Xena for Halloween

By moc.loa@KafonoS

Published on Oct 22, 2000




It was approaching Halloween. My girlfriend and I were trying to figure out some good costumes. Halloween was the only time of the year that I was allowed to venture out of the house crossdressed so I always tried to make the best of it. We were sitting at home watching TV when I saw my costume. I got a smile out of Debbie when I said "That's it I am going to be XENA." Much to my surprise Debbie said "Ok, I will be Gabriel."

Let me give you a little background on myself. My name is Andy I am thirty-two years old. I have been a cross dresser since I was five years old. I am six foot tall and I have long black hair that I keep in a pony Tail. I weigh in at about 170 lbs. I keep myself in good shape so I have a slim stomach but I have large breasts for a man so much so that I have been kidded about them since I was in high school somewhere between a B and a C cup. In almost every relationship I have been in except for the current one as soon as I bring up the cross dressing and I have to bring it up or it will haunt me later. The relationship starts to go sour. Debbie is different. Within the first week of knowing her it was Halloween three years ago and I went as Mae West. I always cross dress on Halloween. Debbie was shocked but later on she ripped my dress off and gave me the best sex I ever had. Eventually we moved in together but as much as she lets me dress at home I am only allowed out dressed on Halloween and Debbie has never dressed up before.

The next day I started. First I scanned the Internet until I found some good pictures of Xena. I realized that I had chosen well. It appeared as though Xena was the same height as me. She had bigger breasts but mine would be more than adequate. My hair when I wore it out of the ponytail, which was not that often, looked almost exactly Like Xena's. Next I went to the costume shop. They had Xena costumes, but much to my surprise they were all to small. I talked the store clerk into letting me look at one closely. I realized that it would be difficult but I could make one. So off to the fabric store to get some fake leather I won't go into the details but after almost a week of sewing cutting and riveting I had a custom made Xena suit. Debbie was looking over and admiring it when she said "I wish you would put same effort into cleaning the house that you put into these outfits." Luckily Debbie had been able to get a Gabby costume at the costume store. I put the Costume on and tied several approaches at the makeup before I had perfected it. Debbie took a picture, which I compared with the pictures I had printed from the Internet and decided I made an excellent Xena. Debbie dressed up in her costume. She looked awesome, Debbie looks awesome in anything. But she made an extremely passable Gabby. Then she turned to me and attacked. I would be willing to bet that quite a few Xena fans would have liked to see Xena and Gabby do what we did. Looking across at the mirror to see what appeared to be Xena with an 8-inch cock sticking out between the leather thongs of her skirt with Gabby sucking on it was an incredible turn on.

We live in Tampa Fl. And every year they throw an incredible Halloween celebration called of all things Guavaween. They take an entire section of the city called Ybor city and fence it off and throw a giant costume party that almost rivals Mardi Gras, One of my favorite days of the year. The day before Debbie got a call from Cleveland where she had grown up. Her best friend whom she had known since childhood suddenly got deathly ill and was not expected to live. Debbie apologized to me and flew off to Ohio. Before she left she said "I am sorry I can't go but you make sure Xena goes to Guavaween for me and be careful." It had been a number of years since I had been out in public crossdressed alone and I was nervous. There is certain level of comfort when you go out in drag with your girlfriend with you. I went through my list of friends and decided that there was not any that I wanted to take with me dressed as I was without Debbie with me.

Finally the night arrived and I started at 2 in the afternoon. First I took a bubble bath and completely shaved every hair from my body except those on my head. I shampooed and conditioned my hair twice. The body wash and shampoo I used left me smelling like strawberries. I had to touch up my under arms because this was a sleeveless outfit and I wanted to be perfect. I pulled on the silken black control panties I had selected and tucked myself back between my legs. Next I blow dried my hair straight out and carefully sculpted my hair into Xena's simple hair do. Next came the strapless padded wonder bra. After that I spent a while using my concealer and powder to hide any trace of my beard. Using the pictures for a model I used heavy black eye liner and some blue eye shadow and a couple of shades of blush to produce some high cheekbones. A little dark red lipstick and it was time for the outfit. It was a little difficult to get all the fasteners with out Debbie's help but I managed. I finished with the arm and wrist bands my high boots and leg guards. When I looked in the mirror I saw Xena, There was no way I could be mistaken for a male. This was what I strived for, This was what turned me on. The ultimate masquerade To be viewed in another's minds eye as an attractive girl. I think Lucy Lawless would have thought she was looking in a mirror had she looked at me. I tucked my ID and money into the leather pouch that was part of the skirt and set out for Ybor city. I arrived at the gate and the police gave me a little trouble about bringing my sword and disk in but they finally relented when I showed them that they were rubber. I was shocked when I finally realized he was hitting on me. Then he asked," All right honey lets see some Id?" I produced my license and could not believe the look when he realized I was a guy. Embarrassed he said," Ok lets move it along."

