Work Trickster

By Odd Balls

Published on Sep 28, 2021



"Fired." Mr Benson scoffs next to me at the bar "I just don't get it..."

"You're taking it well though." I said as I sip my drink. He's now fully clothed and we are currently lamenting about his losing his job as my boss.

"I just... I LITERALLY don't get what they were all up and arms about." He says as he scratches his head "I mean, all I did was just show explain the economics of my penis and had a bomb-ass orgasm. But all they said that I `literally fucked myself out of a job'."

"Aww, that's rough."

"I mean... I just don't know what I'm gonna do. Guess I'm just gonna have to move on to the next job" He shrugs "I always have some way out. When I lost one job, my dad would just give me another one. When I screwed up, he covered for me. Last time I got caught with four secretaries in a broom closet, he just paid off the janitor who walked in on me."

"Yes, this must be a devastating hurdle for you, `boss'." I roll my eyes and take a gulp of alcohol.

Okay. So by now you're probably thinking `Hey Cole! If you got these cool magical items that can let you do anything you want to any and everybody you see, why not use them to get laid or something?'

Well, that's the thing about me. I'm not that keen on having sex myself, per say; I just sort of find it repetitive and time consuming and plus it's just too easy. What I REALLY enjoy is using these artifacts to manufacture kinky and humiliating scenarios or else screwing around with guys, much like how I did with my coworkers. Not to say I'm completely against getting laid or fooling around. Just 7 times out of 10, I prefer just to set up some embarrassingly lewd stunts and enjoy the show.

Heck, if my magic items worked for more than a week during a full moon range, I'd most likely be directing and producing a fetish porn studio instead of pushing paper in an office.

But, back to the now.

"Thanks for coming out tonight for a drink, by the way." Thomas says as he pats my shoulder. I glance to the side as I slip my hand in my pocket, tracing my fingers into the hidden Fleshlink... "Could really use a- wooOOo, hello" He wiggles in his seat and whips around. "What?"


"Uh..." Thomas glances side to side before turning back around "Was there someone behind me?"


"Are you sure?" Thomas adjusts in his seat "Because I think I just felt something in my- OOooOOOOooo!" Thomas's back flexes as push a couple of fingers into the fleshlight. Thomas gets up out of his seat and looks around while patting at his rump "I FELT that, I swear!"

"Felt what?" I say, easily sliding my fingers down to the knuckle inside the magic fleshlight.

"Someone keeps putting something in my butt!" He says as he holds part of his rump while the bartender snickers and shakes her head. "Something's going on in there, I swear!"

"How? You're fully clothed, your belt is fastened, how can somebody even touch your ass without them still being there?" I reason out.

"... Guess you're right." Thomas concluded. I grin secretly as he sits back down, and I take an ice cube out of my drink and put it into my pocket. "So I guess... Now that I'm fired, I'll just call up my Dad and HOOOOUUUUUH!" Thomas yelps at a high pitch as he shoots up and grabs his ass! "COLD COLD COLD! What in the HELL?!"

"Hahahaha, what's going on NOW?" I laugh as he starts making a spectacle as his hand shoots down the back of his pants.

"I'm not kidding!! There's something cold and wet inside my ass!" He exclaims and squirms on the spot as his fingers dig into his crack and against his hole to try and remove an icy evil that's just not there.

"Thomas, calm down!" I laugh as I slip the ice out of the fleshlight, "You're making a scene."

"Hohh... Whew... Okay, it's gone..." Thomas huffs with relief, not even taking not of the people staring at him. "Anyway. I'll have to give my dad a call on Monday. Tell him I'm gonna need that offer of his for the Taeko executive position."

"Uhhh-huh." I say casually as I take out another item of mine -- a paintbrush with several equal signs around the shaft while the bristles is a clear-cyan color. Thomas downs his drink and huffs a hard breath.

"Whew. Think I just need to drown my sorrows in some hot tail tonight, you know what I mean?"

"Sure. How about that guy over there?" Nod to some random patron in the bar.

"Pffff. Yeah right." He smirks "I NEVER go for men out in public." He says as he dons his corporate grin as he holds my shoulders "I need people to see me with arm candy."

"Aaaaand that can't include a man?"

"Heh, yeah. Lemme know how your work game gets when you go gay." He taunts and slaps my shoulder.

"Oh wait, before you go..." I tell him as I bring up the brush "Here, lemme spruce up your lips."

