X Team

By Story Master

Published on Oct 31, 2009



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Chapter 3a -- David's Analysis

David wakes up on the bed in medical under the watchful eye of Hank.

"Did you have a nice dream?" asks Hank.

"Yeah I guess so," says David trying to get his bearings. "I really don't remember anything."

"That is normal. How are you feeling?"

"A little groggy, confused and tired."

"That to is normal," says Hank as he walks over to the bed. "I have the antidotes ready to administer to you, try to relax."

"Ok," says David. He winces as Hank inserts each needle one after the other.

"Sorry David, I'm not much of a nurse," apologizes Hank.

"That's ok, it didn't hurt that much and I am starting to feel better already," says David. "Can I get up now?"

"Yes that should be fine," says Hank as David begins to sit up in the bed. "I can start going over the analysis as soon as you feel up to it."

"I'm fine, I'd like to know whatever it was that you did to me was for," David says as he gets out of the bed. --Wow I forgot that I was undressed and Hank is looking right at me- David looks around for the shorts he took off earlier and finds them near the foot of the bed. --Well if Hank isn't uncomfortable seeing me nude then I guess its cool- as he puts the shorts back on.

"Well if you are ready please come over here and I will go over the findings with you. Basically the chamber gives me a full biological profile of you," says Hank as David walks to stand by him at the display panel. "The reason why we do not do this for every student is the cost associated with the procedure."

"Not to sound stupid but what am I looking at on this screen?"

"Well these diagrams represent you, your biological profile. Here let me change the screen to figures that you will more readily recognize."

David watches as Hank begins touching buttons and sees the screen change. He begins reading the top of the screen. David Snow, chronological age 18, biological age 16, height 5'10", weight 168lbs. David stops reading, skims the rest of the page and notices that there are even more pages on him.

"Wow you really read all of this information about me?" asks David in amazement.

"Well yes, you were asleep for a while, it is in the afternoon now. The reason why you do not feel hungry or recognize what time it is; is because the sedative injection suppresses biological functions. It will still be awhile before the antidotes take full effect," explains Hank. "If you want I can just answer your questions, instead of having you read the documents. It can be overwhelming even in layman's terms."

"Yes please. I only read the top couple of lines and I already don't want to go any further," pleads David. "But isn't there an easier way to know these things about me? What I mean is height, weight, age and mutant power we already know. By the way what does biological age mean?"

"Well yes that is true but we do not know the extent of a person's power until they display the power. What the institute teaches mutants, is to control the power that they already display and be there when it advances," explains Hank. "While hormones are the primary trigger of the mutant gene it is not the only trigger. Stress can also trigger the mutant gene to advance. Further the gene may not be stable and can possibly further mutate as it becomes stable. Lastly you may not know how to trigger fully the power at your disposal. While these issues are not an issue to normal mutants, it is as a member of the X-team."

"Okay I get it, Hank, you don't want to know in the middle of a battle that I can become a nuke and wipeout a city if I get scared."

"Exactly," laughs Hank "That is exactly right. But also we want to know how to best use you. For example, if you have a flight power that you never tried because humans can't fly. Well we want to know about it and see if we can get you to use it. The thing is just because you have the power doesn't mean that you will ever be able to use the power."

"Why would I not use a power if I have the power, other than obviously if it would kill people or something."

"Well you need to know how to use the power to be able to use it. The only person that can actually get you to know how to unlock the power is you. Science simply is not that far along, it can tell you potential but not actuality. Oh and biological age is an approximation of the age of your body, biased on reliability theory. Basically it tries to predict how healthy you are. The younger the better basically."

"Ok so I'm healthy. That's good; anyway what I really want to know about is my mutant gene. What can you tell me about it."

"Well let's get right to it then, the heart of the matter. The nature of your power is electromagnetism."

"Wait my power is force fields and static electricity," interrupts David. "Electromagnetism has to do with magnets and gravity."

