Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 9, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. In this story unsafe sex is practiced. Unsafe sex can be really dangerous so please use caution. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Give me feedback at: danielsummer1219@gmail.com


Let me arise and open the gate, to breathe the wild warm air of the heath, And to let in Love, and to let out Hate, And anger at living and scorn of Fate, To let in Life, and to let out Death. ~Violet Fane

Chapter 1: Dead by Yesterday

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Just a few more seconds and hell would begin once again. Tick, tock. The pain will start again and all I will want to do is run and hide. Run and hide from it all! Tick, tock. Ring! The bell rang. I grabbed my books and hurried into the hallway. First out. A little relief, at least I wouldn't be here for very long. 30 steps to my lockers, 10 seconds to open the lock, another 30 to put my stuff away, grab my coat and head to the door. 6 steps to the door- "Hey fag!" Oh that familiar voice.

"Hey Richey how you been"

"Oh good. How's the ass? Been through a lot of... use, I imagine."

"Your mother didn't really agree last night, she actually quite enjoyed my... company" I laughed as he got a screwed up look on his face and threw his book bag to the ground. "Aww now look at what you did. Now you have to pick up all those crayons you dropped." I smirked my shit eating grin. You could almost see steam come out of his ears. Best look I've ever seen. He clutched his fist and wound his arm back and it launched forward. I flinched and saw nothing back blackness.



"Peter honey are you ok?" I opened my eyes. There she was, my angel from Heaven.

"Hey love. Where have you been?"

"Here there, everywhere, actually I just got back from New Brunswick. And you, as always, were the first stop on my list." She gently leaned down and kissed my cheek. I winced as the pain seared through my skull.

"Lisa Joann Hinse I love you dearly but that hurt like hell!" I moaned as the pain subsided.

"Ya that fucker got you good!" She giggled. "Come on, your still at school and I need to get you home, and into bed." She winked at me and I smiled.

"Are you trying to seduce me Lamb?"

"You know it my Lion." Lisa helped me out the doors and to her car. She went to open the car door for me what I slapped her hand.

"Hey I'm not that disabled!" she just rolled her eyes and shook her head. I got into the car, buckled up and the car lurched forward. "So has the plans changed?" I asked intently.

"Nope were still going to Saskatoon for the movie." She smiled excitedly.

"Ok so were in Gorgeville, thats an hour and a half away from Saskatoon, were almost out of gas, I got a busted face and were still going. And I thought Saskatchewan folk were weird!" I replied smugly.

"For Christ sakes Peter. I got it all covered. Don't worry your sexy little head." She giggled at what she had just said. Or maybe it what was she was thinking. I never really knew with here. I'd known her all my life and she still confused the piss out of me. "Besides a friend of mine is meeting us there."


"Yes oh!"

"Oh and Lisa, I'm not. I'm average and I still can't blend fucking in!" Why did I always have to feel sorry for myself? Low self esteem and all.

"When will you ever learn my Lion?" and she let the subject drop.


We made it home and I hopped out of the car. I walked the path beside our garage, walked up our deck and opened the door. I was met by the wonderful/annoying sound of my dogs barking. "Hey Maxi you little shit head!" I bent down and gave his head some gentle pats and scatched the side of his face. Then Lisa showed up and he went nuts. Like me he really liked her.

"Hey Max! Good to see you." She bent down and patted his head.

"Hey Mom, I'm home!" I called into the house.

"In my bedroom honey, I need to talk to you!" she called back. I walked through the kitchen, down the hallway and into her room. She made a loud gasp. "What happened?" she almost shouted and came over to me to look at my lip.

"Mom settle. It's just a bloody lip. I'm going to have a shower then me and Lisa are going into the city to see a movie." I tried to avoid this bloody lip topic.

"Fine. Do you need any money?"

"Nope, I'm 17, I do have a job, and Lisa is in the living room if you want to say hi. And mom be nice." We both laughed and I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the hot and let it run for awhile. I opened the door and went back into the kitchen and into the basement turning the corner into my room. "Damn it I need to clean this room up." I cursed to no one in particular. I finally found some clean underwear, a pair of jeans and a red short-sleeve shirt. I ran back up the stairs and went into the living room. Mom and Lisa were chatting. Probably gossiping like a couple of old women. I giggled out loud.

"What?" the both asked.

"Nothing, just glad to see that you two are still the same." I went over to Lisa and kissed her forehead. I leaned back to see the smile on her lips. If I had to guess it was probably as big as mine. I passed my mother and stuck my tongue out at her. She just rolled her eyes and laughed herself.

I went back into the bathroom and it was really hot in there! "Shit, Peter you dumbass you probably used up all the hot water!" In case you haven't noticed I talk to myself and lot. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and set them on the ledge in the shower. I got the temperature just right. I stepped in and I was in heaven! My joints relaxed, my body was soaked and I felt better! I poured some shampoo onto my hand and lathered it up in my hair. I left it in for a couple minutes and rinsed it out. I started to hum. All of a sudden I heard giggling coming from the other side of the door. "For the love of Christ, both of you are worse than teenage girls!" I couldn't help myself and started to laugh. I finally finished up and got out. I dried up, put on my body cream thanks to my dry skin, put on my glasses and left. I ran into the computer room where I got dressed.

"Lisa! I'm ready let's go!" I yelled into the air. I reached on top of the fridge grabbed my wallet, hat and sunglasses. "Come on women I got a date with destiny!" That got her coming.

"Yes sir! Will there be anything else sir?" She asked in a British Accent.

"Yes run away with me to Paris." I replied in my best British Accent as well.

"No sir, I couldn't possibly. I love my boyfriend." Her head fell with a smile on her face. "Our love can never be."

