Wild Rumpus

By moc.liamhsuh@sdrocer_xam

Published on Mar 3, 2010


DISCLAIMER - This story is Fiction. While the main character is obviously real, none of the activities occurred and any similarities to real life our from my own imagination. I especially apologise if the main character of this story ever reads it or anyone he is acquainted with does. It is a pure fantasy and no offence is meant and no statement is made about the main character's real sexual preferences. As is typical with these stories, if they are illegal for you to read, please find something else to read. If you are offended by such materials, reading this will provide great amounts of such offence, which you could easily avoid by not reading any further. Otherwise enjoy.

Please feel free to address comments to max_records@hushmail.com

[Chapter 1 - Part 1]

I wonder if I should begin all this story like all the other ones I have read. No, I am not independently wealthy. No, I don't live in a huge mansion. No, I didn't come across some child in the street. There isn't really anything that special about me. I am 28 and am an editor for a small magazine in the US. The magazine reviews Graphic Novels, Anime and Manga. I barely make enough to make it by. I rent a place in Portland, Oregon, have a nondescript car and have a fairly nerdy and lonesome life.

The main reason for my loneliness is that is I have a slight problem, which I assume you, dear reader, share. My particular peccadillo is that I like young men. Boys to be precise. Boys between about 11 and 14 to be as specific as I dare at the moment. Being a rather moral individual (at least I would like to think so), there are few opportunities that would present themselves to solve my loneliness. It isn't like available boys just fall out of trees. (Ok, sometimes they do, but I have never been there, so the point is still valid).

Because of this, my adult life has been pretty much isolated, not having enough nerve to actively seek out any solutions to my problem, like I much read about on-line. Filling my emptiness with stories online and every now and again with an image of Tom Daley in a swimming suit. (Oh, and of course every bit of manga I can get my hands on. It is amazing what perverted thoughts go through the minds of the animators, but I whole heatedly thank them for there perverseness.)

Of course you are reading this story, hoping for something rather more interesting then me going on and on about how lonely I am and how I beat my meat to pictures of young swimmers and comics. Well, you are in luck. But one more digression before we get to the root of the matter, so to speak. I have to give you some sort of context about me, I am afraid, for those truly puerile enough to want to know who the "adult" in the story is. I am white, about 6ft 1in and weigh 195 pounds. I am nothing spectacular by any means, and have given up trying to wear contact lenses and wear rather ordinary rimless glasses, have blond hair and grey eyes and can often be found wearing some sort of T-Shirt from ThinkGeek.com, which seemed ever so witty at the time I purchased it, but have to always try to explain to people what the joke actually means, which detracts from the whole intention of being intelligently witty. I generally top off my evening casual ensemble with a pair of jeans. Ok, enough of this self-indulgent bullshit and lets get onto the story I want to share with you...

So, as editor for the magazine (please read above if you skipped down this far looking for the naughty parts, the will come, no pun intended, soon enough) I reserve the best jobs for myself, much to the disdain of my writers on my staff, most of whom I can't really stand. I therefore got myself a prime line-up for Comic Con in San Diego this past July. Having been there many times before I knew what was in store, but in particular I was able to score through a few connections an opportunity to do an interview with Max Records, the start of Where the Wild Things Are live action movie. I couldn't wait, I could just about said "screw you" to everything else going on, though Comic Con obviously would be a source of a lot of information for the next year of upcoming issues.

I have always been a fan of Spike Jonze, but when I heard he was doing where the Where the Wild Things Are, I couldn't wait to see it, and then when I found out they had cast a kid and saw some pictures of him, I was love struck. Trying to not drool over the trailers was very difficult. Knowing that Max was now 12 had him right in my sweet spot. I nearly couldn't contain myself.

Now, I know you might be thinking that we started going at it right in the interview, but that isn't very practical, is it? So you are going to have to keep reading some more if you want to find out what happens, but you are going to have to indulge in reading some interesting stuff about the interview, which was pretty damn exciting for me anyways.