Hank clears his throat. "Do you want to think you know your powers or do you want to actually know what your powers are? For starters electromagnetism and gravity are each one of the four fundamental forces. Therefore they are not the same thing, but that is a lecture for a different time."

"Sorry," David says, as he looks at the floor genuinely sorry for his outburst. But mostly embarrassed that he knows so little about his power.

"Well then as I was saying you have electromagnetic powers. It seems that you are capable of controlling the electrical charge not only on you but also the objects around you. The force field as you call it, is just one aspect of your power and the static electricity is really just a by-product. You have the potential for much more than just producing small discharges of static electricity. Your ability to control electricity is greater than twice that of your ability to control magnetism."

"But why do I find it easier to make a force field than throw a bolt of lightning? Which be the way I can't do."

"Well you seem to be defensive in nature, your mentality is to protect yourself first. Therefore you are already conditioned to put up a shield. Also repelling an object is easier than, propelling and controlling energy."

"You said that my electrical power is twice that of my magnetic power. Does that mean that I'm pretty strong?"

"Well yes and no. It's hard to simplify and rate powers. Let me try this way. If I were to rate your electromagnetic powers on 1 to 7, I would say 4.5. Yet even with knowing that, I still know nothing about what you are capable of. A gene that produces electromagnetism is a complex gene to understand and can produce a wide range of effects."

"4.5 doesn't sound all that powerful to me, that is just barely over half," David says disappointedly. --When he was saying 1-7, I was hoping for at least 5 maybe even 6-

"Well it is just over the median but really most electromagnetics are below that. With all classification of powers the majority of mutants are in the low ranges, it's not an even distribution. What's more you have the potential to master electromagnetism because you have a master x-gene. Granted it is the weakest on the scale but it is a master gene, which is extremely rare. It's like being a mutant of a mutant."

"So in fact I can be stronger than a 4.5 then," says David hopefully.

"No, that was taken into consideration. What the master gene does is help you master your power, it really doesn't add a lot of power. In your case without it you would be a 4. But lets say all things being equal you and another 4.5 without a master gene fought, you have a better chance at winning just because of the master gene. The master gene will better allow you to harness all of the 4.5."

"Ok so how do I unlock this potential," asks David as his stomach starts to grumble loudly. "I guess my body is back to normal now."

"Well I'll just answer this last question, I'm a little hungry myself," says Hank as he rubs his belly. "To bring out the full potential of a power we at the Institute put you in various situations against different opponents." With a wink Hank adds, "You are lucky to pick the Institute over S.H.I.E.L.D., they have to follow a strict regiment. Here we push you but really its at your pace not ours, plus you learn the range of your powers not just the military aspects of it." Hank motions for David to follow him, "Hey I'll lead you out of here and later someone will get you if we need you."

David says, "Ok, sounds good," as he follows him back to familiar ground.

Hank explains a bit about the internal security systems in the mansion as they walk.

"Well David here we part. I'm sure you will be able to fine your way from here," says Hank as he walks off.

"Thanks for going over the security doors with me Hank, see-ya," says David as he waves good-bye.

-Well I should go to my room before heading to the dining hall. I'm sure I stink by now-

Chapter 3b -- David's Roommate

David enters his room and sees Tim resting on the top bunk.

"It's about time you got back," Tim states as he gets up.

David notices Tim hadn't even spiked his hair yet. --Why would he stay in the room and wait for me to get back-

"Sorry I didn't know you were waiting," says David as he sits at the desk. "Are you pissed about this morning?"

"What? What about this morning?"

"Oh, um nothing. So why are you waiting for me?"

"We need to talk about us and the situation in this room," states Tim. He holds up his hand to stop David from interrupting. "Look let me finish, ok. David you are my best friend and I'm yours by default because you don't have any other friends. Friends online don't count."

"Tim even if I had friends, you would still be my best friend."

