Witches Shapeshifters and Sex

By Sky Tanek

Published on Oct 28, 1999


WARNING: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual acts between men with men and is not meant for minors. If you are offended by touchy subjects such as homosexuality, witchcraft etc please do not read it. Do not distribute. A single copy has been sent to the Nifty Archives. Please do not post to newsgroups or websites. You may E-mail this story to anyone you choose, so long as you retain this warning and the author's E-mail.

This is a work of fiction and does not reflect the real life activities of the author. All characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any opinions/beliefs expressed in this article are included for enhancing the story-line and has no bearing on the author's personal belief and faith. This article is not intended to poke fun, insult, harm or damage anything, living or dead.

Any mentions of witchcraft or shapeshifting or any occult art is purely from imagination. They are not real. The author does not bear any responsibilities for any misinterpretation on the reader's part and subsequent misuse of any fictitious spell/incantations etc included in this article.

The author is not a witch, does not have a witch and a shape-shifter for parents.

Title: Witches, Shapeshifters and Sex --------------------------------------

Chapter Three =============

A. Shapeshifting, Lycanthropy and What Else?

During my growing up years, being curious about the mystical and extraordinary, I have always been fascinated by the topic of shapeshifting and it's relation to lycanthropy. I have not moved in with Jeremy and Duvre then. I can still remember the number of times that I have dreamt of being a werewolf, a vampire or even a gargoyle able to roam the skies and move mountains.

Over the years, scholars have tried to split shifting into many categories: from mental shifting, dream shifting, spirit shifting to physical shifting as evident in Hollywood's famous werewolf or the vampire - beings with bat-like characteristics. Shamans from older Siberian and Artic tribes, the Berserkr of the Norse and even Egyptian transformation rituals testify or seem to suggest some form of shifting is possible by the human. Although in the case of the Egyptians, the change only takes place after death, where the spirits are morphed into hawks, swallow or semblances of Gods so that they can make a safe and quicker passage to the other side.

As for lycanthropy, many stories are told, the most prominent of them are of were-creatures, werefoxes, werewolves, such as the legends from South Balkan and in the Middle Ages, where witches are perceived to be responsible for casting spells on men, changing them into beasts. Other sayings include that of Lilith, Adam's first wife, who is cast out of Eden for laying down with the animals and her children are lycanthropes, entities with the form of human and could change into animals if their genetic code are altered. John Webster's play, The Duchess of Malfi, indicates the possibility of this condition being brought about by melancholia or drugs.

All these beliefs and tales only raise even more questions in my mind, can humans possibly change into animals and is the reverse possible?

"Hmmmm, so boy witch wants to know how we shapeshifters tick huh?" Jeremy quipped, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I had popped this question two months after I had began living with them. I could only nod fervently, ignoring his comment about being a 'boy' even though I was reaching my 17 birthday.

Up to now in Papa's opinion, even at 22, I am still a young boy reaching puberty regardless of my training and learning under Duvre. But I firmly believe I am fit to be called a man. We have had similar arguments about this over the past few years but being a stubborn old block of wood he adamantly refuse to heed my perceptions on this matter. You really can't blame him being some 200 years old, it is a wonder he hasn't contracted Alzhemier's disease or what not. Duvre have long decided to be a bystander in this issue.

"It is a little confusing and can be mind-blowing but I will try." Jeremy warned.

I smiled and nodded even more. This was one of the traits that I loved about my parents, they would impart any knowledge that they had but only on the condition that I would promise to learn my lessons well.

"WELL, that settled then, let's start from the basics.

I come from the noble class. The hierarchy of shapeshifters can be simplified

into three broad categories, Pe'vikar, Sha'vikar and the very rare To'vikar.

Pe'vikar, translated means Peasant, Sha'vikar means Noble or Enlightened and

To'vikar means Master or Ruler. Then there are those outside of our group,

the Isi'viden and Osi'viden. I will get to that later.

Pe'vikars generally have short life spans, 300 to maybe 500 years old, and

they have limited shifting talents such as taking only the forms of animals

and even that requires a lot of their inner strength. Most of the shamans,

witch-doctors in the Amazonian, Siberian, even Artic regions are the lesser

versions of the peasant class because their blood have been mixed with those

of the humans. I probably should qualify the term 'humans'. In the old days,

they are the Isi'viden and Osi'viden. Isi'viden roughly refers to those who

can be taught and Osi'viden those who lack the ability, although

historically, these two terms have more connotations and I couldn't recall

every one of them. These people can take on only selected manifestations

such as the bear for the Norse Berserkr for a specific purpose, for expample

war; some take on forms of animals that are closely related to life and work.

