While You Were Sleeping

By Denver Guy

Published on Feb 24, 2011



This story contains a true story about minors engaging in masturbation, oral, and anal intercourse, as well as adult/minor intercourse, If you are under 18, go jack off and stop looking this stuff up okay?

Recently, I was asked to recall my first time. Now I know most of you will want me to have some amazing story about how it happened in one split second and culminated in many a glorious orgasm and happy endings for all, but lets be real. The real story is a little more in depth, but it still has a "happy ending" ;) I was not what you would call a popular kid. Sure, elementary school was cool and I made some good friends, but middle school was literally hell for me, since I was as awkward as I was unsure of myself. I spent my days avoiding the remarks of the other kids in my "gifted" (nerd) classes, and the fists and feet of the kids in the rest of the school. It would be nice to blame it on being poor or stupid or really liking "star wars" or something, but the truth was I wasn't any of those things. I was your normal run of the mill boy going through puberty, and that was precisely the problem. You see, with puberty came thoughts and images, and while my first year or so of dry orgasms were accompanied by thoughts of this girl or that one, I was soon picturing something else. Something more specific...penis. Not really guys per say, but just hard, sleek penis. At first I thought it was just normal curiosity, or maybe some narcissistic thing (not that I knew to call it that). I just figured I got so much enjoyment out of my own penis that it would, of course, be the first thing on my mind. At least this is what I told myself at night when I laid in my bed rubbing myself raw, night after night. Sometimes it is easier as a ten-year-old to pretend. Now, I should probably tell you that when I say that I was dry cumming for over a year before anything showed up, it is not because I am exaggerating or I was slow to get there. The truth was, I was a horny perv, even then. My parents had sat me down when I was nine and explained the birds and the bees, but while most parents tend to have one short awkward conversation and call it a wrap, my parents weren't gonna let me off that easy. See, my mom was THAT mom. She was girl scout leader for my sisters, formed a choir in my school, taught and tutored math and grammar, and drove on every field trip. She also held the distinct honor of being the only mom I have ever met who is trained and certified by the red cross to teach sex ed. You think you had a rough life? Try laughing it off while your friends get to hear your mom saying words like ovaries and scrotum. The only thing I ever found to be positive about it was the fact that she not only explained the normal stuff to me, but the whole spectrum, from sexual orientation to birth control to masturbation. It was the last lesson that made me curious, and when curiosity finally won out, I found my new favorite past time, and that gets us right back to...penis. By the time the one eyed snake became my main jerk fodder, I was well into 6th grade. I had thought that I would do fine and make a lot of friends, but as it was, I seemed to be losing the friends I had at an alarming rate. By the end of that year, I had about 2 good friends at school, and otherwise kept myself occupied looking forward to next year when my true best friends would be joining me in middle hell. Somehow in one year I had grown distant from the guys and girls I was buds with back in 5th, and due to no longer having classes day in and out with my younger friends, I was now feeling kinda alienated from them too. Luckily, when summer break finally arrived, everything went back as if we'd never been apart, and it was a good thing too, because I had made a discovery. I turned 12 that last week of school, and was now allowed to walk, take the bus, or bike to the library a little over a mile from our house. At this point the library was still mostly books, so when I heard some older kids talking about how they'd seen a guys dick in a girls vagina on the internet, I was surprised to hear them saying it, since the only people I knew who had internet were really rich or worked from home. Even then it was rarely used for more than email. A few days later, I balled up my courage, and approached one of the older boys, asking him where he'd been able to find this. He thought I was talking about physical location instead of a webpage, and carelessly informed me that the last study room in the library did not have the web filters downloaded on it like the others, and he and his friends had each taken some time in there to check it out. I almost ran there, only stopping to ask how I would find what he had seen, and he laughed and said "dude, it's the internet, it was created for porn, all you gotta do is type in whatever you want to see and you can see it." Not two minutes later, I was sitting at the computer, and the only word that came to mind was penis. With five keystrokes I went from having no idea what another penis looked like in real life, to seeing hundreds. The only reason I wasn't sure of my love of cock is most of the pictures also included some big breasted blond slobbering all over the penises I enjoyed so much. Ten minutes from when I signed on (and don't forget, dial up was sloooooooow), I got off. I ran to the library's bathroom stroking off to the dicks in my head. Once I orgasmed (with no ejaculation yet), I felt incredibly dirty and wrong. All the way home I tried to force the images out of my head, and not just dick, but all of it, since porn was dirty and wrong. But the next day i was back again. Soon the guilt was replaced with a sense that I'd discovered something incredible. No longer would my friends need to steal mom's victoria's secret catalog and disappear into the bathroom, now all they had to do was sign online. I could have been a hero had I not been too chickenshit to do anything or tell my friends. Instead, I took pleasure in the fact that somehow over night, we had gone from little kids, to big kids. Now that we were all over the age of 11, we could walk or bike almost anywhere to meet with no one watching or embarrassing us with slimy cheek kisses in front of the guys.. All this freedom meant we got to decide what we wanted to do more, and since Rick's family were members at a rather pricey sports/country club, he was able to get us into to swim there whenever we wanted, which was most days of the week, since we were young and it was hot. Had it been a year or two ago, our moms and dads would have dropped us off in swimsuits and picked us up after, still dripping wet. So the first time we went, we all wore our trunks to walk there, and walked home in them when we were done. A cold bathing suit might feel good when it is 80 and your mom is on her way with a warm towel, but it sucked when you were walking home at dusk, shivering. The next day we all brought extra clothes. It wasn't until we were standing there, wet and tired, that it hit us. We were all about to see each other naked. Worse yet, Rick was having us all over to spend the night after and told us that his dad expected us to shower there and wash out our suits. I could tell that George, Alan, John and I were not as comfy with this as Rick, who'd been coming here with his family since he was little. Once Rick's shorts were dropped and veiled inspections were made, our preteen-boy-personas clicked back in, we all stripped, and jokes and gropes ensued. For the next week or so, there was still an awkward moment before Rick's shorts hit the floor but it got shorter every day until each of the guys became complacent about being naked. But for me, it was a revelation.

