When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Sep 29, 1999


Author's note: Okay I still have some responses on my last chapter, all of them really encouraging, even a death threat if I stopped my story. This chapter was being checked by Keith (Author: Brian & Keith - Check his great story, guys!). All times support by 'Andy' [How is your PMS man? :)] and Yuli [she has a dog, guys! check it out :)], plus Nate [STOP IT!], and of course to David (Nifty Archivist- thanks man for the space). Thanks for your responses guys, especially to: Matt (like I'm gonna tell), Tom (keep those faith :), Jason (I'm busted), Angel (K.T.B.S.P.A), Adam (thanks for your correction man). Thanks for everybody who still read my story, come on, don't be shy, send your email guys :). Please guys, I need your responses to keep this story running. Please send any comment/flame/idea to aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

"No! I'm out from this house. Come on Ton!" Justin looked at me. I still shocked and felt guilty. "Fine! If you don't want to come with me. I'll go by myself then," Justin said as he left the room to go outside. "Justin, wait!" JC stood up and tried to catch him, but I stooped him. "Let me do this ok. I know Justin. I'll bring him back to you, I promised." I said as I looked at the guys and finally Lynn, who just kept silent I left the room and walked outside to find Justin, Justin just started the engine on his Mercedes Benz at the driveway, but I stooped him by standing in front of his car. "Justin, please don't go" I asked him but he ignored me and started to hit the gas "Go away ton! I should leave this house anyway, soon or later" Justin replied angrily as the car getting closer to me and I didn't move from where I was standing. "No I'll be standing in here" "TON! GO AWAY! I WARRANT YOU!" Justin snapped at me and I shook my head no. I didn't know what he was thinking but he steeped the gas and it hit my legs. "AAArrg" I screamed as the car touched my legs.


The car hit me as it moved by 10 inches and stopped, I fell backward in pain but I was not seriously injured. I bit my lower lip to hold the pain as I held my legs. The guys heard screaming from outside, they all ran out to the driveway. Justin stepped out from the car and tried to help me.

"What the hell! TONY!" Chris yelled as the guys ran toward us, but I stopped them.

"GUYS! Go back inside!" I ordered sternly, "NOW!" They all were still standing in the front of the main door trying to figure out what happened. I could see Lynn coming out from the house and shocked at the situation between Justin and me.

"Ton, why were you standing there?" Justin cried as he panicked seeing me still hurt, "I nearly killed you" he blamed himself.

"But you didn't. I'm fine, the pain will go away soon," I tried to smile at him as I still held my legs.

"I nearly killed you," Justin repeated his words again, still sobbing.

"Can I go with you?" I asked him with a smile, "Come on." I stood up from the ground and walked wobbly to the passenger side of his car. I could see confusion on Justin's face as he stood up and stepped into his Mercedes Benz. As we were both in the car, he wiped his tears.

"Where do you want to go?" he looked at me then at my leg.

"I don't know about Orlando so it's up to you," I replied softly.

He started the engine again and we left the house. The guys and Lynn looked puzzled, as they still didn't know what happened. On the ride to nowhere, we just kept silent. I could see that Justin looked lost or something as he was driving; he even didn't look at me at all. He still felt guilty about what happened on the driveway. I saw a park on my left side.

"Justin, can we stop there, I want to go to that park," I pointed to the park.

Justin looked me at surprised as I broke the silent. And he parked his car at the curb near the park. I exited from the car and I saw an empty bench, so I decided to walk over there. Justin still looked down as he locked his car. As he watched me walking wobbly, he ran to me and wrapped his hand over my shoulder trying to help me. Then we both sat on the bench, seeing the quietness of the park as the street city lights started to turn on. I didn't know what to say to him at that time, so we just kept quite.

"Ton, I should take you to the hospital," Justin said as he was looking at my legs.

"Nah, it's not seriously injured as I said before, the pain will go away soon. I still feel the pain a little, but I'm fine." I assured him as I put my right hand on his knee trying to comfort him from feeling guilty. I knew that he wasn't intending to hit me.

"So what's up with you," I started the subject and he kept silent for a minute or so. "Justin," I called his name softly to get his response.

"I can't understand why my mom doesn't want to see me happy with you," Justin sobbed.

"Justin, your mom wants you to be happy. I don't see why she wants to make you hurt. Your mom really loves you, I can see that." I said calmly looking at his face.

