Weekend in Myrtle

By L.V.

Published on Oct 23, 2007


The same disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction, mostly and does include unprotected sex between men. Any who will offended by such things should stop reading, if not, enjoy it. For those considering the sex without condoms, remember that we still live in the real world and such things are not possible without consequences. Remember to wrap it up....and have fun

......I leaned back on the door, folding my armed on my chest. I barely was able to contain my laughter as I walked over to the bathroom. This vacation was getting more exciting by the second. I gave a tasty blow job to a guy I barely knew in the middle of the road, flirted with a desk clerk, and fucked a cute twink just seconds ago; all of this in just one day. If only Alex and Lane were here to know about it. Oh well, their loss.

A Weekend In Myrtle, part Four

I walked into the bathroom, still remembering the awesome events that took place in this hotel room. The sticky sweet sex I had with Devon and the chance encounter with the black dude in the hallway, man, was I having fun. As I entered in, I noticed the awesome beauty that this deceptively modest hotel had to offer. The room was painted in a gold shimmer that had some of the most stylish patterns adorning it. Artwork decorated these walls, ranging from a faux-Norman Rockwell to a pseudo-Picasso. The sink was a marble style with a brass faucet and knobs. Complimentary soaps and shower gels were stationed next to them. There was also some mints sitting next to a neatly folded mound of arctic white towels and wash cloths. I even saw a white robe sitting on a brass hanger near the doorway. Man, these people leave nothing to the imagination. I like that.

I stepped over to the shower stall and turned on the water, hot first then the cold, making a warm water mix. After creating the comfort zone I needed, I stepped into the stall, letting the water wash over my sweaty, cum-dripped body. There was a complimentary bottle of body wash sitting on the shelve next to it. I took it and applied a liberal amount to my hands. I then proceeded to rub the strawberry smelling liquid onto my body. I loved the creamy feeling of the liquid and played with my nipples as I kneaded it onto my chest. I closed my eyes, feeling the sensual sensations of what appeared to be a light, smooth tickle starting to form at the tip of my cock. Then, the impression changed to a silky smooth caress starting to come over the head; I shivered from the feeling. I immediately opened my eyes and saw what could not be believed. Before me was the desk clerk from earlier this afternoon. He was sitting between my legs, completely naked and rock hard, looking directly into my eyes with his beautiful dark orbs.

Disarming me with that signature, sultry smile, he then continued to knead the head of my cock with his expert tongue. All I could do was flip my head back and take the expert motions of this stunning example of man, sitting between my legs, doing what I could have only dreamed. I took control of my sensitivity and looked back down to him. He had moved from kneading my cock head to taking the rapidly engorged helmet into his mouth. I could see that he was increasingly getting turned on also; his cock was starting to visibly drip, even with water from the shower raining onto our hot bodies.

"Am I giving you the proper service, sir?" He said, expertly keeping my cock head in his mouth without one tooth touching it.

"Fuck yea." I managed to force from my lips.

I felt like heaven had opened its gates at let out an angel for my every need. Little did I know, it was getting more exciting by the second. As the desk clerk continued to spit shine my sex wrench, I felt a sensation near my belly button. It was another hand. Not from the clerk, this hand had a darker complexion. Strong and sensual, I could feel its smooth underside kneading my stomach, finger-fucking my button. My stomach wasn't the only part of me feeling a point. I felt his cock trying to invade my ass. I turned my head and noticed it was the dude from the hall. How did he get in here, I thought, but didn't care. The marvelous work he was doing on my stomach and ass cheeks made that a moot point. "What's up?" he said, sliding his hand from my stomach to the base of my cock. The desk clerk managed somehow to grip the head of the "hallway" guy's cock. I could hear a soft moan escape his lips as he slid the head between the clerk's fingers. I can't believe this is happening, I thought again. Why do I always think when I'm in a shower, about to have hot sex with two hot guys. Irony, I suppose. Anyway, the clerk was feverishly spanking away at his own impressive and cock as he took not only my cock but the two fingers of the hallway guy into his mouth. I could see the foreskin speedily sliding back and forth as he wanked off. I thought, again, for a second that he was going to spooge on my leg any moment. He didn't and kept some major control of both his own orgasm and the pleasure being distributed onto my cock. The hallway guy was continuing his attempt to pry apart my ass cheeks. After a few more attempts to thwart his advances, I relented and nearly shot my load at the intense feeling of having this guy's HUGE dick entering my ass. I barely got a good look at his cock before he slid it in, but I could definitely tell that it was huge., at least ten inches, no bullshit. I tightened my eyes, feeling the water, finally, that was flowing from the shower head. The hallway guy started the familiar thrusts into and out of my asshole. He took his hand, the one not being sucked with my cock, and pressed me closer to him. I could feel his cock entering deeper into me. The first time on this trip and I have a threesome with two handsome guys and have my ass fucked. Great!!