However, it is not a general rule that the shifting ability gets eroded as a

result of this cross-breeding. There are instances where the strength multiplies,

such as some shamans who are not only able to change into animals but also

tap on the less tangible spirits like forest or mountain.

Sha'vikars, someone like me, can live for hundreds of years. The longest I

recall is 1256 years old but it has been written in our books that there

are those who live beyond that. Our talents are more developed, assuming

animal form being the least of them. We can step into a Dream to glance at

the future or look at our past or even plant subtle thoughts into others

mind, manipulating them without them detecting. I believe there is a

quaint, modern term for the last talent, they call it astral projection."

"Whoa, does this mean you can enter my brain anytime you like and mess

around with it?!" I stuttered in astonishment.

"Hahaha, not really. It is more complex than 'Knock Knock, Who's there?'" Jeremy laughed.

"Shapeshifters are like every animate and inanimate thing in this world,

we are just a part of the whole fabric, except our minds are more attuned

to the energies that flow around us and because we can visualize and touch

them, we can make use of them much more easily than others. But due to the

vast number of flows, 'channels' as we call them or as contemporary works

define them as 'spirits', it is difficult to siphon out the correct

'channel' and harder still to bend that 'channel'with our will. Some are

thick and stands out from the other, some may be small but interwoven

with other smaller ones forming a large bundle and there are those that

are hidden...the list goes on."

Jeremy gestured to a multi-colored rug on the floor before continuing.

"Think of it as thousands of pieces of rug of varying quality, some coarse and others fine, but all woven together and inseparable. There may be a few threads missing here and there but for an item this gigantic, how are going to distinguish the difference?"

Jeremy stopped, went over to the kitchen and I could hear the sound of metal snap followed by something akin to gas escaping from a fissure. Next the tap was heard running. Moments later he was back with a can of beer and a glass of water. I gladly took the glass and he settled back onto the leather sofa in the living room.

"So hypothetically you have figured out a strand and is ready to use it.

What next? It is quite tough to sew something nice using our fingers let alone

using the mind and not to mention there are so many types of embroidery like

cross-stitching, plaiting and so forth. The same goes for a shapeshifter. That

is why a lot depends on the shifter's inner power. A change in the physical

body requires a dissimilar approach to entering another's mind. Some methods

are very dangerous, others quite harmless and then there are those that may

be easy to grasp for one shapeshifter and totally incomprehensible to another.

Get that clear boy?"

I scratched my head a little and responded,"So you are saying practice is the key, like some seamstresses taking years to hone their skills?"

"Yes. Heh, for a while I thought you were lost in limbo, the way your eyes

keep staring at me without flickering. Now back to Sha'vikars.

There are rules that a Sha'vikar must follow unlike a Pe'vikar who is

basically free to do anything. The most important is we can only bond to

one person in our entire lifetime and I tell you boy, to bond a Sha'vikar

is not a simple feat. The To'ekar, the person who bonds, has to reach a

oneness with the Pe'ekar, the person to be bonded, spiritually and

physically. After bonding, each Sha'vikar is only permitted to have one

offspring to continue the line and sometimes even this can be forfeited

depending on the past deeds of the noble involved. Fortunately, or

unfortunately depending on which angle of perception you take, it is a

truth that the child will be very strong in the ability and is guaranteed

to succeed his father.

There is no such thing as a weaker version of a noble shapeshifter. Our

strengths are equal just that some of us are stronger in certain areas and

weaker in others. Unlike Pe'vikars who only have the capacity to gain

a few talents, Sha'vikars theoretically can learn everything but this is not

a proven fact. Also in Pe'vikars, the strength varies, some are inclined

towards physical bodies like rivers, plants or animals like stags, dolphins

while there are those who can touch a Dream or move themselves spiritually.

It is possible that a Pe'vikar can be as powerful in the ability as a Sha'vikar

but I have not seen one yet.

As for the To'vikars, there isn't a damn lot written about them. Supposedly

they appear only every 1000 year and live for a special cause. When the

mission is completed, they either die or lose their powers completely. They

are powerful beings with incredible abilities, it is rumoured that they

can time travel but then that is another topic." Jeremy concluded.

Taking a deep sip of the beer, he patted me on my head, grinning, while I tried to absorb all that I have learnt.

"What about lycanthropy?" I inquired, gulping down the entire glass of water at one shot.

Just then the door flew open and Duvre thundered into the house with bags of grocery and a scowl on his face.

"Some bitch beat you at a sale or bargaining today, baby?" Jeremy teased.

