Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Oct 7, 2023


Well this part 2, I hope ya like it, let me know xmenstories@aol.com .

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by 20th Century Fox and Marvel Comics, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem and I don't know her.

After about an hour the jet was approaching the mansion, the whole school were waiting outside, Aaron landed the jet and opened the hatch and they walked outside, "jean" rogue yelled as she went running up to her "hey rogue, its great to see ya again" after everyone had said hello to jean Xavier suggested taking jean to the med bay for some tests, the x men were standing around Jean's bed while prof x done the tests, no one noticed that Aaron had left the med bay he went to his room and started to pack his bags, once he'd finished he started to walk out of the mansion he wanted to say bye but he was nearly in tears already. Back in the med bay everyone was chatting, "Aaron" jean said they turned and looked at her "what is it jean" Xavier asked "he's leaving"  "Scott go stop him", Scott went outside and caught Aaron just as he was about to leave the grounds "Aaron wait" "leave it Scott I'm goin" Aaron said in a hard tone, now crying "its cause Jean's back and you think you aint needed anymore, aint it?" Aaron nodded his head "you moron just cause Jean's back it don't mean you have to leave" Scott said gently slapping him round the head "are ya sure" "yes now lets get back inside". They got back inside and then bobby came to the door "hey guys another boring team meeting in 10" "ok" Aaron replied, they finished un packing then went to Xavier's room and took a seat "cerebro has found pyro and mystique hanging around the area where Delta Goodrem is singing tonight, I cant imagine magneto letting them go there for fun so I want you to go and keep an eye on them please" "professor why would they wanna be there?" Scott asked "well it seems as tho Miss Goodrem is a mutant too, but due to the fact not many people like mutants she as kept quiet about it, I have spoke to her and she will be expecting you, so you must leave within the hour" they started to leave the room then Xavier spoke again "Aaron what are you like on the guitar?" "not too bad I guess, why?" Xavier smiled "well you're gonna play it beside Delta tonight" "oh shit why me?" they all laughed "neither pyro nor mystique know you so on stage you can get a better look around without being noticed and one more thing.." Aaron was getting nervous now "what professor" "you will have to sing as well", they went to get changed but Aaron decided to take a small detour and went to see jean, "how ya feeling?" he asked "not to bad now and thank you so much for coming" "hey that's ok but there's a couple of things I need to know" "what's that?" she asked "why did you call me for help when you could've asked prof x and when I got inside your mind to stop you dying why did our bodies look so weird?" "well Xavier may be the worlds most powerful telepath but he thought he saw me die and would've thought his mind was playing tricks on him if I spoke to him and the reason we looked strange was because that was our astral images not our bodies" Aaron looked really confused by this "do ya understand?" she asked "yeah sorta, well I better get ready" he replied "oh I here you're gonna be performing with Delta Goodrem tonight" "yeah, it aint fair just cause I'm the newbie" "don't worry sweetie you'll be fine" Aaron gave her a big hug then went off, he could tell that he and jean were going to become great friends.