I moved onto Seventh Ave where the main street party was. I was walking down checking out all the other costumes. I knew my costume was good by the looks I was getting and all the pictures that people were taking of me. I wished Debbie had been able to attend. I was walking past the 93.3 Radio station stage when one of the DJ's jumped out and grabbed me by the elbow and said," You are absolutely perfect you need to be in our costume contest." What could I say; I let him drag me up on stage. I found myself standing be side a dead ringer of Hercules. We were in good company. Popeye was there, WC Fields, May West an Awesome Frankenstein. Then I looked out at almost a thousand people looking back. I proceeded to get stage fright. I wondered if anyone would recognize me. Hercules sensing my discomfort moved close and put his arm around my shoulders, getting an Ohhh from the crowd he said," I did not think Xena was afraid of anything?" At that moment the DJ started the contest Shortly I was called up front. I was positive no one knew I was a guy. As things would work out Hercules and I tied for first place the DJ said, "I can't tell which one of you the audience likes better so I am going to split the 2000 dollar first prize between you." The audience went nuts. A few minutes later after a couple of pictures Hercules and I each walked off the stage 1000 dollars richer. Hercules turned toward me and asked if he could buy me a drink. We walked across the street into the green Iguana. It seemed as though everyone wanted our pictures together a couple of people wanted to know if we really were Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless. We finally got our drinks and found a relatively quiet spot in the corner. Hercules asked," What is your real name?" I smiled and answered," Lucy" He smiled and said," Ok, You can call me Kevin." At this proximity I could not believe he had not figured out I was a guy yet and was surprised when he asked," So are you married or involved with anyone?" With out thinking it out first I replied," I have a girlfriend." His eyes got wide and he replied with an," Oh." Realizing what he was thinking I responded," Its even worse than that." He looked at me and said," Worse." I smiled and said," I guess that would all depend on your outlook, my real name is Steve." His reaction was priceless. His chin dropped and his eyes grew wide with surprise. Then he stepped back and did a once over. Looking me up and down he regained his composure and said," You know you had me fooled for a second." Smiling I replied," You can always do the crocodile Dundee test." Then he looked at me closely and said," Your not kidding are you?" Then I said," I've got it." I fished my license out of my pouch and showed it to him. The reaction was almost as good. He looked at the picture on the license and then me. Finally he passed it back to me. Smiling he said," You know armed with that information we could win all the costume contests." I looked back at him and said," I think we could win the contests without that information." For some reason my eyes drifted down and I noticed a large bulge in his pants. I did not know weather to be scared or flattered. All crossdressers have fantasized of having sex with a man at one time or another while dressed as a girl and here was an extremely attractive man who was quite obviously turned on by me and showed no signs of running away. Looking back up I saw that he had seen what I was looking at. Smiling I asked," So are you married or involved with anyone?" He smiled and said," I have a girlfriend."

Downing my beer I said," There is a costume contest for one of the other radio stations at the corner of 8th Ave, Want to enter?" Standing up he surprised me by grabbing my hand and leading the way through the crowd. When we arrived the contest was just about to start. The competition was a little tougher. One guy was dressed like the Pillsbury Dough boy and the crowd really liked him. We beat out Cher and Elvis easily. Finally in the end we tied for first again. This time we took $500 a piece. We entered and won 3 other contests each taking a total of $2500 in prize money. Not once did we have to resort to the fact that I was actually a male to win. In between we drank quite a bit so by the time midnight rolled around we were both quite intoxicated.