"... Pheh. Seriously?" Thomas scoffs at me and my brush "Do I look like the kind of guy who wears make-up?"

"Trust me, it works every time." I tell him.

"No offence, but I can score on my own. Thanks, Nancy."

"Alright, suit yourself, `Boss-Boy'." I say for his trigger word. Thomas just nods and goes to this young hot college girl sitting with her friends at a table. I chuckle as I sit back to watch this take place. That trigger name is the same one I used on him before his meeting got started...

"Hey, ladies." He says with a charismatic grin as he leans his hand on the table.

"Oh, hiiii" They sweetly say; with his suit and his distinguished looks and refined stature, the girl he's aiming for looks mildly interested in this rich and handsome gentleman.

"How are you doing tonight? I have a tiny penis." He says with a smile.


"Oh my God, hahahaha"

"What? Whaaat?" Thomas blinked, genuinely confused. Why are they laughing?

"Thank you for the crotch update." Laughed one of the girls, "We'd like to get on with our night now."

"No, wait, maybe I said it wrong." Thomas tries again "What I meant to say was I once had a three-way with my dad and my brother, and one time when the maid walked in on us while they were blowing all over my face-"

The three girls just laugh at him and dismissed him altogether. Thomas just comes back to his seat next to mine, looking utterly confused. "Struck out?" I asked.

"Yeah... It's weird. They just kept cackling like I was telling some joke."

"What. Regaling your incest escapades not selling as a come-on?"

"I guess not..." Thomas glances around and nods to another random lady "Think I'll try my luck out with her."

"Okay. Wanna take me up on my offer with my so-called `make-up'?" I ask as I hold up the brush. Incidentally, I just happened to slide it across his palm...

"No, I got this." Thomas says as he walks off. I wait patiently as he starts hitting her up. She smiles as he turns on his charm before I take the Fleshlink out of my pocket and bring it to my mouth...

"Yeah, huh." Thomas chuckles as he talks to his current prey "My father runs the whole industry. Maybe I could introduce ya WHHOooooOaaAAA!" He jumbles and grabs his rump again and staggers into her.

"A-Ah! What's wrong??" She asks.

"Ahm, ahhh..." His face goes out as something wet, alive, and wild squirms inside his rectum. "I-I-I juUuuuUUsst WoOOOOooo!" His back wiggles and arches as his fingers dig in his crack.

Meanwhile I watch as my tongue dives and rolls inside the magic fleshlight's hole. In case you're wondering, the fleshlight itself tastes like an off-brand flan. Makes it easy for me to punch the hell out of my ex-boss's prostate from across the bar. I squish the soft material against my mouth and put my entire kisser inside of his transmuted anus.

"OOHHH! I need to use the bathroom!" Thomas proclaims before he sprints out of there, leaving the fine woman bewildered. I just kept rimming the fleshlight, digging my tongue in there and hearing Thomas moan and yelp from outside the restroom until the woman he was talking to leaves before I put the Fleshlink back in my pocket.

About a minute later, Thomas comes back out later only to find she was nowhere in sight. He shakes his head as he comes back to me.

Remember when I brushed his palm with the brush? Now I'm drawing the brush in circles on my crotch and tucked it back into my pocket.

"Agh, I gotta make a doctor's appointment." Thomas says. As soon as he sits down, his hand moves by itself and lands on my crotch. "Something keeps getting weird in my ass."

"Heh heh" I chuckle as I look down. The palm of his hand is rubbing in circles around my crotch. The bartender passes by and stares at Thomas rummaging around the front of my pants.

"Called it." She remarked under her breath.

"So you don't go for men in public, right?" I ask.

"Strictly down-low. Rule of thumb of being a business hot-shot."

"So you're not going for any men tonight?"

"Not when there's this many cute girls in one sitting."

"Then why are you grabbing my balls?"

"What?" Thomas looks down and gapped as he FINALLY notices his hand is groping my package. "Ho fuck, I didn't even know I was doing that!" He says as he pulls his hand away.

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered." I smirk at him. "Wouldn't mind if we went home and uh..." I tilt my head to show him I'm looking at his rump "See how many marshmallows we can really shove up your ass."

His eyes widen a bit and stared at me "How do you know about that?"

"Lucky guess."

"... Look, just, you're throwing me off my game."

"Uh-huh." I glance at a passing woman in a black cocktail dress. While Thomas isn't looking, I quickly swiped the magic brush across the woman's ass and get back to my drink.

