Will and Richard

By moc.liamtoh@nnam8bor

Published on Feb 27, 2006


I had no idea of how long I had stood there. I was not even sure of where I was, and seemed to have lost all sense of time and of place. At some point I heard a voice calling me, but did not know to whom it belonged. But I did feel a hand on my arm, pulling me, and I offered no resistance. At this point my mind seemed to start to clear up, and I noticed it was Will who was pulling me. In spite of what had gone on before, it seemed quite natural to me that Will was now being very gentle. He was sitting over the toilet's lid, and even with him in that undignified position I could not help but be impressed by his magnificent body, and most notably by his huge, gorgeous prick, sticking up and almost touching his abs. The best part was his sweet smile as he pulled me towards him. I started feeling better at once, knowing that he was taking care of me. I let Will guide me as he bent me over his lap, and as soon as I was in that position I felt secure and at ease. My head was almost on the floor on one side and my knees on the other, all of my weight on Will's lap, and I could feel his hot and rock hard prick against my rib cage. I felt that my troubles were over, and that nothing bad could happen to me now. Will seemed to be inspecting my ass, and I relaxed totally as he did so, giving him perfect freedom while offering neither assistance nor resistance. I could feel as he gently dried both my ass and my legs with a soft towel, and I was in heaven.

As soon as I was dry Will helped me up, and I already felt well enough that I could stand, needing only to lean on him a little. He guided me over to the horse, but I was now no longer afraid of that contraption, in spite of all the pain to which I had been put on it just moments before. When Will leaned me over, I followed his guidance without resistance. It actually felt good to let my weight rest on the padded horizontal bar of the horse, and not have to support myself on my legs, which still felt just a little weak. I noticed that Will was now tying my wrists and ankles to the legs of the horse, which signaled that we were moving on to a new stage, but I accepted that without questioning. He then also tied my knees and elbows, and it was then that I at last got the message. At long last! Will was finally going to fuck me.

I felt really strange at this point, my mind was in turmoil. I was aware of the size of Will's prick, both its length and even more so its width, and he had warned me it would be a rough fuck. For a short while I had almost forgotten that my ass was still very sore, but thinking about what was about to happen made me very conscious again of the pain I still felt there. I was becoming quite nervous at this point, anticipating more and sharper pain in my ass. But at the same time I had an almost insatiable (and troubling) desire to have Will's prick deep inside me. Even tied down as I was I could lift up my head and see him moving about, and the sight was mesmerizing. Everything about Will was impressive. He was taller and wider than I was, though I could not help but feel a little smug when I realized that I was more ripped than he. And even if my own prick is very nicely sized (and quite pretty, I have been told so many times), Will's was bigger and more menacing in every way. His balls were also very big and low hanging. Unlike his prick, which was surrounded by a thick bush of blond hair, his balls were perfectly hairless. I assumed that he shaved them. I then looked at his prick again, which made me acutely conscious of how big it was, not just bigger than mine but a great deal bigger than the beastly dildo that had so recently ravaged my ass. And the main trouble was not just that it was so long, probably a good 12 inches, but that it was so thick. Again, much, much thicker even than the dildo. Indeed, it was a prick of heroic dimensions. And I knew from having fucked many tight asses myself, and observed others being fucked, that thick pricks can be the most painful. If the dildo had hurt so much, I could be sure that Will's prick would be much worse, and would inevitably split me open.

Will stood for a while directly in front of me, it must have been on purpose so I could see the weapon on which I was about to be skewered, and once more my legs started to tremble. I could tell he was really rock hard. His prick's smooth skin seemed to shine in the harsh light of the dungeon, the blood that engorged it making it a deep, bright pink, almost red, while the thick blue veins all around it stood out in sharp contrast, pulsing. I could not see the head proper, as it was completely covered by the foreskin, but there were frothy bubbles of precum in its pucker. I could not understand how I could possibly want that terrifying thing inside my ass. But want it I did, and while I knew that I would pay the price in pain, I was totally willing to pay it. I yearned to feel it opening me up, stretching me, pushing deep inside me, rubbing my joy spot. For a while I imagined the mind boggling orgasm that magnificent prick would give me, and felt a sudden pang of regret upon remembering that I would not be allowed to cum. The strange thing is that even knowing that, I still wanted to be fucked by Will.

While all this crazy thoughts were boiling in my head, I noticed that Will now was approaching me with a tube of lubricant in his hands. It was obviously not the same as the jar he had used for the dildo. He did not waste any time at this point, but moved quickly behind me and started to lubricate my ass at once. Once more he seemed to be using three fingers from the beginning, and this time he was, if anything, more thorough than before. He was pushing big globs of it deep into my ass, and then spreading it all around, but even though my ass was still sore I was enjoying his fingers inside me more than I let him know. I could sense the difference in the nature of the lubricant too, as this one seemed to be more slick, more slippery, than the one he had used with the dildo. Will's fingers also felt quite warm, possibly because my ass was still cold from the ice that had been shoved inside it just moments before. When I could no longer feel Will fingering me I twisted my head a bit to see what he was doing, and was able to observe as he lubricated his own prick. Again I was enthralled, not just by its enormous size, but even more by its beauty.