"No, she hates me," he raised his tone.

"She doesn't hate you, she's been taking care of you since you were born, she really loves you. She's just concerned for your own good Justin." I tried to give him my point of view.

"My own good? Now I was hurt because she didn't let us to sleep in the same room," he argued back.

"Justin, why are you making this such a big deal? As you said earlier, it's not like we are having sex or something right?" I replied.

"But I miss you ton, I want to hug you all the time and I don't want to let you go," Justin said while sobbing and I made my way closer to him and hugged him tightly.

"Who said I want to leave you? Feeling better now," I said as hugged him tighter. He put his face on my shoulder and cried. "Shhh please don't cry. You know that I hate to see you sad right." Then he wiped his tears and smiled at me; I returned his smile as we broke our hug 'session'. "Come on lets go home and apologize to your mom ok."

"No! I hate her and I don't want to see her anymore," Justin protested sternly and I was shocked. I put my hands over my face and I was crying; not looking in Justin's direction. "Ton? What's wrong" Justin looked with concern at my sudden change.

"Please don't say that. I lost mine already and I don't want you to loose your family. Until now, I still miss my family, my mom, my dad, my sis and my brother. Trust me Justin, it hurts. I don't want you to go through the same thing as I did." I said as I opened my face and looked at him.

"Ton...," Justin replied sincerely.

"Please Just, don't go away. You have your mom, Jonathan and the guys who really care about you. Please do it for me?" I begged him and finally he nodded. "Thank you." I kissed him for my happiness.

"So you are still staying at my house, right?" Justin asked me as I wiped my tears.

"Of course, but I will sleep in the guest room. Anyway, your brother still has my Gameboy," I joked and Justin laughed. "Ok come on. Justin?" I asked him as I stood up from the bench.

"Yeah?" Justin stood up too.

"I'm hungry, can we go to the McDonald's nearby and then to my hotel? I have to take my clothes and tell Alex about staying in your place," I looked at him.

"Sure, come on!" Justin and I walked to his car.

Suddenly, there were 2 men stopping us, both of them held small sharp knifes. They were both very young and very tall as much as Justin.

"HEY! Give me your wallet and your car's key!" one of them yelled at us as he pointed the knife at me, and the other one pointed his knife at Justin.

"NOW!!!" the guy, who pointed his knife at Justin, yelled. I could see Justin shaking as he pulled out his wallet from his pocket.

"Look guys! I'm really not in the mood right now. So if you're going to rob me...well you picked a wrong time and a wrong person too," I said and I kicked straight to the guy's face who stood in front of me. He fell backward for a meter or so.

I looked at the other guy who still stood in front of Justin pointing his knife.

"What? If you touched my friend, I'm going to cut your little prick! Or you want some of these," I threatened him as I held my position ready to kick some ass. The guy was shaking by now.

"GO! What are you waiting for," both of them ran as fast as they could and I gasped. Justin was still in shock seeing me threaten the robbers.

"Hey Justin! Where were we again?" I said as nothing happened, "Oh yeah McDonald's and my hotel, come on! I'm starving," I smiled.

"I can't believe you. You kicked him like that," Justin said with surprise.

"Yeah, yeah not too bad hey for 1 year Tae Kwon Do lessons, finally I could use it," I remarked as it wasn't a big deal.

"Remind me not to mess around with you when you're not in the mood," Justin replied as he unlocked the door of his car.

"You bet," I laughed as I opened the passenger side's door.

We went to the nearby McDonald's, since I didn't want him to get mobbed by his fans, so I was the one who made the take away orders. I ordered 6 Big Macs, 3 large fries, 2 strawberry milkshakes, and 3 large cokes. I was really hungry that night, we ate in the car; Justin took 2 Big Macs 1 package of fries, 1 milkshake, and a coke. I left 2 Big Macs, 1 package of fries, and 1 large coke for Alex. After a quick dinner in the car, Justin took me back to my hotel. When I opened my room, I saw Alex watching TV.

"Alex, hey!" I called him as Justin and I stepped in.

"Tony! Where have you been? I though you're missing or something," Alex looked at me.

"Sorry not to call you but I met my friends," I said as I put his food on the table.

"Gezz I'm just this close to call 911 for search rescue," Alex joked at me, then he noticed Justin. "Hey who is he? He looks familiar."

