X Men Becoming Whole

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Oct 14, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. The X Men characters are sole property of Marvel. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback.


{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications.

It was now Monday morning. My first week had passed since coming here and let's just say it was an eventful one! The first thing I had to do was stop by Prof. Xavier's office so he could give me my class list. Once I had it I saw that my first class was Psioncs with Jean and Betsy. Seeing as how I never got the chance to test out my telepathic abilities I was hoping that is what Jean would be going over today. I reached the class and immediately all eyes were on me. I was suddenly hit with wave after wave of random thoughts. Seeing that I was being overwhelmed Jean spoke up.

"Okay everyone let's try not to think too loudly, we wouldn't want to send Drew here back to the Med-Bay."

It was like someone hit a switch and then there was silence. I took the only open seat at the back of the class.

"Okay, today Betsy and myself are going to take the class outside and pair you guys up. Then have you spar. It's gonna be telekinesis vs. telepathy. Now seeing as we don't want anyone to be hurt here's how it's gonna work. Each pairing will have a telekinetic and a telepathic. One will defend while the other will attempt to break through, then you'll switch. Drew seeing as how there's an odd number of students you'll be learning with Betsy and myself. Now everyone pair up. If you're both telepathic and telekinetic use only one power and it must be opposite of your partner."

"Um... Jean I've never really used my telepathic ability. Where do I start?"

"Once we get outside Betsy and I will show you everything you need to start controlling those powers of yours. Come on class It's a beautiful day outside, let's get started!"

As we made our way outside I was a bit nervous about using my telepathic power. Once we got to the spot where we were going to practice, everyone paired off and I went with Jean and Betsy. I had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, I knew that due to the lack of control something bad was bound to happen. I stepped back as Jean and Betsy took a fighting stance, since Jean was the only one of the two who was telekinetic I was expecting Betsy to attack me telepathically. When she did I wasn't expecting such a strong attack. It felt like someone had stuck my brain in a blender, I had to defend myself. I felt my powers kick in before I knew what was happening. I felt like my powers were trying to rip Betsy's mind out of mine and it hurt a hell of a lot more than her attack. I took control of my attack and, using the link she'd established to attack me, I sent a pulse into her mind. It wasn't strong enough to seriously hurt her but just enough to take her out of the equation. Once that was done I noticed that all of the students had stopped sparring and were waiting for Jean to make a move.

"Drew, how did you do that?!?!" said Jean with just a hint of fear in her voice.

"Honestly I knew that I couldn't attack her directly 'cause she'd know how to deflect my attacks so...... I sent a feedback pulse to her mind using the link she had established in order to attack me."

"Well, seeing as how your learning extremely quickly how to control your abilities I'm going to use both of my powers and I want you to do the same."

"Okay, If you think I'm ready Jean."

"I do."

With that Jean used her powers to lift herself into the air and waited for me to make the first move. I knew that she'd want me to initiate an attack to see if I really could control myself or whether I had simply allowed my instincts to protect me. So using my power I lifted my self to meet her, right away I felt what she was planning on doing. It was as if when my telepathic and empathic abilities worked together it bordered on precognition. Since she couldn't shield herself from my empathy I used it as a doorway into her mind and could scan her undetected. So as soon as I felt the rock she had lifted hurtling towards me I dropped myself out of the air just in time as it flew past where I had been only moments ago. Before it hit her she stopped it and sent it back at me, I caught it and pushed back with my power. After a few seconds I realized that this was going nowhere so I focused harder on the rock and caused it to disintegrate. Once that was done I knew the only way to take her was to use my empathic power. I gathered every ounce of strength I had and channeled an empathic blast at Jean. It was every emotion I had ever felt fear, embarrassment, pain and rage. Wait, NO!! I'm soo stupid that wouldn't hurt her, only strengthen that thing inside of her and possibly set it free!! I had to save her! Before I had a chance to move my instincts took over and, as best as I can think, erected an empathic shield around Jean.

"Oh my god, Jean! I'm sooo sorry. I wasn't thinking, I didn't realize what that kind of attack might do."

"It's okay, you're learning to use your powers but in the future stick to the powers your were asked to use. Wait, how did you know that your attack would strengthen 'you know who' and not just take me out?"

"Well, um.... you see since you can't shield yourself from my empathy I used your emotions as a sort of backdoor into your mind. It's obviously an undetectable way of scanning someone for vital information. It's also how I knew what you were planning before you did it."

"Amazing! If you could focus it enough you could counter an attackers every move..... hold up. Is that how you beat Scott?"

"No, at least I'm pretty sure. No, I sparred with Scott before we were even sure I was empathic, and besides that was all skill. He doesn't know it yet but he signals his moves without realizing it. The most basic thing in martial arts is not to anticipate your opponents move but to read their body language and strike when you see an opportunity."

"Okay, well class that's all for today. You're dismissed! I'm going to take Betsy to her room, enjoy your classes Drew!"

"See ya Jean."

Man what a day so far, and that had only been my first class! As I was walking I looked at my class list and saw that my next class was. What The Fuck!!! Teachers Assistant to Mr. Summers. So I made my way to what was surely going to be a very interesting class. Making my way back to the school I noticed the black hummer in front, and Storm was escorting someone into the front doors. A very familiar tall, blond someone.

"Fuck Me, It couldn't be?!"

