't care. He kept it up until I was hard again. I heard a car pull into the driveway. "Shit! We had better get cleaned up and dressed, that is Elliot." He grabbed his shorts and went flying down the stairs. I just lay there in somewhat of an afterglow. I was spent. Elliot called out, "Hey guys, where are you?" I heard Patrick yell from the bathroom, "I am getting a shower, Greg is probably taking a nap."

I knew I had to get a shower, too, but would wait until Patrick finished. Crap! That was close. I am glad I heard Elliot's car. I am not sure I would have heard it when Patrick was riding my cock. "Hey, Patrick, are you awake?" Elliot called up to the loft. I said I would be down in a minute. "I brought dessert for us." he said. "Ok, be down in a minute."

I put on my shorts, ran down the stairs to the bathroom. Patrick was combing his hair. I reached in, adjusted the shower and got in. "I love you, Greg." Patrick said before he left the room. I let the needle spray consume my body, it felt so damned good. My mind was in overdrive. I could not believe what had transpired today. A seemingly straight man, sucked a dick, twice, ate cum, fucked and got fucked and I was pretty sure I was falling for Patrick.

I needed to take a walk to clear my head and think this through. There were so many variables to consider. I went down to the kitchen, Elliot and Patrick were eating dessert. "Hey, I made coffee, decaf, if you want some with your pie." Elliot said. "I think I am going to pass on dessert for now." "I am going to take a walk down by the lake, see you guys in a few." I walked out the door, heading for the path down to the lake.

Patrick was in hot pursuit. "Hold up, Greg, are you ok, anything wrong?" he asked. I said no, I just wanted to walk down by the lake, breathe in some fresh air and think. "Do you want me to go with you?" "No, and get that worried look off your face, I am ok." I said. I looked toward the kitchen, Elliot's back was to us, so I leaned in and kissed him. "I love you, Paddy."

Before he could respond, I was walking quickly down the path, almost sprinting. I got to the boat dock, sat down on a bench, put my face in my hands and started bawling. What the hell am I doing, I thought. This can't have a good outcome, too many people will be hurt; I could lose my job, Patrick could lose his. What a holy fucking mess! I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the footsteps on the wooden dock. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looked up, it was Patrick.

"Don't you ever walk away from me again, do you hear me?" he said angrily. "Talk to me." It was my turn to be vulnerable and Patrick the strong one. I couldn't do anything but sob. He held me while I cried. After exhausting my tears, I said, "This is a fucking mess." I went through all the issues we would have to face if we wanted to be together. "Paddy, I am falling for you and it is wrong, not because you are a man, but our families, friends, work, you name it." "How can we possibly do this?"

"We will work it out, I promise you." "We may have to play it cool for a while, but I know we can do it, with minimal damage, just give us a chance." he said. "Greg, you know I love you, I have never been so happily in love in my life." "And you just said you loved me, too." "I do, but what if it is just the sex making me feel this way?" "I don't want only that, I want someone who gets me, who loves me no matter what and I want to return that love the same way." I cried.

"Listen to me, we have time to develop a relationship that is strong and built on mutual respect, trust, understanding and of course love." he said. "Great sex is a bonus." He reached down to my crotch and began to rub it. I stopped him. "No, we have to cool it, much as I do not want to, we have to." "I don't want sex to cloud my mind, I want to be able to clearly analyze this situation and hopefully make good decisions ."

"Hey, guys, where are you?" It was Elliott. "We are over here on the dock talking." Patrick called out. Elliot walked over. I was thankful it was dark so he could not see my reddened eyes. "What is going on with you two, did you have a fight or something?" Elliot asked. "No, I am just stressed about all the work we have to do in the next few months to be in compliance with the court order." "I can't relax like I was hoping to do." I said.

"And what else?" Elliot asked. "Don't lie to me, I know there is something going on between you two." I said not to be ridiculous, there was nothing going on between Patrick and me. "Oh, yeah, then explain why I saw Patrick dashing down from the loft, naked as the day he was born." Patrick started to make up a story, but I told him to stop. "Honestly, Elliot, we were fooling around, fucking if you must know." I said.

