Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 24, 2002



Two months had passed by since that night in their dressing room. The Backstreet Boys were now touring the Backstreet's Back tour all over the US. It could be some sort of tiring, but after every show they felt complet. This career was more than they had ever dreamed about. It wasn't the money, it wasn't the fancy cars or the beautiful girls, it was all in being able to look back at your past and at everyone that laughed of you or even that supported you and being able to look into their eyes and say: "I've made it."

After three years together they knew each other very good and maybe spending too much time around one another would cause some little fights once in a while, but it would always be fine after that. Coz they were a family and they were friends. And thats what friends are for. To be there for you.

And Nick and Brian were always there for each other. Nick was really a stubborn little kid. He was willful and full of tricks. But deep inside he was insecure, he was shy and very, very sensitive. But before anyone could see this inner part of him he was that tough wall of rocks, the boy that never cried, the boy that was always happy and messing around. Thats who he was for the other boys. But as time closed by they got to know the real Nick. The moody, funny, cranky and lovely Nick. Even though Brian was the only one to actually see that Nick Carter.

How many times had Nick cried himself to sleep in Brian's arms? And strange how he didn't feel ashamed. What Nick didn't know was that Brian knew him better than himself.

The fact they had kissed each other could never ruin their friendship. Brian loved Nick too much to let this get in the way. It had only brought them even closer. They were hanging out more and laughing and messing even more together. They still had those deep conversations during the nights and nothing had changed. They didn't expect it to. Brian was straight and Nick was always after some hot girl.

They couldn't explain why they did that, thats the only reason it was a secret. Brian was still looking for the one, the girl he'd marry and be happy forever and Nick was still looking for the one, the girl he'd get laid for the first time with.

They were know in San Fransisco packing their stuff to a quick flight to LA. Yeah, tour time meant craziness time too.

"Hey, whaz up?" - Nick asked at the door of Brian's room.

"Hm, just packing".

Brian had a bag opened on his bed and was putting together some cloths.

"Oh, ok. I'm done with mine." - Nick said sitting on the bed and watching Brian.

"No way you are ready first!!" - Brian said in disbelief.

"Why? Why can't I be ready first?" - Nick asked trying to sound offended but in vain coz he was laughing.

"Well, ya know, coz you are... well, you are Nick Carter! You are always the last to get ready!"


Nick said knocking Brian down on the bed and pretending he was punching him.

"Take it back!" - Nick said with a laugh.

"No! You are lazy! You know you are! Just face it, Nick."


Nick was keeping Brian's hands as he looked straight into his eyes.

"You little country boy, you think you are better than I?"

"Hey! Now you are gonna have your payback!"

"Oh, no!"

This time Brian had Nick under him and began to tickle him till Nick had tears rolling down his eyes.

"Brian, stop it PLEASE!" - Nick couldn't help but laughing histerically.

"No way! Who is the country boy, huh? Say it, c'mon!"

"Brian...! Please, lemme go! Oh, God!"

"Whaz wrong Nicky...?"

"Don't call me Nicky, no one is allowed to call me that!"

"I thought you said I could!"

"Now you can't!"

"Oh... what a shame coz I won't let you go then."

"Ok, ok. You can call me whatever if you let me go."

Brian did what Nick asked and both sat on the bed.

"So, what now Kaos?"


"Yeah, I'm calling you chaos from now on."

"Why the..."

"Coz you said I could call you whatever I wanted, member?" - Brian interropted him.

"Yeah, whatever, Bri. Just get your things done coz I plan on sleeping on the bus and I need someone to keep an eye out for AJ."


"Well, lets say I got him mad with my last pratical joke! Hahahahah!!! I'm afraid he might want a payback..."

"You ain't worth a dime!" - Brian joked.


"And thats why I luv ya!"

"Oh, better now." - they laughed.

Just as simple and normal as it will sound. Thats how it happened.

Nick turned to face Brian again and the next second their lips were pressed together, tongues ran into each other's mouths and began exploring. This time it had more rush, it was definetly a kiss, no time for tasting, only hungry tongues fighting to take control in each other's mouths. After a couple minutes like this the kiss went on more smoothly till they broke apart from each other.

They opened their eyes and kept the stare. Brian felt surprised but didn't feel neither anger nor love. It was great, again. He liked kissing Nick. He liked it a lot. Nick didn't feel different either.

"Well, guess we kissed again." - he began. - "And I still don't feel gay!"

Brian bursted out laughing at Nick's comment.

"For real, I liked this... Ya know, I wanted to do it again. Coz I like the way we kiss."

"I like it too, Nick."

"So, do you think we can do this often?"

"Like some kind of... fun?"

"Yeah! It won't be big deal, I mean, you still go for your girlfriends and I still go for those hotties and try to find the one to... ya know what for!" - Nick forced a wink which cause Brian to laugh.

"Sounds fair." - he said. - "We aren't gay, right? So we can still go for girls. We consider this some kinda fooling around." "Yeah, just something to do sometimes, it won't be an everyday thing."

"Hm, I confess I like the idea. I mean, theres no problem once we've always been this close. We are deciding this together, so that nothing will change between us."

"Right! And if someday we don't want it anymore we just go back to the way it used to be, which won't be hard once there's no romance involved."

"True." - Brian really liked the idea. Ok, he knew it wasn't normal for two friends to do, well, at least not two straight male friends. Coz Brian knew he wasn't gay. If he had to kiss another man in the lips he'd throw up, and later that week Nick said the exactly same thing without Brian having even mentioned it. This proved they'd be still nothing but friends. They didn't want to be more, it'd be only some sort of a 'especial' friendship.

Nick looked at Brian and smiled. He felt secure, he'd always have Brian as his friend. The kissing? Oh, it wasn't big deal, for sure it wasn't. But still, it'd be fun...

Oh, a really SPECIAL friendship, ain't it? Hehehehe I think so.

So, what do you think? Like the idea? Its like they aren't gay, they aren't in love, they just like to kiss each other. Can you blame them? LOL I can't...

Tell me what you are thinking, kay? Ya know how sensitive I am with feedback... hehehe lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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