Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Jan 16, 2001


Before I say my disclaimer, I would just like to say.. To those of you.. whose disclaimer is longer then yer blinkin story.. GET A LIFE!

Disclaimer, This is a work of fiction.. I do not know the members of n'sync.. nor anything bout their personal life

Also, if you are underage.. fack off and go play with yer lego... Or if you are offended by sexual content (Cause yes..I do have some this time!) go play with yer Barbie's

Chris took my hand and led me over to the blanket that he had set up. I smiled at him and sat down cross-legged onto the blanket. This night was turning out great, I was going to burst I was so happy.

Chris sat down across from me and picked up the picnic basket. I just beamed at him. There didn't seem to be anything we could say to each other right then. Everything had been spoken and now we were going to enjoy the wonderful evening that lay ahead. Chris pulled out two objects wrapped in tinfoil. I looked at Chris with a smile. I knew that the tinfoil wrapped pouches contained sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"Close your eyes Lance," Chris told me, and I obliged.

I felt Chris's hand come closer to my mouth, and I could smell him as well.... and I could smell something else.... It smelled like... chicken?

"Take a bite Lance," Chris told me softly, and I did.

After I chewed for a bit, I realized that indeed this was chicken, but not just any chicken, chicken salad that my mum always made for me. My eyes flew open with surprise and I gaped at Chris.

"How did you did you know? How did you get the recipe? My mum doesn't give that recipe out to ANYONE." I said astonished. My own mum wouldn't even give me this recipe; I couldn't imagine what Chris said that would convince her to give it up.

Chris just laughed at me, "I have my ways."

"Did you tell my mum..." I blushed red... "about us?"

"Um.. No I thought I would leave that detail up to you. I just phoned your mum up and told her I had done something really stupid... and that I needed something that would make you forgive me... so I begged her for ten minutes that I was worthy enough and that I would never give the recipe to ANYONE no matter what! I even burned it after I made it, but it's stored in my head!" Chris said with a impish grin.

"Chris, you amaze me..." I just said softly smiling at him. "But how did you know chicken salad sandwiches were my favourite? I NEVER told that to ANY teeny bopper magazine!" I asked him.

"That, I cannot tell you... I need some secrets." Chris said holding out the whole sandwich. "Now shall we eat? I've been dying to test out these sandwiches since I made them."

I just nodded and took another huge bite out of my sandwich. I realized that the shape felt a bit funny and looked at it. Chris had cut the sandwiches in the shape of a heart. I melted; it was SOO cheesy, yet so adorably sweet. I just grinned at Chris to let him know I appreciated his little gesture and he just blushed and shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Chris, did you pack drinks?" I asked after I swallowed another bite of my heart shaped sandwich.

Chris nodded and reached into the picnic basket and pulled out a six-pack of Dr. pepper. I just grinned; he even had my favourite pop! I popped the top and took a long swig. I felt awed that Chris, had gone to lengths to make sure that he got me all my favourite things, just like I had done that fateful night not so long ago.

I knew, dessert was either going to be cherry jello with whipped cream, or double chocolate fudge cake. I remember telling magazines that those were my favourite desserts. After I had had three of Chris' delicious sandwiches, he informed me it was dessert time!

Chris pulled out a brown box with the label "Tim Horton's." I was puzzled; we didn't have a store called Tim Horton's in Orlando.

"I smuggled this to Orlando with me, so this is imported!" Chris said with a giggle.

Still unsure of what exactly it was I waited. Chris opened the box with a flourish to reveal a heart shaped Chocolate cake covered with a thick layer of chocolate icing. My mouth filled with drool... it looked SO yummy!

"I thought you would like it." Chris said grinning again. He cut both of us a slice and put it on paper plates. He handed me mine with a fork and smiled. "I hope you like it!"

I dug into the cake, Ohhhh it was SO good. I gobbled it down and looked at Chris. I noticed he was looking at me a tad bit funny and I just cocked my head to one side and raised an eyebrow as if asking.. "What?"

Chris set down his cake and came over to me. "You have some chocolate cake on your lips." He said softly and smiled "Let me help you clean it off."

My body started tingling all over! Chris's soft lips met mine and I swear there were fireworks. It was an experience that I wanted to relive for a long time to come. I tried to burn every feeling into my memory. Chris slipped his arms around me and I melted towards him. For a brief moment in time, it felt like we were one being. My body fused to his and his to mine. I felt Chris' tongue invade my mouth and my tongue came out to greet his. It was a total mating dance between our tongues... quite interesting if I must say so myself.