After about 30 minutes every one was ready and the jet took off "Aaron when we get there you'll have to go find Delta and fill her in on what's gonna happen and act as tho you don't know any of us" "yes big chief red eyes" "don't start weirdo" Scott replied. When they got there Aaron went off <give me 15 minutes> he sent to Scott, he look around and spotted Delta "hey I'm Aaron Davies" he said "alright I take it you're here with the x men" "yeah, have I gotta play guitar or were they winding me up?" "sorry I've been told you've gotta play, that isn't a problem is it?" "no I just hoped I wouldn't have to, I'm a bit nervous that's all" <prof x said you're a mutant too, what's you're power, obviously I'm telepathic> <same here but I'm not that good at it, is that the rest of the team?> she replied <yeah but I've gotta act like I don't know them>, Aaron and delta talked with the x men like they'd never met then pyro and mystique walked in "hey raven why do ya think the x freaks are talking with delta and that kid with the guitar?" "I don't know but they must be up to something, stay alert". The show started and Aaron went up on stage with delta they started with Born To Try then Butterfly, Mystique and pyro were standing well away from the x men "right we better see if they've replaced jean" mystique said then walked off, <Scott stay alert I think mystique has gone, either that or she's changed form> , they were now on Innocent Eyes which was the last song for this part, mystique had changed her appearance and was standing next to Scott, she grabbed his hand and pushed it against rogue's face, optic beams came from her eyes and hit the scaffolding holding the lights it started to fall to the audience, before Aaron could do anything delta had caught it with her mind pyro noticed this and jumped on stage "so you're the new telekinetic, that's good no one would've guessed a singer would replace jean" delta laughed at him "you Pratt what makes ya think a women would have to replace jean" "what the fuck are you talking about?" pyro replied, Aaron stepped forward and changed his clothes into the uniform "welcome to man power" he said as he sent pyro flying off the stage "you can let go of that now, I've got it" he said "thanks", delta let go of the scaffolding and Aaron took hold of it then sent it flying outta the hole in the roof "how did ya do that, I was finding it hard just holding the bloody thing" Aaron laughed "no offence babe but how often do you use your powers?" "ok smart arse" she replied. By this time the rest of the x men had joined them on stage "you two ok?" bobby asked "yeah thanks" delta replied just then the doors swung open and magneto walked in "cant you do anything right" he said to pyro and mystique, he walked over to the stage and used his powers to pick Aaron up "so you're the replacement?" he said "not the replacement mag-head I'm the extra" then Scott joined in "give him some credit Aaron how was he to know that jean is alive" magneto started to get really pissed off now "its good to here jean is alive and I'm serious she is a nice person but you haven't got an extra this one is mine" Aaron was now worried "what do you want with me?" he asked "I'm surprised Charles hasn't sensed it, Mr Davies your powers are much more than just telepathic you are as powerful as the phoenix inside jean" Aaron thought for a minute "what do you know about my powers?" "mystique and I could tell you everything about your powers join us and we'll tell you how to use them", Aaron closed his eyes and didn't say anything "Aaron what's up" delta asked, eventually he opened his eyes "big mistake magneto, you may be able to block out my thoughts but mystique cant I now know everything about my powers and I reckon its time to try them out" with that he disappeared and then came back standing next to the rest of the team "what the hell was that?" rogue asked "it's like teleporting but called orbing and I can bring anything I want to me just by saying it" delta knew how magnetos helmet blocked thoughts out and had an idea <get that helmet he's wearing> "helmet" Aaron yelled then magnetos helmet appeared in his hand "I suggest you leave now before I mentally kick you're ass" "this isn't the end x fools" magneto said as he, mystique and pyro left.

"Are you gonna be ok on your own?" Aaron asked delta "yeah I think so but I'm not looking forward to the papers in the morning now people know I'm a mutant" "well you can come and stay with us for a few days if you want" Scott said "thanks that would be good", they were leaving to go to the jet when Aaron had an idea "as I can now do cool stuff can I orb us to the jet please" he looked like a kid on Christmas morning, rogue decided to answer "cause ya can sugah" "right don't move" they all stood still then he orbed them all to the jet "that was fun" he said "speak for your self" Logan replied Aaron laughed "well it would be quicker if I orbed the jet home", this time delta spoke up "forget it, we'll take the safer way home".

They got home about 1am and decided to go straight to bed "where is delta gonna sleep" bobby asked "she can stay in my room tonight we'll sort her one out in the mornin" rogue replied "thanks guys, I really appreciate this" "anytime sugah". Aaron was on the way to his room when Scott called him "have you gotta minute mate?" "sure what up?" they went into Scotts room and sat on the bed "Aaron I wanna say sorry again for what I did to you earlier and that I gave you hard time when you came I am very sorry and thank you so much for helping jean" "hey that's alright it don't matter we're friends now and I'm just glad jean is ok" the room went silent again and Aaron couldn't help but notice something was worrying Scott "what's wrong mate?" "nothing" he replied "don't come out with that crap, these powers have gone into overdrive now I can sense there's something wrong" Scott still didn't say anything, then all of a sudden he just kissed Aaron, the kiss went on for a few minutes then Aaron broke it off "oh god this aint right" he said as he got off the bed "but I thought you were..." Aaron cut him off "no.. well yes but this isn't you" "how do you know if this is me" Scott replied now feeling sad "duh powers, your emotions are all over the place and even if these powers hadn't formed I know you" "Aaron please wait" "no, I really like you and want this Scott but it aint you, just leave it" with that he went to his room and cried himself to sleep.

Well that's part 2 I hope ya like the Delta Goodrem and charmed powers thing, let me know what you think- xmenstories@aol.com

Next: Chapter 3

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