"Yes. Do you have to make that jab at my ego?" Duvre grumbled, the scowl deepening further.

"You ninny. Oh welp, how about we drink ourselves dead and fuck our arse sore?" Jeremy suggested, a leer visible on his face.

"Watch the language Dear" Duvre warned, "But you have yourself a deal" He continued and I saw a smile replaced the

scowl on his face.

"Hey boy, how about we discuss this later, your Dad and I have some urgent business to attend to," Jeremy said.

Hurrying out of the sofa, he dashed up the stairs and I could see him heading straight for the master bedroom. Meanwhile, Duvre was tagging closely behind, with a dozen cans of Guiness Stout.

B. Do You Know What It Means To Be A Werewolf?

"What is a Talent? Is it similar to Ability?", I asked.

We were having our dinner and I couldn't help myself. Usually we would make small talk, like asking how was Duvre's lectures today? Or Jeremy's obsession with the Internet lately. He had predicted that the world of web browsers would be undergoing a revamp and multimedia would soon be possible through things like streaming video and audio. Also, the Internet would get more interactive, being able to 'talk' to the user and that it would no longer be a tool that the academics use but a vehicle for the business community to sell their products. I think much of it has come true. Lessons were only held after our meals not during. This is still a rule in the house.

"Sheesh, are we talkative tonight? I thought you were interested in lycantropy

or something?" Jeremy replied, his hands circling Duvre's lap.

It has become a rule as well that apart from having guests in the house, we for the rest of the time we would wear as little clothes as possible. Robes, jockstraps, flimsy underwear, speedos are acceptable. That night I remembered, I was wearing only my blue cotton briefs and both my parents were naked. There were no special prayers or rituals to perform for the God and Goddess then because we were not prepared for it. Duvre and I do not use our craft unless we feel it is absolutely necessary. Moreover, each spell or magick that we invoke requires a lot of studying and ground work before we are even remotely comfortable with it. I recall we were going vegetarian again or something.

"Mmmmm...that smells real delicious" Duvre quipped as he rested his head against Jeremy's bronze-like shoulders, sniffing along the neck. His lips darting out to trace the contours of the warm muscled flesh beneath.

Jeremy was caught somewhere between a moan and a smile.

"Hullo? I did ask a question didn't I" I interrupted.

"I think you are not that bad either. Yummy, are we hard tonight." Jeremy responded, holding Duvre's manhood with one hand and giving it moderately hard jerks.

I could see Duvre's eyes closed, awashed in a sea of pure sensation. He was straining against the high-backed chair, his hips thrusting upwards in a deceptively slow manner. The rainbow-colored hue falling from the painted glass lantern above was casting hazy colors of blue, green orange on both of them. I felt my breath quickening.

"Kiss me baby, tell me you want me to fuck you hard" Jeremy teased, his full pink lips uttering the words in that sexy accent of his, part American and part Chinese where the vowels are punctuated clearly but the phrases were jumbled together in a continuous string.

Duvre was huffing and puffing before he managed to say with difficulty,"Please.."

That was more than enough encouragement. Jeremy freed his other hand which was draped across Duvre's chair, spat some saliva on it and began to titillate Duvre's hole, first with his index then the middle finger. Meanwhile, I could feel my hand move involuntarily to jerk my cock. I almost forgot there were things that I needed to know.

"Can..you...guys....do..this..later?" I breathed, raising my voice above the moans and groans.

"Fuck..what was the bloody question? Oh, lycanthropy?..." Jeremy paused, forcing Duvre to turn and bend over the chair to give him freer access to his body.

"Humph..Oh Yeah...." Jeremy was pushing his thumb into Duvre's manliness.

"It has nothing in common to shape-shifting, contrary to what some may think,

I think it is more of a contemporary medical condition brought about by

the pressures of city life."

Duvre was grunting loudly and shouting something unrecognizable. My hand was working even faster and my cock was swelling like a piece of rock.

"There is a writer who captures this quite nicely, John Webster, yes that's the name, in one of his play about this Ferdinand character....SHIT Duvre you are damn wet inside...who has an incestual relationship with his sister, the Duchess. Something about melancholia. These people, active or dormant lycanthropes, are usually identified by a desire to shed their human form and take on something else. There could be a multitude of reasons why they do this, they hate their looks, they hate being bullied, they want power or youth.... Say you want me inside you, say you want my dick baby"

Jeremy taunted. His hand, no longer inside Duvre, was yielding his own shaft. Duvre was holding onto the chair until the veins showed where his hands gripped the four legs and there was a thick coat of shiny liquid smeared around the butt.