Chris pulled back from me, and I felt an extreme sense of loss. I slowly opened my eyes to try and discover what made Chris stop. I just saw him staring at me with an impish grin. I glared at him, not understanding what was so funny that he had to grin at me like that.

"You looked so delightful with your eyes closed, and your lips still wet from my kiss... that I just had to pause and burn it into my memory." Chris said softly making me blush a zillion shades of red. I had never known Chris to be a poet, and I must say I enjoyed it. Still... I wanted more kisses.

I leaned forward to claim Chris' lips for another kiss and he turned his head to deny me. I pouted as my lips landed on his stubbly cheek. "We have to finish dinner Lance." Chris said and looked at me seductively.

"But... we already had dessert... Nothing comes after dessert!" I said puzzled.

"That was only the beginning of dessert..." Chris said with a grin, "but I think we both want more dessert." Chris said licking his lips.

I gulped, unsure exactly, what Chris meant. His grin got wider. "Why... Lance... Are we nervous?" Chris asked me trailing a fingertip down my cheek.

I just nodded... I WAS nervous. I hated not knowing what was going on, or having control over what was going on. Chris seemed to have this all planned out. I knew Chris well enough to know many surprises were going to happen. He may be shy but he's sneaky.

Chris pressed his soft lips to mine and I smiled, "Don't be nervous Lance... You'll love all that I have planned for you."

I looked deep into Chris' eyes. "I know elfkin, but I also know your surprises ARE surprising. THAT'S what makes me nervous." I unknowingly shuddered remembering the time Chris had handcuffed Justin to the bed in the middle of the night, and surprised him by placing several extremely real looking spiders on his body. Justin nearly peed himself with surprise in the morning. Everyone knew you just didn't try to get Chris back, because he would get you back ten times worse. I knew Chris wasn't intending any bad surprises for me, but I was still nervous when pondering the possibilities that he could come up with.

Chris ran his finger tenderly along my neck, and then rubbed a spot directly behind my ear. If I was a cat, I would have purred the minute he touched that spot. "Don't worry Lance, I only have good things planned for you. You'll love everything, and if you don't all you have to do is say no, and I will stop no questions asked. " Chris said giving me a reassuring smile.

I felt better at Chris' comforting and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back pulling me in close and wrapping his strong arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder, and took a deep breath and inhaled his scent. I loved the way Chris smelled. He didn't wear cologne, but you could smell his soap, a hint of sweat and a smell that only Chris had. When mixed together, for me, it was an exceptionally intense aphrodisiac.

Chris pulled back from me and looked into my eyes. "Do you trust me?" he asked me softly with those big brown eyes.

I just nodded, of course I trusted Chris.

Chris took my hand and pulled me up off the floor, and led me over to the bed. I just stood their looking at Chris, enjoying my submissive role. Whatever Chris had in store for me tonight, I would welcome with open arms.

Chris smiled at me, and slid his warm slightly rough hands under my shirt and over my back. I shivered and closed my eyes. "Arms up," Chris whispered in my ear, and I obliged. Chris pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to some various part of the room. I then felt Chris' hands travel down my chest to the front of my pants. I felt my stomach suck in at being slightly tickled and I giggled. Chris smiled at me. His clever elfkin fingers undid the button on my pants and his hands slid around my waist and pushed them down, his hands briefly caressing my ass. I felt Chris tug on my boxers and pull them down, I froze, and so did Chris. He looked at me questionly and raised an eyebrow. "Lance, I do believe I am shocked... a thong?" Chris said with a grin. I just blushed bright red. I had totally forgot I had put it on after my shower. "Um... It's my lucky one..." I stuttered out. It WAS my lucky one... I had found it in some novelty shop when I was shopping for Joey's present a long time ago. It was red and silk, and I loved the way it felt. I had several other thongs too, that I hid under my boxers. I was so embarrassed that Chris had found out my secret, I hung my head in shame and reached for my boxers that had pooled at my feet. I knew Chris was going to tell everyone and get a good laugh out of it.

