Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Apr 30, 2001



yadda yadda yadda

you all know the drill, no reading stories unless you can stomach it, no underage reading etc.

This is fiction, and a story of my mind only.. I don't know the ppl in the story either.. yadda yadda


The next few days blew by in a blur. Chris and I relished in the private moments we were able to share. We did, however realize that at some point we were going to have the face the group, and let them in to our private world.

So Chris and I called a group meeting, we were sure everyone already suspected someone, but no one pushed. Everyone was majorly disappointed that they would have to share a few hours of their precious day off in a meeting.

So everyone filed into our room, and sat in various positions on various objects. I felt all eyes shifting between Chris and I, wondering what is going on.

I cleared my throat, and all eyes turned towards me. "I know you guys wanna know what this is all about, and you want to get out of here fast, so I will make this quick." I looked over at Chris, I didn't know who exactly was supposed to take this "honor".

Chris looked at me pleadingly and I sighed. "Chris and I have an announcement." I stated. Everyone looked at me eagerly, and I just grinned. I thought this would be uncomfortable, but really it was just amusing, at how silly it all was.

"What Lance, is dragging out. Is that he and I are romantically involved." Chris stated solemnly

The guys just looked at us as if to say "And". I just smiled weakly.

"That's all." I said to the group. Justin gave me a look like "You freak!" and I just blushed.

Joey was the first one to say anything. "You make it sound like you've killed someone." Joey said, giggling.

"Nice to know you find love amusing Joey." Chris said bitterly.

"I am not laughing at the fact that you're in love. But the fact, that you say it as if your best friend died or something. You honestly think any of us care that you two are getting it on? Helll no! It just means that we will not have to worry about dealing with anymore annoying girls that Chris likes to bring in here." Joey said smacking Chris on the back.

"Oh ha, ha Joe." Chris said glaring at his band mate.

"If that's the big secret, then I am afraid I am gonna have to split." Justin said getting up out of his chair. He briefly hugged Chris, and then me. "I am glad you two were able to share what's been so obvious the past few days." He said with a grin. And made a hasty exit.

Joey too, said his goodbyes then left quickly. J.C, Chris and I were left in the room.

"So J.C, do you have something to tell Chris and I?" I asked sweetly grinning at him.

He looked at me puzzled. "I am unsure of what you mean Lance. And I too, must be off." He smiled at me and left.

Chris looked at me puzzled. "What was that all about?" Chris asked me.

"Chris, my love; something's deserve to be kept a secret.." I said to him with a grin, but he gave me a sweet puppy look, and I knew I couldn't keep my secret.

"However, this isn't one of those things. But this is just between you me and the four walls that surround us." I said to Chris.

Chris looked at me puzzled. "Sure Lance, you know I wouldn't betray something you've told me in secret."

"Ok, here goes." I said with a smug grin. "Yesterday, I went to J.C's room and Justin answered the door wearing nothing but a sheet and a smile on his face." I said to Chris, my grin getting wider.

"Ohh, that is some serious gossip." Chis said with a grin. "Do you think they have anything going on?" He asked me.

"I honestly don't know Chris. I thought… that J.C was the only one of us that would never join the darkside."

Meanwhile… somewhere else… in the hotel? In another hotel? Who knows!

I went into my hotel room, and noticed immediately that someone was in there. I got suspicious and went to grab some heavy object just incase. I came around the corner and looked at my bed. And there, lay a sleeping blonde angel.

I shook him gently. "Justy, common sweety wake up." He just groaned and pulled a pillow over his head.

I bent down and whispered softly in his ear, "If you don't wake up.. I will never ride that angelically dimpled ass of your again." That got a response.

"My ass is NOT dimpled." The blonde haired god said, his voice gruff with sleep. "It's perfect."

I lifted up one end of the blanket, "Yes, I would have to agree with that." Grinning mischievously.

The towhead boy rolled over in bed and looked up at me. "Lance and Chris came out today." He said softly, looking at me with wide blue eyes.

"At the same time?" I asked him. "That's weird, they must have some support group for each other. Maybe you can join." I said sticking my tongue out at him. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.

"Don't be mean." I said pouting.

"aww you look so cute when you pout." He said to me. "But… no they came out together; As a couple. The group was fine with it, they didn't even blink."

I had the feeling that something was behind this piece of information, but he was going to make me dig in order to find out what it was. I just sighed and looked at Justin. I hated when he did this. He could never just come out and tell me anything he just would hint that there was something behind what he wanted to say. I always had to push as hard as possible in order to get him to tell me anything. This was going to be one of those times.