"Ohhhh God...my Master...Please..please" Duvre was almost sobbing, his stiff British mannerisms all but broken down my Jeremy's violent love-making.

"I want to HEAR you say you want it" Jeremy commanded, his eyes glinting wildly under the kaleidoscope of colors shining from the lantern. Blue, red and where they meet purple, all only seemed to intensify his authority.

No response. Duvre could only wimper.

Jeremy bent down and inserted his tongue, twirling it in fast, choppy motions until Duvre was backing towards him, his hips pumping in a frantic motion.

"YESS OH YESS!!" Duvre yelled. And then the tongue was gone and I saw the sense of loss swept over his face, the shock, the displeasure, the disbelief and a whole lot of emotions I could not describe.

"Now say YOU WANT IT!" Jeremy leered, taking extra effort to enunciate each word clearly and distinctly.

"i want it.."


"I Want It..."

"Louder still you bitch"

"I WANT IT!" Duvre screamed, tears flowing down his face indicative of his humiliation.

I felt myself burst and moaned as fulfillment spread through my system, my juice gushing out the rod like a rivulet.

Jeremy entered Duvre and was pushing vigourously, their bodies covered with beads of perspiration and the room filled with the smell of sweat and cologne. Then both of them were entangled in a fierce embrace and moaning as they ejaculated - Jeremy's cum filling up Duvre's love chamber and Duvre's cum dripping from Jeremy's hand. Holding each other until the sensations begin to subside, they then sat down onto the chair, each wearing a look of satisfaction on his face. Feeling they were in a relaxed mood, I decided to press on with my lesson.

"So how is lycanthropy different from shapeshifting? And what is a Talent and an Ability?"

Jeremy let out a shout of hearty laughter. Duvre merely smacked him in the bottom, admonishing him for not taking my question seriously.

"Okay, okay beautiful." He promised Duvre, in between bouts of laughter, his sensous blue eyes filled with tears of mirth.

"Damn, boy-witch here is inquisitive.

Where was I? Oh yes, erm, So when people have these feelings of inadequacies

about their form, they would start to think more and more about the alternate

self that they want to take, eventually they get so obsessed, they lose their

minds so to speak and become the creature of their dreams. This is nothing

like the changing that shapeshifters delve in because these people do not

manage or bend the 'channels' of energies flowing around.

However, I do not rule out the possibility that some of these people could

have somehow seen the flows and shifted before they actually go crazy given

the stories of vampires who can change into bats or humans changing into

werewolves. This is because there is a chance they are descendants of

the peasant class and has a little strength in them. As for why the full

moon and night is linked to these monsters, it depends on how the person

actually becomes the creature.

For the person who wishes feverishly to become another animal, he could

have been so submerged in his knowledge of the image that he yearns to be in

that he willingly carry out the activities of his other body. For instance,

the bat is a nocturnal creature so he wrecks havoc in the streets at night,

the wolves howl at the moon and he follows suitwise.

As for those lesser Pe'vikars, I guess their shifting is so elementary that

they can only shift in certain conditions or they require a huge source of

energy as a focus item, such as the moon. If these conditions are violated,

they either revert back, or lose control in which they will either die or

become trapped forever.

An additional point I want to add about lycanthropy is, with the recent

advancements in medicine, there are drugs which can heighten or suppress a

particular emotion, for example anti-depressant drugs, it is little wonder

that there are tales of people consuming potions and changing into


Are you satisfied boy?" Jeremy smiled.

"Sort of but what about Talent and Ability in shapeshifters?" I asked a third time.

"A Talent refers to skills that shapeshifters can acquire. Skimming Dreams,

Assuming forms and Spiritwalk are talents. An Ability is the 'gift' or

'sight' that an individual is bestowed with to see the flows around them.

However these two terms are not exactly what we meant in the first place.

The more correct form is Isi'To (Ability) and Sha'To (Talent). Like I said,

how powerful a person's ability determines more or less his or her status

in my clan. Isi'To is a measure of this power. Sha'To on the other hand,

measures the time and amount of experience of using the ability.

For us shapeshifters, knowing something exists is not enough, you must be able

to see it to use it. The ability can be trained in anyone. Even though I have

mentioned that there are two distinct groups, the Osi'viden and Isi'viden,

I should make it clear that the prior means one who does not have the ability

inborn, the latter means one who inherits it through birth. It is easier to

teach Isi'viden like I said because they can already see but it is harder to

guide Osi'viden because they are like blindfolded people feeling their way

around but fearing that if they remove the handkerchief blocking their sight,

they would relinquish all sense of security and comfort they have built up

over the years. Think of it like a man who knows he enjoys having sex with

men instead of women but is in denial, surrounding himself with falsehoods

but after having a blowjob from a gorgeous hunk, he suddenly realizes he is

gay." Jeremy said in a mocking tone and I blushed like the setting sun.