I felt Chris' hands on mine making me stop my movements. I looked up in his eyes, I didn't see laughter in his eyes, just desire. I was shocked! "Lance, before I saw this, I thought you were sexy... but now... god you just look sexier." Chris said with a grin. I just blushed bright red. "I never would have thought, you of all people... would own a thong, and wear it." Chris continued and paused, "But I am so glad you do."

I smiled at Chris with relief. "So you're not going to tell the guys?" I asked.

"What... and have them think of you wearing one? No way silky, no way." Chris said with a giggle.

"Silky?" I asked softly.

"Your new name..." Chris said. "Now enough talking silky, lets get on with things," Chris said with a grin.

Feeling a lot more at ease, I grinned at Chris. "Okay Elfkin."

"I'm going to leave this on for now... cause I find it ohh so sexy" Chris said fingering the waistband of my thong.

I just blushed again, and Chris took my hand. He led me over to my bed and motioned for me to lie down, I obliged. I moved over to the centre of the bed and looked at Chris. He pulled for silk scarves from his pocket, and I raised an eyebrow. He just gave me a sexy grin. Chris took my right arm and raised it up, and tied my wrist to the bed with one of the scarves, knotting it tightly, but not to tight. He did this to my other wrist, and my legs. I was laid spread eagle out on the bed.

Many thoughts were running threw my head, and part of me wanted to tell Chris to stop. I had never considered myself kinky, or involving myself in kinky stuff like this. But another part of me was excited to try something new. It wouldn't hurt to try it this one time, and if I didn't like it... well... I could tell Chris to stop.

Chris leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. He must have noticed my panicked expression because he gently caressed my cheek, "I would never do anything to hurt you Lance. You can say stop whenever you want." Chris told me softly kissing my cheek gently.

I felt my body relaxing after those comforting words and my body relaxed completely. Anything Chris wanted to do to me at that moment was okay with me.

Chris pulled out one final scarf and I gulped. I knew this scarf was to go over my eyes, I couldn't possibly imagine where else it could go. Part of me briefly shuddered as I thought of that cloth touching various parts of my body. Chris looked at me worriedly and I just grinned at him, letting him know with my eyes that it in no way was a bad shudder.

Chris reached down and placed the folded scarf over my eyes and gently lifted my head up and tied the scarf securely behind my head; bending down to place a brief kiss on my lips.

"Are you cold at all silky?" Chris asked me softly.

I just shook my head in response. The anticipation of what Chris was about to do made my body heat up considerably. I was thoroughly going to enjoy this evening I surmised.

I heard Chris moving around the room, heard a few clicking and whirring noises and then some lulling but seductive music. Then I felt Chris's presence return to the bed.

"We're going to play a little game Silky." Chris told me softly. "I'm going to touch your body with something out of my magical bag, and you're going to inform me as to what it is."

I smiled, at what I thought was Chris' direction. I liked the idea of this game, playful, but sexy.

I felt the sip of something caress my side. I felt a bit puzzled as to what it was. I closed my eyes and tried to allow my sense of touch to figure it out for me.

Chris softly ran this object over my side, and I felt soft little fingers tickling my ribs, and I got goose pimples. I shivered slightly, and concentrated harder. It wasn't too big, but it was very soft. It felt like tiny velvet fingers caressing my skin. "Is it a feather?" I asked Chris softly.

"Yes, it is." Chris said smiling. "That was an easy one, open your mouth for your reward." Chris prompted.

I was getting a reward? This was news to me; I wondered what it could be. The quickest way I felt was to just open my mouth and get it over with. I opened my mouth as wide as I could manage. I felt something cool caress my lips and I stuck out the tip of my tongue to taste what this was. I felt a drop of what I concluded was whip cream when my taste buds exploded from the unexpected flavour. I felt Chris push the object into my mouth, and I sucked it in a well, getting some of Chris' fingers in the process. I gave them a little nibble before I returned to my prize. I ate it slowly, and giggled with glee to find that my reward was cherry jello with whip cream.

"Ahh you like your reward do you?" Chris asked me softly.

"Very much," I told him softly.

"Next object... then maybe you'll get more jello." Chris told me.

I just waited silently for the next object. I felt something cool, and bristly touch my chest. I jumped slightly because this wasn't at all as gentle as the feather. Chris ran the bristly object over my stomach and up my chest. I shivered at the sensation of its upward movement. I felt Chris' tongue touch my left nipple and I jumped, "Now I KNOW that's your tongue." I said softly to Chris.