"Yeah he is my friend that I told you about before, he's Justin from...," I replied but Alex cut me off.

"NSYNC, yeah I know. How are you mate?" Alex stood up and gave his hand.

"Fine, welcome to Orlando," Justin shook his hand.

"Yeah, Great City," Alex replied and he walked towards me, "I thought we were coming here for Backstreet Boys," Alex whispered to me.

"Yeah I know that. I just met him because he's my friend." I said it loud and Justin just giggled, "Hey I want to stay in his house for tonight, I have to catch up with some of my friends. Do you mind staying alone here?" I asked Alex as I took some of my clothes from the bag.

"Not at all. But we have a lot of work tomorrow," Alex reminded me.

"Yeah, I know that. What time is it again?" I asked him as I put my spare clothes in my bag-pack.

"We'll meet them at 6pm, and can't be late since we only have 45 minutes to do the taping," Alex looked at our schedules.

"Sure, I'll meet you there Ok. Why don't you take a cab tomorrow? Please don't forget the camera and your other stuffs ok," I reminded him back and he nodded. "Ok gotta go now!" I put my bag on my shoulder, "Here's Justin's home number, call this number if you want talk to me OK," I gave him a piece of paper.

"Got it!" Alex took the paper.

"Oh I bought some Big Macs for you," I pointed at the food on the table.

"Ok thanks, see you tomorrow then," Alex said as he took a bite of his Big Mac, I nodded.

"See ya later pal," Justin waved to Alex, and Alex tried to smile with mouth full of food.

We both went back to the car, and headed back to his house, since it was nearly 9:30pm, the traffic wasn't too crowded at all.

"So you have to interview them tomorrow?" Justin started the conversation.

"Yeah, and then fly to NY on the 23rd to interview Jennifer Lopez, then back to Singapore on the 24th," I said as I traced back all my schedules in US.

Suddenly, Justin hit the break, the car stooped immediately; I bumped to the front nearly hit my head with the dashboard, thank God they created seatbelts.

"What the hell? Are you trying to kill me again or something," I said to him and sounded pissed as we stooped in the middle of quite street.

"Sorry ton!" Justin apologized, "You want to leave me already in 3 days? You can't go yet," Justin said sternly.

"Justin, I come here for my job, not for a vacation. Actually, I don't want to interview BSB, but since Michael said I have to do it in Orlando, this is my chance to meet you and the guys," I explained to him.

"But...," Justin tried to argue back.

"I'm sorry Justin, I want to stay here with you a little bit longer. I promise, if I have a long vacation, I'll visit you here again," I tried to make him understand.

"You always make promises," he pouted back.

"But I came to visit you right? Don't you trust me at all?" I looked into his blue eyes.

"Yeah, but it's going to be very difficult for us to meet again. You see, we have very tight schedules with our tours and stuff in the coming months," he remarked sadly.

"Well if you want, I can come with you on the tours," I tried to cheer him up.

"Really?" his eyes bulged wide up.

"Yeah, but I'm not so sure with it. As I said before IF I have a long break," I smiled at him, and he returned my smile. Then he started driving again to his house.

"ummm Ton, I'm sorry, I can't take you to the studio tomorrow, we're still doing our new album, not to mention about our new project with Gloria," Justin said softly.

"Hey it's okay, I'm a big boy. I'll take a cab," I assured him with a smile.

"Actually I feel bad about this, I should take you there. This is all your fault!" Justin pouted as he made a right turn.

"My fault?" I asked with puzzled expression.

"Yeah, you should have called me before coming, so I could fit my schedule with yours," he blamed me and I laughed.

"Well, I came here to do my job okay. I'm glad that I can meet you here though," I replied.

"Yeah I'm glad too, just it's not the right time," Justin said sadly. Justin stopped his car on the driveway of his mansion.

So I exited and I put my bag pack on my shoulder. I closed the door and walked to the house; I felt like I was missing something, oh yeah, Justin. He still sat in the car. I walked back to the car and I tapped his window and he shook his head no; so I opened his door, asked him to get out.

"Come on," I asked him to get out.

"Ton, I don't know about this," he said as he reluctantly got out.

"It's gonna be Ok. Come on, you promised me," I said as I took his hand and finally he got out from his car; then I closed his door. We walked to the front door as Justin walked behind me. I saw the guys standing in the front door waiting for us.