"Now, dear that was uncalled for" Duvre said, coming to my rescue. He pinched Jeremy's nipples to emphasize his point.

Jeremy moaned a little at the sudden pressure.

"Oh fuck, now I am so damn high after all this talk, why not we make out

in our bed, Duvre baby?" Jeremy suggested, his eyes making passes at Duvre's erection which was swelling at an incredible rate.

"Your wish is my command" Duvre replied sweetly but something in his voice told me he wasn't about to forget that embarassing display earlier on.

"Now you get some sleep Stefan" Duvre called from the stairs, his hands around Jeremy's waist.

I nodded and started to clear the table. This is another rule in the house: Every weekend I get to wash the dishes for lunch and dinner to train my sense of independence. Personally, I think my parents just want to have more time to themselves after a long week's work.


This is my first time writing erotic fiction. Any comments, please send to sky_tanek@yahoo.com


The pronunciation for some of the foreign terms used in the story are enclosed in {}. There is no need to pronounce exactly, a little slurring would be great as they should originally sound a bit like rough barbaric noises.

These terms are purely figments of my imagination, please do not take them to be part of some well-known spoken language.

Pe'vikar {Pear-vee-car} Sha'vikar {Shaa-vee-car} To'vikar {Toh-vee-car} Isi'viden {Is-si-vee-then} Osi'viden {Oh-si-vee-then} To'ekar {Toh-eh-car} Pe'ekar {Pear-eh-car} Isi'To {Is-si-Toh} Sha'To {Shaa-Toh}

VI is more like a linking term and has no meanings associated with it. E is another linking term. KAR refers to that which is internal or close to the heart. DEN refers to that which is external or not of the body. PE is used to indicate a person of lowly status or does not stands out. SHA means illuminance. It can be also be taken to be of a high status. TO means absolute or supreme. ISI means a spark or a sudden brilliance. OSI refers to emptiness.

Author's Note:

My motivation for making up all these phrases is explained below.

During ancient times, when the word or letter has not been that well explored, apart from using hand signs and pictorial representations, it is possible that some rudimentary form of spoken communication exists. It is logical to speculate that these could have been short, guttural noises where each word can have several meanings but there must be some universal guidelines where each word has a standard definition to it. This is reasonable because we can expect the minds of most of our ancestors to be relatively untrained as compared to us (studies have shown, even the smartest of the current population probably do not utilize more than 10% of the brain) and they could not have come up with a wide vocabulary. There is a high chance that within the same group or community the accepted meaning of the word could have been altered to encompass other information - emotive feelings, objects with similar properties like the sun and fire etc. This is analogous to the dialects we find in some cultures.


I have tried to include some elements of truth when spinning the above tale, so as to add that extra touch of reality to make the story believable.

Below are some of the fantastic websites put up by different people which have helped me in my research. If any of these web-masters/web-mistresses feel very strongly about having their links mentioned in association with erotica, please drop me an email to have them removed.

Shapeshifters, Shapeshifting ============================

1.C Whitehorn - Sculptor


Magnificent sculptures depicting vividly Native American

female shapeshifters. If only the artist would mould them as men

instead. But it isn't too hard to use one's imagination.

(ptesanwin- white buffalo woman, cougar)

2.Sirona Knight and Michael Starwyn


An informative site on shapeshifting.

Provides tips on how to mingle love, sex and magick.

Interesting read for those who are adventurous and want to try out some

of the proposed methods.

Lycanthropes, Lycanthropy =========================

1.Jasmine's Guide To Lycanthropy


Simple but clear interface, although have to pardon the English in some

pages, gets quite atrocious.

Some interesting facts about various types of lycanthropes and a brief

history of their ancestor, Lilith. May be offensive to some religions.

2.Lycanthropy in The Duchess Of Malfi


Thought-provoking stuff about lycanthropy as illustrated in John Webster's play

The Duchess of Malfi.

Should stimulate interest for even the non-literary inclined guy.

3.Resources By and For Lycanthropes


Has legends from Norse, Egypt regarding Lycanthropy or shapeshifting.

Boasts an archive of creative works by aspiring writers. Some nice links.

4.Vampires and Folklore


Included because discusses about assoication between werewolves and vampires.

For the vampire-lover, this a website you must check out!

Next: Chapter 4

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