"You would be correct, but do you know what the other object is?" Chris asked, and I felt the tip of his tongue make its way to my right nipple and flick it slowly. I started squirming, and then I felt the object that Chris was talking about moving back down my stomach. "That has to be a hairbrush." I told him softly.

"You would be right..." Replied Chris. I opened my mouth to be rewarded with the jello, when I felt Chris' lips. I knew this wasn't the jello, but who was I to complain? I allowed Chris to kiss me softly, and I opened my mouth to receive his tongue, but acquired a mouthful of jello instead. I felt Chris move away from me and I shivered. I liked receiving my reward.

"I have one more object, for you to guess... then we have to go to bed." Chris told me softly.

"Awwwwwwwww...." I complained pitifully.

"No awing, and no pouting... we have to get up early for a meeting. I promise this last guess will be worth it." Chris told me tapping me slightly on the nose.

I didn't respond but lay there awaiting my next challenge. I felt something soft and velvety caressing the instep on my foot. I giggled slightly, and tried to move, but of course, I couldn't. Chris moved the object up the inside of my leg and I shivered more. I was having a hard time trying to figure out what this could be, and when I felt it brush over my inner thigh, all my thoughts went down the drain and I couldn't care what it was, as long as it didn't stop. Chris swirled whatever it was over my inner thigh, and brought it up over my leg and let it lazily drift over my navel. I felt it glide back down over my hip, and caressed my other thigh. I felt myself gasping; it was indeed a pleasure trip that I wanted to experience time and time again.

Chris gently trailed the foreign object over my balls, and I tensed up. Little tiny slivers of electricity were shooting up my body, and I closed my eyes tightly. He then ran the object slowly and gently up my cock and swirled around the head before moving down the other side. I bit my lip hard to keep from screaming at the intense pleasures that I was feeling. I knew the walls were thin, but any more of this and I wouldn't care what the other band mates heard. I threw all caution to the wind and moaned loudly as I felt Chris moving whatever torture object it was in a zigzag fashion over my cock.

I felt something wet twirling around the head of my cock, and I immediately realized it was Chris' tongue. I moaned louder from the frantic dashing of Chris' tongue over my cock, and that damned object doing a maddening dance over my balls.

I felt something warm and wet engulf my cock, and a tongue gently caressing my shaft. "Gaawdd Chrrrrrrissssssssss...." I said in a primal voice I didn't recognize and it made me blush.

Chris knew just what to do to drive me insane. He would gently suck on my cock, and then suck harder, like a vacuum. Allowing no air to enter his mouth, and then moving his tongue frantically all over my cock. I then felt his take a breath and I heard, no... felt humming.... Intensely wonderful humming. I recognized that song as you are so beautiful, and I laughed slightly at the corniness of it. But the vibrations from the humming were making me squirm, and the damned object running down my thighs and over my balls was driving me to the brink of insanity. I gave a loud shout and warned Chris what was on its way, but to late, I came hard...

I don't know how much Chris swallowed, but I know he must have swallowed some because he didn't move his mouth off my cock until it was softened.

I felt him place a kiss to my sweat dampened stomach. I wanted to tell Chris how wonderful it was, but there wasn't enough breath in me to get it out. My body felt languid, and content... and I don't think I ever wanted to move again.

Chris untied my legs, and my wrists and I scooted over on the bed for him to join me. I left the blindfold on, because I felt it was his duty to remove it. Chris lay down beside me and kissed my cheek. "Any guess as to what the mystery object was silky?" Chris asked me softly.

"No idea," I told him, and it was true... I really HAD no clue.

"A carnation..." Chris told me, giving me a kiss... "A purple one."

"Nice..." I said softly.

Chris removed the blindfold and I blinked a little bit, before focusing on that beautiful face. "I love you elfkin," I said softly... feeling that with those words everything that I wanted to say.. could be summed up.

"I love you too silky..." Chris said kissing my lips.

I kissed Chris back, and then laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his body around mine, and I wrapped mine around his. I felt into a peaceful slumber, with my one true love... knowing that the following days could only get better... and our love could grow much stronger.

~To be continued?~

So how did everyone like it? I know, it was cheesy, but I digest like 5 romance novels a week... cheesy is my life... So lemme know whatcha think

Also, I am not sure... if I should continue... there is more I could write... but should I? Feed back people! If I get enough responses I will continue, if not... well then I won't!

Susie Q


Next: Chapter 11

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