X Factor

By Jayson Spears

Published on Mar 22, 2001


Legal Disclaimer: Marvel and all its characters are copyrighted. The movie belongs too them also. I claim nothing about the sexuality of the people from the movie.

Side note: I lied last time, I own nothing. Accept my cardboard box. E.T didn't go home, he stole my house, and my boyfriend. Elvis isn't in space, he works at a cheap bar down the road under the name Armando. Now where is my coffee? Mmm caffeine.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in! I was shocked! This is my first attempt at writing so expect me to screw up, and I expect you all to tell me about it or I will never find out! Change of plans too... I think ill introduce the X-men in the end of this chapter / beginning of next. Email me at Abercromnie@hotmail.com because I thrive on email!

P.S: I would like to recommend some good stories at nifty. Including Tales of a Real Dark Night by jmsotc@yahoo.com, Interludes and Any Path + Its sequels by Dara Lynn and Powers of the Mind in the Bisexual Celebrity section. Sorry if I didn't respond to your email. Some AZZHOEL spammed my email with something about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. So I couldn't respond to everyone. I'll stop yapping and get on with the story.

~ Chapter 0.5: The Ending and The New Beginning.

I had fun at Darryl's, but I was happy to get home. I ran up the stairwell. Police tape? What's going on. Mom! Oh no! I ran up the stairs to the room as fast as I could. There was Officer Toby. I knew it! He's here to take Mum. "Noo! You liar! You said you wouldn't take her away!" I charged at Officer Toby flailing my arms. I connect my fist with his face but I don't think I hurt him. He struggled to contain me without actually hurting me.

"Zachery it wasn't me. I swear, your neighbors reported a disturbance and when we got here your mother... she was gone." Toby said calmly. Trying to soothe me.

"No! You're a liar! Your just telling me that" I struggled to get away from him. Kicking and screaming. A man came up to us and informed Toby they had found blood in the apartment. Toby looked down at me. I had stopped struggling. I just stood there with a blank look on my face. He led me off down the stairs.

"I am so sorry you had to hear that. I'm sure your mother is fine." He said. I didn't know what to say. I looked at down at the floor. I didn't know if her being fine, but not here, was any better.

He looked at me kind of puzzled. "Do you know who might have taken her??" I replied "Um... no... Mum said I shouldn't talk to the police anyway. I think you should leave Toby."

"Zachery I'm trying to help you, Zach you have to trust me." He looked at me - he seemed sincere. "Last time I trusted you, You got mommy taken away." I started to cry. I didn't know what I would do.

"Zach..." He said, and he moved my hair from my face. "That will be enough of that Mr. Doerkson, I will be taking the child now." Replied a tall, slim lady with black hair, up in a bun.

"Who the hell are you?" replied Toby. "My name is Bella Te`anara, I am the social worker assigned to a Zachery Kerrigan. I presume this is him?" She looked very professional and sort of stuck up maybe kind of mean. She smiled at me but it made me feel worse, I backed up against the wall.

"I don't think Zachery wants to go with you - Beel-ah," said Toby, trying to imitate her accent. I gave a little smile, but Miss Te`anara did not look impressed.

"If you're done we will be leaving now." She walked over to me, with amazing speed and grabbed me by the wrist. I yelped in pain. "Hey lady! I'm not going with you I don't even know you! Help!" I reached for Toby.

He walked in front of her and said, "Hey, Bella, Zachery is part of a police investigation I think your going to have to wait." Bella kept moving, dragging me. "I don't think you understand what I'm saying Bella, you cannot take Zachery - you'd have to go through me first." She looked up at him with a smile. Watch she did next shocked me. It happened so quickly that I barely saw her move.

Bella grabbed Officer Toby by the neck with one hand and lifted him into the air. "No, you are the one who doesn't understand. I am taking this child whether you agree or not, and I will gladly go THROUGH you to accomplish my objective." She then tossed him down the hallway into a heap of garbage and garbage cans. I looked up at her, terrified. "Come then, Alan is expecting us." Alan? Where have I heard that name before? Oh no! He's that guy that used to bother mommy. I knew I was in serious trouble. Bella kept walking, pulling me behind her. What was I going to do?

She got me over to a green SUV and threw me in the passenger side. Then she started to walk over to her side. She got to her door and the door locked on her. She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. She hit the open button on her keys again and the doors unlocked. She reached for the handle and the locks clicked again. She looked up at me, I could tell she was furious. "Open the fucking door or I will rip it off." I swallowed hard... not knowing what to do. Then the car started up. She backed away in shock. It started backing out and slowly turning around. By now you could almost see the steam coming out her ears. She ran up behind the jeep and grabbed it. Holding on, it stopped turning. What was going on? The car started to move forward, but Bella was holding on and the car wasn't going far. Suddenly the glass exploded onto Bella slashing her, she grabbed her face and tried to shield herself. When she let go the jeep went into acceleration and sped off.

What's going on? How do I stop the car? Where is it driving too? Was it even me making it move? I was doing 70 miles an hour down the streets of New York - in the passenger side of a SUV. I knew I was going to crash, I couldn't slow the car down. I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

I woke up in a hospital bed. I couldn't see very well, there was a woman there. Oh no! Bella!!! I scrambled to get out of bed, I felt a hand on my chest and a calm voice spoke. "Zachery it is okay. You are safe, thought I think the police have some questions about who was driving the Jeep before you crashed." I could see now, a young woman with blonde hair was there. "Oh where are my manners? My name is Jessica. I am the Social Worker assigned to you." Those were the last words I wanted to hear I bolted for the door only to bump into Toby.

"Zachery, don't worry, I got Jessica assigned to you, the office doesn't know who that Lady at the hotel was but I have been assigned to monitor you incase she comes back. Do you know who she was?" I shook my head no. Toby walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. He said they had found the perfect home for me. All I wanted was my mom. I didn't need to be in a foster home. There was a silence throughout the room. I held my head down and never took my eyes off the floor.


For the next 5 long grueling painful years I lived with the Jannsen's in their 2-bedroom house. Don't get me wrong they weren't bad people. They were TERRIBLE people. I finally ran away. I couldn't take it any more. They treated me like a slave and Mr. Jannsen even hit me... The night I ran away he tried to rape me. He chased me into the kitchen and I hit him with a frying pan before running out the door. I spent the night on the street and the next day I was at the gates of 'Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.' I knew he helped mutants, and my mother was one. Maybe he knew something about her, or where to find her? Only time would tell - though I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The gates opened and I walked towards the building. Did I say building? More like mansion... or castle... I had never seen a building this huge. I got to the doorstop and went to knock - suddenly.....

Well that's this chapter done. Had to leave you hanging - Yes I did. So what did you think? It's a little longer than the other chapter. Oh and for those of you who want "Sex-sex-sex!" Be forewarned I've 1. Never written a sex scene, 2. Probably won't write one for a bit, and 3. It will probably suck - and not in a good way. Ha ha. Anyway E-mail me at Abercromnie@hotmail.com. Cmon! Do it! You know you want too.

Next: Chapter 3

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