We strolled into a rather unusual place called the Castle. A very Gothic place there were people in armor and leather we fit right in. Kevin asked, "Would you care to dance?" I was about to refuse when I looked around and noticed the strange array of people already dancing. I offered him my hand and he escorted me out on the dance floor. Assuming the role of a girl on the dance floor was actually a lot of fun. Lots of people were looking at us. I imagine seeing Hercules and Xena dancing together was not something you see every day even in the Castle. I didn't get nervous until they played one of their very rare slow songs and he pulled me close. He circled my waist with his arms and the moved his hands down on to my butt as he pulled me closer. I could feel that he was obviously aroused. Suddenly I had a nervous moment, A little homophobic voice in the back of my mind telling me to run. This was the moment of truth. I could turn and run and quite possibly regret it the rest of my life, or go with it. I knew if I stayed that before the night was done this mans cock would be in my mouth and quite possibly other parts of me, I would be his girl for the night. With these thoughts I could feel my own cock start to stiffen painfully in its tucked back position beneath my leather skirt. Kevin looked into my eye's and could see the conflict working it self out. I placed my hands nervously on his back and marveled at the feel of firm hard muscle so different from any girl or for that mater anyone that I had ever held in this manner. Slowly I moved my hands down until I had both of my hands gripping his butt cheeks and pulled him closer. I could feel his now totally aroused cock that was seriously tenting out his pants pushing into me as it started to separate the leather thongs that made up my skirt. Leaning forward he kissed me full on the mouth and I did not resist. After long moments the music changed. Kevin took my hand and led me down stairs to a quieter section of the bar. I just followed along like a good little girl. After ordering two beers he came over and sat next to me on the vacant sofa I had found. He took a big drink out of his beer and looking me in the eye's said, "Are you as nervous as I am? I've never done this before." Turning to him I said," Probably more nervous than you are. I've never done this before either." Then I placed my hand right on his still erect cock as I turned to kiss him. I could not believe I was dressed as Xena in a public bar kissing a guy and grabbing his cock. I was painfully turned on. If I had not tucked my cock back it would have been tenting my panties out between the thongs of my skirt. I broke the kiss leaving my hand resting on his crotch I surveyed the surrounding area and noticed two cute little blond girls that were dressed as witches staring at Kevin with envy. For some reason it felt good to know he wanted me over these two very attractive girls. Not wanting the audience Kevin got up and pulled me to my feet and said," Every year I rent a room for the night on Seventh with a balcony and an excellent view of the party. How would you like to go check it out?" Smiling nervously I said," I would love to." I walked forward and out the door. As soon as we got out the door it was relatively dark as compared to the bar and there were no spectators Kevin Stopped and pulled me back against him. I could feel his cock pressing through the thongs of my skirt against my panties. He placed his hands on my stomach and moved them up until he was cupping my breasts and said with a little surprise in his voice," There real! Are you sure your really a guy?" Then he moved his hands down. I wanted to stop him for some reason as his hands went under my skirt. I gasped slightly as his hand slid over my panties and pushed between my legs caressing my painfully excited but tucked back cock. Leaning forward he nibbled my ear and said," Oh baby, you don't know how turned on I Am." He caressed my cock and ground his own against my butt. For a second I could feel the tip of his cock touch the tip of my own tucked back cock. I turned around and kissed him fiercely stuffing my tongue down his throat. Breaking the kiss I said," If you don't get me to your room soon I am going to rape you here on the sidewalk." Taking me by the hand we started to walk towards 7th Ave. Looking down I giggled as I realized Kevin was making no attempt to hide the monster tenting out in front of him. It must have been the booze or maybe just lust. But it did not bother me to know that the people walking by looked at Kevin, Looked at his cock jutting out and then looked at me and knew he was shortly going to stick that thing into me and I was going to like it. The guys looked at me and I am sure they thought, I would like to stick my cock in Xena and the girls Looked at Hercules and thought I wish he would stick that thing in me. Finally we arrived at Kevin's room. It was very nice a lot larger than I thought it would be. One big room with a kitchen area, a king sized bed and a bathroom with a hot tub sized bathtub. Kevin went to the kitchen and made us some drinks. I sat on the edge of the bed. Kevin walked over and placed the drinks on the nightstand as I stood up and reached down to caress him threw the pants with both hands as he kissed me. Breaking the kiss I sat down on the bed in front of him and untied his Hercules pants and pulled them down with his jockey shorts. He stepped out of them and I reached up and took the weight of his balls in one hand while I gripped the first cock other than my own with the other hand. It was bigger than mine by at least and inch and much wider I stroked it getting a gasp out of Kevin. It was almost like stroking my own only a different type of thrill. Leaning down I kissed the head and licked it. The salty taste was welcome. I was about to engulf the whole thing with my mouth fulfilling a life long fantasy when Kevin stepped back