Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Nov 15, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. Therefore the content of this story is NOT REAL. To my knowledge none of the members of N'sync are gay. Again: this is in no way based on fact. If you are underage run! RUN! And if you are homophobic, what the heck are you doin on this site?

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed. I had an ally, someone to help me. Soon Chris would be mine and I'd be waking up holding him instead of my pillow. I reached under my mattress and pulled out one of the teenybopper magazines and gently ran my finger over the picture of Chris. God, he was gorgeous.. the most beautiful creature.. My brown eyed angel...

The phone rang next time, and I answered and it was Joey telling me breakfast was ready. Well fuck... couldn't they have warned me a few minutes earlier? I quickly got up and hurried around and pulled on some comfy flannel PJ pants and an oversized blue T-shirt and made my way to Joey's room.

"So nice you could join us sleepy head." Said Joey with a grin.

"So nice of you to call me, and give me such time to get ready" I grumbled as I grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and some orange juice.

"What do you need to get ready for?" Asked Justin with a smirk, to which I answered with a glare.

"Well I can't come meandering in here naked now can I?" I said sarcastically.

"Yea, we certainly do not wish to see that!" said JC with a grin.

I just ignored there comments and curled up in a vacant chair and looked around. I noticed my brown eyed angel was no where to be found.

"Didn't anyone wake Chris up?" I asked to no one in particular.

"He was supposed to be here, I just called him." Said Joey, looking surprised when he noticed that Chris wasn't here.

Just then Chris came bustin threw the door holding the vase of blue tulips and just stopped and stared at everyone equally. I almost choked on my muffin, but quickly covered up my blunder by taking a swig of the OJ.

"Ok, who's bright idea was this?" Asked Chris glaring at everyone in the group. "I know I just came out to you all, but that doesn't mean you need to fuck with my head. This isn't funny!!" Chris said sharply.

"Who's bright idea was what?" Asked Justin looking totally innocent and I wanted to smack him upside the head.

"Whoever sent me these flowers! And this teddy bear" He said thrusting the flowers and teddybear out for everyone to see.

"I didn't know you liked Tulips Chris." I said smugly and I grinned at him.

"Fuck you Lance! I want to know who did this!!" I was deeply wounded by Chris' words, but I decided to let it pass. I couldn't give myself up this early. It was too soon.

"Chris, calm down bud. I don't know who sent you those flowers, but I am sure it wasn't anyone from the group." Said J.C looking at everyone questionably. "Was it?" He then questioned in a small voice.

"I don't know who did it Chris, did it come with a note?" Joey, the every logical one questioned.

"Yes, it said it was from a secret admirer." Chris said tightly.

"Well, then maybe you should wait and see. Obviously they aren't ready to come forward yet." Joey calmly and rationally said to Chris. I silently thanked him, and wanted to run up to him and give him a huge hug in thanks for keeping my secret. I dared not look at Justin in fear of giving my secret away, and just kept eating my muffin.

"Maybe, but if this is a joke guys, it isn't funny!" Chris said in a little boy voice.

"I am sure whomever did it, was meaning it in most romantic sense." Said Justin sincerely. I wanted to hug Justin too and thank him, and I would later.

Chris sat down with a Danish and apple juice and I watched out of the corner of my eye as he ate. Even eating he looked like a total angel, my angel.

After Chris' outburst we all sat silently quietly eating our breakfasts and just minding our own business. After about 15 minutes past J.C finally spoke.

"We have to be at rehearsals for 3 guys, so that gives us around 2 hours to get ready to go. So if there is anything you guys have to do, make sure you do it and make it to the hallway by 2:30. Everyone understand?" J.C asked as quietly.

There was collective yes throughout the rest of the guys and we all disbanded and went back to our rooms to get ready.

I had just sat down on my bed, admiring a picture of Chris when there was a knock on my hotel room door. I quickly shoved the magazine under the mattress, "Come in" I yelled to the person standing behind the door.

The door turned, and in walked my brown-eyed angel, and he stole my breath. "Hey Lance," Chris said softly.

"Hi.." I said weakly as I looked at Chris, wondering what it was that he wanted.

"Do you think...we could talk?" Chris asked softly looking at me, and I was monetarily awed by him, his grace his body.. and I shook myself out of my daze as I realized he was expecting an answer.

"Um... yea sure Chris, come on in, have a seat.." I said patting a empty spot of bed and smiled at Chris.

Chris came over and perched on the bed beside me and smiled. "Do you have anything you'd... like to say?"