"I said don't interrupt, David. Its hard enough to talk about this," trying to control his emotions.

"What I can't be upset at you?" retorts David getting up from his seat at the desk. "I had a rough day, now I'm hungry and want a shower," walking towards the bathroom. --I deal with his issues after I take a shower, this seems like it's going to be a long one-

"What the fuck. Hey I'm still talking to you," yells Tim as he drops from the bed.

-Damn you can be dramatic- "Yeah well I'm not interested in listening right now," David says angrier than what he actually felt, as he opens the bathroom door.

"Don't you turn your back on me and walk away. I said we need to talk and we are going to talk!"

David feels himself being lifted from his feet as he is slammed headfirst into the bathroom wall. --Oh fuck, my head firsts- As David looks at the ground he sees his blood. -Shit my nose is bleeding-

"I said that we need to talk and we are going to talk one way or the other."

While still on his knees David looks up at Tim, with a confused dazed look. --He gets emotional but never like this. Funny without his hair spiked in a fauxhawk his face looks paler and some how smaller-

"David get up or stay down it doesn't matter! Either way we are going to talk whether you like it or not!" spits Tim interrupting David's thoughts.

David slowly gets up, not wanting to excite Tim any further. --I can't concentrate enough to get a shield up- "Ok Tim calm down ok, I'm sorry I walked off I didn't mean to upset you." --Not that I really am but I can't defend myself with my shield down-

"All I wanted was to talk and you couldn't do that. I waited all day for you to come back so we could talk. All I wanted to do was tell you my feelings about the situation between us."

"Honestly I didn't know there was a situation between us." -Actually I really didn't know there was an issue between us other than the normal things. I guess this isn't Tim's normal drama issue-

"Ok will you listen to what I have to say now?"

-Like I have a fucking chose, if you are going to attack me- "Look see I'm putting my hands up, I'm willing to listen." --I think I can manage a weak shield now. It should protect me against another gust of wind-

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know that you only have your hands up to protect yourself. But it doesn't matter I'm not going to attack you. I'm not even sure why I did it in the first place. I've never attacked you."

"Ok I'm listening. What has you so worked up that you would throw me into a fucking wall?" --Shield's up so it doesn't matter if he tries again-

"Look I wanted to talk about our living arrangement. I know that you have a crush on me. I see you looking at me when you think that I'm not looking. Hell I see where your eyes are looking when you are talking to me and we're undressed. I'm not mad at you, well not really mad at you, ok. What I'm trying to get at is that I'm moving out for both of our sakes. I didn't a few weeks ago because I didn't want to leave you alone for your birthday. I really care about you."

David trying not to cry, "Tim I'm sorry. I've tried not to think of ... wait when did you figure out that I'm gay?"

"Just now since you said it. I never said that you were gay, but yeah I kinda figured. The thing is I'm not gay, I like you just not like that," says Tim with a tremble in his voice as he freely allows a tear to come down his cheek. "What we did as kids I don't regret but we were kids. We're both adults now and need to go our separate ways."

David now crying, "Please Tim, you are the closest person I know. I'll do anything please just don't up and leave me like this. What do you want me to do? I'll do it, just please stay."

"David that's just the thing. You depend entirely on me for your support; I just can't do it anymore. Don't you think you should go out and see people, real people. I know that you have never brought a guy up here. I don't know if it was because of me but I know that I didn't bring girls because of you. I think that you should meet guys and bring them up here. That is why I am leaving I know that you feel comfortable here and I don't want to take that from you."

"Hey if its because I, we don't wear clothes I'm willing to always wear something. I didn't bring guys cause I didn't know how you would react; I wasn't ... well still not out. I'm sorry that I stopped you from getting some as much as you wanted. Seriously you are my support if you just left me I wouldn't know what to do, so please don't just walk out."

"David please don't do this to me. I know you got to choose what you wanted to do with your life. I chose what I wanted to do; now I want to go and do it. Why don't you follow your path?"