I sat down on the bed beside Justin and pulled him against my chest. I stroked his hair softly, and pondered what my game plan should be. Justin snuggled against me and I smiled. He was so sweet. I kissed the top of his head.

"So how finding out about that make you feel?" I asked him stroking my hand down his back.

He huffed and rolled onto his back and looked up at me. "I already knew about them. I helped get them together. I told you about that didn't I?" He asked me softly.

"Yes, you did. I think it was very sweet of you. Lance seems like a wonderful guy. I am glad you helped him find love." I said to Justin. I knew that eventually it would all come out, so I decided to have some patience.

"Yes, he is a wonderful guy. He's very lucky too. He gets to be with Chris all the time. Even when we're on tour." Justin said looking up at me with sad blue eyes.

Ahhh, I was starting to see the big picture. I figured with just a few more puzzle pieces it would all make sense. "Yes, I can see how that would be beneficial. But they make get sick of each other too Justin."

"If they do, they can always take time out from each other." He told me firmly.

It seemed as though my blonde god was trying to hint at something. "Yes, I am sure they could Justin."

Justin looked up at me, and I could see tears shimmering in his eyes. My heart broke in two, I hated to see Justin sad. Especially when I didn't know exactly what it was about. I pulled justin close to me again.

"Just, please… tell me what's got you so sad." I pleaded with him. Hoping for once he'd just come out with it all.

And that… is when the dam broke, and everything came out all at once, in a blubbering mass of feelings, and tears.

"I just wish… that we could tell the guys about us. I know they'd understand… J.C understands! He doesn't even care. And I don't see why you can't join us on tour. It would be fun. It would blow the whole world wide open. No one would suspect such a thing. It would bring two types of fans together. Who knows, it may be a good thing. Someone could find a love like ours admits the crowd." He stopped, taking a breath, I knew he was about to begin again and I put my finger over his lips.

"Woah babe, WOAH. You know we could NEVER tour together. That would ruin both our reputations. And as for fans, we'd loose TONS." I said to him grinning. He knew it was a silly idea, so I wasn't worried about hurting his feelings.

"And as for the group thing, Just, you just say the word, and I'll tell my group, and you can tell yours. I hate sneaking around and you know it. You were the one who said you wanted to keep it under wraps for a little bit longer." I told him gently. Knowing he'd get his hackles up if he thought I was blaming him.

He sighed, "I changed my mind. I want to, badly. With Lance and Chris having the guts to come out. I think we too, should." He said taking my hand in his.

I was honestly shocked. I didn't think he would want to come out this soon. It wasn't a bad shocked, it was a good shocked. But.. wow. I mean… when I first met Justin, I was amazed at the feelings. He was just so sweet, and loving. He gave his everything without expecting anything in return.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I just held him tightly. I felt tears sliding down my cheek and he gripped me back tightly. I knew. That this was going to be one the best things to ever happen. I knew my group would be a little surprised, even annoyed but they would accept Justin, because they'll realize how happy he made me.

"I love you Justin, with all my heart." I said softly, kissing his lips.

"And I love you too so very much," He told me softly.

And that.. was that… ***

Back to Chris and Lance

With the burden of hiding our love from everyone lifted, Chris and I felt very carefree. We spent the rest of the evening in bed together watching silly movies on TV.

"Chris, my elfkin, love of my life… are you glad?" I said softly after we had been laying in silence for about a hour just watching some silly movie.

"Lance, you know I am. I love you, and as much as I dread the interference the guys are going to have with our relationship, I am glad that they know so I don't have to wait till the doors are closed to kiss you." Chris said kissing me softly on the lips.

I kissed Chris back, and pulled him closer to me. One simple kiss turned into a very passionate one. I felt Chris' tongue push pass my lips and invade my mouth. It was a nice kiss to say the least. I slid my hands underneath Chris' shirt and slid my hands up his bare back.

Chris pulled away from me slightly. I pouted at him breaking the kiss. He just grinned.

"I just heard my tummy rumble. I think we should go get some grub Lance." He said rubbing his tummy.

I knew that Chris loved food, needed food, and who was I to deny my love what he needed. So we both got ready and went to eat. Secure in the knowledge of our love, and the comfort of being with each other. --

I know, I know... Not my best work :)

but I got it out!

So.. neener

thank you everyone for your support.. it has ment a lot to me :)

So keep those e-mails comin

Susie Q chocolate_cow_angel@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 16

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