Seeing my friends naked, I knew It was not just my penis that fascinated me so, but all penises. Be it Alan's little cut dick with the tiny black wisps, or John's uncut hairless one, or Rick's, with balls so small you couldn't be sure they'd actually dropped. Upon inspection, I found I had nothing to be ashamed of, as my dick hung kinda low, and my balls were developing, and I even had some real pubes. That was until George surprised us all. When the pants came down that first day, he had us all beat by a mile. With nothing to compare it to except my internet images, it was probably not as big as I thought at the time, but it still made ours look tiny, and George was the youngest of us all! Looking back, I should have seen it coming. George was taller than everyone from the first day we met, and by the end of fifth grade, it was obvious that he would one day outgrow his 6'5"-tall father. For most kids, you'd think this was a blessing, but George had always been teased for his size, so it meant a lot to him that we didn't mention how big it was. Not that I could forget. A few weeks passed, during which my obsession dwindled due to my first ejaculation and the initial fear and eventual pride that came with it. I was even starting to forget that there were other dicks around with my dick producing sperm. We all forgot the embarrassment soon, and became so comfortable being naked with each other that we started getting naked at the slumber parties, even daring each other to touch somebody's dickie, or butt. One such naked night, I was feeling especially good about how we were all getting along, and all the dicks in the air made me decide to tell the guys what I found online that caused my illicit bathroom jerking. Luckily, this particular sleep over was at Rick's, and his well-to-do family could not only afford private club dues, but the internet as well. The computer was warming up by the time I finished telling the guys, none of us having the presence of mind to remember how obvious the noise from the dial-up was. We managed a whole two minutes of pictures of some girl riding a huge black dildo before a creak in the house made us throw the power on the screen and dive for our sleeping bags. I was heart broken I had come this close to inducting new members to my internet jerk club, until I heard a whisper from another sleeping bag. "What it was like to jerk off in the library when you found the sites?" John's question threw me for a loop. In all my excitement of sharing this glorious news, I forgot to omit my spank session. I stayed silent for a second, worried that the lights would suddenly come up and my whole family and the entire school would be there, laughing, but when I opened my mouth to deny it, all that came out was "it was cool." Silence filled the dark room for a minute as I wondered whether I should quietly try to sneak off into the night, when Rick said "I jerked in the locker room at the club once after that girl's top came loose by the pool."

And Alan "My parents encourage us to masturbate, they say it promotes good hygiene and mental health" shrinks kid lol. Soon it turned out everyone had some sex secret: Alan had found his father's hustlers and got caught jerking off with them, only for dad to give him a hokey "its good for you" talk. He even let him keep the mag! John had seen his newly-wed neighbors have sex in their hot tub. He only saw about 10 seconds before he ran inside and orgasmed before he even got his underwear off. George had found out that he could sneak into his family room at night and watch softcore porn on skinomax, "Never pick up a used tissue at my house," was the moral of his story. It was while I was laughing that I realized I had been sporting wood for most of our conversation. I thought for sure the other guys would freak if they saw. It was dark enough in the room with the computer screen off and all the lights off, that I doubted anyone could tell. My predicament made me realize that, even in the dark, everyone was pushing something down in their laps. I tried to follow suit but pushing it down only made some precum gush out onto my hand and balls, secretly making me that much harder. The enjoyment disappeared when Rick turned the screen back on to shut off the computer, and my hard on was now the only one not covered up. I was so worried about everyone seeing my hard 4.5 incher that it never occured to me that some of the guys might have seen my precum. So when John called out "ew, Brad's got pee on his dick!" I laughed. I quickly tried to explain that it wasn't pee, just the same stuff that cums out when you jizz. This caught their attention. Another wave of relief passed through me as each guy overlapped each other's sentences, with questions about when did it start, what was it like, etc. Now if this were fiction, I would offer to show them how I could cum, and we'd all end up in some underage cumfest, but since it is real life, I kinda shrugged it off and said they'd "find out soon enough." Rick, as the shortest of us, couldn't stand the thought of being behind on something this big, and tried to counter with "who says I haven't already?" It was Alan who surprised us all by pulling the old switcheroo "okay, if you can make that stuff Brad is making, show us your dick and prove it." We all knew he had nothing to show, but Rick had to be Rick, and released his hard maybe 3 inch dick, proving the closest he had come to cumming was sitting next to me lol. We all laughed as he tried to squeeze some out, which only made him angrier, prompting the rest of the guys to show theirs. Alan was the first to let his loose, and it stood much like Rick's but with those tiny whispy hairs I remembered so well. John was next, and his was closer to 4 inches. I was very glad no one looked at me in that moment, because seeing his hard cock slide in and out of his foreskin when he revealed it made me lick my lips. We all finally looked to George, but it was obvious he wanted nothing to do with this business. His protests only made the others kid him more for it, but since I had known him longer, I knew that if you wanted him to participate, you needed to make him think he was missing out on something great. "That's cool man, too bad though, I heard you can make your dick stop growing by holding it down like that when it's hard." Lie. "Plus, it kinda rocks having my dick hard and out, like we are all members of the boner club or something." Rick immediately jumped onto the nearby couch and thrust his hips back and forth, singing "boner club assemble" over and over. We all laughed and got up and started doing it too, and finally George laughed and moved his hands. I figured George had been using both hands for extra modesty, but as soon as they were removed, it hit me that he really did need to have them there to hold down his dick. It had to be at least an inch longer than mine and almost twice as thick around. Almost as if it were planned, one by one, we each noticed his cock and went from laughing to silence immediately. I would have liked to have been present enough in mind to shake it off and pretend it was no big deal but when the others saw it, the group reaction was huge. The trance was finally broken when George covered it up again, self conscious. "Damn man, you have a nice dick! Its not fair that you got the longest one and the biggest balls!" John and Alan picked up both threw in words of agreement like "wish mine was bigger" or "maybe you can show me how you made it that big so I can do it to mine?" This seemed to lighten the mood a little, and all was forgotten when Rick decided it was time to look for that skinomax. Once the tv was on, even when it was some stupid ad or a cartoon, we all watched as if the sex might start and minute, and I watched as one by one each hard cock shriveled back into nothing. It took me a minute to realize that George was now working the remote, which meant he was uncovered again. I expected his dick to have shrunk as well, but when I glanced over, if anything, it was harder than ever. I watched in the dark for hours while all eyes were on some bad baywatch girl trying to save the planet from something, and George's dick stayed rock hard, throbbing like a second heart, the whole time. Once the movie ended, I snuck out to the bathroom, and came with one stroke. My mind filled with George's fat stiffie and plump balls. Once the school year started, things were supposed to be better, but I had no classes with any of the guys since they were in 6th grade and I was in 7th. This meant they spent everyday together, and I only got a few minutes on the bus or walking home from school. During those few minutes, we all found out that George was not turning in his homework, and had been getting picked on in gym by some 8th grader with issues. Now George was taller than the guy by at least 4 inches, now a healthy 6 foot tall 11 year old, but that didn't matter since George was used to being the victim, not the bully. The other guys were no help since they were all doing great in school, which only made George feel worse. It got so bad by early October that his mom called my mom and asked if I could come over every friday for the next month and help him with homework. My mom was only too happy to oblige, and I was soon spending friday's at George's.

