Whose Phone Is This

By Rob Aaron

Published on Aug 18, 2023


Whose Phone is this?

Note: This story is a complete work of fiction, though I wish that someparts of it had actually happened. The names in this story have beenchanged and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purelycoincidental. As always, support Nifty if you are able.


Part 1

Today was the first day of high school for Thomas. He was both excited and a little intimidated at the same time. His older brother William graduated last year so he would not be around. Tomas definitely remembered a few of William's stories about the school. Thomas was nothing like his older brother. Thomas was a nerd. He was 6' 2", weighed 145 pounds and was completely totally gay. William on the other hand was your typical jock. He was 5' 11, weighted 180 and was as heterosexual as you could imagine. Thomas lusted over almost all of William's football friends. He had never actually done anything with a guy in real life, but as you can imagine, he jacked off almost every night thinking about one of them. Being gay was Thomas' closest secret. Nobody had the slightest idea that he was gay including William. Thomas had heard of how bad it could be in high school if you were different. And boy oh boy, was he ever more different. Or at least he thought so. He had decided that he would not tell anyone that he was gay until at least when he went to college. That would be four more very long years.The day went pretty much like he expected. He found all of his classes, met a few friends and generally fit in pretty well. After the last bell rang, he went to his locker to pick up a couple of books and was ready to head home. When he opened his locker, he noticed something very very strange. Right in front was a cell phone. The only problem with the phone was that he did not own one. How the heck did it get in his locker anyway. He looked around to see if anyone was around that might own it, but had no ideas. As soon as he picked it up, a text message came in. He glanced at the screen to see if it offered any clues, but he never expected a message like he read.The message said "Thomas, put the phone in your pocket and take it home. At 9:00, I will text you again." Holy crap Thomas thought. What the hell is going on? He quickly put the phone in his pocket and left the school. His mom noticed that he was not eating much supper and asked him what was wrong. He told her that nothing was wrong. School was actually pretty fun today. I think this year is going to be great. His mom must has believed him because she gave him a great big smile.I went ahead and finished homework and took a shower. Just before 9:00, I headed for bed. After telling my mom good night, I went upstairs and got in bed. I made sure the sound was turned off on the phone and waited for the text. At exactly 9:00, the phone vibrated. The text said "Congratulations on passing the first test. Before you ask any questions, I need to tell you the rules. You do not get a second chance. If you violate any of the rules, then you will never hear from me again. If you decide to go forward, I will test your limits. I will ask you to talk about things you have never told anyone and ask you to do things you have probably never even thought of doing much less actually having done. Do you want me to continue?"What the hell I thought. Could this be a prank? Is this some kind of secret club? Thomas thought for about what he should do for about three minutes before he responded. When he did, he simply typed "OK". "Rule 1. You may never ask a question unless I say you can." "Rule 2. If you ever refuse to do what you are told, you lose." "Rule 3. You may never tell anyone about this arrangement" "Rule 4. "If you quit, you will never get a second chance."Understand?I responded yes even though I didn't really understand at all. I mean I understood the rules, but had no clue what game we were playing.The phone texted again. "You may ask one question."Where the hell to begin. I had about 20 questions that I wanted to ask but only could ask one. So I guess I started with the easy one first. "Who are you?"The phone responded, "I am a senior at Walden High School." Walden was the name of the school I just started. I was thinking that didn't help me at all. I mean I found the phone in my locker at school so the person had to be a student there. I used up my one question and did not really find out anything. Next time I would have to ask a better question.The phone vibrated again. "We will get to know you better before sharing anything with you. If you keep passing the tests, you will be allowed to ask more questions. The tests will keep getting harder as you go along. Have you had sex with anyone not in your family?"Whoa. This was going to get wild pretty fast. My first thought was to stop answering the questions before I had to say something that would really embarrass me. My second thought was this was making me really horny already. Whoever this was would be able to pass me in the hall and I would have no idea who it was. So I answered with the truth and a simple "No." "Good answer since I knew that No was the truth. Do you jack off in the morning or at night?" "Usually both unless I wake up late." "Who is the hottest actress you like and who is the hottest actor?"hottest girl you think about?"Miley Cyrus and Isaac Hempstead-Wright I responded. "Who is Isaac?"He plays Brandon Stark on Game of Thrones. I just like his intense looks. "Why Miley Cyrus?"She just is totally sexy to me. "Why Isaac?"I just like his intense looks. I told the thruth here, but not everyting I was thinking. If the whole truth were to be told, I would say that I had been lusting over his body ever since I saw him on a stretcher in the show. In one scene, he fell from a high spot and hurt his back. When they did a close up on him right after the fall, you could tell that the guy had a nice dick. At least that is what my imagination said. "I think it is time to get a little more personal. How big is your dick?"About 7 inches. I don't think I am big but definitely am not small either. "Take a picture of your bulge"What? I mean, that is not really a question, other than to understand what you asked me to do. "Use the camera on this phone and take a picture of your bulge. You have 10 seconds to take a picture and send it to me."Damn. Damn. This just got intense fast. I just pointed the camera down to my shorts and took the picture. The person on the phone did not say to take my shorts off, so I didn't. Hopefully, he would not be able to tell I was getting hard. So I took the picture and hit send. "Lol. Dude, that was supposed to be without clothes, but since I did not explicitly say that, I will let it slide this time. That was the next test and technically you passed. Since you did, you can ask another question."I had been thinking about this one for a while so knew exactly what to ask. "What is the reward for me if I keep going and pass all the tests?"It took about 5 mintues before I got an answer. I was beginning to think I had messed up when the phone vibrated again. "I can only give you a partial answer to this question, so I will answer what I can and then allow another question. Think of us as a secret fraternity. Just like with most fraternities, the brothers get access to many things such as friendship, assistance, money, business contacts, etc. We provide all of those as well as much much more. BUT. To earn admittance, you will have to bare your entire being on faith. And when I mean bare everything, I mean everything. Still willing to continue? You can think on it overnight. I need an answer before 8:00 AM tomorrow. When you respond, you can ask your follow up question"What should I do? This could be a very elaborate joke and I would be humiliated forever. But if it was real, then I might actually finally fit in. I started to put down the phone and go to sleep and just decided to go with it. The worst that could happen is that I was an outsider at a new high school. I already was that. So I responded the best way I could think of to show my commitment. I slid down my shorts and jacked off enough to get totally hard. As soon as I got a drop of pre-cum on the tip, I snapped the pic of my dick. I hit send and typed "Absolutely."The reply was immediate. "Awesome Thomas. We will talk more tomorrow. Good night!"

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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