Whole Hearted

By Brian D.

Published on Jan 19, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This story involves sex between 2 consenting teenage males. If this subject offends you, DO NOT read this story. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people is purely coincidental. If you shouldn't be reading this, then don't. Story is copyright protected by author. Do not distribute without permission of the author.

Whole Hearted



Chapter 4

The days are growing hotter and hotter. Not much has happened in the last week since Zack's bad news. Aaron and I have been horsing around in the pool almost everyday. With being close to July 4th, we are planning to spend the day at Niawanda Park. Today is the 3rd and I want to give Aaron some of my own fireworks before tomorrow night. But how to approach him to see if he is ready? Sure, I could come right out with it, but that just might piss him off. Seems I have been beating myself up with this as of late. Things are going great with him, and I don't want to lose him, not now, not ever.

I glance over at the clock. It says 4am. Suddenly, I feel a cold rush of air over me. I look over at the window and it's closed. I thought I left that window open before I laid down to sleep. What the hell is that I ask myself? It is dark and I can't see more than a few feet in front of me. I keep hearing a whispering voice coming from the closet area. It says "Come with me."

"Who are you?" I answered back.

"Come with me and you will see the light."

"The light? The light of what?"

"The light that has been missing in your life Jarryed."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Come with me, all will be told." Says the voice.

As my eyes adjust a little more to the darkness, I see a shadowy figure. Once again the voice says "Come with me."

As I follow the figure out of the house to the faint glow of moonlight, I finally see who the person is. It is Devin. He is dressed in a black suit. He has on a white shirt with a black tie. Now this is something you see only at funerals.

"Why are you wearing a black suit Devin?"

"Jarryed, my friend, my life has not been easy since I had to move. After getting to Dallas and being able to see my father again, things went terribly wrong."

"What did he do to you?"

"He found out about you and me. I was beaten to a bloody pulp. I have been in a coma in the hospital since. I am going to die Jarryed. I asked God to see you once last time."

"NO!!! This can't be happening." I said screaming.

"I'm sorry Jarryed, this is the way it has to be."

"No it doesn't Devin. You know it. Fight! Fight for you life! You have never been a quitter!" I said as tears started flowing out of my eyes.

"Jarryed, listen to me. This is the path that was written long before I was born. I cannot change that. I had to see you before I left. Goodbye Jarryed."

As he started to turn away, I was screaming "Devin! Don't go." at the top of my lungs. A bright white light started to surround Devin. Before he disappeared, he turned back and looked at me and said "I will love you always and forever."


He finally disappeared into the light.

I woke up to the phone ringing. I glanced at the clock. 4:30 Am. Who in their right minds would be calling at 4:30 in the morning. Picking up the phone, I said groggily "Hello?"

"Jarryed, is that you?"

"Yes, who is this?"

Devin's voice grew a little deeper than what it was before he left. I didn't notice the voice at first.

"It's Devin, sorry to wake you up, I just needed to hear your voice." He said.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, things are great. I'm sorry to wake you. I had a weird dream. You came to me in my dream. You were saying that you were going to die."

"No fucking way. I just had the same dream."

"Dude, I miss you so much." Said Devin.

"I miss you too." I said as I started to cry.

"Jarryed, don't cry. One day we will be together again."

"Devin, I need to tell you something. 2 weeks after you left, your house was sold. The family that moved in, I...I...I'm in love with their son." I said stammering.

"Jarryed, we will always be together in our hearts. I hope he is treating you right. Cuz if he isn't, I will fly back up there and kick his ass myself!"

"Devin, whoa man, take a step back. He is treating me exceptional. I hope that you are not mad at me for getting into a relationship so soon after you left. At first, I couldn't live without you. The days dragged on forever. Then the day I saw him, all the pain just went away. I was crying for 2 weeks before that."

