X Factor

By Jayson Spears

Published on Apr 21, 2001


Legal: X-men is owned by Marvel, The movie is Copyrighted to Marvel and Fox (I think). Lilith and Morrigan are copyright Dark Stalkers, and Capcom. I imply nothing about the people from the movie. This story contains violence and will have male-to-male sex and gay themes. If you are under aged go jack off to the guys in the K-Mart catalogue, if this material is illegal where you live, move to a place that isn't so Anal Retentive.

I am sorry for the delay but personal issues arose in my life, I am all right but did have to spend some time in hospital. This story should pick up again, with bigger, longer, thicker cough chapters. If you all want it too - that is. I wrote this at 3AM but I did spell check it, beware of typos or bad English.

Side Note: Thank you to everyone who e-mails me. You keep me going. Extra special thanks to Trey, James, and my pet rock Mikey.

IMPORTANT For reasons of my story Rogue will NOT be the same as the movie. In my story she will have the powers of her cartoon counterpart, Superhuman strength and the ability to fly - as well as Energy-Absorbing. Just thought I'd explain that. This chapter marks the arrival of a Boyband member! Whether or not he (they) shall appear in the future, shall depend on you all. I am also going to include two people, who I am sure none of you have heard of. Their names are Morrigan and Lilith, They are anime and from the Dark stalkers / Marvel VS Capcom series. These stories will breech out from X-men for a bit, they should be in it soon, but other people will be included. Bigger Longer Better and all of that stuff.

I hope that wasn't to confusing.

So far no one has pushed me to even include sex. In fact I've been complimented on my prudeness. Huzzah to all of you because I'm going to include a graphic mind boggling sex scene between 23 men in this chapter.

Note: June Webber the network censor came along and edited out the graphic sex scene. Oh well. Blame it on June, Blame it all on June.


I awoke in a small room in what seemed to be an apartment building. The walls were painted beige and the bed had four wooden posts, and floral bed sheets. It smelt slightly of coffee, and of old rotting wood. I was groggy and unsure of what was going on, I remembered the night before, and Bella. I started to cry.

With that the door opened and in stepped Toby. What was he doing here? "Toby!!!" I called, "Oh my god - What is going on?" He put some juice on the nightstand beside me, and then closed the door. He turned around and smiled. He looked different, almost creepy.

"I... I tried to get you, but the window was too small, and one of the girls noticed... I'm sorry if the fall hurt you." He said. I looked at him puzzled. "Um, What are you talking about Toby?" I asked, starting to get very scared. "I tried to float you out the window, but it didn't work. It's okay though I got you anyway. I need you. You're important. Here, drink the juice it will make you feel better."

I stared at him, wide eyed. What in god's name was going on? "I don't want the juice, I want to leave, Now." I stated. He recoiled from me with a hurt look. "Why would you want to leave me? I need you. You're special. We are going to be together." He said.

I now felt scared, I had this sickening feeling in my stomach, like when you're on a ride at the amusement park and fall really far really fast. He reached over and brushed his hand along my cheek. I smacked his hand away. His hurt look turned to anger and he slapped me across my face.

I grabbed my cheek and held it, I started to cry. I couldn't help it. He got on to the bed and grabbed me. He started to whisper "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Please don't tell them I hit you, they will be mad. I am screwed. They will kill me, please don't tell them." Then he kissed my cheek and ran out of the room.

I didn't know what to do. I looked around, and then bolted for the door, I opened it but to my shock found there was a set of bars about five feet ahead of my door in the hallway, preventing me from going anywhere, aside from an adjacent door. I ran to the door and opened it, inside was a bathroom. All the windows were barred. I heard an awkward clicking noise. I looked around to see a camera above the doorframe on the inside of the bathroom. I slouched down to my knees and started to cry. I passed out on the floor of the bathroom.

I awoke back in the room I was in earlier, I could hear voices outside my door. I recognized one of them as Toby, but I couldn't make out the other one.

