Wrestling Roommate

By Mathew Reeve

Published on May 25, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males. It is loosely based on real world experiences.

If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Thank you for all your feedback. I love hearing from you guys. Feel free to email me at mreeves5819 AT gmail.com

My other stories on Nifty: The Away Meet The Alumni Association Shower Buddy

===== Chapter 1 ======

Moving to college is a big adjustment, not just for me but for everyone. College is a place where one leaves the relative safety of home and has a chance to figure out who they are.

I grew up in a rural part of Texas and was excited to go to a larger university in another state. Not one near a city or anything, but a good ol' college town that was large compared to where I came from. I moved into the dorm on the first move-in day, since I lived so far away. Spending the first night after my parents left was surreal, I felt like I just started my life in a way. The second day, I met my roommate, Jackson Farrell.

"Hey man, good to meet you. Name's Jackson Farrell," he said after opening the door and setting down two large duffle bags. He extended his hand and I shook it.

"Hey. I'm Evan Walsh," I replied. "Need a hand?"

"Yeah, if you got time. I got a carload full of stuff," Jackson said.

I assumed that his parents were with him, but when we got out to the car, I realized there wasn't anyone else there to help him. I thought about asking him, but decided not to since we just met.

Jackson was shorter than I was, but stocky with a little bit of a beard. It was trimmed and matched his dark hair, cropped close on the sides and longer on top. From his handshake, I knew that he was strong. His arms stretched the v-neck shirt he wore and a small patch of chest hair peeked from underneath. We took a few trips between the car and our room until it was unloaded.

"Luckily I got a parking pass for the semester," Jackson said. "It'll be nice to be mobile. Let me know if you ever need to go someplace man, I'll let you borrow it."

"Wow, thanks. I wasn't able to bring a car," I replied.

We exchanged stories of where we came from. He lived a few towns away and was a wrestler. From what he told me, he didn't get along with his parents and was happy to be away from them. He was on a partial scholarship. We unpacked and started to organize our room. There were two lofted beds against either side of the wall and two desks next to them on the wall. Jackson scored a sofa bed from a friend of a friend that was moving out of one of the apartments. We walked it across campus to get it and put it under his bed. He brought a TV and we put it under my bed. When we finished getting our room together, we met up with some of his friends at a house near campus. We drank from the early evening until late into the night. We both stumbled back across campus to our dorm room. After I tripped and almost fell, Jackson took me under the shoulder and we walked back. His 5'10'', 160lb frame could easily hold up my 6'2'' 190lbs. He was solid muscle.

The dorms were still pretty empty as there was still a full week until classes started. The hallways were empty as we made it to our room. Jackson kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt. He unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans. I instinctively turned away. He had muscular thighs that stretched the fabric of his boxer briefs.

"Evan, dude," Jackson said, slightly slurring his words. "We're going to be roommates for the next 9 months. We're going to have to be comfortable with each other. Think of it like a locker room."

"You're right. Just never roomed with anyone before," I said.

"All good man. I'm gunna need to shower, I'm gunna smell up the new sheets if I don't clean up," he said and grabbed a towel from a drawer. He picked up a bottle of body wash, threw the towel over his shoulder and turned toward the door. "You're pretty ripe too man," he said and laughed.

"Yeah," I said and sniffed one of my armpits. "We did work pretty hard moving today."

I pulled off my shirt and dropped my jeans after I took off my shoes.

"See you in there," Jackson said and walked down the hallway, leaving the door open.

I stood there in my underwear. I had unconsciously compared myself to Jackson. I wasn't as stocky as he was. The muscle I had was leaner, which made sense since I was taller. In high school, I had been a runner in the fall and I swam in the spring. I picked up my towel and walked to the bathroom.

I heard the water running when I opened the door. The bathroom was divided. Stalls, sinks and urinals on the right side and the shower area on the left. In between the two was an area that held two long benches. I went over to the urinal and took a piss. The urinals, on the right, were against a half wall that looked out onto the benches. As I pulled myself out of my underwear and let the piss flow, I braced myself against the wall. I had drank a fair bit. It wasn't my first time with alcohol, but I definitely hadn't drank this much in a long time. I looked up and could see the shower area. There were individual stalls with curtains. It wasn't like my high school gym back at home, where there were open showers, five heads to a shower. The stalls here looked exactly like the toilet stalls, except instead of a door, there was a curtain.