"How can I be mad at you. I knew a long distance relationship wouldn't work. I had to let go of you even though I didn't want to. The 2 day trip down here was unbearable. I had tears from the end of the street all the way down here. My mom kept asking me what was wrong. I couldn't bring myself to tell her. She finally figured it out herself and asked me if I was gay. I answered that I was. She slammed on the brakes. Dude, she like hugged me forever on side of the highway. Even the cops stopped and asked if we were alright."

"Oh man, I woulda loved to see the cops reaction to that." I said laughing.

"It was priceless dude. Mom said she won't tell my dad unless he asks about it. But I don't think he will. Seems like he is always working."

"How is Dallas by the way?"

"It's a cool town, but NT is way better. The storms can get pretty nasty. We even had a tornado warning in the next county the other day. By the way, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. Wish you were here so I could hold like I used to."

"Jarryed, you have a boyfriend. Don't say stuff like that. You were my first. That is very special to my heart. Don't do anything to jeopardize that relationship."

"I won't, but you were my first too, we will always have a special connection that we can't explain to anyone else."

"I gotta get going, I wanted to make sure you were all right."

"I'm fine. Glad that you called. It's good to hear your voice again."

"Jarryed, here is my number. If you ever get into any trouble, please call me."

"You got it. Talk to you later Devin."

"Goodbye Jarryed, I love you."

"Love you Devin." I said as I hung up the phone.

After finally going back to sleep for a few hours, I woke up and found Aaron sleeping next to me. How did he get in here? Mom must have let him in earlier. I laid awake for an hour watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't resist any longer and planted a kiss on his lips. He awoke and those green eyes just stared into mine.

"I'd love to woken up like that everyday" Aaron said smiling. "How long have you been watching me?"

"For about an hour. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

"Come closer Jarryed, I have a present for you."

"Oh really, now what present have you been hiding from me?"

Aaron took my hand and slid it down his chest. As my hand got closer and closer to his shorts, my own dick started to come to life. As he slid my hand under his boxers, I found the present he was hiding. Now how far would Aaron be willing to go. He initiated this contact. I didn't have to wait much longer for an answer as he slid his hands into his shorts and removed them and his boxers in one quick shove downwards. This can't be happening I thought to myself. After he removed his shorts, he then reached over and yanked mine down. Oh my god. This is really happening. He reached for my 5" teenhood and started to stroke it lightly. I copied the same movements. We were both breathing heavy as he started to lick my neck and he kept going further and further. He teased my nipples with his tongue as he was stroking me. He reached my belly button. He slid his tongue all the way to the base of my cock. He started licking up the shaft and I let out a moan.

"That feels so good." I said trying to catch my breath.

He kept on working my dick. As he reached the head, he split his lips and let my dick slide right into his warm and waiting mouth. I just about died and I let out another moan. As his mouth was wrapped around my dick, he started to play with my balls with his hand. He was lightly squeezing and rolling them around in his fingers. He was working my dick like a pro. With all the excitement that I was feeling, I couldn't last much longer.

"Aaron, man if you don't slow down, I am not gonna be able to stop."

Hearing that just drove him nuts. He started sucking harder and faster as did his hand works my balls faster. My balls started to tighten up. Aaron knew I was close. The feeling started to come over me as I said "I'm gonna cum."

Aaron backed off my dick and started jacking me for all he was worth. Five seconds later, my body tensed up to a very rigid state as my dick started to spasm. The first shot landed on my chest and was followed by a couple more that landed near my belly button.

Catching my breath I said "That was awesome. Where'd you learn to suck dick like that?"

"Off the internet. I did quite a bit of reading on it. How'd did I do?" asked Aaron.

"Dude that was the best I have ever gotten. Now it's your turn." I said as I started to move down.

He caught me under my arm and said "Not right now. I want to see a few fireworks of my own tonight."

"Ok then. Hate to see a good hardon go to waste." I said mischievously.