About that same time, my sister joined her high school journalism class, which meant she needed a PC with internet access for research and article submission. No sooner was the computer on line than I was sneaking out of bed at night to pleasure myself to the many images, videos and stories that appeared when I typed in "penis", or "dick," "cock," "boner," "woody"...you get the idea. Somehow, even as my mind was conjuring images of fields of cock, I was still convinced I liked the things I saw because of their sexual nature. That came crashing down when a site appeared one night that made me cum harder than anything I had ever seen. This site was a collection of guys who all took pictures of themselves naked, hard, etc. and submitted them for your viewing pleasure. I couldn't believe the balls these guys had, posting pics of themselves shirtless, naked, boned up, even stroking or cumming. I barely made it through a dozen photos before I was covered in white goo. The next night, I was determined to start with my new favorite site and get in hours of enjoying my hard dick and smooth balls. Once my parents and sisters went to sleep, I booted up the web page, and was amazed to discover that there was a lot more to this site than I had seen in my previous visit. Who knew you didn't get the full experience in two minute of scrolling and stroking? One by one, I went through each photo gallery, separated into categories like "teen twinks," "muscle head jocks," "daddy bears" "ethnic guys," until I saw a gallery with only one word to describe it: "action." One click and my world changed forever. Here, plain as day, were all those normal guys, doing very abnormal stuff. At first, it was solo shots, and pics of guys partially or fully nude next to each other, nothing more than what you might see at a slumber party or in a locker room. Then the photos began to change. The men were now interacting. Hugging, or even kissing (which was totally gross in my mind, but my dick sure was hard). Eventually they showed men touching each other, feeling one another on the ass or groin through tight undies. I stared on, awe struck, as the men became more bold, showing pics of mutual masturbation and circle jerks. By this point I thought I had reached the pinnacle of perversion, until the most recent addition to the gallery appeared at the very bottom. The thumbnail was too hard to make out, so I held my breath and clicked on it. This photo featured two men who had been in a couple of shots above, but in this photo, one of the men had the penis of the other man in his mouth, while some cum-like substance ran down his chin. I was shocked. I was appalled. I was as hard as I had ever been. I wanted to think it was gross, but I immediately pictured my dick in the guy's mouth, pumping in and out, maybe even...cumming in it. My dick twitched as a bead of precum slid down the length. I had taken to holding off on shooting for as long as possible lately, once I realized that the five or six dry orgasms I could have before were no where near as hot as one wet one with some serious edging first. Try as I might, I knew my balls were about to win the war once I saw the look on the man's face as his lover/boyfriend/whoever was sliding his huge cock past his tonsils. I was so close. My toes were curling. My neck was tense. The inevitable was fast approaching. Images of my dick in the mouths of different boys and men I knew sped through my mind like lasers, but everything froze with the last thought: maybe one of those guy's cumming in my mouth. That did it, I shot all over. From forehead to groin, and all the surrounding home-office carpet was coated in my best load yet. My ass clenched for 5 minutes from aftershocks, while a stupid smile sat on my face. Once the euphoria had warn off, a wave of guilt and shame bigger than any I'd had from jerking off at school or at the library hit me. I signed off and practically ran to my room, where I spent the rest of the night telling myself it was fine. I stayed away from the site the rest of the week, which meant I stopped jerking off, in fear those thoughts would return. Friday night came, and I was glad to have a distraction from the dick sucking imagery that now permanently haunted the edge of my thoughts. George and I went to his house to do homework and have a sleep over as usual, and everything was fine. Usually the evening consisted of homework for a few hours, dinner with his family, and some video games or a movie before George's mom and dad would send us to the two twin beds in their basement. We'd stay up talking about x-men comics and boobs and go to bed around 1 or 2 am, feeling so adult that we didn't have anyone telling us to get to sleep. This was not the case that week.

It seems that sometime during the week the boiler in George's grandma's house had broken, and the place flooded. So his grandmother would be staying in the basement that night, and we'd take the big L shaped sectional in their living room. This was fine for us, because the tv was in there, and we could sneak to the kitchen without passing his parent's bedroom door. After a few hours of R rated movies we weren't supposed to watch, George checked the door to the room, and slowly slid it shut. I figured this meant bedtime, until he smiled wickedly. "Watch this!" he whispered as he punched a button on the tv remote, and a screen appeared, confirming deactivation of the parental controls. Suddenly there was a topless woman laying on a blanket in the desert, her jean skirt around her thighs, moaning and cursing. It took me a moment to realize she wasn't back against a wall or tree, but rather a 20-something naked man pounding away, keeping all his important parts hidden behind her perky ass. The first thought to hit my mind: she needs to move so I can see his peni- I cut the thought off. The guilt, shame, everything was back. Here I was, doing what every young guy dreams of, and I was miserable. Partially because I felt bad that I wanted to see his dick, and partially cause they weren't showing it! I tried not to blink while I squinted for a glance at his dick, while telling myself how wrong it was. Luckily for my urges, the guy started talking dirty about "fucking that tight pussy" and "giving all I got for that hot ass," and my conscience went silent. I was so horny but simultaneously frustrated with the fact that we got to see her naked from tip-to-toe, while he continued to play hard to get. I could feel my cock throb every time the guy turned and revealed the shadow of his balls or one cheek of his ass, but I couldn't take the teasing any longer and blurted out "god, you can't even see his dick." I froze. I heard the words I'd just said. There was no way out of this. But there was George, "Yeah, I know what you mean, I can see some chick naked everytime I turn on the tv, but they never show the dude, how do you even know if he's hard?" My cock re-chubbed as he said "hard" and I finally exhaled. Over the course of the next twenty minutes, our eyes never left the bad softcore b.s., but we continued to chat softly about how we only got into watching something like this if the guy was into it like the girl. I made a point of pointing out the guy I thought had the biggest dick, and he argued that it was the other guy, since his partner had screamed more when he "entered" her. We both knew nothing on the subject, but even our young speculation was enough to get me close to jizzing without a single touch. I looked across the section to where his head laid at one end of the L, hoping to spot the same look of randiness. I realized when I did that he could tell I had turned to look at him, since my head laid at the other end of the couch, closer to the TV, with our feet meeting in the vertex. I tried to act cool, continuing our chat while the movie injected some horrid plot, and within a few minutes, he didn't seem to care that I had my eyes more on him then on the screen. Probably because he didn't know how much better my show was. I wasn't sure if he even realized it, but for the last few minutes, he'd been rubbing his foot up and down my ankle (with many blankets in between), and I was hard as a rock. I was so turned on by any contact with another guy, especially while we talked about sex, that it took me another few minutes to realize his blankets were tented right about where his dick should be, and the tent was slowly rising and falling.I slid my hand into my undies and squeezed my cock. I continued talking about some crazy position the new couple was about to try, not allowing my gaze to shift again, and, sure enough, I watched as his tent went up and down, over and over. He was jerking off under his blanket!!!!!!!! Once I was sure that he really was flogging his log, and not just scratching, I decided to do what every supportive friend should do: I began to