Whispers in the Night

By moc.loa@7arbiLkraD

Published on Aug 18, 1999


Before I get to the story I wanna correct myself. Some of you thought that Whispers was a one-part story from what I had said about having it done.

Well, Whispers is actually 14 chapters long plus and epilogue so there is plenty more to cum. hehe

Disclaimer: This story features Kevin Richardson and Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys in a homosexual relationship. This writing is not meant to reflect the actual sexuality/preferance of any of the Boys. I do not know them nor have any contact with them, which means that I don't know whether this could happen. Hence, this is pure fiction. If you are underage, don't like it, etc., don't read.

Please send all comments, good, bad or otherwise, to DarkLibra7@aol.com. And now, on with the story!


Chapter One

Kevin could not believe his rotten luck. The hotel they were staying at had forgotten to book their rooms so they had only been able to get three rooms. He usually was able to get a room by himself but Brian's girlfriend was in town so they were sharing a room. A.J. and Howie were sharing which meant that he would have to share a room with Nick.

Their concert had ended at nine but because of the fans they didn't get back to the hotel until eleven. Howie and A.J. were going clubbing and he wished that they would take Nick with them. Kevin was dead tired and all he wanted to do was sleep. He got to their room before Nick. Too tired to shower, he stripped down to his boxers and climbed into his bed.

Kevin was almost asleep when he heard the door open and close, followed by the light being turned on. Groaning, he pulled the covers over his head. "Nick! Turn off the goddamn light!"

"Sorry Kev," Nick said, turning the light back off. Slipping off his shoes, he tiptoed over to the TV and quietly turned it on.

Kevin slowly put down the covers. "You are not playing Nintendo,"

"Just one game, then I'll turn it off." Nick replied, sitting down in front of the TV.

"No, because your one game will become ten games and you'll keep me up all night." Kevin told him, getting out of bed. Walking over to the TV he turned it off and stood in front of it. "Now, get up and go to bed."

"Kev, just one game." Nick tried to reach around Kevin to turn the TV back on but Kevin slapped his hand away. Grabbing the front of Nick's shirt, he pulled him to a standing position. "Let go, damn it!" Nick told him, putting his hands on Kevin's shoulders and pushing him away.

Kevin lost his balance and flailed his arms, trying to stop his fall. Nick held out his hand and Kevin grabbed it, making Nick lose his balance and the two of them toppled to the floor. They both had the air knocked out of them and just lay there for a moment. Nick's head was on Kevin's chest and he could hear Kevin's heart beating rapidly.

As Nick moved his hand to get up, he brushed across Kevin's nipple and he heard Kevin sharply draw in his breath. Looking down, he found Kevin staring at him intently, his lips parted slightly. Nick could feel himself getting aroused and swallowed nervously. "Kev, I . . . um . . . oh, fuck it." he muttered.

Kevin opened his mouth to say something but he was stopped as Nick's mouth covered his. He just lay there in shock for a few moments, not believing what was happening. He felt Nick move a hand down to his groin and start stroking him through his boxers. Moaning against Nick's mouth, he wound a hand into Nick's hair as his mouth attacked Nick's. A knock on the door brought them both back to reality.

Nick jumped up and helped Kevin up. Walking over to the door, Nick peered through the peep hole. "A.J., what the fuck do you want?" he yelled through the door.

"Can I borrow a twenty?" A.J. yelled back.

"No, now go away. Kev and I are trying to sleep."

Muttering to himself, A.J. continued down the hall to his room. Nick turned around and came face to face with Kevin. "So, um . . ." he stuttered, hanging his head in embarrassment. Putting a hand under Nick's chin, Kevin raised his head so they were looking at each other. He lightly brushed his thumb over Nick's lips before they parted and Nick took Kevin's thumb into his mouth and started to suck on it. Kevin moaned softly as Nick started to stroke him again.

Taking his hand back, Kevin slid his hands under Nick's shirt and pulled it up and off, letting it fall to the floor. He ran his hands over Nick's chest and up to his nipples, pinching and rolling them until they were hard. Reaching out, Nick slid a hand behind Kevin's head and brought Kevin's mouth to his. He thrust his tongue past Kevin's lips and started to probe his mouth. Moving his hands downwards, Kevin unzipped Nick's jeans and slipped them off, followed by his boxers. Nick stepped out of them and kicked them out of the way. He moved his own hands down Kevin's torso and pulled off Kevin's boxers.

Breaking the kiss, Nick dropped to his knees in front of Kevin. He lightly ran his tongue up and down Kevin's shaft before taking him fully in his mouth. Groaning, Kevin ran his hands through Nick's hair as Nick started to suck him. "Oh shit," Kevin moaned, squeezing his eyes shut and looking skyward as he came inside Nick's mouth. Nick swallowed every drop of his salty-sweet cum before standing and capturing Kevin's mouth with his. This time when Nick's tongue invaded Kevin's mouth he sucked on it, tasting himself on Nick. Kevin broke the kiss and looked into Nick's eyes. When he spoke his voice was deep with desire. "I want to feel you inside me."

