Wishful Thinking Series

By Dark fire

Published on Feb 15, 2011



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This story does contain sexual romance intimacy between consenting teenage boys, if this offends you or there for illegal then please leave. Thus said, this story is copyrighted, ©2011 It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story on any other web site without my written permission.

I would like to thank my 2 very awesome people, Pete and Ricky for helping me proofreading and editing my very first story. Any and all comments will be greatly appreciated. You can reach me by email at dark-fire@hotmail.

Much Love,



I watched my clock as it ticked and the seconds passed. It was finally 11:11, time to make a wish! Now, I'm usually not one to do these kinds of things, but, well, as you see, I'm getting slightly desperate. My name is Jacob Landon Nevaeh Walker. And guess what? I'm Gay. So my dilemma is that, well, I am the ONLY openly gay guy at my school. And to make it worse..., I've never been kissed. That's right, I have NEVER been kissed by another guy. I'm not ugly. I'm your average 16 year old that's 5'10" with a slender build. My normally blonde hair is dyed black and ends just below my dark blue eyes. But enough about me, let's get back to my problem.

I've been single for as long as I can remember. My friends try to set me up, but the dates were all jerks... or just trying to get laid. So I resorted to 11:11. That's right, I've been wishing for the perfect boyfriend for at least a year now, never missing a wish. I've had my doubts, but, well..., I kept wishing. I don't know why, but I did.

"Turn off the music and go to bed Jake!" my 17 year old sister thumped. My sister is one of those overachieving keeners and also captain of the cheerleading squad... Yeah, I don't get how that works either, but it does. Anyway, her room is right beside mine and, well, I tend to not sleep until I have made my wish.

"Whatever Theo!" I yelled back just as the clock hit 11:12. With that I crawled into my bed and turned off the lights and prepared for another useless day at school.

The next morning I woke up and looked at my clock, it read 7:00AM. "SHIT!" I yelled and scrambled out of bed and ran across the hall buck naked. Thank God everyone was down stairs. I quickly showered, not paying too much attention to my member. When I was done I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs. "Morning, Mom," I said.

"Morning, honey," she said back to me and kissed my cheek. "You got everything?"

I double checked my backpack.

Textbooks? Check.

Binders? Check.

Pencil case? Check.

Laptop? Check.

Script... OH SHIT I forgot my script!

I bolted upstairs and burst into my room, frantically searching for my Theatre Company script, but I couldn't find it ANYWHERE!

"Jake what the hell are you looking for?" Theo asked.


"Oh you mean that green folder in the living room?" Theo replied with a small all knowing smirk. You see I love my sister, but I hate her as well, so I guess you can say it's a love-hate relationship.

"Thanks!" I called out to her as I ran back down the stairs to grab my folder with the script (and also a very personal letter) and stuffed it into my backpack. "Let's roll, Mom!" I told her.

"Yeah, you're going to be late if we don't leave now, its 7:45" she stated. "Theodosia, get your ass down here now! We have to go!" I heard hurried steps coming down the stairs and out the door we went.

I wasn't expecting today to be anything special and, well, I was completely and totally right! English flew by without much fault and then came math. Math was HORRIBLE! I just can't stand it. Mainly it's because I suck at it, and so does my teacher... she can't teach. Psychology though is one of my favourite classes because my teacher is AWESOME! During lunch hour I was milling about after the student council meeting slowly walking toward the theatre, my sanctuary, when I ran into a guy coming out of the theatre. Seriously, I literally ran into him, well, the door anyway. He was stepping out just as I was reaching for the door and I fell flat on my ass as the door smacked my face.

"Oh shit! I'm so terribly sorry! I didn't know you were there!" he exclaimed, while holding out a hand to help me up. I reached for his hand and grasped it. Damn his hand is soft! I stood up while rubbing my face then quickly said thanks and hurried into the theatre. Inside I saw Ashley and Niki chatting in the seats. Niki was the resident theatre queen, she had it all. OK, maybe not height, but still, she had the looks, blonde hair, clothes, and all that other junk. Best of all, what makes Niki an impeccable friend is the fact that she has a really big heart for a girl her size. Ashley now, was one of the more technical ones in the theatre and she was also short. She has an attitude as well as the fact she can be a total Asian sometimes, but I don't love her any less. "Hey what's up Jake?" Niki greeted me, seeing me walk in.

"Hey, not too much; just got smacked in the face by the door when someone opened it." I replied.

"That was really funny to watch." Ashley laughed at my misery. "So you met Troy, I take it?"

"Who?" I asked getting slightly confused.

"The guy who hit you with the door," Ashley explained.

"Yeah he's cute and he's new here. He just transferred." Niki added.