and pulled me to my feet saying," Hold on girl." He pulled his shirt off as I marveled at his awesomely muscled body. I could not wait to run my hands over him. Then he turned to me and said," Now it is your turn." I know I blushed. He turned me around and undid the buckles and took off my bustier. I reached down and unbuckled the side clasp that held the skirt on allowing it fall to the floor while Kevin placed the top on the dresser. I thrilled as he started on my sides and tickled his way up and around to cup my breasts pinching my nipples threw the bra moving around back he unclasped the bra and once again cupped my breasts pulling me back against him. I felt his wondrous cock pressing against my panty-clad bottom eventually slipping between my thighs. Again I felt our cock heads touch this time with only a silken layer of panties between. I turned around and we kissed. My naked breasts pushing against his muscular chest. He grabbed my butt lifting me off the ground. Setting me down he said," Baby you are so much a girl and the thought of what's between your legs turns me on more than anything." I responded," The thought of having what's between your legs between my lips turns me on more than anything." As I wrapped both hands around his cock and guided him back onto the bed. I straddled him and moved up until I could feel our cocks touching again. With a smile Kevin reached up and pulled my tucked back cock out front and proceeded to stroke me though the panties. With its sudden freedom I felt my cock grow to its full potential and almost came on the spot. But I had a mission to accomplish first. And pulled back lowering my self down I kissed Kevin on the mouth and then moving down I nibbled both of his nipples stopping to tongue his belly button. I finally looked up into his eyes as I sucked the top half of his mammoth cock into my mouth. As inexperienced as I was I could tell if was doing good by the way he reacted. I also had the advantage of knowing what felt good to me. I loved the hard yet soft feel of it. Using my tongue on the silky underside and stroking the part that I could not get into my mouth I soon had minor little tremors running threw him. He reached down and grabbed two hands full of my hair and said with surprise in his voice," Its real, I thought it was a wig." I reached down and started to tickle his balls while I applied massive suction to just the head while I furiously licked the slit and stroked the shaft. I felt his whole body stiffen while his cock grew a little bigger. I felt his balls tighten and quiver. As he said," O god here it comes." As he tightened his grip on my hair I felt the first spurt race into the waiting suction of my mouth. I was surprised by the amount. I usually have a few spurts. He must have pumped a gallon down my throat. I swallowed every drop. Finally after an eternity he slowed. He must have realized he had a death grip on my hair because he relaxed his grip and I was able to pull back from his cock. Reaching down I gripped his cock about the base and stroked up getting an incredible shudder and one last drop that I licked off. I let go of his cock and he fell back on the bed as if he were boneless. I crawled up beside him as he said," That was incredible, I have never felt anything like that ever. Did the earth move?" Sitting up slowly he laid me back on the bed. Gently he reached down and caressed my breasts saying," I cannot believe how soft and feminine your skin is and how perfect you breasts are." He pinched my nipples. I could not believe the feeling. It was as if my nipples were somehow connected to my cock. Slowly he removed the rest of my Xena outfit starting with my arm guards finishing with the boots. Slowly he pulled my tight black panties down my legs until I was completely naked. He moved up until he was straddling me. Slowly he kissed me. I could feel his cock reawakening as our now naked cocks touched. I ran my hands over him as he slid down and started to nibble on my nipples. I marveled at the taught muscular feel of him as opposed to the soft feel of my skin. Slowly he moved down and licked at my belly button. Moving down until he was face to face with my inflamed cock. He gave me a nervous look as I watched his tongue reach out to lick the clear fluid from the tip of my cock. A spasm of pleasure shot threw me emanating from his tongue. I reached up and pinched my own nipples as Hercules gripped my cock about the base and engulfed the head with his mouth. Slowly he sucked more and more into his mouth applying mighty suction. The feeling was so intense I knew it was only moments until I gave Hercules a taste of my ambrosia. He started bobbing his head while stroking the shaft. Suddenly I felt my back arch in an uncontrollable body spasm. I grabbed two hands full of his hair and tried to ram my cock down his throat. He held on for the ride and swallowed everything I had to give. Finally after long moments of uncontrolled ecstasy I released my hold on his hair. He came up for air and said, " That was incredible. Whoever came up with the phrase it is better to give than receive must have just given a blowjob." Moving up beside me I laid my head on his chest. He started stroking my hair while I reached down and started lightly toying with his once again swollen member and running my fingers threw the tuft of hair surrounding it. Kevin then asked me," So, you've never done this before? You have it down pretty good. I never would have known you were a guy if you had not told me." Looking up I smiled and said," Which part? I've never been with another guy before. But I have crossdressed thousands of times." Leaning over he began caressing my tits and tickling my nipples and said," Do you take hormones or something? Where did you get the breasts and your skin is so soft your very pretty." I know I blushed and responded," I have never taken any hormones. I think I was born with a few too many