"But Tim I never thought my path meant separating from you. I'm sorry I have a crush on you. I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable in your own room. And I'm sorry that you are my only support. But you are my best friend, not because you are the only person that I really know, but because you are my best friend. Like you said I have online friends but none of them are my best friend! I'm your best friend to you know. I mean how many guys will listen for hours to another guy's bitching? You know how many nights I stayed up with you just so you could vent about something? Fuck man you just threw me into a wall and busted my nose and I still want to be your friend. I'm pissed and I'm going to think of a way to get you back but I still think of you as my best friend."

"That's right David, today I threw you into a wall? What's next, tossing you out a window? I'm losing it and now I know why. I don't want you near me when I lose it. I get really emotional around you or rather you bring out emotions in me that I would rather keep buried."

"Tim you are not making a lot of since. But maybe its not that I cause the emotions, maybe the emotions are already there and I just help you vent them. Maybe if you don't vent you lose it, like you just did with me and the wall."

"You don't understand. The way you are upsets me and I need to get away before I hurt you."

"No, I think I do understand. If I was the cause then you would have been tossed me out the window, forget talking like we are now. You would have just blown me out the window and be done with it. No I'm not the cause, I'm just the best friend that you can talk to that won't judge you. Maybe I do things that piss you off but who doesn't do something that pisses someone off sometimes? We know how to piss each other off when we want to. And I didn't turn my back on you, I wanted to take a shower and then listen after I was relaxed."

"David you just don't get it, my emotions are erratic now. I could really hurt you, like I just did. My powers are more than just wind and rain, the reason why my emotions are like this is because of my x-gene."

"Tim I have a force ... wait the only way you would know that was if you joined the X-team. You joined the X-team a few weeks ago?" asks David surprised. "You said that you were staying at the mansion and going to help out were you could."

"How do you know about the X-team?" asks Tim shocked. "All you have is that force shield and the ability to shock people with static."

"The professor asked me and that was what this morning was all about and I'm way more than what I thought. So what did Hank say about your power?"

"He told me that it is dark energy and it's the reason why I am so emotional. And it's a strong x-gene; the strongest type that Hank as encountered. I feed on negative emotions and dwell on them and use them as the source of my energy. Because of the gene I'm bi-polar, because of the gene is so strong there isn't really a medication that can help without fucking me up. Now do you get it? I don't want to hurt you."

"Tim when you say strong how strong is strong is strong? I know you said the strongest that Hank has seen. But Hank talks in riddles and I hardly understand him. Just tell me straight."

Tim smiles a slyly, "I'm basically as strong as it gets in dark energy. I don't know if Hank did the 1-7 thing with you but overall I'm 5.5. You wouldn't think that that would make me all that strong but he said that my x-gene is not in synergy. If my weather control and dark energy were in synergy I'd be a 6.5, but I would be worse off than I am now."

"What do you mean you'd be worse off than what you are now?" asks David confused. "You're pretty fucked up now as it is!"

"Thanks asshole," Tim says smiling. "If my weather control were dark energy instead, not only would I feed off negative emotions but I would give off negative emotions also. People near me would despair just because I was there."

"I'm guessing that you don't have a master gene then?"

"Hell no. Do you know how rare that is?"

"Well not really but I have a master gene. Not that it makes me as powerful as you, I'm just 4.5. Holy shit if you had a master gene and were in sync you'd be a 7," says David wide eyed.

"Actually 7.5. Hank explained how the synergies and master gene worked to me. Basically if your gene is in harmony then there is no plus or minus. But if your gene is in disharmony like mine you lose .5 overall. My dark energy is 4 and my weather control is 2 but my gene is not in harmony, making me 5.5 overall. Now if my gene was in synergy then I would gain .5 and if I had a master gene it would give me .5 for each power it mastered."

"I can't say that I totally understand it. But what I do understand is I'm going to have to get creative."