"Is this serious or just a little weekend fun?" he asked. I said I did not know. "Are you going to expose us?" Patrick asked. "No, hell no, what you do is your own business, not for me to judge or expose." "To be completely truthful, I have sucked dick before and been sucked, too, so who am I to criticize you. I shook my head in disbelief, "When, if I can be so bold to ask?"

"Recently, and don't ask for details, I don't kiss and tell." he answered. "Recently, as in this weekend?" I pushed. "Not gonna tell anything more, so don't ask." he said. Patrick was giggling, "Have you fucked or been fucked?" "No, damn it, that would be cheating on my wife, my dick has only been in her." "And giving or receiving a blow job isn't?" I asked. He said since oral sex was not a part of their marriage, he did not feel that it was.

"Ok." I said. "We have to keep this among ourselves, agreed?" "Yes, we do." Elliot replied. 'There is a loud mouth among us and if he ever got wind of this, the whole corporation would know." I knew it had to be Steve, based on what he said about Tony and Patrick when Elliot said he and Dan should shower together yesterday. Elliot turned to walk back to the house, then paused, "Be careful, guys, I don't want to see either of you hurt."

"Whew!" "What a weekend full of surprises, I totally did not expect that." I said. "Elliot, a cocksucker!" "I wonder who?" Patrick said he thought it was Matt. "Why Matt?" I asked. "I don't know, just a feeling." "You know today when he and Richie were going on about him leaving the bathroom door open and Richie could see him jacking off?" "Yeah, so?" "Think about it, why would Matt leave the door open?" "Probably trying to get Richie hot and get his dick sucked or something."

I said that was pretty thin, circumstantial evidence, would never hold up in court. "Well, consider this, who is always adjusting himself?constantly?Matt." I said I had noticed, but it was probably because of his big balls which he had to adjust to be comfortable. "Shit, I would hate to be carrying around that tonnage!" I laughed. "You should talk, with that monster cock you have, and I don't see you adjusting yourself all the time."

I said it wasn't a 'monster' until it was hard. "Really?" Patrick said, "I don't know anyone that is maybe 6 or more inches soft ." "And when you are at work, dressed to kill, you hang to the left?it is so obvious." I started laughing, "You really have been checking me out, haven't you?" He said he had, from the first day he met me. "I have wanted that cock in me, ass or mouth, both, for a long, long time." "In fact, I want it now, badly."

I said, "First of all, we need to cool it, and secondly, we have no lube down here." Patrick said he didn't need lube, he could suck me until I had enough precum and spit so it would slide in easily. "Come on Greg, I need it." I asked what about Tony. "What if he comes home wanting to fuck you and you are sore or God forbid, still have my cum inside you." Patrick said he called the shots with Tony and as of this day, Tony was cut off.

I said I didn't know if that was wise or not, it might arouse suspicion. "What, you want me to keep letting Tony fuck me?" I said didn't know what I wanted. "Look, when I want Tony to fuck me or if I want to suck him, all I do is ask. He never initiates anything." "Plus, they are out carousing, maybe he will get lucky, I don't know, but one thing for sure, he will be drunk on his ass and will pass out."

Patrick straddled my lap, threw his arms around my neck and began to intensely kiss me. "My God, Greg, I love you so much, I need you." "Paddy, please don't, I want you so badly, but we have to be?.oh, fuck it." I pushed him off me and dropped my shorts. Just as Patrick was about to latch on to my cock, Elliot called out. "Hey guys, we have to go pick up the boys; they are all drunk on their asses and the bartender took their keys."

Saved by the bell, damn it!

Well there you have it, another installment. I was unsure if I was going to continue the story or not. However, the overwhelming positive response and requests for me to do so, convinced me that I should. Now that it is in progress, I will do my best to make it realistic and believable. Thank you so much for reading it and as always, SMILE!



Next: Chapter 3

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