It seemed to bounce each time he touched it, was now even redder, and glistened with the lubricant. It was impossible for me to tell what my dominant feeling was at that moment: fear or fascination. Will then peeled the foreskin to lubricate the head, and I gasped in wonder at the sight. If the skin of the shaft was a light red, the head was so dark it was almost purple. It also seemed to grow bigger as it was freed from the confines of the foreskin. Will jerked himself slowly a couple of times, I supposed to better spread the lubricant, and I was hypnotized by the sight of that head disappearing inside the foreskin, and then coming out again, seeming to grow larger each time. Once more he applied lubricant to the head, and then again to the whole shaft. When he let go of the prick it snapped up vertically, almost hitting his abs. I could not keep my eyes away from it, knowing what it would do to me. Fear and fascination boiled together in my mind. Will then wiped his hands on a towel he had left on a small table next to him. I did not need to be told what was going to happen next, and all of a sudden I realized that I might not survive, as there was no way my ass could stretch enough to accommodate the colossal thickness of Will's prick.

For a few seconds time stood still, and nothing seemed to happen. I was no longer looking behind myself, and actually had closed my eyes, fear having won out. I knew my ass was fully exposed to Will, and that any pleasure that I was about to feel would be accompanied by a great deal of pain. Again I was trembling. Then I felt Will's hand touching my back, and for the shortest split second felt comforted. But almost at once I felt the tip of Will's prick lightly touch my asshole, and then AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! There was not the slightest pause between that first very faint touch, and a red hot iron being thrust into my ass. I could tell that Will had penetrated me all the way in with a single, brutal, vicious, merciless thrust. I now felt truly lost, being in the hands of someone capable of such savage behaviour. And I could not begin to describe how much my ass hurt from the sudden prodigious stretching Will's prick had forced on it. The feeling was very different from the dildo, where the pain had felt as if a knife had been cutting me, a very sharp pain but in a certain sense a localized one. Besides, the penetration with the dildo had been very gentle and gradual, at least at first. But now, and from the very first instant, I had to contend with the ruthless ferocity of Will's initial penetration, with the merciless and sudden manner in which my ass was broken open, with the enormous stretching brutally forced upon it. It surpassed by far everything that had gone on before. The feeling now was not just of my ass being torn apart, but of my whole back side being destroyed. The pain radiated out in every direction, taking over my whole existence. I screamed once, quite loudly I think, but then I seemed unable to scream any more. The pain continued at the same level of intensity, but I was having trouble breathing, so no screams could come out. I was also being banged hard, time and again, against the bar of the horse.

After a while I was able to figure out that Will was long-dicking me in the most brutal way possible. I could feel his prick coming almost completely out of my asshole each time, until only the tip of the head remained inside, and then rushing savagely back in, at a brutal full speed, deep all the way in, over and over and over. And contrary to the dildo, it was now not the head but the enormously thick and steel-hard shaft that caused the most pain. What made it really terrible was that each time he came out there was a slight relief from the pain, only to have it return full blast with the next penetration, and each time it seemed more excruciating than the time before. I was sure I had been torn, and was surprised I could not feel the blood flowing down the inside of my thighs. Each time Will pushed in I was brutally crushed against the bar of the horse, and the wind was knocked out of my lungs. No wonder I could hardly breathe, much less scream. But there was nothing I could do except bear the searing pain, which radiated out of my asshole and seemed to overtake my whole body. I was in hell for sure, the slave of a terrible and merciless master.

This went on for what felt like hours, though it couldn't possibly have lasted that long, as it would have killed me for sure. As it was, I was certain I would not survive much longer. But then I noticed there had been a change, and instead of the vicious long jabs, Will was now holding his prick deep inside me all the time, moving it only a little back and forth each time, in a continuous rocking motion. What a difference this made. Whether because of this change, or because my ass had by now been able to adjust a little to the colossal thickness of Will's prick, I could feel that the pain in my ass commenced to decrease ever so slowly, and that at the same time I was becoming more and more aroused. I knew for sure at some point in the process of the enemas I had lost my erection, and felt very relieved that Will had not noticed, but now the erection was quickly coming back, and with a vengeance. I realized to my delight that I was now as hard as I had ever been, and that, strangely enough, the pain I still felt in my ass only added to my sexual excitement. My ass felt full, but not like it had felt with the dildo. The dildo had always been, even during the best moments, extremely uncomfortable, and if at some points it had excited me by rubbing my joy spot, the dominant feeling had still been one of pain and not of pleasure. With Will's prick the situation was just the opposite. The pain was there as a reminder that I was being justly punished, but the pleasure had taken over, and when his prick rubbed my joy spot over and over again, the feeling of sexual exhilaration was of incomparable intensity. I could hardly believe that I was actually enjoying this brutal assault on my ass, that the pain had somehow been overcome by the pleasure, and that I was at this moment as hard and as hot as I had ever been. There was, no doubt, something magical about Will's prick.

It had been a hell of a good fuck, and I had enjoyed every single second. The advance stretching of Richard's ass provided by the dildo had been just right. His sphincter had become elastic enough that I could penetrate him fully from the very beginning with a single hard thrust, without the slightest pause, something which I very much wanted to do. When I am excited my prick becomes very hard and unyielding, but it is so thick that it's often almost impossible to go all the way in on the very first jab into a tight virgin ass. Fortunately, this had not happened with Richard. At the same time, his ass was still tight enough to require a certain amount of effort to get past his sphincter, which makes the whole thing more exciting. Better yet, it was still tight enough that I could feel the pressure of that sphincter grabbing hard onto my prick throughout the rest of the fuck. Even after I had been long-dicking him for quite a while I still had to push hard each time in order to gain entrance, and there was a substantial amount of friction as my prick moved in and out of that asshole. That is the main reason why I never fist my slaves, except if it is one that I am about to discard. The ass of a slave that has been fisted is usually very loose afterwards, and does not grab tight against my prick, or at least not as tight as I like it. But, at the risk of repeating myself, let me emphasize that Richard's ass had been perfect from beginning to end. It was an ass for all seasons. Of course, and as always, for that very tight feeling it helped that my prick is very thick, even in proportion to its almost 10 inches in length. I felt just a little bit of remorse, forcing it so brutally into a novice like Richard. But then I said to myself, that is what slaves are for, to be fucked for their Master's pleasure, and the thought instantly made me feel much better.