In these interview circuits, they tend to make available a meeting room and shuffle people in and out one after another, while the talent just sits there and gets bombarded with idiotic question after question. Max had already been through, I don't know how many interviews, when my slot was up and I got shuffled into the room to meet Max. Now, I get really annoyed when people say "he is so mature for his age" to a well spoken, deep thinking young man that presents himself like a human being. What we forget as adults (which I think is shown really well in the movie) is that most of us who are complex as adults were quite complex as kids, and to say they are "mature beyond their years" belittles them. So I simply won't say it about Max.

The boy that I met in that room was quiet and reserved and polite, everything you would expect from a young person not used to so much attention. We started chatting a little bit, about the movie, if he had ever done press before, which he hadn't, what he thought of "celebrity", etc. He was rather reserved with flashes of excitement. Once we started talking about manga and then Max's face started to truly light up. He obviously was a fan and mentioned if I had ever read any of Osamu Tezuka's stuff. It nearly floored me. Tezuka-san had died almost before Max was born (something I didn't mention to him at that point). He said he was a fan of the Phoenix series, which of course is tragically unfinished due to Tezuka-san's death. We continued talking at length, about all sorts of topics, from school to his hobbies and interests. I was smitten. We both blissfully didn't notice the 15 minutes had passed and handlers start to stick their heads in and give me glaring looks. Obviously I was eating into someone else's precious time. They didn't obviously understand how important this was to me (and maybe Max). But we realised we needed to part. He shyly asked me for my name again (obviously not paying that much attention at the start) and I said "Sam Jennings" (oh, I realised I forgot to tell you that at the start, my bad). We had also realised during the course of our dialogue that we both lived in Portland. As I got up to leave, Max stood as well and after a slight look of hesitation in his eyes and an almost imperceptible shrug he opened his arms and we both embraced, with his head coming about midway up my chest. He looked up at me and said "It was nice talking with you Sam" and rather amazed I replied "Same here, Max" as I rubbed his back gently.

As we broke apart from our hug, Max said "hey, do you have a number?" and I pulled out one of my swanky business cards and said, "Yeah, here you go..." Obviously there was something going on here, but I was too awestruck to do anything else and turned around and exited the interview area, afraid that the handlers might sniff me out as a pedo and call the cops, but no one seemed to have given the embrace a second thought. Made me wonder if that sort of thing was normal for Max and maybe it wasn't that special after all. Oh well... I needed some fresh air, and fast!

[Chapter 1 - Part 2]

The next week, after I returned home, my cell goes beep beep just after lunch. I had received a text message from a number not in my phone's address book. I opened the message and grinned... It said "max here r u in town wanna do sumthing this weekend". After I smiled, I was a bit worried and nervous. I mean it isn't often that you have 12 yo boys texting you to just "hang out". Throwing caution to the wind, I text back "sure" with after a few minutes of me staring at my phone, it began to ring. I answered and said "Hello..." to which I heard Max reply "It's me, Max, I don't have a lot of minutes on my phone, can you call me back?" in a rather rushed but chipper fashion. "Um... sure?" (man, I was really sounding like and idiot). I hear the call end and again, throw caution to the wind and call back the cell number to get quickly answered with "thanks man, I would get hell from my 'rents... Being world famous actor doesn't buy you as much as you would think, anyways, my dad is going out on an overnight trip to take some pictures for a magazine gig he got, he is a photographer, my mom is around, but between her and Sam, they drive me crazy... not you Sam, but my brother Sam, that's crazy, I just realised you are both named Sam, oh well, you aren't nearly as annoying as he is, so what do you say, you want to go do something, like maybe go to a comic shop, or catch a movie, or go for a walk?" (Which I seem to remember he got out in one long spew without taking a breath). All of this rather took me by surprise, wondering what sort of demon I might have unleashed. All of this going on totally dumbfounded me and the silence must have been a little too much as I was collecting my thoughts. I heard "oh... um... maybe you are busy or something, it was just that we had such a great talk and I thought, oh well, nevermind, I feel silly now, I probably should have called..." To which my natural self kicked in and said "No... Max... wait... Sorry, but to be honest you caught me totally off guard, I would love to do something this weekend." (Did I just say love?) Max replied "oh... ok..." obviously hesitant. Feeling a bit bold I said "how many cute young men do you think call me? And you were going 100 mph there for a second..." "Yeah, people tell me that when I get excited, sorry... Sometimes things just come out of my mouth..." (I won't even start to say the imagery that was going through my head at that moment, I will leave it up to your perverted imagination, dear reader).

