When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Aug 24, 1999


Author's note: Well thanks for everyone who sent me emails, it was really gave me some push to continue this story. And thanks to anyone who still want to keep in touch with me. I can't say much right now, I don't know why, I lost my words. Anyway thanks for reading my story, I really appreciated indeed. Please send your comment to me (Tonny) at aspire34@go.com


This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any character in this story is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

He finally opened his eyes when I came in. "Hi!" Justin smiled at me, "Wow! Breakfast in bed?" he giggled "Actually lunch in bed since it's 12:15" I joked and he laughed, "This is your last lunch in Perth" I said and Justin stopped laughing, and looked sadness in his face of the though leaving me so soon. "Justin, it's gonna be fine. It doesn't like we won't meet each other anymore" I assured him, "Now I want to see your smile" I asked him and he smiled back to me. After having lunch, we just sat on the bed, silent, just enjoyed ours last precious hours together.

CHAPTER 6: Until The Time Is Through

My place 16:00 03/02/1999

"Justin, has anyone told you that you look like Mr.Clean-the oven cleaner with those earings?" I joked on him "Hey! Yes actually it's you" Justin mumbled out and looked grumpy "hi hi hi You look so cute when you're grumpy" I teased him "Tony stop teasing me!" he said as he pinched my cheek "Aooo it's hurt!" "Wow you look so cute when you're grumpy too" he giggled and I just rolled my head. "Hey it's 16:15 already, would you like to have dinner outside before leaving?" I asked him "Could you stop saying that word 'leaving'?" Justin replied "Oh sorry, I don't mean to put you down Just," I explained to him, "So would you?" I repeated my question again "Of course! Why should I turn down my boyfriend's offer!" he exclaimed and I smiled. "Ok so we should get change then!" I said as I picked my clothes from the wardrobe and heading to the bathroom for change.

At 17:00 we left my apartment to the restaurant. I decided to go to Fast Eddy's in East Perth. The place is opened for 24 hours; since it was still 18:15, there were not many people for dinner yet. The food was quite good, offered some variety of dishes; and Justin didn't have a problem with the food either. After dinner, I asked him to go to Karaoke Bar in Northbridge; Most clubs and bars are getting crowded after 9pm, it was still 19:30, not many people in the bar. I ordered some non-alcoholic drinks for us. There was a big TV screen with a sub-text on the screen and some music on the background.

"Would you like to sing with me? Just for fun!" I asked him "Like a duet?" he replied with a question "Yeah! Would you?" "Sure, what song?" he asked me "Why don't you pick, There is a lot of songs to choose" I said as he began to browse some music list. "Got it!" he exclaimed as he pressed the play button on the LD player. "What is it?" I was curious "Just see the screen Ok" he smiled. The music began and Justin started singing. I was giggling as I noticed what song it was.

JUSTIN: I finally found someone, who knocks me off my feet I finally found the one who makes me feel complete

TONY: It started over coffee We started out as friends It's funny how from simple things The best things begin

JUSTIN: This time is different It's all because of you It's better than it's ever been

JUSTIN & TONY: Cause we can talk it through… TONY: My favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?" It's all you had to say To take my breath away

JUSTIN & TONY: This is it! Oh, I finally found someone Someone to share my life I finally found the one - to be with every night TONY: Cause whatever I do JUSTIN It's just got to be you! JUSTIN & TONY: My life has just begun I finally found someone

(JUSTIN:)Did I keep you waiting? (TONY:)I didn't mind (JUSTIN:)I apologized (TONY:)Baby, that's fine (JUSTIN:)I would wait forever (JUSTIN&TONY:)Just to know you were mind

(JUSTIN:)Ya Know - I love your hair (TONY:)Are sure it looks right? (JUSTIN:)I love what you wear (TONY:)Isn't it too tight? (JUSTIN:)You're exceptional! (JUSTIN&TONY:)Can't wait for the rest of my life

JUSTIN&TONY: Oh this is it! O, I finally found someone Someone to share my life I finally found the one - to be with every night (TONY:)Cause whatever I do (JUSTIN:)It's just got to be you! JUSTIN&TONY: My life has just begun I finally found someone

(TONY:)And whatever I do (JUSTIN:)It's just got to be you! (TONY:)My life has just begun (JUSTIN&TONY:)I finally found someone…

As the song ended, we heard clapped hands from some people in the rooms, we were just giggling and blushing. We took a bow for the 'audience'.