"You what? You fool! You actually touched him? You are doomed. I should kill you myself. The master will surely torture you for this. Toby you shall beg for death by the time he is done for you, and you will not get it. He will torture you more, until there isn't a drop of blood left in your useless festering carcass!!"

With that I heard a man scream and what sounded like furniture breaking. This lasted for about 20 minutes. I covered my ears and tried to block out the noise. Eventually it stopped. I wondered if Toby was dead.

I heard the sound of a door unlatching and my door opened. In stepped a man who didn't appear human. He was about 3 feet tall and covered in dark green skin. It looked very thick and rough. He was dressed in a purple robe with golden symbols all over it. His hair was black as night and flowed to the ground. He had an angry look upon his face.

I gasped at the sight of him and jumped out of the bed. He started walking in to the room and I backed away into the corner. He got closer and I crouched down to the floor clutching my knees. He got right up in front of me and I turned away.

He reached out and grabbed my chin, he pulled my face to look at his. He made a bunch of noises, like he was examining me. "Hmm" he said. He put both hands on my face and turned by head. He looked in to my ear. "Hmmm" he said again. He pulled me to look at him again and I started to cry.

"Open your eyes." It said. I started to whimper, unsure of what he would do. "Open your eyes or I will open them myself!" it said impatiently. I opened them to look at him. Up close he was even more hideous. He nodded and then walked away. He stopped in the door and told me that he would be back later, and to tell him if Toby did anything for he would have him killed. I yelped at the last remark. With that he left.

I waited about five minutes in the corner, seeing if the creature would come back. He didn't. I got up and looked out the window. I wonder if the people from the school were trying to find me. "I wonder if Toby is alright?" I thought. I went over to the bed and lay down. Time passed, what seemed like hours. I heard a creaking noise, and then a gate shutting. Someone must be coming. "I hope it isn't that little troll." I thought to myself.

My door opened and in walked Toby, his face was bruised and his lip was swollen. He appeared to be limping. He removed the breakfast from the nightstand and put on what appeared to be a dinner tray. "I don't want any food. Besides you probably drugged it." I said. Toby gave me a stern look. "You must eat, At least half the plate." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Please Zach... If you don't eat they will take it out of me. I didn't want to do this to you. Well... I mean - I like you but I mean. Umm..." he sort of trailed off. I gave him an evil glare and he sighed. "Eat the bun and then I'll be happy."

I reached over and grabbed the bun. Then I threw it right at his head. It stopped right in front of his face and then burst in to flames. I gasped. The flames died down and ashes fell to the floor. Then he stormed out of the room.

I sat on the uncomfortable bed, a little shaken up. I never gave much thought to Toby being a mutant, or what he said earlier. I wondered how strong he was. Obviously not as strong as Bella or Mr. Jannsen - I mean Toad...

I wondered what that was about. I guess Toad had been placed there to watch me. I wonder who Mrs. Jannsen was. Then a thought came to mind. Toby and that lady he was with said they had picked the family just for me. That means he was working with Bella and them - Didn't it? And who was this "master" the man was talking about? Was it Alan? I decided to ask Toby about it when he came back. If he did...

I looked to the nightstand, the dinner looked normal, and the green man had said that he would hurt Toby if he touched me, so I figured I was in no danger of being drugged and abused. I tried to rationalize more, but was too hungry. I finished the Chicken in less than 50 seconds. I placed the tray on the nightstand.

I lay on the bed for about an hour, looking at the ceiling. I listened for any noises, voices, the sound of music, or of a television. Anything to tell me there was life in the building. I didn't hear anything. I took a deep sigh and turned over in the bed. I fell asleep again.