After a few more minutes of "normal" conversation with Max, I discovered that he had been explaining to his parents ever since the interview about how cool I was and how I lived in Portland and how I worked for a magazine as the editor. He said that acting was okay, but his dream was to get involved in the manga industry in some fashion, maybe become an illustrator or something. After his aggrandising of me so much, his Mom and Dad suggested that maybe if he got in touch with me that I might be able to give him some pointers. He said that his Mom wanted to meet me before we went out (which he added his own sigh too, to imply the disdain but compliance). I said, sure no problem. I found out he was in Arbor Lodge and I told him I lived in Hazelwood. I said there would be no problem picking him up and I could meet his mother. Then maybe we could go to Portland Art Museam, which it just happened to not only have it's existing Japanese collection, which was rather extensive, but currently had a 18th Century Shogun collection that was on loan from the Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya. Whatever it was that I said seemed to have achieve whipping Max into a ball of excitement, by the time I confirmed I would be there at 11AM on Saturday, he sounded like he was about to explode.

As Saturday arrived, I was a complete mess. I was about to go out on a "date" with for what in all intensive purposes was my ideal date and to top it off, one that seemed to take no prompting or coercion on my part. Having your fantasies come true is a lot more daunting then it seems when you are sitting there reading. I didn't know what clothes to wear, how I should do my hair, should I wear lots of after-shave or go as scentless as possible. Arghhh... How do normal people deal with stuff like this? I got myself out of my apartment and on the road in plenty of time and a quick trip through a Starbucks, I had enough caffeine in me to power a small town for a week. I arrived a bit to early so I parked down at the end of the block around the corner waiting for my appointed time. When the time comes, I pull around the corner, park up, get out and make my way to the door. I knock and a boy of about eight or nine answers (Sam I assume) dressed in a T-Shirt, a fairly narrow face, long black hair, shorts and a pair of white socks and, holds open the door and yells. "Maxie... your boyfriend is here..." and gets an evil grin on his face, turns around and heads back into the living room, leaving the door open. I hear some clamour in the Kitchen and a rather tall thin women peeks around the corner from that kitchen that is at the back of the house, drying her hands with a hand towel and says... "You must be Sam..." as she walks down the hall and extends her hand. I nod yes, extend my hand and give her warm and gentle hand a firm but not crushing handshake and say "Yes, 'mam I am." I give me a jovial "tut tut, Helen please, and please excuse my rather rude and insolent younger son," she says looking over her shoulder grieving a glare to the other Sam who just ignores her and continues playing with the PS3 which he was obviously engrossed with before my arrival. "Why don't you come in and have a seat, Max will be down in a minute I am sure. Can I get you anything, coffee, tea, water?" I kindly take her up on the offer for water.

She returns with the glass of water and offers me a chair. She says "Max says you are an editor for a comic books magazine." "Graphic Novel" I spit out before biting my tongue. "Oh... yes" she says with a slight look of disdain. Damn, I wish I would think before I say things. But the chatter continues generally unaffected by my rudeness. She asks me about myself, my family. She tells me about Shawn, Max's father being a photographer, how proud they are of Max, but how in ways the celebrity doesn't fit them as a family well and it has been taxing for both Max and Sam to have a normal quiet life. She says she understands how hard it must be to be a bit different and gifted at twelve and then to be "famous" on top of it all doesn't make you many normal friends. Though I had only met her for a few minutes, I could see that she was a lot wiser then she would let on and seemed to be trying to find out if I was a relatively "safe" pair of hands to entrust her son too. We chatted a bit more about my work and Helen smiled and pretend she cared. After there was a bit of a lull in the conversation, whether planned or not, Max came bounding down the stairs and says "Hey, you made it. Sorry it took me a while." I stand up and say "no problem". Max is dressed in a black Zero T-Shirt with a big white skull on it and a pair of jeans. "Also, sorry about my idiot brother..." he says as he shoot a killing glare at his brother who doesn't interrupt what he is doing to retort "glad to help, Maxi Pad". "SAM!" yells Helen with a look of apologetic helplessness to me. Turning a bit red, Max says "can we go now?" to his mom. She turns to him and says "you have your cell with you, right? You've got some money on you? Sam is going to bring you back about 8PM, right?" to which Max was exasperatedly replying "Yes... Yes... Yes..." Finally he turns to leave and grabs the door handle, opens the door and we exit. Helen says from behind us, "have a good time boys and drive safely" I turn around and say, "we will Helen, have a good afternoon, very nice meeting you."