I had finally seen my lover totally naked. He is so hot. Awesome chest and arms, and the legs nice too. Somebody has to be watching over me to get this lucky. Here I am at 5'7" and weigh 120lbs. I am a toothpick. I don't have any muscle definition at all. Sure, I'm cute. He could have anyone he wanted, but why me? I have a feeling that question will be answered soon enough.

"Let me go get a shower. I'm a sticky mess. After that, we can figure out what we are going to do today."

"Ok. I'm gonna run home, eat a little breakfast and I'll come back over in about an hour."

"See ya then lover boy."

"You know you will." answered Aaron.

Stepping into the shower, I was mesmerized by what had happened. I just stood there with the water running over me. I was so in love with Aaron that I never expected this turn of events. I was blindsided by his love. He must have been planning for a couple days. The 4th of July and fireworks. Now it all made sense. What a little conniving boyfriend I had. He knew exactly what buttons to push and when to push them. As I stepped out of the shower in my mesmerizing state of mind, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Jarryed, are you almost done in there?" my Mom asked.

"Hold on Mom, I just got out of the shower."

"Where did Aaron go? I had some errands to run and thought you were up."

"I was up Mom, thanks for letting Aaron in." I had lied to my mom. Knowing full well that I was asleep. What if she checked on me before she left? I would be in some deep shit. "I'll be out on 30 seconds Mom."

Opening the bathroom door, Mom kissed me on the top of head. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Morning Mom. It's all yours."

"Thanks honey. There are some groceries down on the kitchen table. Can you put them away for me please?"

"Sure, as soon as I get dressed." I said standing there with a towel around my waist.

After going back into my room, I turned on the CD player. Savage Garden was the first song up. The Best Thing. The second verse struck a chord in me.

Walk on broken glass make my way through fire

These are the things I would do for love

Farewell peace of mind kiss goodbye to reason

Up is down the impossible occurs each day

This intoxication thrills me

I only pray it doesn't kill me

Those lyrics seemed so fitting, almost like a custom made racing glove. Each and every day Aaron would do something that I couldn't ignore. No matter who we were around, he showed me that he loved me. This intoxication thrills me, I only pray it doesn't kill me. So true. I feel like I'm floating all the time around Aaron. I don't know what would happen if something happened to either of us.

I went downstairs and put the groceries away. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was already 11:30AM. It was almost time for Aaron to come back over. Just thinking seemed to the make time go slower. I miss him so much when we are not together. Then, on the other hand, every time I see him, my heart beings to melt. Mom was downstairs and I didn't hear the knock on the door.

"Jarryed, are you gonna get the door?" My mom asked.

She broke me out of my trance. Looking around I asked "Huh?"

"There's someone at the door, can you get it?"


As I opened the door, I almost got ran over as Aaron rushed in.

"Whoa dude. Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked.

"I missed you so much. I want to spend every waking minute with you."

"Let's not waste another minute then."

"Mom, I'm going out with Aaron. We'll be back later on."

"Ok honey, be safe." Mom said.

With that, we were out the door like a flash of lightning. We headed into the woods so we could have a little bit of privacy. We walked along the trail hand in hand. Things were so peaceful. Nothing could destroy the time that we spend alone. The further we walked the trail, the more I was beginning to fill with lust. Nature does that to me sometimes.

"Aaron, I want to give back what you gave me this morning." I said.

"Jarryed, this really isn't the place that I dreamed of being naked with you, although it might be fun." He said grinning.

"If you want to wait until tonight to see some fireworks, I can live with that. It's just that being alone with you in the woods seemed so kinky to me."

"Kinky? Umm, don't mean to burst that bubble of yours, but I don't want mosquito's sucking blood from my dick."

Hearing that I doubled over in laughter.

"Now that would be a sight to see."

"Just you wait Christoff." He said smirking.

"Oh really, what are you going to do to me? Rip all my clothes off and ravage my body like some wild beast?"

"That isn't a bad idea" Aaron stated with an evil laugh.