"Justin! It's 8:30 already, we have to go back!" I told him. He actually didn't want to go yet because he just started to have some fun with me, however he obeyed my request since he had a flight at 00:30, so actually we should be in the airport at 10:30pm and he hadn't packed his stuff yet. We were back at my place at 9, and we had an hour left for packing his stuff (luckily he didn't have a lot of stuff like before), however I had to make sure to get him ready before the taxi picked us for the airport.


There wasn't many people in that flight, so we didn't have to wait in the long queue. This time, his flight would stop over in Singapore instead of Sydney. It took us 15 minutes for check-in in the counter. After he got the boarding pass, we went to the café near the immigration gate. I helped him to fill his outgoing passenger card and he just looked at me sadly.

"Ton! Please come with me" he begged as he tried to hold his tears and I smiled at him, inside I was really sad. "Pleaseee, I'm gonna miss you Ton" as tears dropped from his eyes.

"Just, please don't do this to me. It's hard for me already to let you go," I said softly, then I remembered to give him a gift. "Just, I want to give you something" I said as I pulled a box from my pocket and I handed it to him.

"What is it?" he asked as he wiped off his tears "just open it" I took his hand and put the box on his palm, then he opened the box. It was a silver pendant for his necklace with "J" initial on one side and "T" on another side. "I hope you like it. I bought it in Bali when we were browsing in local handicraft shop. I know that it's not as expensive as your $4,000 diamonds necklace on your neck," I tried to make a joke and he still looked at the silver pendant and started to drop tears again. "It's for you so you can remember me. There's 'J' initial, which means your name 'Justin' and 'T' for my name or 'Timberlake' for your last name" I explained to him and I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

"I love it! I prefer 'T' for Tony" he said as he took off his necklace and put the pendant on it. "You're always be in my heart" he continued as he put back his necklace around his neck. I hugged him tightly and I cried on his shoulder.

"Promised me to call or email me everyday ok?" I asked him as I pulled my hug from him. "I promise. And here's my home phone numbers and my private cell phone number. This is my email and address in Orlando, just in case if you want to give a surprise for me" I laughed as I wiped off my tears and picked a piece of paper from his hand. "Ton, can you come with me?" he said as he got up from chair and I nodded. He brought me to secluded area away from the crowd; then he kissed me on the lips and I returned his passionate kiss. I didn't know how long we kissed until I heard…

"This is a final call for flight QF159 to Singapore. All passengers with a boarding pass in this flight please proceeds to gate 2" Then I broke our kiss.

"Justin, you should go now," I said softly and he nodded. Then we were heading to the immigration gate where just passenger could go in. "Ok Bye, take care yourself and send my regards to the guys OK" I said to him and he nodded

"Take care yourself too, I'll be back for you" he said as I hugged him for the last time. Then he went to the automatic door, as it opened, he turned back to look at me for the last time and waved at me. I waved back to him then he got in and the door closed. I sighed for a moment then cried, the airport was empty by now, just some cleaners did their jobs. I was heading down to the ground floor and went outside for taxi. It was 00:10am, I took a ride in the taxi by myself, passing some Perth's scene at midnight and remembered some happy moments with Justin.

My place 00:45 04/02/1999

The ride from the airport didn't take so long since it was very early in the morning. I opened my front door apartment and I stood on my front door. When I saw my kitchen, I remembered how Justin helped me to clean all the plates and the utensils, I closed my front door. Then I moved to the living room, I had a flashback when we were having dinner on the dining table. I sat down on the couch and again I had a flashback, Justin sat on this couch laughing when he watched 'South Park'. After 15 minutes or so, I decided to go to sleep, I passed the bathroom, I remembered when I had to drag him to the bathroom for shower, I giggled on that memory. Then I laid myself on the bed, I felt emptiness in this room without my Justin; even I still could smell his body in my bed and my pillow, I sighed. 'I miss you Justin…I really miss you' then slowly I felt asleep.

