Whispers in the Night

By moc.loa@7arbiLkraD

Published on Aug 29, 1999


Glad you all are enjoying the story. Here's the next couple chapters.

The same disclaimer applies: I don't know Kevin Richardson or Nick Carter and this story is not meant to imply anything about their sexual preferance. Yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah.

Send all feedback to DarkLibra7@aol.com


Chapter 7

Alec could not believe how easy it had been to find out what room Kevin was in. "God, they really need better security here." she muttered as she stepped into the elevator. It had been a couple months since she had seen her best friend and she missed him, a lot. So, she decided to book a flight from sunny Orlando to the Windy City and surprise him. After all, she wanted to be there for the last concert of the tour.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened and she stepped out on to the ninth floor. His room was at the end of the hall and she smiled when she finally reached it. Straightening her black tank top and jeans, she rested her hand on the doorknob and found it unlocked. Raising an eyebrow, she slowly opened the door and stepped inside. It was dark in the room and she figured that he was asleep so she quietly closed the door. She started to walk into the room when her eyes fell on the two figures on the bed.

I must be seeing things, she thought, closing her eyes. But when she opened them there were Kevin and Nick fucking on the bed. Her blue eyes widened as she watched them and listened to their cries of passion. When they finished she was utterly shocked when she heard them tell each other `I love you'.

"Oh my God." she said softly. They froze when they heard her voice. When Kevin turned to look at who was there his eyes widened when he saw Alec. He quickly scrambled off of Nick, who grabbed the sheets and covered himself up.

"Alec, what are you doing here? How much did you see? Please don't tell anyone, you can't. God, Alec, talk to me." he pleaded frantically, a million thoughts running through his head.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. When she opened them she saw both Kevin and Nick watching her with frightened expressions on their faces. "That was amazing. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone." she said finally. They both let out a sigh of relief. She crossed the room and smacked Kevin upside the head. "Richardson, I thought I we told each other everything! How could you not tell me you liked Nick?" she asked.

"Damn, Alec, that hurt." he said rubbing his head. "And this just happened yesterday so calm down."

There was a silence and Alec realized that Kevin was standing before her naked. As she let her eyes roam she felt a growing warmth spread between her legs. "So, do you let everyone see you at half staff or just close friends?" she asked, smirking. He blushed and grabbed the sheet from the bed. Nick couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" Kevin asked, smiling. Before Nick could react he grabbed the sheets that were covering Nick and pulled them to the end of the bed.

"You're gonna get it now, Kev." Nick said, getting up. He tackled Kevin and the two started wrestling around on the floor. Alec couldn't help but watch. Here were the two men that she lusted after rolling around on the floor, butt naked. She didn't realize she was staring until Nick said, "Hey, Alec, enjoying the view?"

It was her turn to blush but she decided to be gutsy. "Actually, yeah, I am."

Kevin bent down to Nick and whispered something in his ear. Nick nodded and Kevin got up and slowly walked over to her. She couldn't take her eyes away from him and found that it was suddenly quite hot in the room. When he was standing in front of her he ran a hand through her blue hair and bent his head to hers. His tongue snaked out and parted her lips before slipping inside. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she gently pushed him away from her.

Ripping off her clothes, she pushed him down on the floor and ran her tongue over his chest and abs, licking up the dried cum. When she reached his neck she kissed a path up to his ear. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this." Alec purred before impaling herself on his length. They both moaned and he moved his hands to her hips as she started to ride him.

"Hey, don't leave me out." Nick pouted, coming up behind her. He ran his hands over her back and around to her chest. Taking a breast in each hand, he gently squeezed and massaged them, making her moan. Grabbing her hips, he quickly thrust into her ass. She arched her back in pleasure as both men started thrusting at the same time. Kevin started suckling her breasts while Nick sucked on her neck and she quickly reached orgasm. Nick was next and screamed out in pleasure as he released his load within her. Hearing his lover climax was all Kevin needed and he gave a final thrust as he shot his load. The three of them lay on the floor, covered in sweat and cum. Finally, Alec spoke.

"You must be a screamer, huh, Nick?" They started laughing and separated. Alec crawled into the still-made bed and watched as Kevin and Nick laid down on the other bed. "Hey, Kev."