do it too, but made it even more obvious. His eyes flicked from the screen to my rising pup tent, and his stroking became bolder. We both knew what the other was doing, but pretending not to somehow made it better. The secrecy and the mystery had me as horny as the thought that, right now, not five feet from my jerking dick, my best bud was playing with the fat cock I had dreamt about countless times since that slumber party at Rick's. Now it was hard again, and so close, but without any pretense or interfering friends. I was in my fantasy, picturing how any minute now we'd be stroking together, and cumming on each other. I got so into it, I barely heard him ask if I had ever played truth or dare. Now, when two young guys are rubbing one off in the same room, looking at each other, and one asks that, you'd assume the first dare would be suck my dick, but not even close. For the next two hours, we played, each getting close to asking or daring what we wanted, but neither willing to make the move that could make the other one call you a fag or cocksucker. By the time we finished the game, we had each run naked through the house (hard as rocks I might add), both put baby carrots in our buttholes (gross), and rubbed our sacks on each others heads (made me precum a lot). As the game was winding down, I really needed him to do dare one more time, so I could dare him to suck my dick. I knew it was risky, but after two hours all the same and fear had turned into young man's lust. One last turn and he chose...dare :) "I dare you to suck my dick...for five seconds." Every dare was safer this way, do it for five seconds, do it for a minute, hopefully do it till I cum was next. "No way man." And there it was, he wasn't gonna do it. I was screwed. "Not unless you do me too." Had I heard him right? Well if not it was the best brain tumor a 12 year old could have! "Okay." came out of my mouth before the possibility that he'd been joking occured to me, but I know now that a horny pair of pre-teens would do anything for a chance to get off. So, for the fourth or fifth time that night, he uncovered his hard huge cock, and said "you first." I knelt down, and sucked the head of his dick between my lips, trying my hardest to imitate the photo I'd seen. He inhaled sharply once I began to truly suck, and I almost jumped out of my skin as his hands came to rest on my head. I licked and sucked as much into my mouth as I could, while hearing him count really, really slowly. I kinda hoped he would stop counting, and just let me keep going until I knew what it was that got me so hard at the thought of this, but he said five all too soon. I stood up slowly, letting his dick slide down my lips and chin, raising my hard drippin dick right up level with his face. This is where the realist in me expected him to laugh at me or punch me or tell me to fuck off, but by god, he furrowed his brow, leaned forward slowly, closed his eyes and slurped my dick down to the base. I could have cum right then, but it had nothing to do with his actual skill. I have to admit, I truly sucked his dick. I had spent a lot of time in the last two hours imagining the sensations of the dick head on my tongue, thinking about how it would taste and what to do if he wanted to cum in my mouth, and so on. But it didn't matter at all that he just held his mouth still and firm on me, sucking like you would on a milkshake straw. It was barely any different than peeling off a wet swim trunk, but I swear, if I hadn't had every muscle in my body clenched, I'd have shot a gallon of baby batter in his mouth just because I was in his mouth! When I finally remembered to act like I'd been counting, I rushed to five, and couldn't wait for him to ask me truth or dare next. I was gonna wait longer than I thought. As soon as my hard cock was freed into the cool air, he took a swig of coke, swirled it, spit it out, wiped his mouth and spoke four words "going to bed, night." With that, he tucked his dick back into his shorts and turned back under his covers, taking his hard-on and my fantasy with him. I was devastated. SO horny and hard as a rock. If he'd asked right then, I would have blown him, no questions asked, but instead I got the literal cold shoulder. I stood there for a second, waiting for him to turn back over and reconsider, but when it was obvious that the dick sucking portion of the evening was done, I pulled my briefs up, climbed under my own blankets and began to drift to sleep, holding my hard dick in hopes it wouldn't spontaneously cum-bust. I'd finally begun to go soft when I heard him call my name and ask "truth or dare?" "dare" "I dare you to sleep butt naked under the covers" My dick recovered. "Only if you do." I was already sliding my hands into mine. With that his form wiggled a little and the boxers he'd had covering his delicious cock dropped to the floor next to me. I quickly did the same with my briefs, scheming in my head on how I would sneakily jerk into his shorts once he'd passed out. I had no idea why, but I wanted to wear them or lick them or something. I slowly jerked off waiting for his breathing to even out that night, watching his blanket make the same motions, feeling his foot rub up against me, until I finally gave up and fell asleep, naked and hard. The next day everything was normal, we slept in, played videogames, etc. Only hitch was making sure we got our clothes back on before his parents came in. It was almost as if it had never happened, other than the precum stains I left on the blanket. School came and went that week, but every empty moment was filled with George's cock on my tongue, wishing it could produce the sweet nectar mine did. I returned to the site with the pics that night, and jerked off three times in 2 hours, now looking at more and more pictures of guys sucking other guys dicks. Every so often a pic of a guy fucking another guy came up, but as soon as I saw a dick going into a hole, I was onto the next pic, Asses are for poop, was my attitude, nothing else. That friday, as usual, I came over, we did homework, hung out, then we went to the living room and I expected another movie night, although my dick was hoping for otherwise. Sure enough, as soon as his parents went to bed, he switched it to a skin flick and asked "Truth or dare?" We continued on this way for about 4 fridays. The truths got more and more sexual each week. Things like "have you ever dreamt you were a girl getting fucked?" or "do you ever play with your butthole when u jerk off?" The dares also got more daring, including things like eating food off of the other persons underwear...while they were still in it, or being tied up naked to the couch, hard and gagged. Looking back, it seems kinda kinky, but at the time, it really was just two naive kids trying to find their sexual boundaries. It always ended with me wanting to mess around, and him wimping out and going to bed, but then jerking off while our feet rubbed. By the fourth friday, our feet were halfway up each other's thighs when I felt him shudder, signaling the orgasm I'd desperately wanted to give to him, and the end of our fun for the night. The fifth friday marked the beginning of christmas break, and my parents set it up so I could stay there the whole weekend as a treat. When it was planned a month ago, it sounded like heaven, but all of my wasted cum into his trash can while he showered each morning tortured me. I had about enough of this. When I got to George's house, I was not his buddy, but just a guy, a little standoffish, even rude to him sometimes during the night. And when he was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, I went into his room and got the underwear he had just taken off and sniffed and licked where his dick had been. Thats when I tasted it. Pre-cum. Four weeks of anticipation had driven me to try my own precum and even some of my jizz, pretending it was George's. Thats how I knew right away that either George was already ejaculating or he was going to be soon. So when we settled in for the night, I was ready. I had spent all week getting ready for this...until his first question. "Truth" "ok...you sure you don't wanna pic dare?" "I'm sure." I knew that if I chose dare too soon I'd seem too eager. The only thing that was keeping him from waking up to find I had tied him down and was using his hard on as my personal play thing was the idea that I could get him hornier than he'd ever been, really slowly, seduce him into wanting it as badly as me, and then making him make the final move. A half hour of dumb dares and truths and I once again chose truth, right as some ditzy brunette was pretending to get fucked by a big Italian dude. By now our censored skin flicks were just a way to keep him thinking of sex, and cover the sound of our dares. I was having a hard time trying to decide whether I