Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 8, 2002



It had been a hot spring day and now it happened to be a very pleasent night.

The Backstreet Boys were back to Florida, spending some time with family and writting songs for the incoming album. It'd probably come out by next year, and the hard work still hadn't begun when they were just puting down on the paper some of their ideas.

Nick was staying at this wonderful hotel in Miami. Each boy decided to be on his own, so that they had time to do a little thinking. Even the most affectioned family could get sick and tired of the other members sometimes. They all loved each other, but for now they agreed they needed to be alone, to have fun and talk to other people besides the group. And... once he didn't have a girlfriend Nick was "dating" his lovely Nintendo right now, and that was when he heard the ring from the reception.


"Mr. Carter, there is this gentleman downstairs, he says he is your friend and wants to see you. Is it ok for him to come up?"

"Oh, sure."

"Ok, thanks sir."

Nick hung up and let go of the video game. He had no clue how could it be, but probaly he was gonna see either Kevin or AJ or Howie. Brian was out with...

"Brian?!" - Nick asked sounding a little shocked.

"Yeah. Me". - Brian was frowning. - "Can I come in?"

"Sure, whats up Frick?"

"Oh." - thats was all Brian said walking in and sitting on the sofa.

Nick didn't need to hear it to know what had happened. He sat beside Brian and placed his arm around his shoulders.

"Brian... What happened? Did you fight with Leighanne?" - Nick asked softly.

Brian felt tears running down his cheeks and he leaned over to bury his head on Nick's chest.

"Yes... Leigh and I... we... we had a fight... Nick, I think you were right... I think she never loved me, all she wanted was my money, all she cared about was fame..."

Nick sadened listening to that.

"Brian... are you sure? I mean, she makes you so happy! I said that, but who knows? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she really loves you the way you do..." - Nick tried.

"Nick, we foght because she is always wanting to spend time at fancy places, to buy stuff, whenever I'm with her she wants to do something only a popstar can afford. She never wants to spend time only with me! With Brian Littrell! She loves the Brian Backstreet Boy!" - he exclaimed still being cuddled by Nick.

"Brian..." - he sighed. - "Give it some time, ok? Maybe you are right, maybe she only wanted money and all... but who knows? Now that you left her she may realize she loves you! She will see what she did and come back to you! I mean, wouldn't you take her back?"

Brian sobbed.

"I don't know... I like her so much! I think I love her, I want her bad, but... I don't know, I'm afraid she is gonna hurt me, I'm afraid she doesn't love me the way I love her... Do you understand?"

Brian looked up and found Nick's loving eyes staring at him. Nick caressed Brian's hair.

"Of course I do. All I'm saying is that you should give some time, Brian. Maybe things will be alright again. I can't stand seeing you like that!"

"You are right, Nick... I'll wait and see what happens..."

Nick was trying his best to spend time with Brian, but they had been really busy and Nick had always someone to see. Or his family or some girl he really wanted to be with. He was feeling sort of guilty, Brian had been miserable during these first two weeks without Leighanne. He really wanted her, he needed her. Nick didn't know more what to do, Brian and him hadn't done anything else besides talking for a great time now.

In the week Brian turned twenty two - Nick already with seventeen - they went to a TV show, and when it was time to sing As Long As You Love Me, Brian cried. Nick could see the tears shinning on his eyes. It was their song, Brian and Leighanne's. He couldn't get over her, but at the same time he knew she didn't love him. Brian was depressed, it was being hard. If only Nick had more time to spend with him...

Leighanne was going crazy. She had to get back with Brian, she just had to! How could she have gotten so carried away with the kind of like he was giving her? She completely forgot to play her part. She was about to give it all up when she saw that TV show. When she saw Brian crying singing their song. No, it wasn't over yet.

That day Leighanne realized Brian still loved her. He was suffering, he missed her. What could be better than that? She still had a chance to get that man! Right now things were again in her hands. She needed to give sometime, she needed to make Brian suffer and miss her a little more. And when he becomes totally miserable she comes back. All sweet, apologizing, loving... Giving Brian all he ever wanted from love, saying all he ever needed to hear. Yeah, it was perfect. Time, thats all. She had to wait a bit before getting 'on stage' again. Besides, she really liked Brian. Whatelse could a girl want besides a rich, famous and loving boyfriend? Nothing, Leighanne knew that.

Brian was her key, and she knew pretty well how to use that.

Still in Florida the boys stopped by this great nature-hotel. It had this amazing view, this large fields with trees, a lagoon, flowers and birds. Completely peaceful. Just what they needed before flying to another state and going on with the tour.

Nick knew he had to spend more time with Brian. Thats why he called him for a walk through that place in this sunny day with a blue sky without one cloud above them.

During the walk Brian didn't even mention Leighanne. He was thinking about her 24-7, and weird how when he was with Nick all this didn't seem to matter. He didn't even remember about her while they were there, walking, talking and goofing off, just like they would always do.

"Hey, let's sit a little?" - Nick asked in front of the lake.

"Definitely." - Brian said following Nick's movements and sitting on the grass.

They sighed and only enjoyed the sound of the birds singing and the nature surrounding them. How long they hadn't have this time to just sit and feel the world? Amazing how they didn't know how much they missed it untill they had it again. This time to feel you are alive, to breath the pure air and to hear nothing but those peaceful sounds.

"Whoa... this place is beautiful!" - Nick sighed.

Brian smiled and looked at him.

The next moment he pressed his lips on Nick's neck and placed several butterfly kisses on there. Nick smiled and shiverd from the feeling of Brian's smooth lips on his sensitive skin. God, he missed that! He missed only being with Brian, talking to him, touching him... What more could he want than having this special friendship?

"Hm..." - Nick half sighed half moaned.

Brian pulled away and they looked at each other. Few seconds later they were kissing, another thing that neither of them had realized how much they had missed. Brian controled the kiss, sliding his tongue inside Nick's mouth and only enjoying being this close to him, sharing this amazing care of them. The moment they kissed everything else lost its importance. Brian was complete. Such an wonderful feeling that everything was right, that everything was perfect...

Nick broke the kiss and pulled Brian closer. They talked and laughed for a whole hour, during wich several times Brian turned to softly kiss Nick, or Nick turned to bury his head on his neck and kiss him.

After that moments spent together Brian was a new person. His sorrows didn't seem so bad, and he knew that as long as he had Nick there for him, nothing would be bad, nothing would make him sad.

Sorry for short chapter and grammar mistakes. As you people know I'm not american and I can't change my godamn spell check. Anyway, I'm in the last year of high school and studying hard to get the test that will take me - or not - to college. What do you care? Oh well, I haven't been having much time to write, but I promise I'll keep on going if I have e-mails telling me to. And next time I'll try and pass the text in the hotmail spell check. But as I said, i don't have time now, sorry.

Please e-mail! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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