~I hear voices in my sleep~

*Can you see him? Is he okay? Oh Lilith I can't believe we let this happen. Is he hurt? * Said a woman's voice. I can sort of see him. I'm not sure where he is. He is in a room, YUCK, its so horribly decorated, Ew, I feel dirty just looking at it. I am having a shower after this. Ohmigosh. Said a girl, who I believe to be Lilith. Enough Lilith! We must find him before they move him. Do you know where he is? Said one of the women. Err, Well, sort of, He is still in New York. He is okay, and I'm pretty sure he can hear me. Hey you, Yeah you! Who else would I be talking to? Zach! You need to listen to me. That guy is going to try to, No don't wake up! No! Damn it all

~The darkness fades~

I awake to find Toby caressing the side of my face. "You're so pretty. I can see why he chose you. You should feel special. Listen, I just got my orders in, Because I did such a good job at getting you away from Bella, I get a reward. The boss wants you to arrive still a virgin but I'm allowed to play with you, so long as I don't penetrate you anywhere." He said calmly. I gasped and tried to get out of the bed but he grabbed me and held me down on to the bed. "So so pretty." He repeated and his hands roamed my body. I screamed and wretched underneath him but he was too strong. He pulled my shirt up and started kissing my belly.

"Please Toby. Please stop. I'm begging you. Please don't do this." I pleaded, but he didn't listen. His hands rubbed my smooth chest and made there way up to my nipples, he pinched them and I screamed. I felt something taking over my body and in the back of my head I heard "Its okay Zachery, Its me - Lilith! Let me in, I'll handle this, trust me!" It was the women from the dream. I calmed down as much as I could and I felt something enter me. I closed my eyes and went limp.

Toby continued his assault on my body, I felt this awkward feeling as my vision slipped away. There was a flash and then I was standing beside my body looking at Toby assaulting me. A woman with blue hair came out of the mirror in the room and walked over to me. Her hair looked almost silvery and was shining, she had black wings protruding from her back and head, and she was dressed in light purple pants with Bats all over them, and a black push up chestpeice. She smiled at me and said, "My name is Morrigan Aensland, We we're assigned to guard you but certain things came up. We failed you and I am eternally sorry, Lilith has possessed your body. She will deal with Mr. Doerkson and then you shall return unto yourself. Once again I am sorry child."

Suddenly the figure on the bed grabbed on to Toby's throat. He gasped and started trying to hit the figure on the bed, which looked like me. The person on the beds hair shortened and then started to turn a light purple, and its eyes changed to red. The clothes shred and re formed to look like Morrigan's and breasts appeared. Red wings came out of her back and head. Toby thrashed and screamed at the sight.

"Tobias, You just did a very foolish thing, Trying to hurt poor Zachery while his watchers were guarding him. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Lilith, and I am going to kill you. I don't just mean crushing your throat with my hand. No - that would be to clean a death for scum such as you. For you I have a much more gruesome plan devised." She said, while smiling.

I stood in amazement, the women beside me walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. "Do not worry young one, we shall handle everything from here. Turn your head, you do not need to see what is about to happen." I quickly turned my head, not wanting to see what was about to happen to Toby.

Lilith got off the bed while holding Toby's throat, he was starting to turn blue. She picked him up off the bed and held him in the air while he dangled. Then dropped him to the floor and walked over. She kicked him in the face and I heard the crushing of bone. Toby screamed and rushed to attack her, but she side stepped and he landed on the nightstand.

"Foolish mortal, you honestly believe you hold the power to destroy me? Go ahead then darling, take your best shot, and make it hurt, I like it rough." She said laughing. She was taunting him.

Toby screamed in rage and the dinner tray floated up from the floor, it burst in to flames and became a ball of molten plastic, it hardened in to a spear and flew towards Lilith. She grabbed it and threw it back at Toby, it pierced him through his leg and he fell to the floor screaming.

"That was it? That was the big climax? That was your show of power? Where did they find you? You're worthless. I've had better fights with cattle. Oh well, you had your chance. Now you die."

Lilith pointed at him and her eyes flared even brighter. He lifted in to the air and stared at the roof as if he saw something. A light green aura engulfed his skin and pulsed lightly. Lilith walked over to him and leaned over. She smiled and then whispered in his ear, "May your soul be crushed, and the marrow curdle in your very bones." She backed up and blew a kiss at him. A green bat surrounded by little pink hearts made of energy flew towards him. His skin rippled and I heard the sound of bone grinding on bone. He writhed in agony and Lilith just watched and smiled.