"What?" asks Tim confused "What are you talking about?"

"Fucker you threw me into a wall! I have dried blood on my face! I'm still trying to figure out how to get back at you for that!" yells David. "I'm still going to get you back for that, but I understand that 4.5 is weaker the 5.5."

"I'm not even mad or upset at you now. How about we just forget it and let it go?"

"Hell the fuck no! I want payback! How about we fight without powers and let it go at that?"

"I would but I can't. I can't control my dark energy; if we fought I would start to drain your energy. So lets just forget it. Look I'm sorry so let just let it go."

"No, hell no. I'm not letting you off that easy. So don't fight me just let me hit you a few times, then we'll call it even."

"No way. Why should I just let you hit me? Besides I would still just probably drain energy from you to heal myself."

"Ok you have to be able to use your power right? I mean consciously able to use it?"

"Yeah all mutant power are like that. Or at least most."

"Alright I'll hit you as hard as I can then."

"I don't think you are going to knock me out in one punch."

"I don't have to do it in one punch. But I'm not even thinking of one punch or punching you in the face. I'm just going to kick you so hard in the balls your power won't even think about activating."

"What the fuck! Hell no David! I'm not going to let you kick me in my nuts! What are you retarded?" yells Tim.

"Shit you threw me into a mother fucking wall. Do you know how much that hurts!?!" yells David. Pointing at where his head hit the wall and then at his blood stained face, "There's a fucking crack where my head hit, fucking blood on the tile and blood on my fucking face. You're damn right I get to kick you in your balls!"

"I swear if you even try to fucking nut kick me I swear I will fucking kill you!" Tim says with more hatred in his eyes than David has ever seen in anybody.

The bathroom all of a sudden begins getting darker as if the very light was dying and all there ever was; was gloom.

"Oh shit, Tim, Tim, Tim," says David as his heart beats ever faster. --If his power is based on his emotions then he can do whatever with his power. I still have no idea how to really use the stronger of my power. This isn't a fight between a 4.5 and a 5.5, it's a fight between a 1.5 and a 5.5. I'm dead if I don't get him to calm down- "Tim, please calm down! Tim, I was just fucking around. Tim come on, let's talk some more ok!"

As David looks into Tim's eyes pleading to him, David notices that Tim's eyes are completely black. "Oh shit, Tim please, Tim just calm down please, Tim don't do this," pleads David to Tim.

But David can no longer see Tim because the entire bathroom is now pitch black. The room is now so black that David cannot even see his hand an inch from his face. The very silence is deafening and David feels his heart sinking.

"Oh god, please Tim please, I'm scared of the dark, please please just stop please," cries David into the darkness. "Please Tim, I'm you're best friend, Tim please I'm your best friend, Tim please you know how afraid of the dark I am, please Tim don't kill me I'm your best friend."

Each time David says best friend the darkness breaks, slowly at first but then it is as if it was never there.

"Oh thank god, thank you god, thank you!" praises David with his arms to the sky.

"What are you thanking god for?" asks Tim confused. "I don't care if god came down to earth and told me to let you kick me in my fucking nuts, I'm still not letting you kick me in my nuts, fucker!" Looking at David Tim says, "And why the hell are you white all of a sudden? It's like you just seen a ghost"

"What?!?" asks David puzzled. "Don't you know what just happened? You almost killed me, you made it dark and I could feel my life leaving me! Don't you remember?"

"I remember ... I remember being pissed at you and wanting to scare you and ...," says Tim trying to remember. Then it hits him, "Oh god, no, this is the way it was the last time."

Tim turns and runs for the bathroom door.

"No!" says David as he does what he has never done before and uses all his energy to put a force field in the doorway --I'm not letting him go like this-

Hey thanks everyone for their support. It means a lot to me that people take the time to write me and tell me what they think of the story and my writing style, good or bad. As always let me know what you think and if you ideas please let me know, seriously.

Next: Chapter 4

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