Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Nov 13, 2023


I know there was a problem with part 8, I aint sure what I did wrong when I posted it so this is parts 8 & 9, I hope ya like them, let me know alex@cementcraft.co.uk please give me some feedback so I know where to take this, even if its to say you hate it just let me know.

Disclaimer: 20th Century fox and Marvel Comics own The X Men, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem or Jaime Robbie Reyne and I don't know them.

Part 8

After the fight bobby and Aaron went back to their rooms, rogue had followed bobby

"Are you ok sugah?" she asked

"Fine just leave me alone rogue"

"You should go to the med bay, you're bleeding" she replied

"No I just wanna stay here", he was in tears and the room was starting to freeze, rogue stayed with bobby for about 30 minutes but couldn't stand the intense cold anymore. As she went downstairs to find delta, she noticed john in the games room

"Hey, how's arron?" she asked

"Not too good, what about bobby?"

"Same, I had to leave him cause the room was frozen and I couldn't cope with the coldness"

"Yeah I had to leave Aaron too, things were exploding and orbing all over the place, there were even a few small hurricanes spinning around the room" he replied

"John how can we get them talking again?"

"I've already thought of something, but I can't tell you what it is"

"Yes you can" she replied

"The only way to get them talking again is if I leave". Rogue couldn't believe what he was saying

"You can't leave, it will brake Aaron's heart he loves you"

"And I love him but bobby is his best friend and they need each other" "he needs you too"

"rogue it's the only way to get them talking again, I have to go".

Prof x had been checking to make sure things were ok within the school and found a strange inhaler outside the common room window, he done some tests on it and found out that it contained a stimulation drug that made a mutants gifts 5 times as powerful as normal

. When Aaron got to Xavier's office Scott, jean, Ororo and Logan were already there

"what the hell happened to you?" storm asked noticing all the cuts and bruises Aaron had

"I got in a fight with bobby"

"why, you two are best friends" Xavier asked

"I'd prefer not to talk about it sir"

"ok aaron, now I called you all here because I found an empty inhaler outside the common room, it contained the stimulation drug `kick' as you know this can amplify a mutants powers by about 500% but it also makes them irrational and do things what they wouldn't normally do, I'm not sure who as been taking this but we could have a major problem on our hands we must...." Xavier, jean and Aaron started to sense trouble

"I think we're too late, there's trouble in the gardens can you go and check it out for me please" they all left the room and when they got outside there were about 10 kids protesting and using their powers against the others, scott started off first

"stop this now unless you want the Xavier teaching staff to give you an impromptu martial arts lesson"

the leader of the group started shouting, "shut up cyclops, we've had enough of all the better world crap you lot are dishing out, humans will never except us", with that he fired a large plasma ball at them, jean quickly moved in front of them and she let the phoenix absorb the plasma, the kid couldn't believe that jean could withstand a hit that powerful and fired several more plasma balls at her, again the phoenix absorbed them, jean projected her voice into the air <don't you pay any attention in class?, you're powers are useless against me, plasma gives the phoenix strength>, the rest of the team split up and started fighting the kids, even though they were powerful they had a hard time against the kids, this kick stuff made them very strong.

When bobby heard all the destruction he came out into the gardens and noticed that one of the kids was firing things out of her hand at john, he was trying to burn them but it wasn't working, bobby walked over and froze the girls hands so she couldn't release anything

"thanks", john said as he got up

"that's ok, john I'm sorry for what I said to you I didn't mean it"

"its ok bobby I deserved it, I shouldn't walked out on you guys and you were only looking out for your best friend", he replied

"well he aint my best friend now I've ruined that"

"no you haven't, he was so upset that your friendship was over his powers were going mad, he'll want to make up with you"

"can we be friends again?, I'll understand if you don't wanna be after what I said", bobby asked expecting rejection

"god yes, I miss hanging around with you". While they had been talking neither of them had noticed that another girl had came up behind them, she was a psychic and used her powers to throw john towards a wall, knocking him out instantly then she made her hand phase into bobby's head

"if I solidify you die pretty boy" she said, Aaron had noticed this and orbed behind them

"two can play this boring game my dear, you solidify I stop the orbing on my arm and you die too, now very gently remove your hand from Mr Drake's head", the girl done as he said and aaron froze her in time

"are you ok?" he asked bobby

"yeah thanks aaron"

"we're in school so call me Mr Davies please"

"but I always call you Aaron" he replied

"that was before now its teacher-student"