I took one look at Toby and quickly wished I hadn't. What I saw couldn't be described. He was screaming and thrashing in the air, flailing around madly and saying things I couldn't understand. The pulsing green light around him was getting brighter and brighter, almost too bright to look at. I tried to turn my head but couldn't. Toby's skin shred in to pieces and then the light flashed. Toby was gone leaving nothing but a heap of clothing on the floor under where he was. I looked for Morrigan but she was gone, then I looked back at Lilith and there was a flash.


I awoke on the bed. That was a weird dream. I got up to go to the bathroom and moved towards the door. I tripped and fell to the floor. I looked over to see what tripped me. A heap of clothing was at my feet, and a wallet. I grabbed the wallet and grabbed the driver's license. It read Tobias K. Doerkson on it. I gasped and dropped the license. I ran to the door and opened it. The metal bars normally blocking my escape were bent and broken with a huge hole in the middle.

I crawled through but my leg got caught on one of the bars and my pants tore. I hit the floor with a thud. I could feel the blood streaming down my leg but I didn't care. I had to make it out of here. I got up and started down the hallway. I passed a door and heard crying in it. I kept moving, I took about six more steps and then sighed. I went back to the room and unlatched the door. I started to open it and I heard a voice say "No Toby, Please not again, please. No... Nooooo!" I opened the door and stepped in too see a very handsome young man in a room much like mine. He was wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt that was missing both its arms and was cut around the waist, it was cut above the belly button of his well defined chest.

"I'm not Toby. He is dead." I said calmly, trying not to scare the guy. He looked up at me, his eyes were the brightest blue I had ever seen, but they had a lot of pain in them and we're a little red from crying. He sniffled a little and asked if I was lying.

"I'm not, he had me locked up, I'm leaving here, you can come if you want, or stay here. I'm getting out of here regardless." I stated. He looked at me and said, "I can't leave..." I looked at him and asked "Why not? You want to stay here?" He started crying and said "No! I... my foot is chained to the post. I can't get out." I sighed. How could I help him I thought? Wait! The women, who helped me with Toby, I'm sure they could help me.

"Lilith! Morrigan! Do something! Please!" I called out. The man on the bed gave me a puzzled look. Nothing happened. "Please! You have to help me get him free. I'm begging you!" I called out again. The man on the bed looked around, trying to see if anyone came. Nothing happened. I sighed in defeat and then I heard a voice in the back of my head.

"I am sorry child, we cannot help him ourselves, We are really only supposed to guard you, and not the people you have the hots for. We would get in trouble if we did. So I can't help you. Just like I can't tell you the key to the lock is under the nightstand in your room. If I did that I would be breaking the rules. I am sorry little one, you are on your own" Morrigan chimed. Then the voice vanished.

I bolted back in to the room and I heard the man scream "No! Don't leave me. Please don't leave me!" I felt bad for running but didn't have time to explain. I got to the nightstand and kneeled down and reached under it. I moved my hand all around and felt something metal, I grabbed it and pulled out a long iron key that was rusting. This must be it. I ran in to the man's room again and showed him the key.

"Where is the lock at?" I asked. He moved his bed covers and pointed to the shackle on his foot. I stuck the key in to the slot and turned. It wasn't working. I pulled harder but nothing happened. I twisted as hard as I could and the key snapped. I gasped. The man on the bed screamed "Noo!!" and then started crying. He was crying so hard that his whole body was heaving.

A voice invaded my mind again. It was Morrigan. She said, "Well aren't you talented. Must I do everything myself? The car, the vines, This is so unfair, I didn't sign up for this. Oh hell. Here" with that the shackle on the man's foot shattered into the air. He looked over at me and I smiled. He got up and before we exited the room I said, "Thank you Morrigan."