"This is just a weird night, I got plenty to choooooose?" His hand gravitates towards the woman I marked and grabbed right on her ass!

"Ah!" She gasps and whips around, seeing Thomas's arm stretched down to her behind. Thomas just stands there dumbfounded and gives a nervous chuckle.

"H-Hi?" He says, his fingers still placed comfortably on her posterior "My name is-"


"OH!" Thomas is sent right to the floor and the woman storms off. I just snicker and sip my beverage again while Thomas stands up, rubbing the red handprint on his face "God-DAMN, what is wrong with me tonight??"

"Well, my offer still stands." I say as I wipe the brush's mystical bristles on a napkin, sort of resetting it before I hold it up. "It's not make-up, I swear."

He pauses for a second and huffs "You sure this will up my game?"

"Guarantee this works." I half-promise. After another moment to think, Thomas rolls his eyes and nods.

"Right, I'll try it."

"O-Kay" I say as I lean in and bring the brush to his mouth. Looking embarrassed about possing for a supposed make-over in public, Thomas puckers his lips and lets me brush them. "Get heeeerrre..." I say before I then bring the brush and mark around and on top of his nose. "A bit here..." I draw an invisible circle on either cheek, paint the dry brush across his forehead and under his eyes and whatnot.

"So what kind of make-up IS this?"

"Not make-up" I insisted yet again "More of a `lucky charm' so to speak." I bring the brush down, seeing a faint glow from the areas the brush touched before they fade away; invisible, but still enchanted.

"Psshh. I don't need luck, Cole." He scoffs at me.

"Oh yeah." I smirk and then nod to the bartender "How about you try your luck with her?"

"Hegh. Easy."

"You got this, `Boss-Boy'." I pat his shoulder. The bartender passes by and Thomas calls her up.

"Scuse me? Miss?" He says. She stops and glances at him before stopping.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

Thomas leans in like he's about to ask her out, putting on that warm and handsome smile "Did you know that 1 in 5 people know that I model adult diapers for porn directors?" I spit my drink and cough as I lean my head down to hide my laugher.

"Uh... What?"

"It's true." Thomas nods as he gets smug and charming "Suck my thumb and everything. They even put a vibrator up my butt and a wet sleeve on my dick so I can hump a giant teddy bear with my diaper in this large crib."

"Are you freaking serious??" The bartender asks in disgust.

"Oh yes. Started out as a punishment my father did to teach me to grow up in college. Turned into every Wednesday night so I can let loose and be a carefree adult baby."

"Ugh. You're sick." She frowns and walks off. Thomas blinked and watched her leave. Meanwhile, I'm stilling wiping my face and trying not to burst out laughing.

"... What just happened??" He asks before turning to me just when I BARELY managed to settle a straight face "I thought you said that make-up of yours would work."

"I-I dunno. Guess she's a lesbian or something? Ghghghg..."

"Possibly..." He glances back at the door where the bartender left. "She did have very short hair..."

"Hey look." I point out "Looks like that secretary from work just got divorced. Wanna swoop in and catch her on the rebound?"

"Ooh, no sooner than when I went to advanced cooking classes so I can learn how to make pies and pastries I can put my dick in." He tells me, making me spit my drink in a hard spritz again as he gets up.

I look around and see a random guy chatting up some people. Handsome, short buzz-cut hair, Mediterranean skin, well built. I put on the Wraith Wrist bracelet and made myself unnoticeable before I walked up to him.

"So yeah, last night me and Sarah were watching Glee, and I just, for the life of me, cannot see the appeal." The rando says while I lift up his arm. His friends stare at him while he just seems to raise his hand for no reason. "And every time I ask her what's the difference between Glee and High School Musical, she just gives me this dirty look" I then take the Peintbrush and start drawing circles into his armpits.

Meanwhile I glance and see Thomas actually making progress with his current attempt.

"Oh yeah. Bare-ass." He brags "Modeling for art class is good money- mmuuh" His lips pucker and his head jerked. "I even uh- mrrh... I even shaved my pubs and took a hard-on pillurrrh" His face shifts and he staggers back.

"You alright?" The secretary asked.

"Y-Yeah, I- mburrb" His mouth puckers again as he whips around and staggers. "I-I'll be right ba-ack?" His face gets pulled away and over to a group of strangers, like some invisible tapes are reeling him away from the hot beauty he was chatting up. "Hrrb?? What the heck, mmrrhh!" His mouth practically yanks itself to some guy talking to his people.