We hop into my car and start driving to the museum. Max seems rather quiet and I am starting to get nervous again, trying to focus on driving while glancing out of the corner of my eye to look at Max. Max is sitting rather stiffly with both his hands on the top of his legs. "Nice car..." he says rather awkwardly. "Thanks..." I say. We continue down the road in silence. When we pull into the museum parking, park and shut off the car. I am getting a bit worried. I turn to Max and say "everything ok?" to which he turns, smiles at me and says "um... yeah... I guess I am just a bit nervous." "Nervous about what?" "Well, this..." "What do you mean?" "I don't have a lot of friends, the other kids at school have basically disowned now that I am famous. I didn't realise this was going to suck so much. Then I met you and I was like 'Wow' there is someone I really really like. It was like, you know, one of those things, but it is a bit confusing. There are moments when I feel all brave and then there are moments, like just now, when I feel a bit scared and unsure about myself." "Oh, I see... Well, you should know that I feel the same way. I was like a little kid this morning getting ready to come visit you, but then meeting your Mom was kind of scary. I had one of those 'Wow' moments too Max, back when we first met, and I never expected to hear from you again, but I am so very glad that you did call me." I reach over and pat Max on the knee and say "well, if we stay here all day bud, we aren't going to have much fun. Ready?" "Solid"

We enjoyed our time in the museum. We walked around and view the exhibit. I got plenty of time to admire Max. I was truly smitten, especially any time he turned to me and smiled. We had a healthy banter going on. Max was certainly insightful and entertaining. We talked a lot about how Japanese society and the roots of manga and anime were obviously in the shogun era art. There were plenty of opportunities for me to put my arm around his shoulders or rub his back as we were viewing an exhibit. Max seemed to adore the attention and I was more then willing to give it. We reached a point in the exhibition where there was some nudity in the artwork, both male and female, which made Max blush and I said "Japanese are said to be small all over, both up top in the women and down below in the men." And Max says "Yeah, I can tell, hell I think I am even bigger then that" with a giggle.

The rest of the museum tour went rather uneventful. We headed off for a local pizza place and grab some lunch, ensuring vegetarian pizza was on the menu. We sat there and talked and talked, Max about school, about how much he had enjoyed the movie, but how he had forgotten large parts of it, because it had been several years. How he gets huge a fair amount of fan mail from various young girls who think he is hot. He seemed nonplused at this, even saying that he might just have his younger brother Sam pretend to be him, because Sam always seems to be far more interested in the fairer sex. For my part, I gave him some details about my work, and how each issue of the magazine progresses to publication, what I do as an editor. He seemed very interested and asked a lot of questions. I don't think either of us realised that we had been sitting there for about 3 hours.