It had been a very long fuck too, for although I had been merciless in the strength of my inward jabs, I had moved fairly slowly at first, pausing often when I was deep inside him, and only picked up speed at the very end. I had a really long orgasm, as was to be expected, and was quite exhausted when I finished. It was good to rest by lying directly on top of Richard afterwards, leaving my slightly softened prick still embedded in his ass. But after a while I tired of that position, and got up again.

I let my prick come out very slowly, watching it all the way, slightly softer but still impressively big. It was filthy with my own cum and Richard's ass juice, but I left it that way on purpose, as I planned to force Richard to clean it with his mouth later.

I was feeling so good at this point that I decided to share with Richard, and told him how much I had enjoyed taking his cherry. But to make sure he did not forget that it had been punishment, I reminded him that it was his own fault that I had been so rough. In actual fact I probably would have given him a rough fuck the first time anyway, just to show him who was boss. But it is sometimes useful to make a slave think that what happens to him is his own fault, even when the Master had planned everything from the beginning. On the other hand, every so often the Master should do something really outrageously unfair to his slave, at a moment when the slave's behaviour has been impeccable, when he clearly has not done anything wrong at all, and knows he is not to blame, just to bring home the lesson that the Master can do whatever he damn pleases, whenever he damn pleases, and the slave must accept what comes his way without complaining.

At any rate, Richard surprised me at this point by asking permission to speak, being careful to address me as Master, and after I granted permission he said that he had enjoyed the rough fuck a lot, and would like to be fucked by me both ways (gentle AND rough) in the future. I made no answer, as I was not sure if I should react to his statement right away. There was no doubt in my mind that sooner or later Richard had to be taught that what he liked or what he wanted was something so totally unimportant that it ought not even to come up between us, that the only thing that mattered were my desires and my pleasure. But I was not sure if this was something that should be emphasized at this point in his training. Maybe it would be better to let him be open now, as this would give me better feedback as to how his slave training was progressing. At any rate, I decided to keep silent and let the matter ride for the moment, and to postpone my reaction till I had gotten to know him better.

So I untied Richard from the horse, and informed him that we would now both go upstairs in order eat something. I had considered not letting him outside the dungeon for the whole week, but decided that the last few hours had been really quite rough for a beginner, even rougher than I had planned, and that I should now be nice with him for a while. The best slaves are those that love being slaves, and except in very rare cases they do not love it if nothing nice ever comes their way. Richard immediately agreed (as if he had any choice in the matter!) and leaned on me as we walked up the stairs to the main floor of the house. He was looking me over, and I let him enjoy the sight. But he really did need to lean on me. He apparently was still a little woozy from the enemas, and had to be quite hungry too. Neither of us had eaten anything since lunch, and it was now a little past midnight. I usually don't go that long without at least eating something myself, but I had been having so much fun that I had completely forgotten about food.

At this point Richard suggested that we have a shower before eating. This caused me some concern, even though he again asked permission to speak and was very respectful in the way he addressed me. A slave should not get the idea that he can be making suggestions all the time. On very rare occasions this might be appropriate, and appreciated by the Master, but the circumstances must be extraordinary. I had planned to have Richard suck my prick clean as soon as we got to the bathroom, and after that we would both shower together, since we both needed it. That way he could also give me a nice back massage under the hot water of the shower, to help me relax, and he could also shower himself and so be clean when we sat down to eat. That plan would have to be modified. I decided that I would just take the shower by myself, and not allow him to shower at all. Nor would I allow him to sit with me when we ate. He would be filthy, and would have to eat standing up in the kitchen, or sitting on the floor. But I told Richard nothing. He would find out in due time.

I headed for my bedroom suite, Richard still leaning on my shoulder, and just as we entered the bathroom he surprised me again. He had the audacity, without even asking, to stop me by pressing one hand against my chest, and then he quickly kneeled down in front of me, and again without asking, took my prick in his mouth and started sucking on it and cleaning it with his tongue. The surprise was so great that for several seconds I did not even know how to react. He was doing something that I had planned to have him do, but was doing it on his own initiative and not on my orders. The worst thing that you can do with a slave is let him think he can take the initiative in anything. He might eventually take the initiative to disobey his Master. This was intolerable. I had to do something, the question was what would be best, and when. He was really doing a great job on my prick, I could not believe he had no previous experience at this. And I was enjoying it enormously. So I decided to let him continue, and let him know my reaction, and his punishment, when he was finished.