"Aww well too bad." I replied normally and we cracked up laughing! Man it's glad to have a friend that's closer to you than any brother or sister. "Oh and mom tell Keith I'll be back late, and I won't be able to drive him to his baseball game tomorrow."

"Sure thing Pete." She yelled from somewhere in the house. I looked Lisa dead in the eyes. My face leaned close into hers, our noses almost touching.

"I'm driving." I whispered and smiled. She just rolled her eyes and tossed me the keys. I ran down the stairs, racing to the car! I was excited to get the evening started; I really did need a break. "C'mon! Let's get going" I called behind me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Called a familiar voice from behind me. When she finally got in, I pulled the car out of the driveway and headed for the highway. "I invited a friend, I hope that's OK."

"Yeah that's fine, who is she?"

"HE is a friend of the family. He asked what I was doing tonight. Once he realized what I had already made plan he wondered if he could tag along. I told him you would be ok with it. I would have told you sooner but with that little fighting incident I sort of forgot." She confessed.

"Of course I don't have a problem with it." I started to drive a little faster wanting to get there quicker. "So tell me more about this guy."

"Well you know; he's definitely tall, dark and handsome!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "Like don't get me wrong your 5'6", average body is amazing but he's just so" she hesitated. "just so not you-" she could barley finish without bursting out in giggles.

"Well then maybe he's my type!" I retorted with a smile on my face.

"Oh babe no one can resist your chocolate brown eyes. I'm not even kidding! You also have a way about you that, in lack for better terms, draws people to you. It's like when your in the room anytime, things just seem lighter. You just have that effect on people." She smiled. "It's one of the billion reasons why I love you!" I must have looked like an idiot with that smile on my face. No one had really complimented me on that.

"Thanks. I really do appreciate it. But one little problem, if this guy is so tall, dark and haaannddssoommee-" I made sure to draw out the handsome "Won't little Charles get jealous at someone trying to steal his girl?" Charles was her current boyfriend. Lisa went through boyfriends like they were disposable or something.

"Oh probably but he's so hot!"

"Well this guy sounds like a dipshit." I smirked.

"Peter Daniel Reid! Just cause- oh never mind." She cut herself off. She reached for the radio and blasted some station.

We were finally there. I finally was getting the release I needed. Grad coming up, a yearbook to finish, a place to find, job interviews, university payments, not to mention a nonexistent vehicle I still needed to buy. Shut up you dumbass, your just getting yourself worked up. Your here to enjoy yourself so do that! I know but I have so much on much on my mind. I think I'm going to go nuts! Worry about it tomorrow, and that final! I finished mentally arguing with myself.

"So what movie are we going to see?" I quizzingly asked.

"Well I really want to see Eclipse, but we have to wait three more weeks! So how about Kick Ass, Sex and the City 2, or Shrek Forever After." I shook my head at her choices. "What?" she asked. "Were going to Galaxy it's an awesome theatre so all the movies are going to be great.

"Well which one is the longest?"

"Sex and the City 2."

"Oh fabulous." I spoke sarcastically. "Well I'm only going to say that one cause A: there might be some sex scenes, and B: it's the longest and I really have no intention of going back so soon."

"Haha that's the one I wanted to see anyways!" she waved her fist in the air triumphantly then turned back to me. "Your da best friend in the whole wide world Pete-Weetie!"

"No not the baby talk! I feel the stupidity creeping back into my brain! Please no!" I played back. "Shit!" I paused, "I can feel it.... taking.... over!"

My eyes looked over at her. "OK I'm done." I smirked.

"Wow thanks a lot Mr. BuzzKill!"

"Oh anytime! So where are we meeting Mr. Sexy?" I asked reluctantly.

"At the theatre. He's going to wait for us outside."

"Cool-beans." I yawned out as I pulled into the parking lot. "Well seeing as he's not here, I can tell by the fact that there are no tall, dark, and handsome people around, I will go in and get three tickets. " I was desperate to think to myself for at least two minutes.

"Ok I'll wait for him here." I tossed her the keys.

"Lock up when you get out." With that said I opened my door and proceeded to walk rather slowly to the entrance. If this guy is a complete ass hole, I totally reserve the right to punch him in the face. Well get in line buddy. I continued my mental fighting. It seems like that one whole thought took me inside to the ticket booth.

"Hi can I have three tickets to Sex and the City 2 please." The guy behind the counter looked at me funny. I chuckled a little bit. "Don't look at me like that I'm being forced here!" He laughed back.

"That will be $22 sir." I handed over the cash. "Thank you and enjoy the movie."

"Oh I'll try." And left back out the door. Lisa came running up to me.

"Peter!" she called to me.

God I hope he got run over by a bus or something. Dude what's with the dark thoughts. I'm just in that sort of mood. Well take some Prozac. I smiled at my lame joke.

"Peter, come on I want you to meet Bryan!" She took my hand and ran forward tugging me along with her. Ten steps later and there was "Mr. Sexy". I guess he was sexy, but still didn't like him. Me and Lisa on one side, and him on the other, you should have seen the look on his face. That was all I needed to see, he wanted her just as bad as I did. I hated him right there! "Bryan this is my brotherish-bestfriend slash soulmate Peter, and Peter this is my friend Bryan." He extended his hand.

"Nice to- to meet you." He stuttered out.

I snickered to myself That's right boy, you got competition! I reluctantly took his hand and shook it. "You too." I could only guess Lisa was sensing the tension.

"Come on boys lets go in." She hooked both her arms in ours while taking the lead. I looked him dead in the eyes, relaying my warning.

Next: Chapter 2

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