We decided that we needed to get a move on and headed off to Powell's books which was just down the road. I swear, they have like everything under the sun, including a fairly large manga collection. For those of us in relatively small towns, it is great to have a home grown place like Powell's. Anyways, Max and I wandered about the store. We got around to the manga section and both of us got lost in our own little worlds, looking at different things, see what was on offer, hoping for some sort of lost treasure. After a while I wandered over to max was and noticed that he had found a rather racy section of manga. Nothing explicit, but obviously there to titillate and entice. I say "How's it going bud?" and he replies "Oh, just fine. I just don't know what guys see in big berated women in tight clothes like this. It doesn't do a thing for me." He shrugs and puts the book back on the shelf. He comes towards me with a beckoning look, like he wants to tell me something and I lean down a bit to make it easier for him and he whispers in my ear "you know, I have downloaded on the net some of that shotacon stuff, now that is exciting..." and turns a bit red in the face and wanders off down the isle leaving me standing there rather shocked. After a bit of trying to put myself back in order and put thoughts of ripping that little imps clothes right off in the middle of the bookstore, I wander back towards him and say "well, anything here that you want?" to which the little imp replies "well, not that is for sale and winks at me..." Within 5 minutes the Max has totally left me speechless. I am not sure what he is hinting at, but I mean to find out. We agree to leave at that point and I suggest that we drive to Holman Park and have a walk about before we return him to his house.

After we reach the park, we start off on our walk. Once we are far enough off away from a major traffic route, Max is walking beside me and grabs my hand and says "I like you, you know..." "The feeling is very very mutual" I say. We continued to walk in silence, holding hands for quite a while. Part of me was super nervous and part of me was really comfortable. Max seemed quiet but content too. We walked at talked, sometimes holding hands, sometimes with my arm around his shoulders and his around my back and sometimes just strolling. As we rounded back around and started heading back towards the car, Max said "if we were to do this next weekend, I might want to see your apartment." Being practical and a bit embolden, I said "well, if you visit me there, I might not be able to keep my hands to myself..." Max gave me a wicked grin and said "I hope not..."

We drove back to his house, chatting away again, about this that and the other thing and when I pulled up outside, he looked at me like he was a little depressed and said "I really really really enjoyed today." "Me too..." "And we are definitely going to do this next weekend, right?" "Well, you call the shots." "Then yes!" and he leaned over with his face pointed up towards mine and I leaned over in what seemed like the most natural thing in the world and gave Max a kiss. As we broke kiss, I thought I noticed the corner of the curtain in the living room of Max's house twitch. Good lord what am I getting myself into. Max hopped out of the car, closed the door, waved goodbye and bounded up the path to his door and let himself in.

[Chapter 1 - Part 4]

I received a mid-week text from Max, saying for me to give him a call. I called him and he sounded as chipper as ever. I had spent most of the week worrying that the police would show up at my doorstep for making out with a 12 yo boy in front of his parents house. I hadn't known what to do, but speaking to Max seemed to rest my fears. He seemed quite ready for another trip, wanting to go see a movie. He said his Dad was back, but I didn't have to meet him and go through another interrogation as he would be totally ready when I arrived. He then lowered his tone and said "I've been thinking about visiting your apartment after the movie, and I would really like to, and if something were to happen, then, well, um, I think I would like that, if that is ok with you..." "Well, I would never deny you anything Max, I haven't felt this way about someone for a very very very long time and whatever you want to do, I would more then welcome, even if that is nothing..." All I got was a somewhat lusty boyish giggle and a "see you" before the call ended.

The rest of the week dragged, my heart was so not in reviewing copy for the next issue of the magazine, let alone dealing with the office politics of who got what assignment and who got the lead article. My mind was truly elsewhere. When Saturday morning arrived, I good barely contain myself. Instead of going out for a drink with my co-workers on Friday night, I had come home and cleaned every bit of the apartment I could find. I tossed and turned all not, switching between lust and fear. Were Max and I truly on the same page, what was going to happen with his parents, I am sure they weren't going to be fond of me "raping" their son, was Max really knowing what he was getting himself into? Followed by myself getting super stiff wondering what he looked like under his clothes, what type of underwear did he wear? How big was he? Did he have any hair? I wanted to spend time kissing his lovely lips. Then switching back to fear that an intimate relationship would sour what I was considering was a true friendship of a boy who I enjoyed the company of and didn't want to ruin it with sex. Ah, the toils and tribulations of being like us, is it not?