"Yeah, Alec?" he asked softly as he curled up against Nick.

"I wish you two the best. And don't you ever not tell me something like this again." she said, smiling.

"Thanks, Alec." he replied, smiling back. "Good night."

" `Night you two lovebirds." she muttered, rolling over and quickly drifting off to sleep.

Kevin looked up at Nick and brushed his lips across Nick's. "Sweet dreams, my love." he said, and laid his head down on Nick's chest.

Nick sighed contentedly and pulled him close. "I love you,"

"I love you more." he whispered before falling asleep. ******

A.J. sighed and rubbed his temples. He could not believe what he had just heard. But damn, he had one hell of a headache from all the noise that they had been making. "Rok is gonna flip when he finds out about this." he muttered, laying back on his bed.

"When he finds out about what?" Howie asked as he walked into their room.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I don't know, A.J. You've told me a lot of crap and you have yet to shock me."

"Fine, but you might wanna sit down." he warned Howie.

Raising an eyebrow, Howie sat down on his bed and looked at A.J., who was staring up at the ceiling. "Okay, now tell me."

"There was a lot of screaming and moaning coming from next door. And a couple proclamations of love."

"So, this is a hotel, A.J. You of all people should know what people do in hotels."

A.J. turned to glare at Howie. "Gee, thanks, D. I love you, too. But seriously, who's room is next to ours?"

"Isn't Kevin and Nick's room . . ." he trailed off as he realized what A.J. was saying. "You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah, and I gave myself this headache."

"Shit." he muttered, running his hands through his hair. "You're right, Rok is definitely gonna flip. Hell, he might skin them alive."

Chapter 8

Alec was pacing her living room and glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time. "Leave it to the guys to be late." she muttered. It was a few days before Kevin's 28th birthday and the guys were all meeting at Alec's house to discuss plans for the surprise party that they were throwing him. She had told them to be there at noon and it was now 1:45. "A.J.'s probably shopping, Howie's probably showing some new condos, Brian and Ashley are still on their honeymoon so they won't be here and Nick's probably at Kev's." A smile spread over her face as she thought of Nick and Kevin.

It had been six months since she had caught them together and they were still going strong. The tour had ended successfully with no one finding out about them. She had covered for them too many times to count. Since they had gotten back to Orlando Nick and Kevin had been spending most of their time together. Kevin was actually starting to loosen up and Nick was getting a little more responsible. She was starting to worry that someone would find out about them because of all the time they were spending together. Brian would have realized something was up by now but him and Ashley had gotten married as soon as the tour was over and they had been on their honeymoon for the past two months.

A knock on the door broke her out of her thoughts. Storming over to the door, she opened it to find A.J. and Howie standing on her front step. "It's about damn time you two showed up. You're almost two hours late." she hissed as they stepped inside.

"Sorry," they muttered.

The three of them got settled in her living room and started discussing plans for the party. "Why don't we get one of those cakes that someone jumps out of?" Howie suggested.

"But who would we get to jump out of it?" Alec asked.

"I'm sure Nick wouldn't mind." A.J. said without thinking.

Alec's eyes got wide. "What do you mean by that, A.J.?"

"Um . . . nothing," he replied, shifting in his chair.

"You two know, don't you?" she asked softly.

Howie and A.J. looked at each other before A.J. answered, "Yeah, I heard them the day you came up and then I told D. Don't worry, Brian doesn't know." he added when he saw the look on her face.

She let out a sigh of relief. "God, I don't wanna even think about what Brian'll do to them when he finds out. Are you two okay with them?"

"They're our `brothers'. I never would have thought that they would get together but if they're happy then that's all that matters." Howie said.

A.J. nodded. "We're behind them 100 percent. I just wish that they would have told us instead of having you cover for them. All you have to do is watch them when they're around each other and you can tell that there's something else between them."

"You have no idea how happy they'll be to hear that." she told them. "Now, since Brian and Ashley aren't going to be back for another week let's go with Nick jumping out of the cake." They nodded and continued discussing the surprise party and planned it for the evening of Kevin's birthday. If only they knew what was to happen that night.

Next: Chapter 5: Whispers in the Night 9 11

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