Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Nov 13, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Therefore the content of this story is NOT REAL. To my knowledge none of the members of N'sync are gay. Again: this is in no way based on fact. If you are underage run! RUN! And if you are homophobic, what the heck are you doin on this site? -------------------------------------------------------------------------

I knew he was the one for me when we first started the group. Everything about him was exactly what I had been dreaming about since the time I first realized I was gay. When he came out to the rest of the group, I just knew that I could have him for myself.

His shyness was so pure and innocent, and even though he always seemed so hyper and out going he was also very reserved when it came to the fans, and anyone approaching him out of the blue. His big brown eyes just radiated warmth and softness that I knew would make him the perfect boyfriend. And his small size would make him fit so perfectly against me.

The minute I heard his confession to the group, I knew that this was my chance. I started planning a attack plan to make him mine. During one of our few breaks I sneaked off to a local convince store and bought up as much teenybopper magazines as I possible could to help me do some research. I know great deals about his personality, but there are certain things you just cannot ask someone without them becoming suspicious.

When I got back to the hotel I spent a few hours pouring over the materials to help me win over my beloved. I was pulled out of my concentration when one of the band mates knocked on my door.

"Lance! Are you in there you puffy headed freak?" Yelled a voice which I recognized to be Justin from beyond the door.

"Who are you calling puffy fro boy" I yelled back. I secretly thought Justin's new doo was hideous and made him look like he stuck his finger in the light socket.

"Lance, common open the door I gotta talk to you!" Yelled out Justin again.

I suddenly realized that I had all the teeny bopper magazines spread out over my bed and I freaked. "Just a second Justin, I gotta throw on some clothes!" I shouted as I stuffed the magazines underneath the mattress on the bed.

"Why the hell do you have to put clothes on? What are you doing in there?" Justin said quizzically.

I raced over to the door and swung it open and stood before Justin huffing slightly from my sudden panic attack.

"What do you want?" I ask him still feeling slightly out of breath.

Justin pushed pass me and wandered into my room and plopped down on the bed. "Did you want to go to the mall?"

I stared at Justin, is that what he came here and bothered me for, to go to the mall?!?!? "Justin, you just barged in here to go to the mall? What's so important?" I questioned him looking slightly annoyed.

"Well as you know, Chris' birthday is coming up, and I have to get him a present." Justin said looking at me with a smirk. "And since you seem so fond of Chris, I just thought you'd know what would be a great present." He paused and grinned at me, and lifted up himself slightly off the bed and pulled out a teenybopper magazine I had left on the bed by accident in my rush "And also, maybe you and I could have a little chat. Especially on why, you have Chris' page open and a bunch of stuff hilighted."

I think my face must have become a interesting shade of candy apple red at his knowledge of my situation. "Uhm, Justin ... I don't know ... what to say." I said nervously smiling slightly.

"Exactly why we need to go out, just the two of us, and have a little talk." Justin said with a grin.

"Uhm, Ok Justin, but just you and me. No one else ok? This has to be a secret!" I pleaded with Justin.

"Of course Lance, you can trust me." Justin said sincerely, and I knew he wouldn't betray my trust. "I already told the guys you and I were going out so lets go to the mall!"

"One problem, we don't have a car Justin." I said solemnly.

"No problem, we're a block away from the Subway, everyone travels on the Subway in Toronto. It will take us directly to the Eaton Center." Justin said with a grin, and I knew there was no way out of this.

So Justin and I headed off to the mall, in as much disguise as possible. The Toronto subway is way cleaner then the New York subway. The mall was great there were lots of shops to choose from. I helped Justin pick out a nice shirt for Chris, and I let him in on my secret love for Chris. I guess in a way it was good to have Justin as my ally, two hands are always better then one.

As we sat in the food court eating Arby's I told Justin about wanting to ask Chris out on a date, and Justin said that maybe I should woo him first, secretly. I thought it was a good idea and it set my mind working. Over the next hour or so, Lance and I bought all kinds of gifts and gags to use to woo Chris.

Later That Night:

Justin and I got some blue tulips and a funky biker teddybear and I wrote a note to Chris on my computer, because everyone in the group knows my handwriting.


Ever since, you came out to the group, I knew I had my chance. In time my love if you allow it, we will be together.

Your personal admirer

I got Justin to distract Chris, and make him go downstairs to get some food and I slipped quietly into Chris's room and left the gift perched against his pillow. Then went back to my room and go ready for bed and curled up on the bed and fell fast asleep dreaming about the day Chris and I would be together.

Dear Gentle Readers :P : This is my first time writing a story of this nature. Any comments or Criticisms would be greatly appricated. Also, since I am female, I would enjoy any tips anyone has to give me on writing the sexual scenes.

Thanks: Susie Q chocolate_cow_angel@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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