I finally got myself pulled together and departed towards Max's place, skipping the Starbucks this week. I walked up to the door and knocked and a bearded gentleman answered the door. "Ah, you must be Sam." said the man, who I assumed to be Max's dad Shawn. "Yes, sir I am." I was saying as I saw Max bounding down the stairs and barreling past his dad at hyper speed, grabbing me by the arm and without looking back saying "bye Dad" and out of the side of his mouth "'common" to me to which I had no choice but to be whipped around, though as I was, seeing his dad grin, shake his head, give me a shrug and shut the door. As we headed towards my car Max says "I really need to get out of here".

As we drove to the movies, we had decided to see District 9 at Clackamas Town Center, Max rattled off his trials and tribulations of the week, his teacher, his homework, his projects, his mother grilling him on every detail of last weekend, his brother continually teasing him about his "boyfriend" to which Max indicated he rectified the teasing bit of it with a few wrestling matches and noogies, at which point he stopped and looked over to me and said "well, I mean, not that, well, um... well little brothers can be such a pest sometimes" to which I patted Max on the knee and said "I understand". Max also said that his dad had had a long conversation with him, obviously after talking to his mother, saying things like "you are a growing young man" and "we expect you to start making decisions for yourself" and "I can't always understand how you feel" but "that you can come to me anytime you think you need to talk" and "no matter what choices you make, it won't make us love you any less". Max said the whole thing made him feel awkward and wasn't sure about all this stuff. He was feeling kind of morose by the time we arrived at the cinema.

But, that mood didn't last long as we piled up on a large popcorn, a couple of sodas and some Junior Mints and made our way to cinema. As we were waiting for the movie, Max's normal chatter has returned. We started talking about the movie and how Peter Jackson had found the director and was enabling him to make the full featured movie after Halo the movie got scrapped. Throughout the film our arms rubbed together and a couple times our hands would meet when going for some pop-corn. It excited me, though I think Max was just enjoying the movie. After the movie, as we were exiting, Max said "man, I gotta pee" to which I added "me too" and we headed off to the restrooms. Now I became very nervous, but I couldn't resist and stood next to Max at the urinal. Even though there were the little vanity dividers between the urinal, it didn't prevent me from looking at what Max had, though he couldn't see me. As I peeked, I think Max was aware and his face started to redden. I couldn't quite get the view I would have like, because Max was left handed and I was standing on his left, but I saw enough to know he wasn't circumcised... I was getting light headed. Max finished and zipped up while my older bigger bladder took a while to finish up. As I walked over to wash my hands beside Max, he says under his breath, but with an evil grin "you really shouldn't peek, it is rude" "well, can you blame me?" "no"

We went out and grabbed a something to eat in the mall, trying to find something that would was veggie but would feed a growing boy. I went veggie out of sympathy (or maybe to try to impress Max, I am not sure). As we ate, Max started playing footsie with me and giggling as he ate his french fries and drank his drink. I played back while trying to pretend nothing was going on. I was truly enjoying my time. As we finished up, I said "ok, bud, what's next?" to which Max said "you're apartment, you've got something to show me, don't you?" in an almost accusing tone. I warned him again "are you sure, I will end up doing more then peeking" "that's what I was hoping" said Max with the return of the evil grin.

We drove most of the way back the apartment in silence, both of us were obviously nervous, knowing what was going to happen. I think I was stiff most of the way, and I kept glancing out of the corner of my eye and I suspect Max might have been too. We parked and went up to my apartment. I showed Max around (there really isn't that much to it) and offered him a drink. He said great, and flopped down on my couch. I got us our drinks and sat down there as well. We both kind of sat there, stared around, not knowing what to do next. Finally, I built up the courage and asked "Max, not to pressure you or make you second guess anything, but are you really really sure you want to do things with me?" "Yes" was the single word reply. After another pregnant pause "I am really nervous though, I don't know what to do, but I know I want to do it. I mean I have read things on the internet and have well, looked at shota and well, I know I like that, and I like you lots, and I want to try stuff, but I don't know what to do, or if I will do it good, or, ugh... it sucks being a kid." I scooted closer to Max, put my arm around his shoulder and said "Max, you have no idea how much this means to me. I am totally in love with you. You don't have to worry about the details, they come naturally, so to speak. Just go with the flow and don't worry. If it all ended right now, I have already had the best two weekends of my life." "Ok" said Max sheepishly, "what do we do then?" "Well, we should probably start by going into my bedroom..."