"Yeah, well, I didn't get a chance to take a good look, or even take time to talk to him. I just rushed out of that situation as quickly as I could," I rebutted.

"Well you're going to get to meet him, and probably get to know him real well." Niki told me.

"And just why is that?" I questioned.

Niki and Ashley looked at each other, smiled and said in unison, "He's joining the Theatre Company."

"What? You're kidding, right?" I said, slightly in shock. "Are you being completely serious?" By now I was extremely curious as to who this guy was and where he came from. I also wondered if he's cute or not. The three of us sat around for a little bit and chatted about random things. They were a year older than me, so they were graduating this year which made me pretty sad. As the time flew by, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. We said our goodbyes and split off and headed to our respective classes.

As I took my seat in the front my Chemistry 11 class, I turned on my iPod until Ms. Wong began speaking. You see, Ms. Wong is one of the best teachers ever. Well, maybe not, but she is a friend. Call me crazy for being friends with a teacher! She's also the Student council's sponsor teacher. Anyway, I took my iPod headphones from my ears as she said, "Before we start today, we have a new student. His name is Troy Miller." I just sat there wide eyed staring at this gorgeous guy standing practically right in front of me. He stood at about 6'4" from what I saw and, well, being the average teenage boy, I did the old up and down.

What I saw... I definitely liked. He was wearing a black DC shirt that fit tight to his body and showed off his definition and the acid wash jeans definitely looked good on him. But what struck me the most were his eyes. His eyes are shockingly green with blue and gold flecks and a dark ring around his iris and damn they are beautiful. His face was blemish free, nothing in sight. His face, oh god, I don't even know how to begin to describe it. His hair was light brown with dark blonde highlights that were spiked up in the front slightly. In other words, he was beautiful.

When Ms. Wong finished introducing Troy, and I finally snapped out of my daydreaming state. I saw him beginning to move in the direction of my seat. I began to get more than a little nervous, as I watched him approach me. Oh god I hope he doesn't sit next to me... lo and behold, he did! He sat down right next to me. Karma can be such a bitch sometimes.

"Hey." He said to me.

"Hey." I replied. I started to get a little fidgety in my seat and I began to stare at the book sitting on my desk, trying to ignore the amazing boy sitting right next to me. I swear that I could feel his eyes burning holes through me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a piece of paper slide across from his side to mine, right over my book. I hesitantly picked it up and opened it. It read, "Are you gay? Check Yes or No." I just stared at it, shocked as to what it said. I reached for my pencil, not sure if I should really tell him, and also thinking about a million things at once. How in the world did he know that I am gay? Am I THAT flamboyant? I checked a box just as the bell rang. I quickly collected my stuff and got the hell out of there as soon as I could.

I got to my locker without incident and I saw my best friend for fucking life, Rea, at her locker just down the hall, talking to someone whom I assumed to be her boyfriend. I shoved my stuff in my locker and walked over to her. Rea was a fairly short, half white and half Lao girl. She stood at 5'4" and her hair was a reddish brown colour with some red streaks in the front. She dressed well all the time, and she is one of the nicest or meanest people you will ever meet. I gave her a hug from behind as I approached her.

"Hey Jakey!" she said cheerfully, as I unwound my arms from her. "How are you?"

"Not bad. Chemistry sucked big time," I responded.

"I wouldn't say it went that bad" a voice commented in front of me. It sounded familiar; it flowed like water and was just so perfect. I looked up and I saw HIM. Troy was standing right there in front of me! I was shocked beyond belief.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is my cousin Troy. He's come to live with my family for a while." Rea informed me oh so happily. I didn't know what to say or do, so I just stood there. You see Rea was adopted so she and Troy weren't actually related.

I leaned into her and whispered, "Which side?"

She turned her head to my ear and said in an equally quiet voice, "Mom's side."

I was even more impressed. You see, that meant Troy was of Australian decent, and I kind of sort of really like Aussies. What clicked into my mind next was that I didn't notice an accent.

"Where's his..." I whispered again. Just as I was going to ask Rea, Troy interrupted.

"If you're going to talk about me, then why not just ask me?" He smiled. Oh crap were we ever caught. I guess it's better to talk about people behind their backs instead of in front of them. I was blushing madly by that point. I just said a really quick goodbye and dodged into the theatre of which I was really thankful for because, well, that was my next class, Acting. I was freaking out so badly by that point it wasn't even funny anymore.