"Justin! You're back," JC ran and hugged Justin followed by the others.

"I was worried about you so I decided to stay here with Joey waiting for you," Lance said as they all still hugged Justin.

"Please curly, don't run away again," Joey said sincerely.

"Take us if you want to run away again," Chris said happily.

"Ok Ok sorry guys to make you all worried about me, but can you let go of me please," Justin said as he pushed his friends lightly and they all laughed.

"How is your leg?" Chris turned and asked me.

"I'm fine Chris, it's not seriously injured," I said as Justin looked back at my leg and I smiled at him to assure him that I was Ok. Then we all went to the living room.

"Thank you for bringing him back," JC whispered in my ears and I nodded.

"So where's Lynn?" I asked the guys and I heard no response at all.

"Guys?" I asked them back.

"In her office," Chris said as he pointed the room out.

"Ok Thanks, come on Just!" I took his hand but he was reluctant to come with me so I dragged him to his mom's office. The others looked puzzled as they were following behind Justin.

"Go! Apologize to your mom and say that you didn't mean what you said before," I pushed him into the room. I could see how bloodshot Lynn's eyes were as she looked at both of us coming. There was a silence between them for couple of minutes. Then Lynn ran to his son and hugged him.

"Justin! I'm so sorry that I yelled at you," Lynn cried on Justin's shoulder.

"Mom, I'm the one who should apologize to you. I talked with Tony before about all of this. I'm so sorry mom for running away like that," Justin apologized to his mom and I was happy to see what happened.

"Please it was all our fault. Next time when we have arguments again, we should talk about it OK. I don't want to loose you Ok," Lynn said as she kissed his son several times on his cheeks and Justin nodded.

The guys and me all looked happy to see the outcome that Justin and his mom were back on track. Actually I was sad, looking at both of them, I wish, I could have my family support me like Justin's mom did. Then Lynn came to me and hugged me.

"Thanks for bringing my son back," she said as she broke her hug and smiled at me.

"Not a problem. Ummm I was wondering if you still have a spare guestroom for tonight," I said to Lynn and looked at Justin.

"Yeah, sure. You can stay here as long as you like," Lynn remarked happily and I saw a happy face from my Justin. "Well I have a lot of work to do. I will let you all go now. Ton, welcome to the family," Lynn smiled at me, then we all went to the living room.

"Guys, I have to go home now," Joey said.

"Yeah me too," Lance followed, "And we have work to do tomorrow afternoon OK," Lance reminded his friends.

"Ok see you tomorrow then," Justin replied.

"Bye guys," I said as I waved to them.

"Bye Ton," they both said in unison as they left the room.

"Awwww, I feel so sleepy guys. I think I should go to sleep now," Chris stood up from the couch and said while yawning.

"Yeah I'm really tired too. What a day," JC exclaimed as he stood up from the couch too.

"Ok nite guys!" I said to them as they went upstairs to their rooms.

"Justin, can you show me my room please?" I looked at him.

"Sure, come on. You must be so tired huh," Justin helped me to get up.

"Yeah, not to mention the time difference," I followed Justin upstairs. He showed me one bedroom, it was so cozy and everything looked neat and tidy. It was bigger than my room in Singapore.

"Wow this is very nice. Well I should sleep right now. See you tomorrow ok," I said as I put my bag pack on the nightstand.

"Ok if you need anything, my room is just across yours," Justin looked at me.

"Ok! Good Night Just!" I sat on the back and Justin came closer to me.

"Thanks for everything Ton. Thanks for being there for me," Justin kissed me softly.

"Not a problem. Anything for you Just," I replied and he left the room.

I pulled off my shoes and changed my shirt and jeans to something more comfortable for sleeping. Actually I wasn't so tired since my body clock still couldn't adapt with the time difference. But I tried to sleep anyway since I had a big job waiting for me tomorrow.

I was half-asleep and half awake that night, suddenly, someone opened my bedroom door, I couldn't see who it was, so I turned on the lamp on the nightstand. I saw Lynn peeping her head from outside. I saw the small alarm clock on the table, it was 00:38.

"Did I wake you?" Lynn asked me softly.

"No, not at all. I'm not used to sleep duriing this time in Singapore," smiled at her.

"Ok Can we talk for awhile?" she looked at me for agreement.