should watch the screen. as this movie proved more fun with an occasional shot of the Italian guy's balls, or if I should keep an eye on George and make sure he wasn't losing his nerve. "Ok, I got it, if you got to choose between being forced to suck someone's dick for five minutes or running down the street naked for five minutes, which would you choose?" I knew exactly which one, but I had to seem like I didn't like the options "I dunno man, it is really extremely cold outside, and my dick would probably fall off if I did, so...well, its not like its gay or anything if it is forced right?" "Right" "Ok, I guess, if I was forced" LIE! "I'd suck a dick for five minutes" I was so excited, I had pretty much said, you can dare me to suck you off and I will. I asked him the same truth, and he picked...the snowy outside. Thats when it hit me: he didn't wanna suck me too, he just wanted me to suck on him. All these weeks of thinking he was just nervous or unable to get past his fear of being called gay, and that wasn't it at all. The fact was, I wanted to suck his dick, he just wanted someone to get him off, without the guilt. I knew about the guilt, it sucked. So I made up my mind, I didn't need him to be into me. I just needed his dick in my mouth. Just like he needed a hole to get off in. "Ok, truth or dare?" "dare." Here it comes. I'm ready. I was no longer pretending he wanted me, I just knew he was young and horny, and I was too. So as soon as he asks me to suck his di--- "I dare you to jack off for 3 minutes with no blankets on" damn! I was sure I was gonna get his dick in my mouth! Positively sure! But at least this was heading the right direction. I made sure to put on my best jerk show, mostly watching the screen, moaning while I rubbed my balls or snuck a finger across my hole. I used a trick I had learned to get a few big drops of precum to pop up right near the end, looked right at him, and licked them off my fingers like it happened all the time. In three minutes I watched as his reaction went from carefree to intrigued, to full blown voyeur, before I repeated the dare with him. He may not have been doing it to turn me on, but watching his slowly slide his dick free from those boxers and spend the next three minutes turning it into a thick red juicy monster was torture to watch, but I stayed disinterested as I looked at the show up until the end, where he sucked his middle finger into his mouth, and then slid it all the way into his hole, causing his boy cock to jerk wildly and emit a tiny precum bubble. I picked my jaw up off the floor, and pretended like he bored me. We did some truths after that, answering questions with the straightest thing we could think of, so each homoerotic dare seemed less weird. Truths answered about awesome boobs and lesbians allowed me to dare him to switch our underwear using only our teeth. A truth about accidentally seein the pussy of some girl we knew, made it cool for him to dare me to hump a pillow naked for a minute, while he humped my butt crack though our undies. Every so often, I would throw in a loaded question, like asking if he has ejaculated yet. When he answered no, part of me was sad that the dick I was absolutely going to suck tonight wouldn't be cumming in my mouth, and another part was delighted I might get to see or taste the first load. After 90 more minutes of back and forth, with both of us fully hard and often dripping, I was ready for it to be done. The final phase of my plan started, and the next time he answered truth, I asked "If you could close your eyes, and get a blow job all the way right now, almost like it was a really good dream, would you?" I knew it was a risk, but all I could think about was his dick, the way it had tasted, the way it throbbed in my mouth, the way his balls hung there, waiting for their first load to shoot out someday soon...maybe in my mouth... "I guess, I dunno, I choose dare instead." "Fine I dare you to answer the question." George usually tried to get out of stuff he didn't really like, but he was used to me calling him on it and making him do it anyway. If he wanted to see a movie I didn't want to see, we didn't see it. If he wanted pepperoni on his pizza, he knew I was gonna veto it. If he didn't want to complete my dare of taking pictures of each other with dicks in our mouths, I'd take three turns to get him harder and try again. Usually, it worked to our advantage, as most of the time I used it when I saw he was unwilling to follow through on something because he was too afraid of the consequences. And I could tell, looking at his hard on, and his blue eyes full of doubt, this was one of those times. He needed me to suck his dick more than anything, but he couldn't get past the thought that if we gave in and did it, it could make him a fag. If only there was a way he could shut down mentally while I fulfilled his needs, and he could get off without actually saying he was cool with it, we'd both be golden...good luck finding a way to do that.

"Alright, fine, no, I wouldn't. I think we should go to bed." Damn. I was afraid of that. I pushed too hard. So now it was gonna be the same old, same old. Pretending to sleep, while we play footsy and jerk off. But for once, I didn't feel like jacking off. I was pissed too. I spent the last six months sucking on his balls for ten seconds, or embarrassing myself while he sat there with a hard on and refused to share. Okay, at the age of 27, I know that being mad at someone simply because they won't put out is the definition of awful, but I was 12, and horny as fuck, and I could see he was too, so I was going to turn and face the wall and let him jerk alone, like I'd had to over and over again. At first I could feel that he wasn't wanting to make the first move. he kept running his toes along my blanket edge, but each time he'd head north, I pull into a tighter and tighter ball. I was tired of him using me to get turned on, and then pulling away once he got far enough for his big O. I didn't expect him to kiss me or date me, I just wanted to try sucking his dick again! I heard myself say that in my head, and the guilt wave ebbed in, but it was less noticeable this time. Maybe because I was coming to terms with what I liked, or maybe just because I had tried denying it and now it was pissing me off! Either way, I pulled the blanket around me and listened as he tried a few more times to get me to play, and finally grumbled and went to sleep. Now you may think I'd won, but when you are 12 years old and you've gotten used to getting off once or twice a day, and then you add two hours of jerking off next to the dick of your dreams, all disguised as truth or dare, I guarantee you won't be able to get any sleep until you get off. My hard on had returned with a vengeance once George stopped trying to play. The one thing I had to hold over him, and he passes out like its no big deal after a few petty attempts. This proved to me that I really was just a dumb kid, madly in love with his bff's cock, and he was just humoring his only good friend. So He went to sleep, and I laid there, flicking my cock head. You should know, when George sleeps, he sleeps like the dead. For my tenth birthday party we went camping, and It took my dad lifting him out of his sleeping bag and shaking him to wake him in the morning. And then it hit me. He was sound asleep, dick still hard, in need of release just as much as mine. I knew I was at a cross roads, about to cross a line that couldn't be uncrossed, but then I saw his face and the image of him getting hard watching my jack off earlier. I still wasn't sure, but then I felt the weight of him from when he'd used my barely covered ass as his humping toy. I still couldn't do it to my best friend. I knew what I was thinking of doing was rape, I just couldn't. Then, he rolled over, and I saw that his blanket was tented straight up, and at the tip was a wet spot, reflecting the light from outside. That was the exact moment I decided to rape my friend in his sleep. It must have taken a full hour, my body shaking with anticipation as I removed his blanket, stopping every time he breathed even slightly oddly. Once the blanket was gone, the rest was pretty easy, his dick was pulled out of the fly in his boxers, as well as his balls, probably in prep for the jerk session he'd expected us to have before. Once I saw it standing there, 80% hard, and waving back and forth with his heart beat, I knew there was no going back now, so I slowly and silently began stroking it, while I intensely watched his face for any movement or sign of awakening. My caution only lasted for a half a minute, since my brain seemed to scream "PENIS!!!!" once it detected one in my hand. I looked down to his perfect dick and saw as it grew larger in my hand, bigger than I'd ever seen. I had waited so long for this, and yet