As I just said, Richard was doing a great job. I was still fairly soft, so he had no trouble taking my whole prick in his mouth. He would then suck on it, applying suction while slowly moving his head away, using his tongue and his lips to clean it as it drew slowly out. He would then use his lips to draw the foreskin back, and then lick the head all over, top, sides and bottom. There are few things I enjoy more than having the bottom of my prickhead licked like that. Richard was swallowing very frequently, and was surely getting everything clean very nicely. But, as could be expected, I did not stay soft very long. After he had taken my prick in and out five or six times I began to harden, and before long I became quite hard. Richard apparently thought that his job was now done, as he let my prick fall completely out of his mouth, and started to stand up. I quickly realized this was the perfect moment to teach him a big lesson. I put both my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back to his knees. Without saying anything I put my now hard prick back in his mouth, put my hands behind his head, and started to fuck his mouth, being just as rough as I had been on his ass. He knew enough to keep his mouth wide open and not let his teeth touch me. The trouble was, I was not penetrating his throat as I had penetrated his ass. Each time I pushed in and my prick hit his throat he would gag violently, and try to push me away. In spite of what I had thought before, it now seemed obvious to me that Richard really did not have any experience at sucking. Well, that was just too bad for him. He would have to learn how to do it, and learn real quick. I would have no patience at all with this. After all, Richard had really brought it upon himself. And he would somehow have to figure out everything on his own. I was in no mood to give him any lessons right now. So I told him very sharply he had better start deep throating me, and at once, or else. My tone left no doubt that I was very angry at this point.

A credible threat can make a big difference. This one did the trick immediately. Richard took a deep breath, shook his arms (apparently trying to relax), moved his knees back a bit, bent his neck forward slightly, put his hands behind me and grabbed my buttocks, and actually pulled me forward. I took the cue immediately, and also pulled his head towards me, hard. My prick was already half way into his mouth, and when it hit his throat I pushed even harder and somehow it forced its way straight in. I have to admit this time Richard was determined to swallow. He was really trying, and not only trying, but succeeding, and this time I went in past the barrier of his throat. From here on the rest was easy. Once I was in, once I felt his throat tightly gripping my shaft, I wasted no time but continued to push further in without pausing, until Richard's nose was tight against my pubes. There was still some gagging reflex going on, and it felt wonderful as his throat convulsed around the hard shaft of my prick, giving it a massage. I held his head tight against my abs and enjoyed the feeling. I knew he could not breathe while I did that, but he had taken a deep breath, and it would have to last him a while. When I sensed he was really about to suffocate I relented and took my prick out of his throat, but not out of his mouth. I let it rest on Richard's tongue while he gulped for air several times. The second time went just as well as the first, even though Richard was no longer pushing my buttocks towards himself. But I did not really need that help. I just pulled the back of his head towards me, hard, at the same time I pushed my hips forward, and again I forced my steel-hard prick past his throat and deep inside him.

Once the routine was established it was easy to maintain. I would pull out just enough to be out of Richard's throat so he could breathe, let him do so a couple of times, and then harshly impale my prick to the hilt down his throat. Each time I held it in for a long time without moving, just feeling the movement of the muscles of Richard's throat as they gave my prick a great massage. Indeed, even though I would go in hard and fast each time, to make sure I could force myself past the barrier of his throat, I would pull out very slowly, delighting as the tight throat moved along the whole length of my shaft, massaging it. After many, many repetitions the routine became monotonous. I realized I had been doing all the work, and Richard was just kneeling there, taking it passively but not really doing anything positive. I then decided to get him more involved, and left just half of my prick in his mouth (all that would fit before I hit his throat) and told him to lick and suck it all over. From this point on Richard went at it with enthusiasm, and endless variety. Sometimes he would move his head back, holding my prick tightly with his lips, applying strong suction, until only the tip of my prick was still in his mouth, and would then greedily take it in again (or as much as he could) and repeat the process. Other times he would hold the prick in his hands to steady it, and then lick it all over, top, sides and bottom, from one end to the next, but paying special attention to the head. Other times he would concentrate on my foreskin, licking it with his tongue and moving it back and forth with his lips, sometimes even nibbling very, very lightly with his teeth. I also told him to suck and lick my balls, and after trying for a while he was even able to suck them both inside his mouth at the same time, playing with them with his tongue once they were inside. Every so often, just to remind him who was boss, I would again force myself all the way in, but he was now so used to it he did not gag anymore.

As Will kept up his part tirelessly, I realized that I could add a little to my own enjoyment, for even within the narrow confines of my being carefully tied to the A frames that made up the sides of the horse, I could rock my hips slightly, and raise my ass just a bit each time Will jabbed in with his short strokes. By doing this not only could I make sure that he hit my joy spot squarely each time, I was also able to create a little friction between the underside of the horizontal bar and the top of my now very hard and very hot prick. I had found heaven, and could have continued doing this all week. I noticed, to my surprise, that I was now loudly groaning with pleasure each time Will jabbed my insides. But then I realized, just in time, that my excitement was growing rapidly and becoming very intense, and if this continued I would have an earth shaking orgasm in a very short time. I seriously considered keeping silent, having my fun, and then facing the consequences, but almost at once discarded that crazy idea. I knew that if I dared to cum Will's righteous anger would be immense. If I had been severely punished for not being clean when I arrived at the dungeon, the punishment for disobeying one of Will's direct orders would surely be very much worse. So with deep regrets I informed Will that if he kept fucking me like this I would surely cum in no time at all.