"Sure, please come in," Lynn came in and closed the door and sat on the bed next to me and sat back on my bed.

"Ton, I want to talk about Justin and you," she stopped for a while.

"I'm glad that he met you. And I love my son very well, since me and his dad got divorced, my focus is only for Justin and Jonathan," she took a deep breath; I smiled at her. "I don't have a problem at all with Justin being gay. It's just hard for me to see you and Justin together," My heart sank like Titanic after I heard those words.

"Since he met you, he kept going back to see you, back and forth to Australia and Singapore. He's so famous right now, I hardly see him at home, when he has a break from his work, he goes to see you. You 'stole' him away from me," she said as tears fell from her eyes, I just kept silent and looked down.

"Please do me a favor Ton, I know you're a good man. Please leave him alone, for me and for his own career," she continued as she wiped her tears away. "Actually, it's so hard for me to say this but I have to say it anyway. Sooner or later, his fans will know about this and you will ruin his career and probably your career too and you're going to hurt him. I'm sure that you don't want to see him get hurt right?" she asked me a rhetoric question, "Please, leave him alone?" she asked me again for my agreement, I put my hands on my face to cover my tears from her.

"I...I...I can't Lynn. I love your son and your son loves me. And I won't hurt him, If I leave Justin, he will get hurt too. Sorry Lynn, I can't fulfill your request. I really love your son," I said with trembling voice, Lynn dropped her tears again.

"I knew it, you will say that," Lynn sadly said.

"Lynn, if you want him to be happy, please let us be together. I promise I'll do anything to make him happy, even if it will risk my own life," I said as I uncovered my face.

"Ton, I will give you anything what you want, money, car, house, you name it, as long as you leave him alone," Lynn tried to persuade me again.

"Please I don't want anything. I thought you understood your son, but I was wrong about you. Please once more, let us be together," I tried to hold my ground, and Lynn stood up from the bed.

"I understand what you mean. I'm just doing this for Justin. Well I'll let you sleep then. Thanks for your time," she smiled at me and walked out from my room.

Then I turned the light off, 'Did I make the right decision?' I asked myself, 'What about if Lynn's right, I'll ruin his career'. I couldn't sleep well that night, I had a lot of thoughts about the whole thing, I dropped some tears. 'Why is it so hard for us to love each other?' finally I fell asleep.

ORLANDO 08:45 20/05/1999

I woke up as I felt the bed shaking; then I saw Jonathan jumping up and down on my bed. I smiled at him as he tried to wake me up.

"Tony! Tony! Wake up!" he called out to me loudly.

"Morning Jon," I greeted him with smile.

"Morning, Ton, I passed level 6," Jonathan said proudly as he showed me my Gameboy.

"Did you? You must have played that game all day long hey," I was still amazed that he could beat me in less than 1 day.

"Yeah, ummm Tony, It's run out of batteries now," he said shyly as he gave me my Gameboy back.

"That's Ok, I'll change them later on," I smiled to him as I took my Gameboy from his hand.

"Ton! Do you want to play games with me? I have new games," he sat on my chest.

"Don't you have to go to school today?" I asked him.

"Yeah but I still have few minutes before going," he said so cutely; then someone opened my door, it was Justin, he peeped his head to see me. He saw his brother sitting on me.

"Jonathan! What are you doing here? Did you wake Tony up?" Justin said as he stepped into my room.

"No!" he replied innocently, "I want to take him to play games with me," he sounded a bit scared of Justin.

"Hey get off him, now!" Justin yelled at him as he took his brother hands, then he got off me and I sat up on the bed while Jonathan hid behind my back for protection.

"Justin, it's ok. I should get up anyway," I said to Justin.

"He's such a riot!" Justin looked to his brother.

"No, he isn't. He is just a kid," I said calmly and Jonathan stuck his tongue out to his brother.

"YOU!," Justin sounded pissed as he tried to pull Jonathan from me.

"Justin! Stop it," I gave him a displeased look, "Come on, lets us have breakfast," I said as I carried Jonathan on my back, and he seemed happy with it, while Justin made some stupid faces to mock his brother.

When we were in the dining room, I saw JC and Chris had already started munching their cereals.

"Morning guys!" I greeted them.

"Morning Ton!" JC and Chris said at the same time, then I put Jonathan on the chair.

"Did you have your breakfast yet?" I asked Jonathan, and he nodded.