it seemed so foreign. Usually, when I stroked a dick, it was mine and it felt good, or it was george's, but I had to pretend to hate it. Now, I could savor how much I loved it. I had told myself when I began this that I was just gonna take a look, but once it was in my hand, I decided that wasn't enough, so I would just jerk him off for awhile. Now, as his head grew red, and the piss slit engorged to reveal the precum that had made the blanket spot, I needed to taste it, but just for a second. I wiped the precum onto my thumb and delighted in my first warm live precum. I leaned in close, and let out my breath, watching as it twitched in response to the warm air I exhaled. I had seen, touched, and now tasted, but I knew it wasn't enough. I wouldn't be satisfied until I got a taste direct from the tap. I gave a silent prayer, kept an eye on his face, closed the gap and licked him, starting with the head, working down to the balls, and up around back to the head. I should have stopped then, but right at that moment a drop of precum came out, and the perv in me took over fully, for the first, but definitely not the last time in my life. I sucked it in as far as I could, and prayed again, this time, that I could make him cum. It'd be nice to believe that my 12 year old mouth could have fit his whole dick, but mostly I stroked the base while licking and sucking on the head. Every few strokes I would try and go down on him and choke a little and come back up. It didn't matter, cause I was hard and dripping and loving every minute. In all my excitement, I had totally forgotten to keep checking if he was sleeping, and it wasn't until he kinda moaned and leaned his head back into the pillow that I remembered that I was raping this poor boy...and wasn't gonna stop till I was done. This is what needed to happen. He needed me to suck him off without giving the go ahead. This way he was guilt free. All he did was lay there. I went down again, as far as I could and felt as his cock shuddered and his balls pulled up closer to his dick. I knew it was about to cum, whether he shot or not, I didn't care, cause he'd be getting off while in my mouth. I wrapped my free hand around my own ignored dick and whacked away. His breathing became more ragged, as I jerked myself, and sucked for all I was worth. Soft moaning sounds emerged from his shut lips in tune with mine, just in time for him to groan, deep and more manly than I'd heard before, and his whole body seemed to contract. His dick expanded even larger, throbbing, as a faucet turned on and I tasted a large concentration of liquid. I knew it wasn't his first real load, since I'd had a few like this before I started to shoot, but I figured this was a sign that sometime this weekend he'd have his first real orgasm. He was days away from becoming a man, and god help me it was going to be in my mouth! With that thought, I sprayed my load all over the floor next to the couch where I knelt. I had to keep his dick in my mouth to keep from screaming out. Once I was finally okay again, I slipped his dick into his shorts, pulled up his covers, got under mine, and slept like a baby. The next day we went sledding and walked to the store with his dad. The tension that had been there the night before was gone. Somehow we were best buds again, and I was happy for it, since George had no clue that I was getting exactly what I wanted from him while he slept. That night, the truth or dare was dispensed with altogether, since I was "tired from sledding." George seemed disappointed, but didn't push it. Soon enough, he was snoozing just like I planned. I was just the opposite, wired like a bomb, ready to go off the moment he was in my mouth. I was faster this time, but it still took about 20 mins for me to even move. I looked over from the tv, and decided he was really out cold. I waited another 20 mins just to be sure, and then I made my move. The blanket only took about 10 minutes to get off him tonight, but I was pleasantly surprised to find not only that his dick was hard, but he was naked from the waist down. I started stroking my new love, and watched in awe as George's hips raised almost to my face, only a few inches away. It hit me then that this whole thing was a game. I was his cock sucker, and as long as he was "asleep," I could have my fun and so could he. I was about to dive down for my dessert when another idea hit me. He might just be a normal young man, who's body can't help but move and respond to such awesome sensations. So he might be aware of what was happening, or he might be totally dead to the world, so a close examination of his face was initiated, and showed nothing to my trained 12-year-old eye. I was not going to deny the people what they want, no matter which was true, so the next time his hips raised to my mouth, I took him in me again, this time, as far as I could go. I swear I heard a word, like "yeah" but honestly, it could have been me moaning, since I was practically eating his dick whole. Last night's feeding was supposed to satisfy my urge, but instead it seemed to have made me hungrier. In less time than it took me to get hard, George was cumming again, this time, more precum entering my mouth, much faster. I knew it still wasn't what i wanted though. I wanted to be there to feel that first splash of cum hit my tonsils, even if my young mind couldn't express it. I tried to keep sucking him, hoping for round two, but George seemed to react physically even if he was not conscious. He shook violently when I ran my tongue across his dick head, and the next thing I knew he had turned into the couch cushions where his cock was unavailable. A little disappointed that he hadn't really cum for me yet, I sat down to watch some shitty movie, and had an epiphany. Since we had skipped the games and gone straight to the head, it was way earlier than the night before, and we were both young. I sat back with a smile and slowly stroked my cock. The movie ended almost an hour later and my sleeping monster had turned over so he was facing out again. I was lucky that when he turned into the couch, the blanket was still near his hips, so his dick was still out and happy to see me when I decided it was time for round two. I returned to my kneeling position by the couch, and began my work on his member again. Even soft it wasn't small, so working it without slurping or slobbering was a problem until it began to respond. It really amazed me how fast his cock went from soft to diamond hard, but the amazement didn't stop there. As soon as my lips touched it, it began to leak precum like a faucet. I had no way to be sure, but I could feel it in my gut that this was gonna be his first load. This made me work extra hard for it. Seeing that George had orgasmed within the last hour, I was not too surprised that he wasn't as quick to cum again. Then I remembered how I could have five or six orgasms in ten minutes before I could really cum, and wondered if George was the same. Too late to test that theory, because with the amount of fluid I was swallowing every second, he was about to shoot his first load. What a lucky guy to have a friend like me huh? I really tried to be the best I could for him, using all the stuff I did to myself when I am jacking off to make me cum faster, like stroking my balls and the lil skin between my balls and hole, paying lots of attention to his dick head, alternating hand and tongue. It seemed to be working, as George's breathing was speeding up and his fists had clenched at his sides. I should have been more worried that he was gonna wake up, but I was so close to swallowing my first load, I could let a little thing like the guy attached to the dick stop me! By now the precum was flowing like a faucet, and I could feel George's cock expand even bigger than it had been before, and I prepared myself. I remembered in that moment what it had done to his cock when he stuck a finger in his butt, so with a quick slurp for lube, I slid my pointer finger in all the way, and it was over. I pulled back a little as soon as I felt his balls practically shrink up inside him, just in time to catch one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight squirts in my mouth, almost overflowing until I realized I could swallow it. Its funny, but I still remember swishing what was left around before I swallowed it, comparing it to mine, and thinking I definitely liked his better. This time, I pulled off of his cock as soon as he was done, remembering that my first real orgasm almost killed me. I crept back to my couch, watching as the last vibrations racked his body. I held just a little of his cum in my mouth as his dick got soft, but continued to drip. I will always remember tasting the last of his first load when I shot all over my self, watching him. I laid inert for awhile, and just watched all the left