Jackson was in one of the middle stalls and his curtain was only partially closed. I saw him showering inside. I almost said something but decided to wait. He hadn't seen me. I shook the last of the piss from my cock and just stood there, watching. He was soaping himself up, cleaning out his pits and chest. He moved to his ass and started soaping. Then he bent over and picked up the body wash, squirted some into his hand, turned and started to clean his front. As he did, I looked down so he wouldn't catch me staring at him.

"You okay over there Evan? You didn't fall asleep taking a piss did you?" he asked.

I lifted my head partially and opened my eyes, careful not to look at him. "Nah, all good. Just taking the world's longest piss."

"Yeah man, we drank a fair bit tonight. I'm buzzed."

I walked around from the urinals and to the shower stall next to Jackson. I turned on the water and shut the curtain.

"Water took awhile to warm up for me," he said.

"Good to know for the mornings if you're the first one in," I said.

"Yeah man, but pretty nice you know? With two bathroom areas on each floor, at least they won't be crowded. In high school, we had a super small locker room. Our team couldn't even all shower at the same time, we had to take turns, only 10 guys at a time."

"Ours wasn't that small. It could fit about 30 guys at a time."

"You do sports?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. I ran and did swimming in the spring."

"Cool dude," he said from the other side of the partition.

We showered for the next few minutes in silence.

"Man, too bad there weren't a ton of good lookin' girls at the party tonight," he finally said.

"It'll pick up in the next few days as people get here," I said.

"Hope so. My girlfriend and I broke up before we left, she went to a different college," he said.

"Yeah, that'd be hard," I said.

"You're tellin' me man! No steady pussy, haha!"

I looked down and saw his reflection in the water pooled on the floor. It took a moment for me to orient what I saw in the reflection. Jackson had one hand on the wall. The other, at least to me, appeared to be on his cock. It looked like he was stroking it.

"That'd be the downside," I said, still trying to make out what I was seeing. Was he really jerking off? Or was the water playing tricks on my eyes?

"Speakin' about sex, we should probably figure out how to handle it when one of us brings back a girl," Jackson said. "If you ever need the room, just give me a text. I can hang out in the common room. I'll do the same. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan."

"Great. Hopefully we can put that into action in the next few days. Usually me and Jenn would fuck at least every other day. It's been two weeks since we broke up so I'm kinda backed up."

"Whichever innocent college girl catches you attention is going to be in for a surprise then," I said.

"Fuck yeah man! But innocent? Doubt she'd be innocent if she goes home with me. I tend to attract the more crazy ones."

"Crazy as in sex?" I asked.

"Naw man, crazy as in not 100% sane," he said.

I watched and was almost certain that he was jerking off.

"Well, also crazy in bed," he said.

I had stopped cleaning myself and was watching the scene unfold on the floor. I could see Jackson's feet, so when they curled I had a clue about what was happening.

"Crazy girls are always the best lays," I said. "Usually they don't have many limits."

"Yeah..." Jackson said in a low voice. It sounded almost like he shuddered when he spoke.

Then I was sure. I saw the familiar white drops fall onto the floor and turn even more white as they congealed and circled toward the drain. I heard the click of his body wash and then suds fell to the floor. He swished the water with his foot and the rest of the cum went down the drain. He turned off the shower.

"See you back at the room man," he said and I heard the rings slide across the curtain rod. He went over to the bench, drying himself off as he walked. He turned slightly and I saw his still erect cock as it softened slightly. He had a thick bush of black hair that it sat in. It had to be at least 6 inches and he was cut. He dried himself off and stepped into a pair of briefs. He had to stuff his member and then adjust it to the side so it would fit. Then he walked out.

I was stunned. There wasn't any guarantee that no one else would come into the bathroom when he walked out, but he walked across the room fully nude with a very apparent erection. Jackson was either accustomed to nudity or he didn't care if people saw him, or what they thought.

This was going to be an interesting year.

==== End of Chapter 1 ====

Email me at mreeves5819 AT gmail.com if you liked the story!

Next: Chapter 2

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