Will must have been enjoying himself enormously, for even after I warned him he kept on fucking me for a while, as if he found it hard to stop. But he then dismounted completely, apparently so he could look things over. As he pulled his prick out of my hole I felt strangely empty, as if something now vital to me was suddenly missing. Will said nothing at all to me, and he was obviously looking me over, and must have noticed my huge erection. I trusted he would not be angry at me for being so excited. He really had no reason to be angry. It was not my fault I was having fun, and anyway it was he who had decided that I was to have a constant erection for two full days. So I just waited, thinking that Will would find a way of fucking me that would allow him to cum without exciting me so much. He did find a way, but it was not to my liking.

When I least expected it, again AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! My balls suddenly exploded, not in an orgasm, but in mind boggling pain. I did not know exactly what had happened, but apparently Will had kicked me in the nuts, and it was an incredibly powerful kick. (I could not believe him the next day when he told me that it had not been a kick, but an uppercut with his fist.) My ass and my prick were now completely forgotten, my nuts made up my whole universe. I instinctively tried to roll into a ball, but being tied to the horse I could not do so. If earlier I had difficulty breathing, now I could not breathe at all. I don't really know if I screamed or not, but I think I did not, not for lack of wanting but because I could not. I probably even lost consciousness for a short time, and after that I just remained there in a fog, aware of nothing but the deep throbbing pain in my balls. After quite a long while I realized that Will was already as deep inside me as he had been before, merrily fucking me again as if nothing had happened. But it was not exciting for me anymore. I could tell my erection had deflated completely, and my joy spot had ceased to exist. The fucking was not even painful now, as the pain in my balls was so overwhelming it made me insensitive to pain anywhere else.

After this had gone on for quite a while I noticed that Will was now fucking me at a faster pace. He still kept his prick deep inside me all the time, and he still kept his jabs fairly short, although perhaps not quite as short as before. The biggest difference now was that the rhythm of the jabs was steadily increasing. Will was now grunting loudly with each jab, and it was obvious he was putting a big effort into each one. If it had been possible for him to go any deeper, he would have reached my throat from the inside. If it had been possible for him to go any faster, he would have lighted a fire with the heat from the friction of his prick on my ass. I knew he could not keep up the pace much longer, and very soon after it was clear that he was having a huge orgasm. Each jab of his prick was now accompanied by a shrill scream of pleasure, and it was obvious he was filling my bowels with his cum. The orgasm went on and on for an incredibly long time, and he continued his deep jabs, harder and harder, crushing me each time. I was afraid if he kept this up he would have a heart attack, but eventually he slowed down and a little later he stopped. He must have spurted inside me at least ten or twelve times. It had been quite possibly the longest orgasm I had ever witnessed. I was glad for him and relieved for myself. I had not enjoyed the last part at all, particularly the kick to my balls, which were still radiating pain, but I was now safely out of trouble. Surely my punishment was now over.

As these thoughts were going on in my head I heard Will give a long, contented sigh. He then bent over on top of me, his now slightly softened prick still inside me, and just rested there. It was not a comfortable position for me, since his weight on top of me made it difficult for me to breathe. But Will was obviously feeling well, and that was all that mattered. Punishment or no punishment, he was the Master and I was the slave, it was his pleasure and not mine that counted. So I just waited, hoping that Will would eventually tire of the position and get up. Fortunately, this is what happened shortly after.

As Will got up and finally took his prick completely out of my asshole I again felt unnaturally empty, as if I was somehow incomplete when his prick was not inside me. I now felt Will's cum dripping out of my hole and running down the inside of my legs, probably mixed with a lot of my blood, and felt disappointed that my ass was so stretched that I could not keep his cum inside me. (I learned later, much to my surprise, that although there had certainly been a lot of cum, there had been no blood at all.) I could not believe the change that had come over me in such a short time. I was still tied to the horse, and to my surprise I was actually regretting that the fuck was over, while I patiently waited for Will to decide what he was going to do with me next. All I could think of was that Will owned me entirely, that he could do with me as he pleased, and that I would accept whatever he decided. On his side Will was not showing any regrets at all. He was very cheerful now, and told me quite sincerely how much he had enjoyed taking my cherry, reminding me it was my own fault that it had been such a rough fuck. I then surprised myself by asking permission to speak, and after Will granted it telling him that, in spite of everything, I had enjoyed the fuck immensely, and that although I hoped I could eventually earn the right to a gentle, loving fuck from him, I would not turn down a chance for another rough fuck even if I was given the choice to do so.

Will looked at me with a strange expression, and I was afraid I had made a huge mistake in being so sincere. But after a few moments he became very cheerful again, and as he untied me from the horse he mentioned that we both needed to get something to eat. I realized how right he was when I tried to get up from the horse, and found myself a little dizzy again. Will reminded me we had eaten nothing since our light lunch, and it was now a little after midnight. I had no notion of how much time I had spent in the dungeon thus far, but there was no doubt that I was very hungry, so I welcomed Will's invitation to go up to the kitchen with him for some food. I had to grab onto his shoulder to steady myself as we went up the stairs from the dungeon. It felt so good to be able to lean on him. It gave me a feeling of complete security.