over cum ooze from his cock. I smiled, knowing I had done that. I awoke a few hours later to find myself still naked, covered in dried cum. I looked over, but George was no where to be found. I panicked for a second, thinking he had woken up and left because he was angry or had gone to get his dad. Once I looked around a little I realized it had been hours since I had eaten his first man load, and that he was probably just using the bathroom. Right at that moment the door started to open, and for some unexplainable reason, I decide to feign sleep, slamming my eyes shut and breathing through my mouth. George walked right past my naked, cum covered body, got under his covers and went back to sleep. Some minutes later I finally found the courage to open my eyes, and was shocked to see that he was still sleeping, but once again his hard dick was out and he was totally uncovered. I wasn't looking this gift horse in the mouth, and for the third time in 5 hours, I sank down and ate his cock. This time took longer and there was less precum, but he once again shot a huge load in my mouth, which I decided was my new favorite food, before going to work on my own cock again. As I stood over looking my sleeping buddy, his semi-hard cock laying there too, I decided I should not deprive him of believing he had his first cum, so I got as close to his chest as I could, and jacked my own load onto him. I covered him in thick white streams that filled his belly button, and some even landed right on his mouth. Once I was finished, the reality of what I had just done hit me, and I realized, I better get something to clean up his face. I started to look for a paper towel from our pizza dinner, but when I turned back, George's tongue swiped across his lips, taking my load into his mouth. With that, I chuckled to myself, crawled under my covers, and went to sleep. For months this same thing happened every friday night. Sometimes we would play truth or dare before bed, sometimes not, but he would always feed me a load or two in his sleep and I would jack off on his face or chest. Once, when I was jerking near his face, his mouth fell open, as if by act of God, and I took it as a sign, and slid my dick head in. I fucked his open mouth for another five minutes before shooting my load. Once I began to shoot, his lips shut around me, and he began to swallow like it was instinct. It felt incredible, but it also gave me more doubt that George was really asleep. Over the next week before our friday night fun, I came up with a plan. That friday, I told George I wasn't feeling up to truth or dare and was going to sleep. Once I was under the covers I made sure my head was covered enough that you couldn't see my face, but I could see him. I then pretended to fall asleep and watched as he got in bed. For awhile he laid there groping his now 12 year old crotch, but soon he rolled over and went to sleep. An hour later, I thought perhaps I had been wrong. he had every opportunity to do something to me, or jack off, and instead rolled over and went to sleep. and thats when I felt his feet. At first I thought he might have just been dreaming, but as slow rubbing turned to soft jabs and finally into full blown kicks at me to wake me up, I was now sure that he had been awake the whole time, everytime. Just as I said, we needed a way that I could do what I want without him actually giving permission, and we had found it. Now that I knew he was cool with what we were doing, I was able to be much more adventurous and also have more fun with it, sometimes fucking his mouth, or taking his hand and resting it on my head so he could face fuck me while he "slept." I started talking dirty to him, telling him to picture some slutty cheerleader's cunt when he came for me, etc. Everything was perfect. Never, ever say that. Our sexual experimentation was going fine up through the next year, until his parents decided that the school system wasn't right for him, and sent him to a different school. All of a sudden, I wasn't necessary to help him with home work, so our sleep overs went down to once a month. By the time he hit 14, they were down to once every six weeks. I didn't know what George was doing to survive it, but I was going crazy, missing that hot cream infusion every weekend. Having your own sex toy really spoils you, so much so, that I never even thought I could find other guys to play with. Since George's absence, I began spending more time online, and found a site called gay.com. I hated signing in everytime, as if it was mocking my resistance to coming out as gay, but I went on because there were real men who wanted to talk to you, and would send you naughty ideas or pictures. At first the idea of meeting one of them never crossed my mind. What if they killed me, or worse, tattled on me to my mom?!?!?!? During that summer, George and I planned on spending every weekend together, when all of a sudden, he got offered a scholarship to a computer programmer's camp on the east coast. My summer plans of fresh loads every night flew out the window with his camp. Two days later I was bored, home alone, and online jerking, when an older handsome man started talking to me online (older being early thirties, I was 14 remember?). He was very charming, and used stories of his own teenage discoveries to convince me to let him cum over for a half hour while my parents were at work "just to talk." Once we met, we introduced ourselves, and Steve could immediately tell I was not 18 as I told him online, but it didn't bother him. Now I realize it probably turned him on even more. I was too naive to think this god could want me. I was in awe of this 6'4" leviathan with the wide chest and rock hard abs, and would have said anything to see him naked. So when he asked if I could keep it a secret, I practically screamed yes. As soon as he heard that, he went to work, sweet talking me, rubbing me, putting my hands on his big dick, and within five minute of his arrival, he had me on my knees and was fucking his dick into my throat. Now 2 years of giving head to George, who's dick was now at 7 inches long, and as thick as a bottle, had trained me to where I could now deep throat, even if I didn't know it. He came down my throat that day, and asked as his dick plopped out of my mouth where I'd learned to take a dick like that. I explained that I had a friend, blah blah blah. George's story got Steve hard again and he told me he had another load for my ass. I explained I always thought that getting fucked sounded gross (after all your ass is where poop comes from lol). He said it was too bad, I had such a fuckable ass. I expected him to leave at that point, but was surprised when he asked if he could return the favor. I was naked faster than he could finish his sentence. As an impatient teenager, I was ready to cum right away, but he was really enamored with my young smooth body, stroking me all over. He got naked as well, and I could see his hard cock bouncing again, ready for another shot. I was afraid he was going to try and rape my ass, but at that point I was so horny and so attracted to him, I would have let him drive a truck up my ass if he asked nicely. It took him an hour to suck me off, and during that time, he kept my arms pinned with one hand, while the other slowly worked fingers into my ass. I still thought it was gross, but as my dick disappeared down his throat over and over again, and his fingers found my prostate, I was reborn. He only got two fingers in me before I exploded all over his face, chest, and in his mouth. He licked as much of my cum up as he could, and caught me off guard, leaning forward and kissing me, feeding my cum back into me. He then stood up, and forced his cock back into my mouth for load number two. I laid there, unable to move, respond, even think; while he collected his clothing, and used my underwear to wipe my load off of his face. "That was hot kid, you are gonna be one hot fucker when I am done with you." Steve finished dressing and came over to give my cock a squeeze, "but next time, I want to fuck that ass, no ifs, ands or unfucked butts." I managed a laugh between my panting, still totally out of breath and shaky from my load. "And, let me be clear: I don't fuck virgins. I want you to have your cherry popped, A.S.A.P." My eyes widened, and my cock started to grow again at his dirty talk. "Maybe you can sit on your sleeping buddy's cock next time you sleep-rape him." >From that day on I started fantasizing about what it would be like to get fucked. I began using my fingers on my ass while I jacked off, and was surprised to find I loved the sensation. I wanted to try sitting on George's dick now, but I was afraid. What if I tried and he was so grossed out that I ruined our secret night sucks? A few weeks later I tried to invite Steve over, to make good on his