[Chapter 1 - Part 5]

He reached down and pulled his T-Shirt over his head. Max was now standing before me shirtless and I was at a loss for words. He wasn't bone skinny, but you wouldn't say he was overweight. He had just enough extra body mass to have a little pouch of a belly and two small lumps where his nipples were. He had a smattering of freckles here and there. As he stood there, he cocked his hip, put his hand on it and said "Do you like what you see?" in a sort of teasing but in a slightly reserved way that showed he wanted some approval. I just closed the gap between us and gave him a big hug. We stood there in the embrace for a while, just enjoying the body heat. I started to rub his back and moved lower until I was rubbing the top of his ass through his jeans with. He looked up at me and said "I can't believe I am doing this." I responded with, "well, everything is up to you". He thought for a moment and responded with a nod and giggle saying "well, you are certainly up!" and pressed himself forward into my rather large problem. Then he whispered almost inaudibly, "but so am I".

We stood there for a while, me not wanting to make the next move, but wondering what Max was thinking, wondering how far he wanted to go. So we continued to hug and he started trying to grind his pelvis into me, though because of his height it wasn't too effective, sort of caught between my legs. Finally I built up the courage and said "do you want me to undress you?" to which he, after a bit of reflect nodded his head into my chest and said "yes".

I let go of Max and kneeled before him and slowly undid his belt buckle, noticing there was a rather decent sized bulge in his jeans, which as I was undoing his belt buckle I couldn't help but brush up against it. A slight groan escaped from Max's lips. As I went for the button snap on his jeans I couldn't help but inspect his rather attractive tummy. Oh, what inner fortitude it took for me to not just start licking him all over, but I suspected he would appreciate me adoring another part of his body more. I slowly lowered his zip over the rather insistent bulge of his jeans and then lowered his jeans over his hips and butt and was pleasantly greeted with a rather obnoxious tent in a pair of grey boxer briefs. Once his jeans were around his ankles he stepped to the side of them and I got to behold the shaggy haired Max in almost his fully glory. I can't think of anything else that my eyes will ever behold then the gorgeous Max quite worked up, blushing slightly with a look of excitement with a tinge of fear on his face. As I looked up at Max, I said "Are we ok?" and he gave a little nod and said "Yup. Solid" and popped a slightly wicked little grin.

Trying not to be like a kid on Christmas and ripping into my package, I wanted us both to savour the moment, which I assume was very difficult for both of us, but isn't expectation half the fun? I start to stare at his tent pole while I rub up the back of his legs until I reached his rather plump ass and started to mould it with my hands. I could see a small wet spot at the end of his stiffness forming, which answered a question I had for quite a long time about his capabilities. Max just stood there staring down at me, obviously wondering what was next. I reached up a little further and start to hook my fingers into the grey boxer briefs and start to edge them downwards. Obviously his pole was not making lowering this underwear too easy, but his crotch above his straining member came into view and I could see just a sparse smattering of hair at the base of his cock, which excited me even more (if such was possible). I slid my hands forward and pulled is undies off his member releasing his pride and joy to the outside world. I think I gasped.

His boyhood was about 4 1/2 inches long, a bit fatter then I expected, uncircumcised, with just the end of the head poking out from behind the foreskin. It was angled slightly upward and a little to the left. Below his rather sparse patch of pubes where his rather ample balls, looking rather delicious to me, with maybe four to five hairs in total. He had a rather large freckle on one ball. All which I admired as I smelt a slightly muskyness of boyishness as I lowered his underwear to the floor.