We were both completely naked as we walked up the stairs, and I could not resist taking a look at Will. He was a hunk of a man if I had ever seen one. I could only feel proud at having lost my ass cherry to him. He was big, and not just tall, but wide in all the right places, and also slim where it mattered, as there was no fat on him that one could see. He was ripped (although again, I felt a little pride in that I had even better definition than he did), and he moved with such grace, the way natural athletes do. And of course, there was also the matter of his prick. It was now a little shrunken, but still quite impressive. Even soft it must have measured over eight inches, and looked even wider in proportion than when it was hard. It was also streaked with his cum, and probably with my own ass juices. (It struck me as strange that I could see no blood.) He had not cleaned himself one bit after our fuck. I again requested permission to speak, and after it was granted suggested we take a quick shower before eating. Will looked at me with a somewhat surprised expression, but then agreed. He led the way to the master bedroom suite, and into its bathroom. I now took a big risk, and without even asking took a bold initiative. With one hand I stopped Will as he was about to get into the shower, quickly kneeled down in front of him, and before he had a chance to say anything sucked his prick all the way into my mouth, and began cleaning it with my tongue. I really wanted to demonstrate to him that I could be a dutiful slave, and could think of my Master's pleasure and not of my own. I had fully expected to find the taste of his prick disgusting, but it was otherwise. Thankfully there was no taste of shit, as my enemas had been very thorough. There was just the slightly salty taste of his cum, mixed with another somewhat musky taste, which must be that of my own ass juices. The combination of flavors was strangely erotic. I did not look up even once, and did not know how Will was reacting, but he must have liked what I was doing because he let me continue.

My erection, which had disappeared after the kick to my balls, now slowly returned. So did Will's after a while, but this only caused trouble for me. When I first took him in he was quite soft, and it was easy enough to fit his whole prick in my mouth. By applying strong suction to it as I drew my mouth away, and licking it all over as it came slowly out of my mouth, then taking it all the way in again, and repeating the process several times, I was able to clean him thoroughly before he became hard. This way he fit comfortably inside my mouth without my having to open my jaws excessively, and (even more important) he did not reach the back of my throat during the process, and I did not have to worry about my gag reflex. But as I should have known, this could not last, and before long I could sense a definite hardening in Will's prick. I realized that it would no longer fit inside my mouth, and considered that my job was now done. I therefore backed away, took my mouth away form his prick, and started to stand, but Will would have none of it. He placed his hands on my shoulders and very forcefully pushed me back into a kneeling position, then placed his hands behind my head, and without saying a word put his prick back in my mouth and began to fuck it just as roughly as he had fucked my ass just moments before. In no time at all he was totally steel hard again, and as he forced my head forward the head of his prick began to bang my throat even before his prick was half way into my mouth. And the width of his shaft forced me to keep my mouth really wide open, more than was really comfortable. Actually, in order not to have my teeth grate against it I had to open my jaws so much that it hurt. I had never been in a position such as this, and each time he hit my throat I gagged and tried to push him away. This made Will quite angry, and he told me in no uncertain terms that I would learn at once to swallow his prick and deep throat him each time, or I would be in very serious trouble.

Well, I had made exactly the same threat to my slaves many times, and had taught them how to deep throat me, so I made up my mind to bow to Will's wishes, and to apply those lessons to myself. I shook my arms making an effort to relax, lifted my head slightly in order to bend my neck a bit, took a very deep breath, and swallowed greedily the next time I sensed Will's prick was on its way in. I even put my hands on his buttocks, and pulled him towards me at the same time. The effect was magic. Before I had a chance to gag, indeed before I even had a chance to notice what was happening, he had gone all the way in, deep inside my throat, and his pubes were now tickling my nose. From a certain point of view I could have considered this a success, but I felt quite strange anyway. I had never sucked prick before, and now I was deep throating one. Although this was not quite as painful as the ass fuck had been, the extreme pressure his thick shaft put on my throat was so uncomfortable that it could fairly be described as painful. Yet at the same time I was aware of the smell of Will's genitals, and found it intoxicating. But all of that was no more than the background of my thoughts. What was troubling me at this point was the realization that I had changed so much in such a short time, and that I was not just consenting to my mouth being brutally fucked like this, but actually enjoying it.

I had other troubles as well. Once Will was deep inside my throat he grabbed my head and pulled it towards himself even harder, grinding his pubes in my face and not wanting to let go, enjoying the massage his prick was getting from my throat, as it rebelled at being raped like this. But of course, my throat and my ass don't work quite the same way, and while my throat was plugged with Will's prick I couldn't breathe. I had taken a deep breath at the beginning, but that would not last forever. I began to squirm, but Will would not let go. The feeling of suffocation was beginning to overwhelm me when he finally relented and let me back off a bit, letting just the head of his prick resting upon my tongue. I took several deep breaths, but as soon as that was done Will pushed his prick back in and I had to deep swallow him again. From then on each time he would come out only once and wait a few seconds while I breathed, and then would go in all the way again, and each time he held himself in, full depth, until I thought I was going to suffocate. And of course, given how hard and how thick Will's prick was, my throat was getting quite a beating.

After many repetitions Will changed his technique. (I would in time find out that, more than anything else, Will enjoys variety when he is fucking someone.) He would now let just half of his prick inside my mouth most of the time, telling me to lick and suck it up and down, and then to lick and suck his balls, and would deep throat me only once in a while, warning me in advance so I could take a deep breath. I really loved sucking his balls, and even though they were so big they were easy to take in my mouth, as they hung very low in their sack. With a little effort I managed to get both of them in together, and I could tell Will liked this a lot. The rest I did not like so much, but that did not matter in the least to Will. He still rammed his way in all the way every once in a while, sometimes without any warning, but I was able to handle this better now. This continued until my knees and my back started to hurt, when luckily Will started to cum. As soon as he noticed he deep throated me at once, with no warning at all, and spurted his cum directly into my stomach. I could feel his prick pulse, time and time again, and this went on for so long I started to push him away, thinking this time I would suffocate for sure. Lucky for me Will was by now in the last stages of his orgasm, and he pulled all the way out just in time, letting the last two spurts of cum land directly on my face.