We ran down the hallway and made it in to what looked like a kitchen. There were two more hallways and a door. I went to one of the hallways, there was a door at the end, surrounded by a coat rack and some shoes. I called to the man "I think I found the way out!!" He came running to me and saw the door. We started running down the hallway. The door opened and in stepped the little green man, in a purple robe.

"What in the name of... You! You dare defy the will of the Master??? The will of Beshaba!? Infidels! I shall kill you all!" the runes on his robe lit up and flowed off in to the air. They flashed and all assumed the form of different elements - A fireball, a ball of lightning, and a sphere of ice among other things.

The other hostage and me took off back towards the kitchen. "I shall get you! Do not run! No one can escape my prowess!" the man by the door bellowed. He grabbed the fireball and threw it down the hallway at us. It hit the island in the kitchen and it burst in to flames. The force of the blow knocked the man and me apart. I hit the linoleum and he landed in the hallway. There was an explosion of smoke and the green man was in the kitchen. He was cackling gleefully. He grabbed the Lightning Ball and thrust it at my friend. He ducked and it hit the door behind him. The door imploded and then combusted.

The little man grunted and then started drawing something in the air. He was concentrating deeply. I grabbed a frying pan off of the stove and belted the short man with it. He staggered back and grunted. He screamed, he bared his teeth and claws at me, they were like razors. He swung a claw at me and I used the pan to block it. There was a swishing noise, and then the pan split in half. I gasped.

The man started to walk towards me slowly. "Imp I am, Loyal servant of Beshaba. You will die for your crimes against the Will of the Master, then your corpse shall be ravaged and resurrected as a zombie to walk the world and feed off of rats." He spat.

I backed away, what was I going to do? Suddenly Imp screamed and a blade came through his chest, I looked up to see my friend holding the coat rack and using the tip of it as a spear. He pulled it out of Imp and then pushed it in again, making the little man scream again. He pulled out and stabbed him once more, Imp hit the floor and blood pooled around him. The other hostage dropped the coat rack.

He grabbed me by the arm and we started off towards the door. It exploded and in walked Toad and a huge man. He looked to be at least seven feet tall. He was furry like an animal, and if he wasn't speaking I would have thought that's what he was. I was out of it. I felt someone tugging on my arm. Everything was going in slow motion until Toad pointed at me. The man beside me was screaming and trying to drag me in to the kitchen.

We took off in to the kitchen and he went to the door in there, he opened it and found a fire escape. He grabbed me and we took off down it. The second we hit the ground there was an explosion from the room we were in, the force was so strong the ground even shook.

I could see my friends lips moving but couldn't hear anything, I felt ill. "We have to get out of here! Can you here me?" he said, grabbing my shoulder. "I-I yes. Lets go." I said, finally coming back to reality. We took off down the street. It was dark out but I did not find it scary. I welcomed it, the fresh air, and the open space. Being in that apartment was making me clusterphobic.

We arrived at a very fancy hotel. There were loads of people there, reporters, police officers, and tons of teenaged girls. All holding signs, or with candles. Most of them crying or fighting back tears. I wondered what was going on.

He took me to the back of the hotel and we were about to enter the building when someone stopped us. "Hey you, what the fuck do you think your doing? This place is off fucking limits! Get the fuck out before I fucking arrest you!" said a man. I started to laugh and looked at him. I said, "Could you have said fuck anymore in that sentence than you did?" The man beside me let out a small chuckle.

"Okays that's fucking it, I am taking you little shits in god damn it. I've had it with this." He snarled. He got close to us and then backed up. "Oh fuck me, you're that guy that was missing. Shit sir I'm sorry I didn't know. Where the fuck were you everyone's been going crazy." He said, to my friend. I looked over at the man beside me and shrugged my shoulders. He said to the police officer "Listen, I don't have to explain to you, If you tell ANYONE I am back I will have your head on a pike. Do you understand? No one is to know. No go back and do whatever it is your supposed to be doing." The police officer nodded and then left the alleyway.