"Whatever it is about musicals," The buzz-cut man continued "It totally turns her on- ah?" His arms jerks up as someone starts shoving his face into his underarm "Hey, hey, hey! What the heck are you doing??!"

"Errff I duunn't knoommff" Thomas says as his face buries itself into the man's armpit. His nose can pick up the fact that this guy skipped deodorant as his natural stench is perking Thomas's hidden manhood.

"Dude get off of me!" The guy says as he tries prying off Thomas, but the magic is keeping Thomas's face anchored to the man's pit.

"I'm soory, mrrffmmf!"

So I should explain the Peintbrush. This little item has the ability to magnetize anything it touches. Like when I touched Thomas's hand with it, and then brushed my crotch so his hand would be pulled onto my package.

I go to another random guy and put the brush to his denim rump. I paint the brush up and down the center a few times before backing away.

"FWaaahhh!" Thomas finally breaks free from the irked man and his shocked friends. He pants and huffs while he adjusts his hair and tries to recover himself "Sorry, don't know what came over me... Hah..." He regains his stature and nods to them, "Can I buy you all a driii-INK!" His face suddenly flops his body away.

Staggering and half-walking to try and make sense as to why his head is acting like a dog on a leash, Thomas grunts and irks as his face suddenly shoots down until his hands and knees hit the floor. His eyes instantly go to a gentleman's bottom as his face is almost magnetized to his posterior. "E-Excuse me sir! Sir! I-I-I-" Before anything, Thomas then shoves his face right into that stranger's buttocks.

"A-Ah! Hey!" The man looks back behind himself as Thomas drives his nose up and down his rear "The hell do you think you're doing??"

"RRffmrrffmmuurrhhmmff!" Thomas muffled as he grinds his face into that rump until he starts to get hot on it... Even sporting a boner safely concealed in his pants.

"Hahahaha... Uh-oh." I see the bouncer stomp in; I guess Thomas is drawing too much attention now. Thinking fast, I wipe the Peintbrush to remove its hold on his face and I race over to Thomas and tuck the brush under and between his thighs. I wiggle the brush on his crotch.

"Excuse me!" The fat bouncer growls out loud as he glares at Thomas on the floor. My exboss gulps and stands up to face the beefy guard "Sir, you better-"

At that moment, still virtually undetectable, I lift the bouncer's sunglasses and flash the Oculus Orb into his eyes, making him instantly hypnotized, all the while rubbing the magnetic paintbrush up and down onto the huge bouncer's leg "Just stand there and do nothing, like you were still outside."

As soon as I put the Oculus back in my pocket, the bouncer does exactly what he's told; crosses his arms stand with his legs widened, and frown at he middle distance.

"Thank God..." Thomas says, "Now I'll just-" His pelvis jerks a bit "Uh..." He looks down and swerves and almost trips over as his bulge shoves towards the bouncer "W-What now?" He tries to pull himself away, but his crotch keeps jumping forward in his pants until his groin glues onto bouncer's calf. "U-Uh-oh, oh God" Thomas whines and pants as he starts humping the bouncer's leg like a dog. He keeps looking up, hoping that the guard doesn't pulverize him; luckily the bouncer doesn't even seem to know his leg is getting thrust upon.

I giggle as I take off the Wraith Wrist and sat back down. "Bartender?" I raise my eyebrows as I see the buzz-cut stud come around the counter "Oh hey. See my uh..." I smirk as nudged towards Thomas "Friend there?"

"He's with you?" The bartender asks; his nametag says {ALEX}. "I hope you realize your friend is causing all kinds of trouble. We've been getting a bunch of complaints within the last hour."

"Hahaha I know, right? Crazy."

"... Why isn't our guard doing anything??" Alex asks with disbelief. Thomas is just panting and fapping his crotch up and down on his leg, and the bouncer just stands guard with the utmost serious expression on his face "No offense, but your friend should be out on his ass by now."

"Mhm. Say. How would you feel if I can fix you up with him?" I ask.

"... What? Seriously?" He scoffs "With THAT idiot?"

"I know he's a smug jackass, and royally sucks at hitting people up." I chuckle, "But I think you could really go for him."

"Yeah, not likely. I don't swing that way." Alex picks up a bottle and starts serving drinks. A few customers later, he comes back to me and slaps a hand towel over his shoulder "You and your friend better head out. Now."