I raced into the mansion but when I got near the Prof's office they had already gone inside. Not wanting the Prof. to know I was there I used empathy to scan the room. Instantly I recognized Logan, Ororo, and the Prof. The one I didn't recognize right away was the boy they had brought to the school. So I reached out with my empathic power and linked with him. I was then able to use a tiny bit of my telepathic power to tap into his mind hoping that my empathy would keep the Prof. from sensing my presence. Unfortunately it wasn't the Prof. who caught me, it was Logan. Being the klutz that I am I forgot to pay attention to the others in the room and He picked up my scent outside the room. Quickly opening the door he caught me.

"Well we got ourselves a little spy."

"I um.... I just was.... oh hell you caught me. I saw Storm leading someone into the school and thought I recognized him."

The tall blond turned around and looked directly at me.

"Brad!!!??! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Obviously he's here because he's a mutant." said Ororo. "How is it that your know Brad?"

"Remember the story I told you, Bobby and Piotr when you guys helped me move here? Well he's the Brad from my story."

"Oh I had no idea."

"Prof. if you would be so kind as to scan my mind to learn what truly happened last week you may do so."

"It's alright Drew I already know. Remember when we had the meeting with the staff and Ororo asked to speak to me in private? She told me what you had told her about how your attack started. Now seeing as how Brad was involved, if not the main aggressor, we took that into consideration when deciding to extend an invitation to Brad. He is well aware of our policies here at the school and we expect the two of you to at least be cordial with each other."

Sensing my hostility the Prof. asked Ororo to escort Brad to his room while he, Logan and I talked.

"Prof. how could you let him in here knowing what he did?"

"Drew, we have to give him the chance to not only learn to control his abilities but to deal with the fact that the reason he lashed out at you was because he too is a mutant."

"Prof. listen and don't say I didn't warn you. If he so much as thinks about hurting me again I will defend myself at all costs."

"Duly noted, however you should be aware of his abilities. He can phase and fly."

"What? He can pass through solid objects at will and fly?"


Leaving the room I walked to the gym and saw Scott already leading the class.

"Sorry I'm late Scott, something came up and I had to deal with it right away."

"What could be so important?"

"The guy responsible for my attack at school is a mutant and he just arrived at the school today"

"Oh, is that gonna be weird for you?"

"It will take some getting used to but, I'm sure I'll manage. Listen do you mind if I take the rest of the day off and go lay down, I need some time to process everything."

"Okay but I expect you here on time tomorrow."

Walking back to my room I laid down but couldn't sleep. It was too bright out and soo many things were racing through my mind. First sparring with Jean and Betsy, then Brad and having to T.A. with Scott. Today was just way more then I could deal with. That's when I noticed that sitting on the unused bed on the far side of the room were suit cases. I walked over and that's when I heard the shower running. At first I thought it might be Ian, he must have come to find me in my room. Why would he be in my shower and isn't Ian in class right now? That's when it hit me, BRAD! How could they put him as my roommate when they knew what had happened. As the doorknob to the bathroom door turned I didn't know what to do. Should I fly out the window, prepare to attack him or just flop on my bed and pretend to be asleep? Not sure what to do I kinda decided on a little bit of all three. I readied my abilities to attack, flew over to my bed and faked being asleep. With my eyes closed I heard Brad enter the room and stop. I wanted soo bad to see him nearly naked but at the same time I wouldn't let myself fall victim to Brad ever again. That's when I felt a strange sensation wash over me and all of a sudden I was standing in the middle of the room looking at Brad. His back was to me as he searched through his bags looking for something to wear. I turned to look at my bed and I was still laying there but it looked as though I was actually sleeping! Looking back at Brad he had pulled out a pair of briefs a shirt and dark blue jeans. He slowly removed his towel and brought it up to his head to finish drying the rest of his hair. After dropping his towel onto the floor he bent down and slipped on his briefs giving me just a quick glance at his hole. Transfixed by the sight of such a tight, muscular ass I almost forgot about my situation. I wanted this, what ever it is, to end before he turned around. Instantly my body faded away and I was back on my bed. I instantly sat up and yelled.

"Holy shit!"

My sudden outburst scared Brad and he fell through the floor. A couple seconds later he ran back into the room through the door.

"What the fuck is with you scaring the shit out of me?"

"Sorry, I was having a bad dream and I'm sorry I just didn't know anyone was in my room."

"Well ok but try to chill dude. My powers react to me being scared and I either end up falling through the floor or flying up into the ceiling."

Ok, this is sooo not the same Brad I knew from Bayville High!

"Wait so you're not gonna try and beat my ass or some shit like that?"

"Hell no, I only did that to you before because my buddies were around and I didn't want them to know about my powers. Besides I've seen what you can do and I'm no match for you."

Not sure what to make of the situation, I said all I could think of at the time.

"Thanks, I think."

Sorry it took such a long time for me to get this chapter out. I actually was blocked for a while and couldn't think of any direction to take the story. Finally one day it hit me while I was make lunch and now chapter 5 is posted. Chapter 6 shouldn't take anywhere near as long as the previous one and I promise to reveal Drew's code name in the next chapter. I would love some feed back and any advice and the story and/or Drew's code name. It's still as of yet undetermined and I won't know it for sure until I write chapter 6. My email is at the top of the page and my myspace is www.myspace.com/latinbjqueen if you want to reach me faster than email. Soon I'll be making a yahoo! group for my stories!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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