I reached up again to grab onto his now uncovered ass, which was warm and soft in my hands. I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue and gently licked the glistening end of his young cock. Obviously quite worked up himself he shifted forward trying to push his cock into my mouth, which I gladly obliged by opening and wrapping my lips around his turgid member. I started to administer slowly to his cock to which I was rewarded with a "unghh" followed by "mmmm" from Max. I started guiding his member in and out of my mouth by grabbing his ass while I continued my ministrations. Max grabbed firmly onto my head to steady himself and stopped needing me to guide him as his natural instincts to thrust into my mouth. Getting slightly more daring, I took my index finger and worked it into his crack and started rubbing his hole, which rewarded me with an exclamation of "ohhhh" from Max and just moments later as rushed exclamation of "Sam... oh... I am going to... urghhhh..." and it appears Max couldn't quite finished his sentence as his young rod thrust rudely into my mouth and I felt a small amount of his cream grace my tongue. After a few pants and thrusts, Max giggled "Ooooops... Sorry about that." As I was still holding his cock in my mouth I couldn't quite respond.

I took my mouth of his cock, though it seemed that Max's cock wasn't going to wilt so fast. Ah, the joy of youth. I looked up at him and said "you want to lie down on the bed?" "Yes" Max replied eagerly. So I stood up and said "Well, I am a little more confined then you..." and I started taking my cloths off. Off with the t-shirt, down with the jeans, with Max watching eagerly. Seeing the lump in my briefs, his eyes widened. I tried to do a sexy little wiggle as I lowered my briefs (though I doubt I should give up my day job) to which Max giggled. With my briefs dropped, and a rather rudely leaking cock, I said to Max "come here", opened my arms and bent a little bit to which Max jumped into my arms. Grabbing Max's ass I pulled him up so that Max wrapped his legs around me and essentially sat on my protruding cock, with his semi-hard cocklette press between our tummies. Max shook his head so his bangs were out of his face and smiled at me and said "Hello there". I couldn't help myself and started kissing him on the lips. Pecking at first and then finally slowly and deeply. Max obviously knew what to do and I felt it tongue being instant and so we started to french kiss, while I walked us slowly to the bed.

Still embraced I kneeled onto the bed and started to lower Max down, while leaning forward until Max was on his back, with his legs spread and me hovering over him. I broke our embrace, which caused Max to give me a mock pouty face and say "I was enjoying that". I said "just you wait buddy" as I started kissing and sucking my way down his body. Starting with nibbling his sexy little earlobes, to kissing his neck, down to his puffy nips, which warranted a lot of attention, down to his chest to his cute little pudge of a belly, where there was one of the cutest belly buttons which needed to be sucked and kissed. Kissing around his sparse pubes and licking and suckling each of his balls, to moving my lips over each of his spread inner thighs. Licking lower to his prenium, I was so horny for his ass and boy-hole.

My sex drive took over and I flipped him over on the bed. He didn't put up any sort of fight and I said rather urgently and horsely "You are going to love this..." Having him on his tummy, with his legs slightly spread, I got a great view of his bubble butt. How I want to shove my cock up him, but I knew that was the right thing right now, but I knew something he would truly enjoy as well as make me super horny. I playfully slapped his ass a couple of times, which mad him jump a little and giggle. I then started rubbing his ass with both hands while lowering my self. I start to spread his cheeks and got a good view of his hole. It was beautiful. Pink and in need of a good licking. I started to lick his hole which made him moan rather rudely. I thought as much. He tasted great and the more I licked, the more he started grinding himself into the mattress, obviously starting to recover from his previous release. I started to use my tongue to try to invade his hole, with limited success, but ever vocal responses from Max. I was so hot and bothered at this point, I could hold back. I straightened up and said, "Sorry, Max, I can't resist" and brought my cock to his butt cheeks and started beating my meat with one hand, while keeping his butt cheeks spread with the other. After just a few dozen strokes, I was there and let out a moan and started squirting all over his ass.

Feeling slightly naughty, I rubbed my finger through my cream and then stuck the end of my finger in his hole, which caused Max to groan again. I then said "Let me go get something to clean you up..." and I walked to the bath room and grabbed a hand towel. I guess I should have though of that before. Oh well. Time to trow caution to the wind I guess. Max was still lying on his tummy and I started to clean him off. I finally said "all done" and Max flipped over on his back, with what appeared to be a fully restored boner and said "What was fun, what's next?"

...To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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