"What do you want for breakfast Ton?" Justin asked me.

"Cornflakes will be great," I said and Justin poured some cereal and milk.

"Did you have a good sleep Ton?" Chris asked me and I froze for a minute or so, hearing his question, "Ton?" he asked again, now Justin and JC looked in my direction.

"Yeah, I slept well," I lied as I took a spoon of my cereal.

Lynn came out from her room ready for work, I really couldn't see her directly in the eyes after our conversation last night.

"Jonathan! Come on or you'll be late," Lynn called her younger son, who sat next to me. Then Lynn looked at me, "Morning Ton," Lynn smiled at me and I looked at her.

"Morning," I replied with a fake smile, while the others kept eating their cereal.

"Jonathan!" Lynn called him again.

"Yeah mom," Jonathan replied and I helped him to get up, "Ton, you promised that you would play a game with me right?" he whispered to me. I just nodded to him. Then he walked towards his mom, but turned to Justin and stuck his tongue out again to Justin and ran.

"Little rat!" Justin mocked him, while the guys just laughed.

After finishing our breakfast, we all took a bath, since all of them had to go to work in the afternoon. I was the last one out, and I could see all of them sitting on the couch, including Lance and Joey. They were all watching MTV.

"Hi Joey, Lance. I didn't hear you come in," I said as I took a seat next to Justin.

"Well we just arrived," Lance replied and Joey just gave me his smile.

"Ton, we're watching MTV now," Joey finally said something, I just laughed at his remark while the others were giggling.

"You should try to be a VJ Ton," Chris mocked me.

"Well he did once," Justin interrupted.

"Justin!" I tried to stop him from humiliating me.

"He presented an MTV show once, and his producer was very impressed with him, he..." I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from further embarrassing me.

"Really?" JC laughed.

"Can you show us please?" Lance mocked me while I struggled with Justin, who still wanted to humiliate me.

"No!" I said out loud.

"Come on! It can't be that bad," Joey added. By then, I felt something wet on my palm, which I used to cover Justin's mouth.

"yuckhhh!" I pulled off my hand from Justin's mouth; he had sucked my palm with his lips.

I wiped my hands on Justin clothes, and the others just laughed out loud, and Justin just grinned at me. Now I was really embarrassed, so I planned my revenge for them; then I saw the TV, and it started to play TLC song, 'No Scrub', so I decided to give them a little bit 'performance'. I took the remote and turned the volume up, I stood up from the couch. All of them looked puzzle as I was facing all of them, then I tried to lip-synch, the TLC song; I watched the clip several times so I could do the dance too as on the video.

[I stood in front of Lance] A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly And is also known as a buster Always talkin' about what he wants And just sits on his broke ass So (no) I don't want your number (no) Don't want to give you mine and (no) I don't want to meet you nowhere (no) I don't want none of your time and (no)

[Next I stood in front of Joey] I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me

[Then I stood in front of JC] But a scrub is checkin' me But his game is kinda weak And I know that he cannot approach me Cuz I'm lookin' like class and he's lookin' like trash Can't get wit' no deadbeat ass So (no) I don't want your number (no) don't want to give you mine and (no) I don't want to meet you nowhere (no) I don't want none of your time and (no)

[next I stood in front of Chris] I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me

[Finally I sang in front of Justin] If you don't have a car and you're walking Oh yes son I'm talking to you If you live at home wit' your momma Oh yes son I'm talking to you (baby) If you have a shorty but you don't show love Oh yes son I'm talking to you Wanna get with me with no money Oh no I don't want no (oh) No scrub No scrub (no no) No scrub (no no no no no) No scrub (no no) No

Suddenly Chris grabbed the remote from my hand and turned the TV off, I could see all of them looked pissed, 'How sweet, my revenge worked' I smiled full of victory. Then all of them stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

"I DON'T WANT NO PIGEON!!!!" they replied to my song in unison out loud in front of me. I jumped a little as they yelled at me, then all of them burst out laughing; and I could not hold my laughter either, so I joined them; they got me again.


Ok guys! That's it. Oh yeah I'm gonna reveal who KR is, on next chapter. Could it be Kevin Richardson or nicK carteR or Ronan Keating or ...? Thank You for Please guys I need your responses, and I'll reply it, promise! You know my address right. send to Tonny -> aspire34@go.com

Next: Chapter 12

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