I just looked at him blankly, but my mind was buzzing with questions like... did he find something out?' does he know it's me?' `Did Justin say something?' But I just replied "No, why do you ask?"

Chris sighed, and smiled at me.. "I'm just trying to figure out who sent me those gifts. No one seems to know anything, and the person who did it must be a great liar." He said softly.

"Aw, Chris.. this must be really tearing you up huh?" I asked softly feeling bad for having to trick Chris, but.. I knew it was for the best.

"Yes, Lance, I want a relationship, not some meaningless fling. I think it would be perfect to find someone within the group. I mean.... I have feelings for a certain someone... and I just wish I knew if it was them or not." Chris said looking at me with puppy dog eyes. My heart melted, could it be me? Was he trying to drop me a hint?

"Well Chris, I am sure it'll all work out for the best. However, you'll just have to wait and see." I said to Chris, giving him a big smile.

"I know Lance, I just hate waiting!" He said sharply. "I waited so long to come out, I waited for approval. I don't want to wait to start a relationship."

I felt so bad, and I knew that... I was going to have to revel myself sooner then I thought. I didn't want my beloved to be in pain. "Chris, calm down, I am sure everything will work out for the better!" I said softly squeezing his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I guess you're right Lance. Well.. I better go get ready and do some of the things I have to do before the concert. I'll see you at 3!" He said sounding a lot happier then he did when he first came in and bounced out the door.

I fell back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Everything was changing different then how I wanted it to. I was going to have to ditch all my plans. I was going to have to have more help then Justin. I reached over to the table on the bedside table and dialed Justin's room.

"Just? That you?" I questioned the groggy voice that picked up the phone.

"Yes stupid, who'd you think it was?" Justin snapped.

"Calm down Justin, can you bring J.C and yourself over to my room A.S.A.P?" I asked quietly into the phone.

"Why?" He questioned me

"There has been a change in plans regarding Chris, and I am going to need yours and J.C's help. Don't let Joey know, we all know he's got the biggest mouth and cannot keep a secret." I said rapidly into the phone.

"Yes sir! Lance sir!" Justin said mockingly into the phone.

"Can the comedy, just get over here!" I said and hung up the phone.

After the Concert

After the concert everyone got ready to go. I had called a friend I had made previously in Toronto to work out the rest of the details for my plan.

I told the group I was going to meet a friend and I winked at Justin as I hopped into the rental car and made my way towards the destination. My friend Kayla said that I could have her place for the night and it was totally secluded. No one in her neighbourhood would think it funny that a BMW, or a limo was pulling up in front of her house at any hour of the night.

I pulled my car into the garage and made my way into the house. There was a note sitting on the table beside the door.


Have a good night buddy, everything you wanted done, is done. Have a great night. I hope things work out as planned.


I smiled at Kayla's kindness and peeked out the back and I noticed everything was there like I wanted. Candles surrounding the pond, the park bench by the pond, beautiful. I opened the fridge and pulled out the picnic I had Kayla prepare and I took it out to the back and sat it down beside the bench. I heard a car pull up and I hurriedly went back inside. My palms were sweating and I was feeling terribly nervous.

I say blonde curls poking in from the door "Are you ready for your delivery?" Justin said with a grin.

"Did he make much of a fuss?" I asked Justin softly.

"Nah, not much Lance, just a bit.... He's been asking the stupidest questions." Justin said with a grin.

"Well, lets not keep him waiting!" Lance said with a grin.

Lance heard Justin snap his fingers and stood back for J.C to bring Chris in.

J.C brought a blindfolded Chris in and handed him over to me. I smiled at J.C and mouthed a thank you, as he and Justin both nodded and vacated the room.

"Who are you?" Chris asked me.

I just ignored him and led him to the back door. The rest of the way could have led to injury if I wasn't telling Chris the steps and I just scooped him up in my arms and started carrying him the rest of the way.

"Hey! What are you doing?? Put me down!" He said in protest.

I set Chris down in front of the bench and admired him. He was so handsome, I just wanted to kiss him and hold him forever. Maybe tonight is my chance. I reached up and took off his blindfold and watched as he adjusted his eyes to the light.

"Lance?" He asked looking at me with shock.

Dear gentle Readers:

I don't know how I am going to approach the next chapter.. I could be realistic, or dreamy.. i'll decide later... Like last time: This is my first time writing a story of this nature. Any comments or Criticisms would be greatly appricated. Also, since I am female, I would enjoy any tips anyone has to give me on writing the sexual scenes.

Thanks: Susie Q chocolate_cow_angel@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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