"Circle up everybody." Mr. Kelly, one of our teachers said. Mr. Kelly is a nice man, he's in his late 20s, and well, he acts like a kid. Enough said. Just as I took my shoes off and descended to the stage, the theatre door opened and in walked Ms. Thibault. She teaches four different classes, in French she is Madame Thibault, Acting its Ms. Thibault, in Japanese its Sachiko Sensei and in Theatre Company... well, we just call her whatever we want. Thibault is 25% Mean , 50% Nice, 97% Techie, 99% Awesome and 100% Loud. She's a living, breathing, walking megaphone. I laid down on the stage, as usual, and waited for everyone to get in a circle. Then in burst...

"I'm sorry I'm late! I had a meeting with the counsellor." FUCK! Troy was in my favourite class too? This is going to suck big time. He walked in with the cutest smile ever, and just watching his ass sway from side to side is seriously turning me on. Thank god I'm lying on the floor right now.

"It's alright; take a seat in the circle." Ms. Thibault told him. "Would you mind introducing yourself?" she added.

"My name is Troy Danger." A couple people giggled at his name. I just looked at him a little weird and just then I noticed his faint accent. "I just recently moved from Australia to live with my aunt and her family." I looked around the circle and saw a lot of the girls staring in awe at his sheer beauty. I saw a couple of guys also staring. I think I was getting a little jealous... "I like to act, read, play guitar, and also write once in a while." Wow... his eyes are just simply amazing... "Feel free to talk to me and all that, I won't bite... unless you want me to." And our eyes locked and he winked at me. I froze in my spot as he finished up. Did he really just wink at ME?

"Alright everybody, today we are going to start our improv unit!" Kelly announced. The whole class was excited, excluding me, because, well, I'm just 100% confused. "Get into groups of 3 and we'll get started." Everyone gravitated to their friends including me so I walked towards Niki.

"Hey, groupies?" I asked her.

"Most defs" she replied before turning and calling out, "Hey Troy, come join our group!" and with that Mr. Hottie-pants walked over with that sexy strut of his.

"Sure." He smiled warmly at us.

Niki then turned to me and asked, "Dude, are you ok? You're turning red... OH MY GOD YOU'RE BLUSHING!" she exclaimed, just loud enough to make me blush even more.

"Cut it out! It's bad enough that Troy is here so don't make things worse, pleeeeaaasse!" I pleaded in a harsh whiny whisper.

"Jake, your group is up first. Take the stage," Ms. Thibault informed us. We took our positions.

"We need a place, and also the murder weapon" Mr Kelly addressed the class while sitting on the stairs at this point. After a couple minutes of people shouting suggestions, things were decided. "Alright, so your place is the Titanic, and your murder weapon is a bouncy ball. You have 30 seconds to discuss with your group... GO!" Troy, Niki and I huddled together and started throwing out random ideas and we thought we had more time but...

"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The whole class chanted which signalled us to begin. Our plan was to have Niki and myself re-enact the romantic scene with me being the girl and Niki being the guy to make it funny; while Troy accidentally tosses the bouncy ball too hard in our direction and it kills either me or Niki. So I outstretched my hands and arms, and expected Niki to hug me from behind. As if on cue, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Don't ever let go!" I said.

"I won't ever let you go." Troy said. Those bastards! Holy crap! I hope this ends soon, this is really turning me on. I felt his body pressing against my back and I could feel the muscles in his chest and abs against me and his arms are so... uggh! Oh Niki, hurry up and kill us or at least me! I don't want to stand here on display like this for everyone to see! And as if on cue I heard a shriek.

"NO! MY BOUNCYBALL!!!!!" and I counted in my head 1, 2, 3 and opened my mouth laughing and started to choke on the imaginary bouncy ball and died dramatically in his arms.

"And scene!" Niki, Troy and I yelled. We were awarded with various applause and laughter from the audience throughout the whole thing. We took our seats on the stairs and the hour had passed fairly quickly. The final bell sounded, signalling the end of the day for which I was glad, but I had Theatre Company that day, so I supposed there is yet more drama to ensue, after acting class...

I walked from the stage to the seats and sat down. Thinking about everything that happened, suddenly, I remembered I forgot something in my locker and reluctantly got up and exited the theatre. I'm glad my locker is really close to the theatre. The lockers at my school were blue, yup that's right just blue and they weren't full sized lockers either, they were half lockers. Thank god I had a top locker; it's a little awkward having my face near someone's crotch. Lucky me, no one was down there... that is, until I got there... yup, you got it. Right there, down on the floor and on his knees, at his locker that was conveniently located right under mine, was Troy. Damn it, why does this boy just happen to be everywhere I go? This was definitely getting ridiculous. I guess I couldn't avoid him forever... or, well, maybe I could... Anyway, without much more thought about this situation, I walked over to my locker and proceeded to open it. I swear, knowing that Troy's face is right at my crotch is getting me hard, just knowing he could be staring at my package full on... and maybe too he was thinking a couple things that are dirty. Now I was trying frantically to find my USB thumb drive just so I could get the hell out of there. This is taking way too long; something has got to be up.