I gave a puzzled look to the man beside me and he smiled. We entered the building and he ran to the elevator. We got inside and he pushed one of the buttons. We got to the floor only to be bombarded by security officers and brandishing guns. I gasped and put my hands up and the man beside me let out a small laugh. There was a simultaneous gasp from the crowd and then I heard a voice call "JC! Oh my god you're alright!"

So his name is JC I thought. A blonde haired man rushed in to the elevator, followed by a group of other people around his age, and a middle-aged woman. I backed up from the swarm of people and watched what was going on.

"Guys, guys please, Can we go in to the room I don't want to stand out here anymore." JC said. The all agreed. One of them, with green eyes and light blonde hair turned to me and asked, "Who's this JC? What is he doing here?"

I turned to JC and he said, "Wait till we're in the room Lance." Lance nodded and we headed to one of the rooms. The middle-aged woman stopped and turned to one of the security workers "No one is to know of this till tomorrow, NO ONE, Not even your superiors." She commanded. The man nodded his head.

We entered the room. It looked expensive, not as expensive as the school though. Oh god, the school, they must be worried. I wonder if Scott is all right. Scott and the others of course, not just Scott, right?

The people in the room we're giving me funny looks. I felt odd in there. "What's your name?" asked the young man who rushed in to greet JC when we arrived. "Me? I uh... my name is Zachery... Zach." I stuttered. "My name is Justin, This is Lance, Joey, and Chris, and Lynn." He said, pointing out everyone.

The woman looked over at me and asked "Zachery - Where are your parents? Do you have any family I should call?" she asked. I broke down. Thinking of my family was too painful. She looked over and JC and he shrugged his shoulders. Justin put his hand on my shoulder and I brushed it off. I composed myself and then said "I... I should be leaving, you all obviously need to talk, Good day to you all... JC..." then I turned around and started to walk out.

JC ran over to me and grabbed me. "Zach, where are you going, you can't leave. Wait for the detectives to get here." Said JC. When he mentioned Detectives I screamed and pushed him off me. Everyone backed up. "Do not call the police, Oh my god do you have any idea what will happen?" I said. They all looked at me, then him.

"Zachery why shouldn't we call the police? We need to talk to them they will help us." Said JC. "Don't you get it? Toby was a detective! He was investigating my Mothers kidnapping, He was proboly behind it all. The police are..." I collapsed on the floor crying. JC flinched at the mention of Toby.

Justin asked, "What the hell is going on JC. Who is Toby? Is he the man that kidnapped you?" JC turned away. I stopped crying and got up. I wiped my eyes. "It was nice meeting you all. I wish it were under better circumstances, now if you will excuse me I think I should be leaving. JC if you wish to find me, I will be at Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." I stated. There was a gasp in the room and Joey said, "You're a mutant?" I looked at him and responded "I'm not sure, probably." Joey looked away and I sighed. I walked out and closed the door behind me. I went to the elevator but one of the people there stopped me.

"I'm sorry, I can't let anyone in or out until the Chief of police arrives. You're stuck here for a bit more." The man said. The chief? That mean's... Oh no! I rushed back in to JC's room to find JC and Lance weren't there and Justin and Joey fighting, Lynn trying to calm them down and Chris was just standing there.

I looked at them all. "We've got big problems."


Well that's it for the new Bigger Longer Thicker chapters of my story. Interesting development? Good? Bad? What did you think of the cameos? (Lilith, Morrigan, Nsync) Please note I am not a huge fan of Boybands, but hey, might as well have a go at it. Give me feedback! What do you want to see? More Nsync or more X-men? I am still not ready to add a sex scene, though this was a start. I am sorry for the delay. Email me!!

Abercromnie@hotmail.com - This story will progress as quickly as I get feedback. Do not be afraid to tell me what you don't like about the story, it will help! If you stay silent I'll never learn. This is my first story so expect it to be bad. Anyway I'll stop chattering.

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