"Mhm, listen." I take out the Orb and hold it up.

"Uh, what is... That..." Alex looks at the glowing sphere and instantly goes into a deep trance.

"Alright, Alex. Let's change you up a bit." I prop the orb somewhere it's able to hold up. "You may be a straight man, but you are 100% attracted to Thomas over there." I point with my thumb. "He is a sleazy man-slut who gets into all kinds of sexual trouble. And everything about him makes you HOOOT." Alex's eyes continue to glow white as his brain takes all this in.

"You are just so turned on by him. Not only that, but you want to use him, molest him, come on to him; better yet, I want you to be a smug and arrogant son of a bitch to men in general. You just want to devour him and lick every inch of his body." I don't even know how far I wanna take this, I'm just having fun messing around here.

"Now when you snap out of it, you're going to start taking your clothes off. Because from now on, you are a nudist." I put the Oculus away and Alex blinks out of it. His eyes go to Thomas humping the bouncer's leg and his mouth curls into a smile.

"Mmmhhh..." His tongue subtly slips up and licks his upper lip a bit as his hands go to unbutton his shirt "So... Who IS your friend?"

"Thomas Benson?" I smirk as Alex undoes button after button, "Lemme tell you a little about him..."

5 minutes later, I wipe a napkin on the brush and lifted the spell off of Thomas. Panting and sweaty from the exertion, Thomas staggers off of the bouncer and pants, his crotch showing a thick dark spot from all the stimulating friction. His hand grasps onto the bouncer's shoulder as he catches his breath "Thuh... Thanks... For not kicking my ass... Whew... Hah..." He pants and slaps the shoulder, making the fat bouncer wobble a bit, but he doesn't budge at all as he comes back to my seat. Thomas slumps back on the bar, looking like he just ran around the block "Fuck... I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me tonight..."

"Maybe you just need to get laid?"

"Ye- What the hell do you think I've been TRYING to do?!" Thomas snaps at me.

"Hey stud." Says Alex. We both look up, and his demeanor had taken a serious 180 since Thomas first invaded his armpit. He's leaning on the counter with a very seductive grin and even lightly pressing his teeth on his lower lip. "Can I get you a refill on your drink?" Another thing about him is that his shirt, vest, and tie are gone, showing he has a toned body with a pleasant happy trail.

"Uh... Sure..." Thomas says as he glances at him up and down. Alex takes the empty glass and goes to mix a new one. "O-Oh God..." Thomas immediately sees Alex's naked butt! His tan ass shows in plain sight as Alex mixes up the various liquids at the back of the shelf. He looks over his shoulder and flashes a very sexy grin at us.

"Like what you see, gents?" He asks as his asscheeks flex twice to show off his dimples.

"Fuck, that looks so soft..." Thomas moans. "Agh- ER- Ahem, ahem, hrrmm... I guess, for a... You you you, uuhhhmmm..." I grin as Thomas starts to stammer. Leave it to a perverted bad boy to lose his stature when faced with an open invite "Where are your clothes, uh... Sir?"

"Clothes? What's that?" Alex says with a coy smirk as he comes back with our drinks. "I just decided that I can't cover up when I'm near you."

"Whew, ahem..." Thomas gets sweaty as his legs starts to jiggle.

"So." Alex rests his elbows on the counter "Is it true what they say?"

"Uhhh..." Thomas shifts his glance here and there "About what?"

"Heh... That you've got a tiny penis."

"MMFF! Ahhh..." Thomas's face goes red hot. "I... Gyaah, wouldn't say... Not TINY , per say..."

"Yeah, I heard your dong is a hat for your balls."

"Ghh, ah-heh..." Thomas shifts more in his seat. I can tell he really wants to get with this guy, but still trying to stick to his `women in public' rule. In all honesty, I'm just curious as to how long he can stick to his whole discretion policy. "Not... THAT small... Just like... 2... 3 inches- AGHEM!" He coughs in his fist.

"Mmmfff." Alex gives a turned-on nod of approval "Love a man who owns up to short-comings."

"Y-Yeah... Mhm" Thomas attempts to bury his distraction, but notices Alex's arm going down and moving back and forth. "Uh, sir? Are you..." He glances up and down "What I THINK you're doing?"

"Just find it really... Really..." Alex rolls his hips as his arm jerks and pumps at a steady pace "Sexy..."