We continued walking and wound up over by the little league fields. After goofing off at the fields, I noticed that it was 3PM.

"We better start heading back."

"What time is it?" asks Aaron.


"Let's jet, I'm thirsty anyway."

"I got something for you to drink." I said winking.

"Jarryed Christoff, you devil. What would make you think I want to swallow your cum?"

"Because it is sweet, just like me?"

"Oh you are sweet alright. If I poured water over you, you would melt like sugar." Aaron said laughing.

"You make my heart melt. Just like the day I first saw you. As you walked back in the house that day, my heart was skipping three beats at a time."

"That's funny that you mentioned that."

"How so?"

"Cuz it is. I don't know what it was about you that day, but something told me that I had to get to know you. Maybe it's those blue eyes of yours that were piecing into my soul."

"You know, maybe it is fate that we are together. It does work in mysterious ways sometimes." I said.

We continued talking all the way back to my house. There is so much to learn about Aaron, and I want to learn it all. That might take a little bit considering how his life was ruined not that long ago. I have never pressed the issue about his life back in Monroeville. I figured if it was important that he would tell me.

Walking in the door my mom greeted us "Hi boys. Did you have a good time?"

"Yup" we said in unison.

"Mom, what is for dinner tonight?" I asked

"We're having Pineapple Basil Chicken, coconut ginger rice, and oregano and onion bread. For dessert I whipped up an Almond Blueberry Sour Cr^Ême Pie."

"I don't know about the dessert but dinner sounds very delicious."

"Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes Jarryed. Aaron is welcome to stay if it's ok with his parents."

"I need to run home and get out of these shoes. They are killing my feet. I'll ask if I can eat over." Aaron stated.

"Cool, see ya in a few." I said.

"Mom, I'm heading up to my room. Let me know when it's time to get the table set."

"Ok honey."

I was staring out my window and didn't hear Aaron come in. When he put his hands on my shoulders, I jumped out of my chair.

"Dude, don't ever do that. You scared the shit outta me."

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in."

"It's ok. Can you stay for dinner?"

"Of course you silly fool. Why else would I be here?" asked Aaron.

"For this" I said as I grabbed him by the waist pulling him into me.

Our lips touched ever so lightly. We moved our faces apart just for a split second. With a force coming over me, I started to devour those lips of my boyfriend. His tongue darted into my waiting mouth. I started sucking on his tongue. He was moaning in his kiss as he started grinding our pelvises together.

"I have been waiting to do that all day" Aaron said.

"You don't need permission from me. Just do it. I love the way you make me feel when were together. Nothing in this world can compare."

"Not even finding a diamond worth a hundred million dollars?" "No way, you're all that I want." I said.

We kissed again and heard my mom calling for me.

Dinner was uneventful as we talked the normal dinner conversation. How has your day been, what did you do stuff. Even though the dessert didn't sound too appealing when I first heard it, Aaron and I devoured two pieces of the pie. It was absolutely delectable. We were excused from the dinner table and headed right back up to my room.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" I asked.

"Let's play some games and in a little bit go out and toss the ball around."

"Sounds cool to me."

Time went by so fast and before we knew it, it was 9PM. Being that Dad was off tomorrow for the holiday, my parents decided to go out for a few hours leaving us two mischievous boys alone.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"How about going up to your room and turning on the tunes."

"Sounds good, let's go."

We walked up the stairs holding hands. At the top of the stairs I turned to Aaron and put my arms around his waist pulling him into me. Our lips met. I was darting my tongue in and out of his mouth. I picked him up and carried him to my room all while holding his tight firm ass. Oh god, I love the feel of Aaron's ass. As I laid my lover down on the bed. I walked over to my computer and turned on my mp3 player. I loaded my love song playlist.