Smirking, Nick trailed a hand down Kevin's chest. "Get on your hands and knees." Kevin got down on the carpet and felt Nick's hand on his ass. Nick slipped two fingers inside Kevin's virgin hole to loosen him up while he smoothed his pre-cum over his shaft. When he thought Kevin was loose enough he removed his hand and moved up against him. Grabbing his hips, Nick thrust hard into Kevin and buried himself up to the hilt inside Kevin's ass. Kevin let out a loud moan and gritted his teeth as Nick slowly started to thrust.

"Fuck, you're so tight, Kevin." Nick hissed, starting to slam harder into him. As he felt his own orgasm approaching Nick reached around and started to jerk Kevin off. Kevin's pain was replaced with pleasure and he started thrusting back to meet Nick. "Shit . . . I'm cumming!" Nick moaned as he gave one final thrust and came deep within Kevin's rectum. Kevin let out an animalistic groan as he came soon after, spraying his load onto his chest and the carpet.

Nick managed to stay standing and pulled out of Kevin once he had caught his breath. He helped Kevin to his feet and the two of them walked over to the bed. They slipped under the covers and Nick snuggled up against Kevin, half laying on him, half laying on his side. He rested his head on Kevin's chest and draped an arm over him as Kevin gently stroked his back. "Kevin, do you think this is a one time thing?" he asked softly.

"Do you?"

He paused a moment before answering. "No,"

"Neither do I, Nick. Now, let's try to get some sleep, we've got an interview to do at eleven." Kevin told him. Nothing else was said as the two drifted into a light slumber, both dreaming of the other.

Chapter Two

They were awakened by the shrill alarm clock at eight. Nick turned it off and yawned as he slowly sat up. Looking down at Kevin, he still couldn't believe what the two of them had done the past night. It just seemed so surreal. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I'm gonna take a shower." he announced, getting out of the bed and letting the sheets fall from his body. As Kevin lay there watching Nick walk naked to the bathroom he felt himself getting aroused. He moaned softly and slipped out from under the sheets, following Nick into the bathroom.

Turning on the water, Nick just stood under the spray with his hands on the wall. He hung his head, content to let the hot water cascade down his body. When he felt Kevin's hands on his back he jumped. "Jesus, Kev. Give me a heart attack why don't ya."


Nick opened his mouth to reply but stopped as he felt Kevin start to massage his sore shoulders. As Kevin continued his massage, he kissed the back of Nick's neck before gently nipping at the side of his neck. Nick thought his knees were going to give out on him. "Kev . . . stop. We shouldn't-"

"We shouldn't what?"

As he moved his mouth to Nick's shoulder Nick felt his resolve rapidly slipping away. "This . . . we shouldn't . . . I mean . . ."

"Don't think, just feel." Kevin whispered softly in Nick's ear. Moving his hands down Nick's back, he slid one hand around to Nick's cock and slowly started to stroke him. Letting out a moan, Nick leaned his head back on to Kevin's shoulder and gently kissed Kevin's neck. Kevin bent his head, capturing Nick's lips with his, as he continued to stroke Nick.

A pounding on the room door made them both jump. "Kev! Nick! You guys up yet?"

Cursing under his breath, Kevin got out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist as he walked over to the door. "Thanks, Brian. I think the whole floor's up now." he growled at his cousin after opening the door.

"Aren't we a grouch this morning?"

"It's too early for your shit, Bri. What the fuck do you want?"

"Gee, you act like I was interrupting something."

You were, he thought. Kevin sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night." he lied, praying that Nick would stay in the shower until Brian left.

Much to his relief Brian bought his lie. "I just wanted to tell you that we're all meeting down in the lobby at nine so we can get breakfast before the interview." Brian told him and then walked off down the hall to A.J. and Howie's room. Kevin shut the door and walked over to his suitcase, pulling out a pair of jeans and a white wifebeater to wear. God, that was close. he thought. Drying his hair, he quickly got dressed and cleaned up the mess that they had made the past night. After putting his dirty clothes in his suitcase he glanced at the half-closed bathroom door. Sighing, he grabbed his room key before heading downstairs to the lobby.

When Nick came out of the bathroom a few minutes later he was disappointed to find that Kevin had already left. He saw that Kevin had folded up his clothes and placed them on top of the dresser. As he looked at the clothes he could picture just how they had been removed from his body. Oh God, what have I done? he thought as the full force of what had gone on the past night hit him like a brick wall. Damn my hormones. Now I'll be lucky if Kevin ever talks to me again. Throwing his clothes to the floor, he let out an anguished cry as his vision blurred due to hot tears of pain. His knees gave out on him and he sank to the floor. Crawling across the floor over to the bed, he slipped under the covers and curled into a ball. As violent sobs racked his body he held his pillow close, burying his face in it. And in the back of his mind, despite everything that told him that he was wrong, he wished that it was Kevin he was holding.

Next: Chapter 2: Whispers in the Night 3 4

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