I was sure Will would be very pleased with what had just happened, and waited (still on my knees) for his thanks, when he surprised (and terrified) me by slapping my face hard, on both sides, first with his right hand and then with his left. I was stunned. Will then berated me for not asking permission before taking his prick in my mouth, saying I had not yet earned the right to suck him. He also mentioned something I thought he had not noticed: that I had lost my erection during the last enema, and also while I was being fucked, and that in due time I would be punished for both infractions. I could not believe my ears. How could Will be so unfair? I had been in a total daze during the last enema, and had no control of any kind over any part of my body at that stage, let alone over my erection. And the second time it had been Will himself who had caused my losing it, by kicking me in the nuts. Besides, why should he be angry at my having licked his prick clean? After all, he had obviously enjoyed it a lot. My face must have shown my surprise, even my anger, at this injustice, and I almost started to argue. But one look at Will' s very stern face convinced me that this would not be a wise move, and I shut up even before having started. Will must have noticed how I felt, since he added something I should have realized myself from the start: he did not have to be kind, and he did not have to be fair, he was the Master and I was the slave, and I had to accept whatever he decided, whether I liked it or not, for it was only his pleasure that mattered, not mine. And that was that. I realized he was right, and told myself this was something I would have to learn very well if I wanted to survive the week.

As was to be expected, I eventually felt an orgasm coming on. I left my prick on Richard's tongue until the last moment, and when I sensed the cum was about to start shooting I rammed it all the way deep in his throat, unloading my cum straight into his stomach. This was my second orgasm in a little less than an hour, so the volume of my cum was not as large, but I still ejaculated at least five big ones. As soon as I felt the pressure was diminishing I took my prick out, and managed to land the last two spurts right on his face, one hitting his forehead and the other one eye. I waited a little while without saying anything, and just looked at him as my cum slowly slithered down his face. These last two spurts had not been really big, but still they were enough to make a nice puddle on his face. Richard was still on his knees, looking up at me with a little satisfied smile on his face, as if he had just won a prize. This was just the moment I needed to teach him a lesson. I turned slightly sideways to my right to get a better position, and then slapped him square on his cheek with my right hand, as hard as I could. The movement of my arm made me swing a little to the left, and I repeated the slap, again as hard as I could, with my left hand. This erased the smile form Richard' s face, you can be sure. I then told him his behaviour had been totally unacceptable, on several counts. First I mentioned his having had the audacity to take my prick in his mouth without permission. Then I mentioned the two times he had lost his erection, against my orders that he was to hold it without interruption until he was told otherwise. Richard reacted as I had expected. He looked crestfallen, actually opened his mouth as if about to start an argument, then notice the look on my face and kept quiet. He even lowered his head, and stayed on his knees facing the floor as a good slave should.

I said nothing more, but Richard got the unspoken message that he was to stay right there on his knees until he was given permission to move. I needed a little time to think, so I went over to the sink and brushed my teeth, and then rinsed with mouthwash. I imagined this would remind Richard that his own mouth still tasted of my prick and my cum. After that I decided what I would do, and without any waiting put my new plan into immediate action. It was slightly different from what I had planned shortly before, but plans sometimes have to be adjusted on the run. The plan should be just a guide, not a straight jacket. So I went to the shower stall (it was quite big, and could fit two persons very easily), opened only the cold water faucet, and told Richard he had five minutes to get himself perfectly clean, all over, emphasizing the "perfectly". I already knew the water in this part of California comes from the mountains and is very cold, so Richard would not find the shower very comfortable. I watched as he jumped into the shower and grimaced as the cold water hit him. But he was learning to be obedient, and even if he was not having much fun at this point he did wash himself very well all over, with plenty of soap, including his ass, which he handled very gingerly, and rinsed himself well after that. I knew the cold was killing him, so when he made a move to get out of the spray I told him he had not been sufficiently thorough, and would have to do everything all over again. I loved the hurt look on his face as he heard this, but again he was obedient and showered once more, being even more careful this time. I watched him all the time, and had even more fun after he was finished telling him he had to wash his ass all over again. Of course, the whole process now took more that five minutes, which would give me an excuse to punish him later on if I felt like it.

As soon as this was over I reached over to the shower controls and set the water temperature to a quite warm and very copious flow, went into the shower myself, and after washing my own face first, told Richard to get the rest of me clean, all over. This brought a smile to his face once more. He had now been given a chance to touch me all over, something he had not had a chance to do yet, and which I knew he wanted badly. It also gave him a chance to get at least a little in the way of the warm water. He made good use of both opportunities. Starting with my neck, he soaped, massaged, and rinsed me, section by section. On my orders, he spent extra time massaging my shoulders, which were a little tense. He proved to be quite good at this. He did my back and my chest very well, and I could tell he really wanted to suck my nipples, but one stern look from me and he gave up without even asking. He hesitated a little when he got to my prick. I made it clear that his orders were to get me clean, and this included everything, so he washed my prick very carefully, though his hands trembled a bit at first. I am sure he had never handled a prick of such proportions before. But his asshole and his mouth were already quite familiar with it, so it was only right that his hands have the same privilege.

