Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Disclaimer: This is fiction, I do not know n'sync nor their sexual orientation. If you are under age, go to ebay or something. Second rule, ENJOY THE STORY!!

I was woken up in the middle of the night by snoring. For a few seconds I was disorientated and couldn't figure out where I was, and why I was hearing snoring. Then it came to me, Chris. I giggled softly to myself, so my little elfkin snores. I had never noticed it before, not even when we were on the tour buses.

I laid there for a little while listening to Chris' slight snoring. I looked over at the clock and realized it was 4am. I knew that the sun would be coming up soon. I disentangled myself from Chris and snuck into his room through the bathroom and stole the comforter off his bed. I went out on the balcony overlooking the beautiful mountains. I laid the comforter down on the comfortable lounge chair and I went into the room and shook Chris gently.

Chris grumbled in his sleep and buried his face in the pillow. I shook him again "Come on elfkin, get up." I said as I shook him.

Chris opened his eyes sleepily. "What is it Lance?" he asked me groggily.

"I want you to watch the sunrise with me." I said to him with a grin.

"it's to cold out!" Chris protested.

"It's never to cold when you have body heat!" I said with a grin.

I leaned over and scooped Chris up in my arms blankets and all and carried him out to the balcony. He wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled. I set him down on the balcony and stretched out on the lounge chair and opened my legs and patted the space between them. Chris took the hint and sat down between my spread legs and leaned back against me. I pulled the blanket we were sitting on over our top blanket and then wrapped my arms around Chris' middle. He relaxed back against me and I felt so relaxed and happy.

In a comfortable silence, we watched the breath taking beauty of the sun rising over the mountains. I heard light snoring again, and I knew Chris had fallen asleep. I was feeling tired still too. I looked at my watch and realized we had another four hours to sleep. So I too closed my eyes and drifted off.

I woke up after awhile and I felt Chris still resting against me. I smiled to myself and let my hands drift under Chris' shirt and caress the skin of his tummy. I lightly ran my hands up and down his stomach feeling the soft hair there against my fingers.

"And just what do you think you are doing?" Chris asked me accusingly

I quickly jerked my hand back, and blushed bright red. "I am sorry Chris, I don't know what came over me." I said feeling like a pervert.

"Oh snookums, don't fret... I was just teasing." Chris told me sweetly. "It was a nice way to wakeup." Chris said shyly.

I felt instantly better. I placed my hands back on Chris' tummy. "So my little elfkin, did you sleep well?" I asked Chris as I softly stroked his tummy.

"Best night of sleep I've had in forever." He said softly.

"Glad to hear it." I said and rested my chin atop his head.

I looked at my watch and realized that we had an hour till we had to meet with the group. "Chris, sweetie, we gotta go get ready." I said as I gave him a squeeze.

Chris sighed loudly, "Should I shower first... or you?" he asked me.

"You go shower... I've got a few phone calls to make." I told Chris softly.

"Ooo, who are you calling??" he asked me excitedly.

"No one you know elfkin. Now go shower!" I said giving him a nudge.

Chris got up off the lounge chair and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I enjoyed watching the sun come up with you Lance, it was a great idea. I hope we have more moments like that." Chris said sincerely with a smile.

I beamed up at Chris and ran my fingertip down his cheek. "I am glad you enjoyed it. Now shoo!"

Chris started to retreat and I swatted him on the bottom. He turned around and stuck his tongue out at me. "Don't stick it out unless you're going to use it!" I taunted him.

"You would enjoy that WAY to much." Chris said with a snicker. As he exited the balcony and made his way to the bathroom.

I shook my head at Chris' retreating back. He could be such a goof ball sometimes, but... hopefully I could make him MY goofball. I knew Justin wanted news on our relationship desperately so I called his hotel room first.

"Justy?" I asked the groggy voice that answered the phone.

"Lance, is that you?" Justin asked.

"You bet your buttons sunshine!" I said cheerily into the phone.

"Lance... you're awful... it's EARLY" Justin glowered into the phone.

"We have a hour till we have to meet in J.C's room you twit, so you better start thinking about getting ready." I told Justin smiling, I knew he was still in bed.

"Ok ok... now dish... I want details... are you two together?" Justin asked sounding like a teenage girl.

"We're not together... But I think.. or I would like to think... we are getting to that point. Chris wants to take things slow... and so do I." I told Justin softly.

"Bah, smow smow.. GET TOGETHER!!" Justin said and then quickly added... "Shit, I gotta go shower.. BYE!! See you in a hour." Then buzzzz from the line going dead.

I shook my head, that boy had serious issues sometimes. The bathroom door opened and out walked a half-dressed Chris. Wrapped only in the blue fuzzy towel the hotel provided.

"Lance, the shower is free... and I thought I'd give you a bit of a show." Chris said with a evil grin.

"And what a nice show it is Elfkin.. Now go get dressed!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

Chris again, stuck his tongue out at me and made his way back to the bathroom door. Once in the doorway he paused, and dropped his towel. My mouth dropped open as I saw a beautifully shaped buttocks revealed to me.

I whistled and cat called and Chris shook his ass and walked through the bathroom and into his room. It took me a minute to recover. Chris was sure making this "We're not dating yet" situation a lot harder with a show like that. I pouted for a second thinking about how Chris was naked in the next room, and I wasn't there to see it. I shook my head and got off the bed and headed into the washroom.

I turned the shower on to a cold temperature to try and cool my hormones down before I went to J.C's room. I soaped myself up and thought of Chris. I couldn't figure him out. I wanted so badly for us to be together, and I think he did too. I knew I couldn't be the one to say anything because it was Chris' decision to make, and I wasn't going to pressure him.

I put soap in my hair and washed it, enjoying the herbal scent. I knew it was a fruity thing to do, but I really enjoyed my herbal essence shampoo. I let out a big sigh and rinsed off my hair and stepped out of the shower. I nearly slipped and fell on the tile and cracked my head.... There was Chris standing there with a mischievous grin on his face.

"You ok Lance?" He asked noticing my slip and hurrying over to the tub.

"Um, yes.. I'm fine.... Can you hand me my towel?" I stuttered to Chris.

Chris tossed me my towel and I wrapped it around my waist. I just stood there looking at Chris, waiting for him to say something... anything!!

"Lance, I've made my decision." Chris said with a serious look on his face.


HAHAHAHAHA WEEEEEEEEEEHOO.. Guess what folks.. That's all she wrote for 3 weeks, yes you guessed it.. 3 + weeks till the next chapter comes out. I know it's evil of me to leave you with a cliffhanger, but... I gotta give you something to come back for in 3 weeks!

You know how to get ahold of me chocolate_cow_angel@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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