"Looking for something?" Troy asked from below.

"Yeah, my USB thumb drive. I can't seem to find it anywhere!" I replied without looking down at him.

"You mean, like the one right there?" He pointed to the floor, left of my locker. I looked down and sighed a deep breath of relief and bent down to pick it up. As I did that, I realized what I was doing; I was shoving my ass in Troy's face. I quickly straightened up, closed and locked my locker and got the hell out of there. Running into the theatre, I grabbed the production key ring with all the keys and escaped into the tech booth upstairs.

I unlocked the door and just sat there red faced and embarrassed. This can't be happening. This just so can't be happening! First of all, a hot guy hits me in the face with a door; secondly he sits next to me in Chemistry passing me a note asking if I was gay. Finally, he's in my acting class and after class I shoved my ass into his face, accidentally or not. And, well, he's also in my Theatre Company. How could this day get any worse, or, well, unpredictable?

The theatre door creak open and I peered through the booth window to get a glimpse of who it was. And surprise, surprise, it was Troy wearing a pair of dark blue shorts and a bright red t-shirt. I looked down at him marvelling at his good looks. Damn, this guy is really getting to me... then he looked up right at me and our eyes locked. He smiled and waved and I just blushed.

"Have you seen Ms. Thibault or Mr. Kelly?" he yelled from below. I shook my head no. "Well can you tell either one that I can't make today's rehearsal? I've got practice."

"For what?" I said loudly, but not at the point of screaming.

"I'm trying out for hockey." He flashed me a smile that pretty much melted my heart. "Would you let them know?" I nodded. "Awesome! I'll see you later then!"

With that, he left and I slumped down into my seat and sighed. What am I going to do about this boy? Then I had an idea. I got up and headed down to get ready for rehearsal with my plan in mind. Right as I reached the last step, Ms. Thibault walked into the theatre.

"Hey Thibault, Troy says he is very sorry he couldn't make it to rehearsal today because he's trying out for the hockey team. And I have a doctor's appointment at 3:30 so I won't make it to rehearsal either" I informed her.

"Thanks hun, just go now. You're good, but make sure you tell Troy that he needs to be here next rehearsal to go through interviews." I nodded and left. Walking fairly quickly, I knew where I needed to go, and so headed off to the gym. Why the gym? Because of the fact that... well... I don't know. I just assumed he would be there. Sure enough, when I looked through the big gym window, I saw Troy. He was doing push ups with the Coach standing there evaluating his fitness. I just stood there watching him do everything he was told to do. After a while I got a little thirsty so I walked over to the vending machine and bought a bottle of water. Just as I was about to round the corner to the gym, I heard the gym door squeak open.

"Good job today, Troy. I'll see you on Saturday with the team to see how well you do on ice." The Coach said. "Now go take a shower." And with that I heard footsteps heading towards the locker room and a door opening and closing. Now is my chance, I thought. I'm not a perv... well, not usually, and I'm not here to creep him. I just wanted to confront him in a private place and, the locker room is pretty private. So I put my ear to the door and listened for the water to run. When it ran, I opened the door and walked inside. What I wasn't expecting was somebody singing. It was a very melodious voice; the song he was singing so beautifully was "A Year without Rain" by Selena Gomez. Now I normally don't listen to her music except for this song because, well, it's how I felt most of the time when I have a crush of sorts. God, he has a beautiful voice. I walked into the locker room and sat down on the bench where his stuff was laying.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice when the water shut off. "You enjoying yourself out here?" Troy said from behind me. I jumped and fell off the bench. Man was I glad the floor wasn't wet. I looked up at him with his towel around his waist... barely covering up something precious. I wondered how big he was... my eyes travelled up his body and I saw his well-defined abs and amazing Pecs. I went all the way up to his face which was perfect, not a blemish in sight and his blonde hair, wet and matted on his head. I swear I was looking at a god, and obviously, by that time, I was hard as hell. Troy reached out a hand and helped me up.

"I'll meet you outside in a little bit and I'll take you home" he said. I was stunned, speechless. I really just wanted to jump him right now, but listening to his words I just nodded and headed outside waiting for him to get decent. After about five minutes later he walked out fully dressed from head to toe in black. "Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded again and he took my hand and led me outside. So I wondered, had all my wishing finally worked? Or is this just some cruel joke that life is playing on me...


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Wishful Thinking, I definitely appreciate any feedback you may have as because it will help lots.

Stay Tuned for Chapter 2 coming soon! Let me know what you think is going to happen in Ch2 J. Keep you posted!

Until Next Time,


Next: Chapter 2: Wishful Thinking 2

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