The desk clerk noticed the motions and changed his tactics. After an awesome blow to my cock he stood up and , even though he was a couple of inches shorter that me, looked me in the eyes and proceeded to lay a powerful kiss on my lips. I could feel his tongue invading my lips and his hand take hold of my cock again. I looked down to notice that he had placed his own leaking cock next to mine. He swung that amazing piece of Asian meat around until it was lined up with my dripping dick. Then he slide his foreskin onto my foreskin-less cock head. Even though I could tell that he was about to lose control, he didn't let up from sucking my tongue into his mouth. I thought that I was going to lose control also. Having the hallway guy's big dick in my ass and then having the desk clerk's foreskin fondling my cock head, I thought that I would cum any minute.

Thankfully control came back to me and my nut stayed where it should. However, the desk clerk didn't have the same luck of control. He pressed harder onto my lips, driving his tongue deeper into my mouth. I could faintly hear a grunt escape from his lips as a warm feeling washed over the head of my cock. I managed to look down and saw the signs of cum spilling out his foreskin. I knew that I hadn't cummed and assumed that he was shooting his load. He griped me around the waist trying to use my weight for stability as the ecstatic sensation came over him. It must have hit the hallway guy too. For as the desk clerk finished his final shot of jizz, another feeling washed over my senses. This time it wasn't on my cock, but in my ass.

The hallway guy was creaming in my butt. I could feel the forced thrusts as he continued to pump his special sex sauce deep into my hole. He leaned on to my neck and softly bit my ear as he finished his filling of my butt. I tried to maintain my control of my own load but as the Borg are fond of saying, resistance was futile. I slid my dick from the desk clerk's foreskin and proceeded to shoot my cream all over his leg and crotch. I closed my eyes, taken over by the lust of the moment. I could feel the volleys of cum leaving my aching cock. I kept my eyes closed as the last of my jizz left the head. When I opened them, all I noticed was the faint splatters of cum, my cum, on the shower floor. The hallway guy and the desk clerk were gone.

Was that a dream? If it was, I hope to have another one like that again. Maybe I'll have it in reality. I placed a finger into my asshole and came up with nothing more than suds from the soap. I turned around, thinking that the hallway guy's cum may have dripped out of me and ran into the drain. Nothing. It was a dream after all. I grinned to my self, proceeded to finish my wash.

After the hot shower (hot in more ways than one), I got out of it and walked over the mirror. I studied my caramel-colored skin (oh, in case I didn't mention it, I'm mixed. Part-black, part- Cherokee, part Irish, all sexy gay man.), looking at the details on them. I was amazed that at twenty-one, I was looking pretty hot. Twenty-one being the "old age" that college guys like me don't really know how to imagine, I was a man that had no complaints^Å..and the guys that have had the pleasure of being with me(or rather under me) don't complain either. What am I going on about? Do I really have to spell it out? Okay. For the short-minded of us, I'll spell it out for you. I've got a big dick; I mean over nine inches, lacking the skin of course. But that just means that I can make up for the lack with the lucky guy that comes (or cums) my way. I turned around to take a gander of my derriere. I had to just drop my mouth and say, DAMN!! I didn't realize that I had such a nice butt. Staring back at me were some of the tightest (in my opinion) set of glutes that have ever graced a stud`s body. I slapped my left hand to one them and marveled at the sheer smoothness of it. I have a tendency to shave my body hair during the spring and summer months. It keeps me looking smooth^Åand it's good when swimming---no resistance, not mention damn sexy. I decided, after I finished marveling at the beautiful specimen of man that was me, that it was time to get out and let the rest of the world, or at least Myrtle Beach, know that there is a new studly babe in town.