promise of fucking me. He asked how it had gone with George, and somehow he knew I was lying when I told him how much I liked it. Once again, he told me to give it a try and let him know when I was ready for his huge cock. That night I jerked off before bed and managed to get three fingers deep in my hole before I was covered in baby batter. I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed the real deal, so like it or not, George was gonna fuck me. The next time I was at his house, I waited for signs he was asleep and went to work. At first I thought maybe I could try fucking him too, but it turns out George wasn't the best at keeping his ass clean, so when I tried to get near his hole and found it wasn't up to my standards for clean, I let him turn over and show me the cock I was going to lose my cherry to. He was already hard, since by this point we were usually cumming together two or three times a night, at least. I had snuck some lotion into the room with my overnight bag, and even brought a condom along, stolen from a sex safety kit my mom kept for her classes. I put a lot of lotion on his cock and some on my finger and up my ass, and then slowly slid the rubber down his dick. I straddled his wide thighs, and put his cock head at my hole, but try as I might, the slippery condom wouldn't go into my ass. Frustrated, I thought I might have better luck without it, so I pulled the condom off and tried again. I probably should have been more careful how I balanced myself this time, because as soon as I had straddled him, my foot slipped on the discarded condom on the floor and his dick popped into my cherry ass about 4 inches, all at once. I was in extreme pain, but used every ounce of control I had not to scream. I tried to lift my self up off of his thick rod, but I found out I could only do that if I used my hands on his chest, and they were covered in lotion, making them too slick to do much good. I used my thighs to rise a little, in hopes of his cock just sliding out, but this coaxed a groan from his lips. My legs were shaking from the strain and lack of traction. I ended up losing my balance again and sinking back down, this time maybe five inches. The pain was a little less present this time, but my hole was still raw and throbbing when he shocked me by slamming his hips up, causing me to squeal. Now I was almost all the way down on it and looking for any means of escape, even thinking I might need to break our unspoken agreement and "wake" him up to get off of his cock, but he was having none of that. The next time I tried to lift myself up, his hands grabbed my hips firmly, and slammed me back down, burying his cock as far as it could go. I couldn't control my voice any longer and let a yelp out. His hips started to do all the work, pumping in and out of me. Even with all the pain, I was defeated now, limp, falling forward onto his chest. Over the next ten minutes, he continued ramming his cock up in me, while I tried not to yell out, until finally, he pushed as deep as he could, and I felt his balls tighten against my hole. Somehow, even at that age, it turned me on knowing I had just taken his virginity and his load in my tight hole. I sat up to find my dick had gotten hard (probably because of the prostate pounding it had taken) and within 3 strokes, I shot all over his chest, neck, and face, even spraying the couch cushion beyond his head (I've always been a big shooter). I was too worn out to dismount him, and fell back onto his sticky chest, where his arms encircled me. Me both were breathing hard for awhile, and every so often, I'd feel his dick throb inside me. I heard him fall into a real slumber not long after that, and I was able to pull myself free, his limp dick falling from my slimy ass. I stayed awake for another hour after that, stroking my cock and fingering my cummy hole to another two loads (i was 14 remember?) before I passed out with the sun cumming up. After that, our sleep over sessions got more and more fun. I got to fuck him a few times when his ass was cleaner, but with him playing basket ball and my dick only reaching 5 inches, I barely got in. But every weekend like clockwork, he would fuck me in new ways, sometimes cumming in my ass two or three times. Somehow he convinced his parents to let him move his bedroom into the basement, and we began sleeping in his new king sized bed down there. This meant he could initiate sex without being "awake" fucking me doggie style, or on my back, whatever way we could. I always ended up filled to the brim with his loads, cuddled next to him when we fell asleep, but would move away in the night so we could wake up as if nothing happened. I was back to sleeping at George's every other weekend now, so I totally forgot about Steve until Christmas Break, when he called and got me to tell him what had been going on. When I told him about all the dick I'd been taking, he was really excited, and told me I was ready for a real man to use my ass. I was scarred, but he convinced me that next time I was leaving George's house, I should him pick me up instead of my folks. For new years that year, I spent the night with George and his family, but we never ended up sleeping. We stayed up until two or three am talking and laughing, before he "fell asleep" and spent the next five hours using my hole, over and over, even fucking some loads out of me. I told him the night before I needed to leave early that day. So we got up from bed only ten or fifteen minutes after his last load was pumped into my hole, and I left. Instead of my parents waiting outside though, it was Steve. I got in his car, and he sped like a mad man to his house, making me suck him as we went. When we got to his house, he threw me over his shoulders and ran me upstairs to his bedroom. I was ordered to strip while he took off his clothes. I went over and tried to be sweet and suck him more, but he would have none of that. Once I was naked, he tossed me on the bed, flipped me over, and shoved his tongue into my raw cummy hole. I moaned, but I was a little worried. Sure I was now a slut for George's cock, but this guy's cock was longer, and just as thick. "God that is hot. Tight teen boy hole, filled with hot teen boy cum. I don't think I can be nice about this, sorry." I wondered what he meant by sorry, until I felt him ram his cock in me, 6 inches deep all at once. I screamed, but his hand was over my mouth as soon as I started. I tried to pull away, but he kept going, ramming in and out, going deeper each time, until I felt like he had popped a new barrier in my ass, and his balls rested on mine. He fucked me hard for the next five hours, shouting what a hot fucking whore I was, and he was so glad I was going to be full of his juice. He must have used Viagra or something that morning, because his dick never went soft, even after each time he came in me. He kept me informed of how many loads I had taken though, and each time he seeded my ass again, he'd say "I knocked your cunt up again bitch boy." When he dropped me at home that night, my ass was ripped apart and it hurt to sit down, but I jerked off twice that night. I continued my affair with Steve for a few more months until he tried to convince me to get fucked by a friend of his, and I got scarred and stopped returning his calls and emails. George continued to fuck me for the next year, until he met a girl at his high school who's parents were always out of town, and I only began to see him when she would get pissed and break it off. He was much rougher with me after that, so I stopped wanting him as much. I met a guy at my high school who invited me over to hang out a few weeks after George had fucked me so hard I had screamed. This guy was also in the closet, and kissed me while we hung out that night. I fucked him twice with rubbers that weekend, and decided I preferred to be on top now. George and I eventually grew apart, but still got together once every six months or so, sometimes fucking, but mostly just hanging out. The last time we fucked, a week before I left for college, I was 18, had reached 6 feet tall, and had a six inch cock. He was 17, 6'9" tall, and his dick was well over 8 inches and as thick as a beer bottle. When he fucked me that night, we made out for the first time, and he "talked in his sleep." He acted like he was fucking his girlfriend, but when he told me he'd always love me and the first pussy he'd gotten to fuck, we both knew he was talking to me.

When I got to college I dated guys and girls, but was an all safe top, at least until I got drugged and fucked by a dude a few years later. I haven't seen George in 5 years, but the last I heard on facebook, he had gotten married and has a couple kids. I wonder if he'd ever want to hang out some weekend,,,for old times sake ;)

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