I woke up at 9:15, I looked at my alarm clock. "Justin! Wake up, it's 9 already" I said then I looked at my side, no one, I was alone. 'Ton, he's gone!' I said to myself, I sighed. I decided to tidy up my bedroom and had shower after that; as usual I checked my email and I got 10 emails, and 6 of them were from my 'secret admirer'. Since the final exam would start in 10 days, I started to review some materials from my lecture notes. I decided to start with Finance IIIB since it was the first subject on the first day of my exam. I tried to concentrate with the materials, somehow I saw Justin image smiling at me.

ORLANDO AIRPORT 07:00 04/02/1999

Justin arrived at the Orlando Airport after 18 hours of journey, before he left the plane, he wore a cap and sunglasses to cover him from being Justin from Nsync. He passed the immigration and waiting for his bags. After he got the bags, he was heading to the exit, then someone tapped his shoulder.

"Hello stranger!" the man said and Justin shocked "Gezz JC, did you have to do that?" Justin said sarcastically, the other guys just giggled. Justin saw JC, Joey, Lance and Chris around him and 'under cover' just like him not to be mobbed by their fans. "Hi guys!" Justin greeted them, "How is it going?" Justin asked with Aussie accent. "Oh No it was only for a week we left you, and you're becoming Aussie dude already" Chris joked. "HA HA very funny Chris! Lets start again, how are you guys?" Justin asked in normal accent and the guys just laughed "We're good curly!" Lance replied "What about you? Is there something that you should tell us? Like having FUN IN BALI perhaps WITHOUT US" Joey jumped into the conversation. "Hey I didn't plan for it. Tony made a birthday present for me" Justin replied coldly. "Oh yeah Happy Birthday curly!" JC said as he gave Justin a hug, followed by the others. "Thanks guys! It's too late actually" Justin smiled "How is Tony?" Chris asked. When Justin heard my name, he just looked down as he missed me already. The guys noticed the sudden changes on Justin expression. "He's fine. Can we go home now? I'll tell you later on," Justin said as he grabbed his bags. The guys just kept silent as they were heading outside to the car park for JC's Jeep. On the way to Justin's home, Justin told the whole story about him and me; the guys were listening with full attention. The drive took about one hour since it was nearly peak hours when everybody starts the activities. Finally they arrived at Justin's home, they all exited out of the car and proceeded to the front door. JC unlocked the door and swung it open, they all got in.

"Mom, Jonathan, are you home?" Justin yelled as the guys sat down on the couch. "Justin!" his mom (Lynn) excited as she saw her son and gave him a deep hug but he didn't reply the hug. "How are you Just? I was worried about you. I tried to call to your cell phone for the past 3 days but it was turned off" Lynn said as she broke the hug "I'm fine mom. Don't worry! Where is Jonathan anyway?" Justin asked to his mom "Oh he's playing with his friend next door" Lynn replied with smile "Good! Mom can I have some words with you now" Justin said seriously, "Tony told me everything about your conversation with him on the phone last time" Justin continued as he tried to hold his anger

"I see" Lynn sighed, "guys, can you leave us alone please?" Lynn asked as she looked at the guys. As the guys just got up from the couch, Justin stopped them

"NO! SIT! You all have to listen this, to make it clear once and for all" Justin ordered as he looked at the guys and they all sat back on the couch silently. Justin looked back to his mother in anger.