I got out of the shower and grabbed my largest luggage bag from the main room. I ruffled threw it while drying off. I was just at my crotch when I noticed that the pair of pants I was looking for wasn't there. Shit! I said to myself. It was a pair of Structure jeans that I was looking for. A nice pair of denim jeans that would have shown off this nicely mixed booty to every guy and not-going-to-touch-it girl out there. Alas, I had to settle for a pair of Levis that were just as comfortable, but didn't show the best view of my fine ass. Oh well, they say mysteries can be fun. I settled for it and laid it on the bed next to the suitcase.

My next mission was a pair of underwear. If I thought about the amount of sex that I may (and probably will) get, the thought of having the burden of dropping a pair of boxers or briefs or the hybrid would slow down the amount of time I would have to getting into the pair of buns that I encounter^Å.actually it won't, but it did sound convincing, didn't it? Anyway, I looked through the amount of undies that I had to choose from^Å^Åall three of them. There was a pair of Structure boxer-briefs that had a white waistband. It had the words STRUCTURE written in a line around the band. I liked those because they really displayed the entirety of my pelvic section--from the curving of my ass to the boundlessness of my package. The second pair was a boxer-briefs from Life. I got that pair from Wal-mart. I didn't like the way it showed my ass in them, but it really displayed a convincing view of just how mouth-wateringly tasty my package would be. I was tempted to wear it or the pair of bikini briefs sitting next to it, but instead I decided to go it commando-style and let it all hang naturally under the jeans. Besides, the view would that much more enticing.

It was evening, or at least seven P.M., by the time I got my ensemble on and headed out the room and towards the elevator. I got a few feet when the elevator doors opened and there was the black guy from earlier (the one that had his way with my ass in the dream^Å..if it was a dream). I noticed that he was in the elevator. He wore a royal blue polo shirt and some denim shorts. I took a quick, but good glance at the box between his legs and almost gave myself away when I saw just how much of a bulge was visible from it. I quickly drew my eyes from and noticed the guy smiling at me. I hope he didn't notice where my eyes were directed to. I got onto the elevator and stood next to him, not making eye contact.

"Evening." I said nervously, still trying to not to make contact.

"Hey." he returned, still smiling from what I could tell.

I turned to him and tried not to look too uncomfortable. "Hey, I apologize for^Å..well, you know." I think I was starting to sweat. It's not normal for me to apologize for anything. I hope it was sounding convincing to him because it wasn't to me. He turned to me, still grinning. "Hey, don't sweat it." Ironic statement, I thought. "It's cool." He turned back to the doors. I didn't noticed that they have already closed. "Besides, that was the best sight I've seen all day." I had to blush at that. I pressed the button on the elevator panel for the lobby and stood in there for the rest of the trip down in silence^Å.but with me having a BIG smile.

I got down to the lobby. The hallway guy, who I now know is called of all thing Guy, left the elevator first and I got the opportunity to check him out. The stories or facts, depending on who you ask, about a guy of African decent having the roundest buns that one would ever lay eyes on ended up being true with this guy. He was about thirty years old and a bit stockier than the guys that I usually encounter, but the buns that he had would about snap my cock in two considering how tight they are. He turned back to me and gave me a wave and went on his merry way, his beautiful ass cheeks shifting in his shorts. After I got out of the aura of that man's masculine beauty, I got out of the elevator, stealthily adjusting the swelling rise in my shorts.

As I made threw the lobby, I caught a glimpse of the desk clerk from earlier today watching me as I went by. I decided to give him a quick smirk then proceeded out the main doorway, shifting my own tight buns as I left.