The first song that came I wanted to skip over but Aaron yelled out "NO!" Leave that one play. The song was REO Speedwagon Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore. Aaron started singing the lyrics. His voice was in perfect tone with the music. He got off the bed and grabbed me by the arms. He starts dancing with me in the middle of my bedroom. He was kissing me the whole time.

I can't fight this feeling any longer.

And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow.

What started out as friendship.

Has grown stronger.

I only wish I had the strength to let it show.

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever.

I said there is no reason for my fear.

Cause I feel so secure when we're together.

You give my life direction,

You make everything so clear.

And even as I wander,

I'm keeping you in sight.

You're a candle in the wind,

On a cold, dark winter's night.

And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore.

I've forgotten what I started fighting for.

It's time to bring this ship into the shore,

And throw away the oars, forever.

Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore.

I've forgotten what I started fighting for.

And if I have to crawl upon the floor,

Come crushing through your door,

Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore.

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you.

I've been running round in circles in my mind.

And it always seems that I'm following you, girl,

Cause you take me to the places,

That I'd known I'd never find.

After the song had finished playing he led me back over to the bed. Slowly and lovingly he gazed at me through those green eyes. He leaned in slowly and started kissing me again. He started to move his hands down to my waist. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't in any mood to stop him. He wanted me and I definitely wanted him. As he reached inside my shorts he found my rock hard dick waiting for him. At the same time, I was rubbing his back and slipping my hand in to feel up his ass.

"Lift up your hips, baby."

I did as requested and he removed my shorts and boxer briefs.

"Now it's my turn. Lay on your back." I said.

I moved up to his face and instead of kissing him, I dove for his ear. As I nibbled on his ear, Aaron was moaning and breathing heavy. As I worked my way down, I kissed every part of his neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and stomach. I finally reached his shorts. He lifted up his hips but I ignored this movement. Instead, I started rubbing his crotch. I could feel his hardness. It was aching to be released as it throbbed. Finally hooking my fingers into the sides, he lifted his hips again. Once his dick got free of the confines it slapped back against his abdomen. I started licking his balls. Going up his dick back down to his balls over and over. He knew I was teasing him.

"I can't stand this anymore. You're driving me nuts." He said.

"I can't help it. I love every part of you and I want to cherish this moment."

After saying that I let his dick part my lips and go into the warm confines of my mouth. As I played with his balls in one hand, the other was gently stroking up and down his shaft in the same tempo as my mouth. It must have felt really good because he started to buck his hips. I could feel his balls start to tighten. He was really close as I backed off him. Reaching down for his balls, I was rolling them around in my fingers. After they loosened up a touch, I started licking his ball sac. The aroma wasn't gross. A light sweaty smell. The scent of a man. I continued to work over his nuts, taking each one into my mouth. I worked my way back up to his dick. I dove right down to his pubes. I deep throated him a few more times. Working over the knob drove him wild. He was bucking his hips like a wild bull. He balls tightened up again. His whole body began to shake uncontrollably. His breathing was very heavy with short shallow breaths. He warned me just before he blew his load.

"I'm cumming."

His toes were pointed like those of a diver. He looked like he had rigor mortis as his body stiffened. He first blast shot by my neck and landed on his stomach. It was followed by 2 more spurts that were just as fierce. The last 2 spurts just drooled out of his dick. I scooped up some of his cum on my finger and slowly sucked it off my finger.

Moving back up to his face I kissed Aaron. His nectar was still on my tongue as it found its place in his mouth.

"I love you Aaron."

"I love you too Jarryed."

We drifted off to sleep cuddled up next to one another.

There's the 4th installment of Whole Hearted. Finally some action in this story. Sorry it took so long, but this story is about a relationship, and all relationships are not about sex. The boys seemed to relax a little in this chapter. But what does the future hold in store? Only time will tell.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome at shadowman_26@yahoo.com. If you enjoyed this story so far, please let me know. I can be reached at the email stated or on Yahoo Messenger at shadowman_26. Chapter 5 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 5

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