At first he tried to be very cool, cleaning both the prick (including inside the foreskin) and the balls with some detachment, as if there were no sexual tension at play. But after he had washed and rinsed everything quite thoroughly he started to jerk me very slowly. Although I was enjoying it quite a lot, this was something for which he had not asked permission, so I stepped back, slapped his face again (as hard as I could, but only once this time) and reminded him that, apart from the fact that he had not asked for permission, such privileges have to be earned, and he had not earned this one yet. I could see the mark made by my fingers on his left cheek, and then his whole face became red, either in shame or in anger, I did not care. But he said nothing, and proceeded to wash and rinse my ass quite thoroughly, but being very careful not to let his fingers wander inside.

Washing my legs required his getting on his knees, which he did without hesitating. At the appropriate moment I lifted one foot and then the other, and he cleaned both very carefully, including the area between the toes, something I find very exciting sexually. I was holding on to a steel hand bar on the side of the shower when Richard asked permission to suck my toes. He was very meek when he asked this, calling me Master and Sir, as if he was not sure if he was doing the right thing. But it did not take me long to decide to grant permission. Having your slave lick your toes is a very good part of his training, as it emphasizes his submission to the Master. It is much better if the Master's feet are dirty, which mine were not, but there would be other chances for that later in the week. At any rate, I sat down on a little built-in bench on the side of the shower stall, and Richard did a very good job of licking and sucking all my toes, and licking in all the spaces between the toes, one by one.

All this time Richard was still on his knees. I then stood up for a final rinse, when he asked permission to lick my ass. This was unexpected, but I granted permission once more, at once. Maybe I should not have let him take the initiative again, but I really love to have my ass licked, and could not resist the offer. I only blamed myself for not having thought of it sooner, so he would have had to do it on my orders and not on his suggestion. But what the hell, which ever way I was going to enjoy it.

I stood directly under the warm flow of the shower, spread my legs a bit, and gave Richard free access to my ass. He used both hands to open up my buttocks, and went at it with gusto. Either he had a lot of experience doing this, or else he had an exceptional natural talent for it, for he was quite good. Even though there was a lot of shower water flowing down my body and onto his face, which must have made his breathing a little more difficult, he performed flawlessly. At first he licked quite lightly around the asshole, also covering the area between it and my balls, but soon he was using his tongue to probe into the ass itself. I made sure my sphincter was very relaxed, and almost at once his tongue was pushing inside. I could hear him gag occasionally, perhaps because of the water from the shower making it difficult for him to breathe, or perhaps because he was not having as much fun as he expected to, but either way he never faltered. He went at it on and on for quite a while, and I was getting more and more excited each second, feeling his tongue pushing in and out, and lapping my insides.

At this point I told Richard he would now jerk me off very slowly, but without stopping the tonguing. From this point on he would have only one hand to spread my buttocks, so I leaned a little forward to allow him easier access to continue probing deeply. He was still kneeling behind me, but turned a little sideways, reached between my legs with his left hand, and commenced to give me a very slow jerk. He was doing really great, for I love getting a slow jerk, more so if at the same time I am getting an ass licking, and being very gradually worked up to an orgasm over a long period of time. And this period would indeed be long, as I had already cum twice before. I did not keep track of the time involved, but after a long while I began to sense the approach of an orgasm. And I wasn't about to waste it, shooting into space. I told Richard to stand up quickly, bend over, and grab his ankles. He must have known what was coming, but obeyed instantly without saying a word. I really couldn't complain about how his slave training was progressing. Luckily I always keep a jar of petroleum jelly right next to the shower. The water based lubricant is useless here, as it will quickly dissolve under the water of the shower. I took a big glob, stuffed it hurriedly into Richard's ass, without bothering to spread it around evenly, then quickly spread another glob on my own prick, and without even cleaning my hands put my cocktip right on Richard's asshole, grabbed onto his hips with both hands, and without waiting once again performed my favorite maneuver: I rammed deep into his ass in a single powerful thrust. I was impatient this time. This would be my third consecutive orgasm in a relatively short time, and I wanted to get to it fast, as I was by now a little tired. But the long ass licking had gotten me hot enough, and after only eight or ten hard jabs I could feel my cum erupting inside Richard's ass. It might not have been my longest orgasm ever, but it was one of the most intense. I continued to pump him hard until I was sure all the cum had been ejected, and then withdrew. Surprisingly, Richard had not complained a single time during the whole process. His grunts were audible enough while I was fucking him, but they were clearly grunts of pleasure.

I then told Richard to get up and wash my prick again. I considered telling him to use only his mouth, but I really was tired and hungry, and wanted it done quickly and thoroughly, and so I handed him the bar of soap. He washed it twice, very carefully, removing all the petroleum jelly. I then asked him if he had forgotten anything. As I had expected, he could not come up with anything. I finally asked him why he had not shampooed my hair, when I had clearly told him to get me clean all over. He tried to apologize, but was told to shut up. Inside I felt quite happy, as now I had still another excuse to punish him later on. So I just handed him the bottle of shampoo, and he washed my hair very nicely. After standing directly under the shower for a while, enjoying the warm flow of the water, I got out of the stall and grabbed a big towel to dry myself. When Richard made a move to get out himself I reminded him he had not yet rinsed all the soap off. While I said this I turned the shower controls back to cold again, and had a lot of fun watching Richard jump under the very cold water, rinsing himself off until I gave him permission to come out. To my surprise, the cold had not affected his erection. His prick was still as hard and as beautiful as ever.

[To be continued. Send comments to rob8mann@hotmail.com.]

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