I left the hotel and was on the street. From the beginning, I could tell that this place was awesome^Å.in a subtle way. The Best Western let out in front of a few more hotels and motels. None were as nice as this one but they did have their charm. I especially liked the one with a subtle bluish-purple tint to it title. I think it was called Reef-something, but I don't remember. Anyway, I stopped my tour of the hotels near me and proceeded to stroll the streets of Ocean blvd., otherwise known as The Strip. I was really hoping to see why this place was called it. Maybe later in time. I made it about two blocks when I noticed a shop with some nice items in the window. There were a major varies of shot glasses, necklaces and other shit decorating the shop. In the middle I saw shirts with ranging from blank ones to ones filled with type. There were also a variety of sizes in all sexes. I looked at the ones for men. Listen, I may be gay, but I don't wear clothes meant for women^Å..not that there's anything wrong with that. I just don't want to wear the same thing that will house the oh so UNattractive parts of their body. Panties, tube tops^Å.leave them for the girls, I say. Leave me with jeans--better access for the guys to get into---in all respects.

I found this hot number that was a pair of pants that had stitched pockets in the back. I had a daydream of seeing the hallway dude or even Colin ripping the back out of them and sliding their big dicks---at least I hope the hallway guy's got a big one--and having their way with my happy little ass. I grabbed it and went to the cashier. It was a girl that didn't look too bad^Å..for a girl. She was well tanned and had on a tube shirt that barely covered her tits. Her hair was reddish-blond and was in a pony tail. She looked directly at me and then headed south. I had to admit that her eyes made me uncomfortable. I don't have a problem with girls as long as they know that my dick sinks into male ass and nothing else^Å.unless its on a guy. But this one was trying to undress me, pull out my cock and blow me all with her eyes. I looked back at her and gave her a subtle smile.

"Can I help you, baby?" she said. I had to admit that this is one of those moments that being called baby really annoyed me.

"Not really. Well, do you have any belts?" I pretended not to be annoyed that this wasn't a hot stud waiting to help me instead of this breeder's assistant. But I digress, I kept my cool.

"Yeah," she said, continuing to dart her eyes all over my body. "They are over at the back window. Do you need any help?"

"No, I think I can find what I need." I gave a condescending smile. "Thanks." And quickly went to the back. As I made it there, I could feel her eyes beaming a hole into my ass. God! Women can be so gross at times. "Okay, let me know if I can be of any assistance." she said, kindly raising her voice slightly. I ignored her and went to the back window where the belt section should be. I saw a decent collection of belts there. There was a particular one that could my eye. It was onyx black with pseudo leather skin and a silver buckle; I loved the simplicity of it. Gay men don't always have to wear flashy and sometimes gaudy stuff. Simple can also be sexy. I picked it up and placed it around my slim waist. I noticed that I wasn't the only one that thought it fitted well. This time it wasn't the girl looking at me, it was a guy. And my god this guy was gorgeous. I don't know what it is about this beach, but I haven't found an ugly guy yet. Creepy women, but not ugly guys. He came towards me and I almost dropped my jaw in disbelief. He was a dead ringer for Colin. Except for the color of his hair and patch of hair on his chest (I dont remember Colin having a hairy chest. Not that that would have hurt at all that guys beautiful torso), he could have been a brother or first cousin.

"Looks good, dude." He said, carrying that oh so sexy southern accent. I had to say that for one, this guy sounded a lot like Devon, but older and two, that accent was starting to grow on me. All I could muster was, "Thanks."

He came closer to me and I could see the awesome green shine in his beautiful eyes( another guy with green eyes. Maybe God doesn`t hate gays after all. This was turning into heaven for me). He had a slimmer body than Colin and I could tell from his low rise jeans that he didn't have on underwear. I noticed the trailing of hair leading down to the fun spot. It was attached to the trimmed bushel that was in the middle of his chest. I quickly took my eyes away from it and the box that looked really good. But not quickly enough. I met his gaze and the broad smile that etched his flawless features. He noticed where my eyes were, but didn't seem to care. Good.

"Name's Clay." he said, with a well toned and delightfully tanned arm extended to me. I shook as I took it, but quickly retained my composure. "Hi. Paxton." His broad smile got wider. I think I'm going to like meeting this person and this beach. SO much fun has come my way and day one wasn`t even over yet.

To be continued.....

For those who have read this story from the beginning, thank you and I hope it has been enjoyable. There is will be more along the way...


Next: Chapter 5

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