female genes. I have been crossdressing since I was 5 years old and developed these at around 17 or 18 when most girls develop breasts. They have caused me a lot of teasing trom my friends." Reaching over I started massaging his incredible pectoral muscles and continued," When I was about 17 I wanted muscles like these." As I massaged him," But I got these instead." As I reached down and cupped my breasts," At first I was quite disappointed but I gradually came to appreciate them." Kevin cupped my breasts and said," I certainly appreciate them. I am not bragging when I say I can get almost any girl I want but no one has turned me on like you do. I have never even considered having sex with another guy before but I was more turned on while I was sucking your cock tonight than I have ever been before." I watched, as his cock seemed to grow while he was telling me this. I moved down and over until I had his cock pressed between my tits and started moving up and down licking the tip each time it came in range. I looked up to see his passion raging in his eyes. Moving down I licked his entire cock never taking my eyes from his then I moved down and completely bathed his balls slowly sucking each one into my mouth and tickling it with my tongue. Panting he said," If you keep that Up, Warrior princess or not you are going to get what's coming to you." So I sucked almost the entire cock into my mouth almost gagging on it. With a bellow he rose up into a kneeling position pulling his cock out of my mouth he literally picked me up and flipped me over on my back. Smiling he grabbed a tub of KY he had on the nightstand and lubed his cock. I lay there looking at him like ditz wondering what he was doing when he reached down and pulled my legs up onto his shoulders spreading me wide. It suddenly dawned on me what was happening as the tip of his cock came to rest against my tightly clenched sphincter. Smiling at me he pushed forward until I could feel intense pain. I was about to cry out when much to my surprise he backed off and said," You really are a virgin aren't you." Reaching down he took a finger that might be the size of a lot of men's cocks and pressed it into my now lubed hole. After a while the pain subsided and I realized it had brought tears to my eyes. Kevin looked at me with sympathy in his eyes and said," If you don't want me to I won't." Threw the lump in my throat I managed to say," I want you in me." No sooner was it out of my mouth than it was in my butt. I know I screamed but don't really remember. What I do remember was the pain for some reason turned into pleasure even though it was still pain. I could feel him penetrating deep into my body with every powerful stroke I could see and feel the pressure building within him as his rhythm increased to a near fever pitch. Sweat started to form as his sculptured muscles glistened in the light. I tried to move to meet his trusts but he had me hopelessly pined. I could see and feel him reach his peak my own crescendo was raising in symphony to his. Never had I felt such sexual tension as I did lying there while this Hercules drove his manhood in and out of his princess. I felt his whole body stiffen as he rammed his cock deep inside of me one last time. I could actually feel his cock grow and the tremors as he pumped his ambrosia deep into me. The warm feeling of each spurt was something I will never forget. At this moment untouched I reached my own crescendo and shot spurt after spurt up onto his stomach. This moment of shared ecstasy seemed to linger for hours. Each of us afraid to move. Finally he stopped spurting and after a few moments I could actually feel him start to shrink inside of me, Kevin pulled out of me and dropped on top of me rolling to the side. A feeling of relief and contentment seemed to wash over me. I must have faded out for a minute because Kevin was right in front of me saying," Are you all right? Are you all right?" I smiled dreamily and said," I have never felt better." We laid there looking at each other for a long while before Kevin finally said," That was the most incredible Experience I ever had of any kind, I have never felt anything that intense ever." Gingerly reaching over to caress the side of my face with his hand he asked," are you sure your all right?" Smiling I said," I am more than all right, I have never felt so fulfilled in my life." I leaned forward and kissed him. Gingerly I sat up and giggled as I said," I badly need a shower and I don't think I will be able to sit for a week." Kevin watched me get up and smiled as he said," I will take a shower with you, I hope you are going to spend the night?" Turning toward him I said," Only if you will still respect me in the morning." We both laughed as we climbed into the shower. The next morning I must have been a sight," A well-used Xena with 5 o'clock shadow walking painfully back to her car. Kevin had insisted I take his phone number and I give him mine. It would be an interesting conversation when I told Debbie that I cheating on here with another guy who looked like Hercules while I was dressed as a Xena. This I found out would not happen soon as Debbie told me her friend had recovered somewhat and she was going to stay and care for her for a while. I took a long hot soak in the tub and shaved again real close while soaking. I laid back and relived some of the moments from the night before and found myself hard again. There was no doubt that I liked sex with another guy while playing a girl. I knew it was only a matter of time before I sucked another cock.

If you liked this story or didn't like this story Email me at SONOFAK@AOL.COM and let me know. The only way I can get better at writing these stories is if you let me know what you like or don't like or maybe would have done differently Or which parts really turned you on. Thank you for reading my story Karen Flynn.

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