"Is uh..." Thomas looks around the bar to all the chatting patrons "Is um, no one else seeing this?"

"Anyway. Your boy here?" Alex nods to me "Told me a lot about you and your uh..." He glances down over Thomas's backside "Mallow-butt"

Thomas's eyes widen and shifted in his seat "Oh uh, yeah. That was," He shakes his head and wavers his hand "That was on a dare-"

"About how much you can shove up there?" Alex's teeth graze at his lip as he shifts his weight onto one leg while leaning on the bar "I like a man who can use his ass as a storage unit."

"PHgghh, okay..." Thomas scoffs and turns around on his stool "That's neat but uh... I uh, I go for women, kay?" Alex reaches for a shoulder and simply turns Thomas back around on the turn-table stool.

"Yeah, so did I." Alex says in his new suave attitude "Till I saw you on the front cover on the Baby Bitch Boy blog."

Thomas's face goes bright pink as Alex brings up one of his most buried secrets. "Hoooowwwww, thhheeeeyyy tooollld me my face would be cropped..."

"You're arching your back just like how they had you in that double-XL Cloud-Puff diaper." Alex grins as he continues to hit on Thomas "Going through all those modeling takes of you rocking that pamper? Woof." Alex turns around and shows off his exposed ass. Thomas is practically shaking as Alex's manly hands roam down to his own tan butt and starts massaging either cheeks. Thomas's legs rub together as he's practically whining.

"H-Hhmmm... Mmrrmmmhhh..."

"Looking at you like a sexy baby?" Alex grins over his shoulder as his left hand lifts up and SLAPS his cheek.

"Ghh!" Thomas flinches as that buttcheek jiggles from the slap, before the right hand goes up and lightly spanks his right cheek.

"Makes me wanna bend you over my knee." SLAP "And spank you in front of everybody" SMACK "Have you suck your thumb..." SPANK "Before sucking my big" SLAP "Fat" SMACK "Throbbing" SPANK "Cock."

"Whew. Mhm. Well..." Thomas is coated in sweat as Alex turns back around from spanking himself. I am loving the show "That uh... That's flattering, uh... My uh... girlfriend..." Alex raises brow "Is waiting for me... Elsewhere..."

"What if we made a bet?" Alex snapped his fingers, "I got a magic trick you might like."

"Magic trick?"

"Like... If I can make you cum within 5 minutes, without leaving this spot." Alex clicks his tongue and grins at Thomas's flushed face. "I get to do what I want with you."

"Hohhh..." Thomas shudders. Damn, when I heard that he was a borderline sex addict, I didn't realize how easy he was even without these magic toys of mine..

"And if you don't cum before time is up, I'll let you get to whatever chick that'd be willing to tickle your tiny pickle. I'll even give you a voucher for free drinks here for a month."

"Ahem... Ah... You won't leave the spot?" Thomas asked, "No touching."

"Nope." Alex smiles. "I will make you blow right where you sit." He then glances at me "Wanna be a witness?"

"Oh, by all means." I smirk. "Let's see your magic trick."

"Great." Alex turns back to Thomas "Ready to blow, baby-butt?"

"Sure." Thomas huffs and crosses his arms, regaining a level of confidence. Alex just chuckles as his hips move a bit "I really don't see how you could-" Thomas stops dead mid-sentence and his eyes widen by a lot.


"I don't see how you can- U-Uhh!" Thomas's mouth gaps as his back twitches and arches. I look over and grin as I see his buns clench in his trousers. "Y-You couldn't nnhhh... U-UHH!" He jerks as he feels a familiar engorgement inside his anus.

"Didn't catch that." Alex smiles as he leans his elbows onto the counter while his hips roll back and move forward.

"Uh! Ah..." Thomas jerks a bit and coughed as he puts his hands on the counter. "W-What the fuh!"

"What's wrong, Tom?" I ask "You seem uncomfortable. Don't tell me you've got a stick up your ass."

"H-Hoowwww iiinn thhhhe fuuuuuccck" Thomas irks long as he starts to bounce softly back and forth in his seat as Alex's bare hips pump slow and smooth under the bar. He moans and huffs each time his rectum gets softly pushed -- just like before, his ass is swallowing a disembodied penis fucking him out of thin air!

"How what?" Alex chuckles as his body undulates below. His hard cock schlorps smoothly in and out of the Fleshlink's squishy anus, which I rigged up with some duct tape and a few tall glasses to be in a prime location for Alex to enter his member. "It's called a magic trick." Alex smirked.