"Mom! How could you do this to me? You said it's Ok for me but you try to break us behind my back. And you asked Tony not to tell me about this" Justin raised his voice

"Justin, listen to me. I don't have a problem with your sexual orientation at all, well it was hard for me to accept it at first but I can get along with it. But with you and Tony, you don't know him…"Lynn tried to persuade his son, but Justin just cut her words

"Mom, I DO know him. I love him, he loves me, he cares about me and I care about him. He's everything to me" Justin yelled back

"Justin! Let me finish. You've just known him for what! A week? You don't know what is on his mind. He's probably just using you because you're famous. And he's 22 this year right? 4 years OLDER than you, he could be a sex maniac, he just wants you for sex" Lynn resumed her explanation while the guys just kept quite and listening. By then Justin was really angry to his mom.

"MOM! He's not a sex maniac. He won't use me as his sex toy. I really DO know him. When I was in Bali, I tried to seduce him for having sex with me, and you know what? He even didn't touch me at all, he told me that he and I are not ready yet for that. He really loves me mom and I really love me, he was taking care of me while I was sick and worried about me all the times. No one gives me as much as attentions like he did. Mom please…I LOVE HIM!" Justin screamed as he burst into tears.

"Justin! I'm so sorry. I just worried about you. You're young and I don't want anyone hurts my son" Lynn said as she tried to stop Justin crying.

"Mom, he didn’t hurt me and he won't hurt me," Justin sobbed

"I know, he won't, you trust him. Probably I should know him a bit more. Maybe you should ask him to come here, so I can get to know him a lot better" Lynn said as she tried to cheer his son, and Justin smiled

"I will mom! Thanks, you are the best mom ever" Justin hugged his mom and Lynn hugged his son tightly. The guys were relief after hearing all the drama. "Ok Just, I should go for work, why don't you get some rest?" Lynn broke the hug and Justin nodded. Lynn went off for work and Justin took a seat near the other guys.

"Just! I'm happy for you" JC started the conversation "Thanks JC" Justin replied "You're so lucky curly, I knew it, Tony is great guy" Joey said "You must be really love him hey" Chris added, and Justin just nodded and smile "Justin, I just want to remind you that the record company want you to keep all of this under wrapped" Lance said and Justin turned his sight to Lance, "Wait Just, don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you too. Our management said our career is rising at the moment and we can't take any risk at all" Lance added and tried not to hurt Justin's feeling. Justin smiled at Lance. "Thanks Lance. Tony said the same things. He asked me to keep our relationship as a secret until we're ready to open it. He doesn't want to ruin my or our career" Justin explained to Lance. "Thanks God! I'm glad to hear that" Lance looked relief and the guys just giggled. "He really understands about you, curly" Lance added. "Yeah, he does" Justin smiled, "So what do we have for the next few weeks?" Justin asked "As usual, promo…promo…planning our new album for the fall and rehearsing for our next tours" Lance said professionally "Hey Just! Maybe you should ask Tony to join our tour again" JC pooped out the idea and Justin just sighed "Yeah that would be fun!" Chris excited "I don't think, he want to do that," Justin said softly "Come on Just! You can persuade your boyfriend right" Joey joked "He quitted from singing" Justin replied softly "WHAT?!?" they said in unison "Why? What happened?" Lance added "I though, it was my fault at first, but he explained to me that he want to concentrate at his study at the moment. He never though singing as a career." Justin said sadly "That's too bad. He has a great voice and talent" JC said "So what does he do now" Joey asked with concern "At the moment he's preparing for his final exam. He will be graduated at the end of this month" Justin smiled at Joey "Well good on him! I want to meet him though," Chris added "Me too" Justin replied sadly as he missed me already "Justin, you look tired! Why don't you get some rest?" Lance said as he tried to change the subject. Justin just nodded and headed to his room.


Personally, I admitted that this part is not too exciting at all, well hopefully it's not too boring either. But I promise, it will be more excited for future chapters. Ok guys! What do you think? Exciting? Boring? What? Well just tell me ok. Send your comments/flames/ideas to Tonny aspire34@go.com Please at least drop me a line, It really tells me that someone read my story. So I can keep this story going. If I won't get any response at all, why should I keep writing it? Who will read it?

Next: Chapter 7

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