"Ghh, you bastard..." Thomas's ass shifts and flexes inside his pants. He rocks his hips and presses his thighs together as his small pecker goes berserk inside his underwear, but forcing his hands to stay up; if he touches himself, he'll just make himself lose the bet "H-Hmmm, mmhhmm..."

"God, you look so hot right now." Alex muses as he fucks the magic fleshlight underneath. "Trying sooooo hard not to cum with a fat dick in your ass." Thomas closes his eyes and seals his lips as his body continue to shift and push on its own. "You sure you don't wanna head to the back so I can do THIS to you?" He asked as he hilts his dick.

"HAAALLMMM!" Thomas yelped and grabbed his mouth with both hands when Alex seemed to have punched his prostate. Several people around bar stare at him for a moment before returning to their conversation.

By the way, in case you're wondering why no one has said anything about Alex's nudity, it's because I split the Wraith Wrist bracelet into two pieces -- one half around Alex's wrist, and the other half tucked and hidden within his neatly folded clothes; it's also why no one else has called Alex over to order a drink since I hypnotized him. What's more, since all of my artifacts share the same magic -- the Oculus Orb, Wraith Wrist, Fleshlink, and Peintbrush -- me, Alex, and Thomas are the only ones heavily exposed to that magic in one sitting. Hence why no one has caught on as of now.

Yeah, I know. It's a stretch as far as convenient plot devices go. But hey, that's how magic's always worked, right?

Anyway, I sit back and jerk off discretely as Thomas's butt is ghost-pegged and Alex smoothly humps behind the bar. "A-Awhh! Hawwh! Nnhhgh!"

"Yeah, you like that?" Alex smugly says "You got a wet and loose hole, Thomas. You sure you go for women? Because assholes don't feel this nice."

"Okay, you win. Both of you." Thomas pants and looks at me AND him "Lets just head over to my place and have sehhHH!" His hands grasp onto the bar as Alex goes balls-deep.

"Oh no, that wasn't part of the deal." Alex smirks "Besides, I literally AM about to win." He hunches a bit and starts to piston his hips -- not rapidly thrusting, but humping nice and smooth at a fast pace.

"Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh!" Thomas moans as he bounces in sync across the bar. That cock must be hitting all the right spots because Thomas's legs are squirming while he stares at Alex, as if he's silently pleading.

"And in three" Alex puts his hand up, "Two," His finger points at Thomas with his thumb pointing at the ceiling for a gun-gesture "One." His thumb cranks down as if he shot the `bullet'

"O-OOHHH!" Thomas's whole body lurches as his thighs shoot up and I distinctly heard a squirting sound coming from inside Thomas's lap. He legitimately came on command from the invisible pounding he took up his ass, and without even touching his dick. "Awwwh! Ohhh! Ahh! Nnnhhh..."

"Holy shit" I smirk as I reach down and grab his soaked crotch. His groin is so hot and moist, not to mention I can smell the semen clearly. "Bud. He came BIG time."

"Fuck..." Thomas digs his fingers through his hair as he melts on the counter, his butthole still reeling from the phantom phallus fitting comfortably up there.

"That was hot" Alex huffs as he slides his manhood out of the Fleshlink.

"WooOO!" Thomas jumbles as his ass lets loose of the slippery cock.

"That WAS hot." I confirm as I rub the bulge of my jeans.

"Hoh... Okay... Okay..." Thomas says as he readjusts himself by smoothing out his hair, straightening his tie, and attempting to ignore the sperm filled swamp in his pants "I don't know how you did it, but uh... Can I please make my case?"

"Geh." Alex scoffed "Are you SERIOUSLY trying to weasel out of our agreement?"

"Yeah. He does that." I remark.

"I just... Look." He leans in and mutters to us, "My father is the CEO of several corporations. And he is reeeaaaally mad at me right now for botching my last job. And he told me that if I screw up in public again, he would have me work in a random warehouse wearing NOTHING but lingerie, kid clothes, lycra, or anything else ridiculous and revealing for a MONTH before he gives me a dignified job." Both Alex and I snicker and laugh silently at him. "So please, please, PLEASE. Can we take this somewhere private where he doesn't find out about this?"

"Ohhhhh I don't know." Alex shakes his head "What do YOU think, man?" He asks me.

"Not sure myself." I then turn and look at you, the audience, "What do YOU think we should do?"

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