"aaron I'm sorry please can we....", Aaron cut bobby off

"Mr Drake if you call me by my first name again I'll put you in detention for a month, now help us stop these maniacs or get out of the way so the rest of us can work". Bobby stood there he couldn't believe aaron was being like this, just 5 hours ago they were best friends and now he couldn't even call arron by his first name, aaron started to walk off

"aar.. Mr Davies, pyro is unconscious", Aaron had been so busy arguing with bobby he didn't realise john was hurt, he walked over to him and healed him

"damn, I can't believe I let a teacher catch me sleeping in school time" john said as he came out of a daze

"with wit like that you must be ok"

"yeah I'm fine thanks, you better help the others"

"ok I'll speak to ya later"

"aaron please be careful" john said giving him a quick kiss, aaron smiled and orbed away, john looked over and noticed bobby was almost in tears

"hey what's the matter?" he asked

"well you were wrong about him still wanting to be friends, I'm not even allowed to call him aaron anymore, it's got to be Mr Davies or Psyche", bobby started crying and john came over and hugged him

"it'll be alright", then a light started to form over bobby and his wounds from the fight with aaron healed, <we'll talk later> aaron sent to him, it hurt bobby saying that but he knew that's what had to happen <fuck the Mr Davies shit it aint right, you better start calling me aaron or it's a year of detention>. John and bobby walked round the corner to help with the fight, as they got there they saw jean, aaron, delta and rogue holding hands, they were floating in mid air and there was a light coming from their bodies, it reached out across the whole school and instantly the group of rebellious kids where knocked unconscious

"how easy was that" jean said to the others

"no it wasn't, you're forgetting I haven't got a universe consuming pigeon in me like you three" delta said rubbing her head, jean laughed "why is the phoenix always called a pigeon or turkey?"

"because the bloody thing makes you feel like crap when its adapting to your body and mind, and you cant talk sugah you call it that too" rogue replied.

The teachers went inside to report to Xavier while the rest of them stayed and chatted to each other.

When they had finished giving Xavier the info they started to leave but Aaron stayed behind.

"professor, what I said about bobby and me fighting it doesn't matter anymore we've sorta made up, I'm gonna speak to him better once I've got changed"

"I'm glad to hear that arron, you two make a good team and I hate to see my x men argue with each other", there was a knock at the door , delta walked into the room, she looked happy

"sorry to disturb you sir, but I just got a call from Jaime Reyne who plays Taj in neighbours, he said that he would like to come and see me so I was wondering if he could stay here for a few days" Xavier thought for a minute then replied

"of course he can delta, you've been thru so much lately you deserve to be happy, when will he be arriving?"

"it depends when he can get a flight out here" she replied

"well aaron will take you in the blackbird to pick him up"

"oh my god, you guys sure?"

"yeah just give me an hour to get changed and talk to bobby then we'll leave", delta ran up to them and gave them both a hug

"thank you so much, you're the best" she said running outta the room.

Aaron went back to his bedroom and had a quick shower then went down stairs to find bobby <Jeannie have you seen bobby?> <he was in the games room with john about 10 minutes ago> <oh god they aren't fighting are they?> , aaron made is way to the games room and walked in without bobby or john noticing

"hey I wanted that car" bobby said smacking john round the head

"well your too slow Iceboy" john replied laughing

"are you and Aaron married or something cause he calls me that too"

"its nice to see my two favourite guys are getting on" aaron said walking over to them "and bobby we aint married, yet, but I promise that you can be best man"

"so are we ok now?" bobby asked

"yeah I'm sorry, friends for life" Aaron pulled bobby into a hug

"why don't you let rogue touch you so can she heal you?" bobby asked

"it's too risky she's permanently got telepathic powers and part of the turkey, if she keeps anything else she may get hurt", while they had been talking rogue had came into the room, john and bobby had noticed but aaron hadn't, she walked behind arron and touched the back of his neck

"that's a risk I'm willing to take sugah" she placed her hands over aaron and the wounds healed

"shall we have a 4 player game?" john asked

"sorry I cant I'm taking delta to Australia to pick up one of old friends from neighbours, he's staying with us for a few days"

"cool which one is it they're all hot" rogue asked, she got a bit of an evil look from bobby

"Jaime Reyne I think she said he plays Taj"

"when will you be back?" john asked looking sad

"don't worry it'll be tonight and I better get going, delta's really excited and after being on the receiving end of her powers earlier I don't wanna be late"

Aaron and delta had left the mansion and within 2 hours they were approaching Australia, once they were near the neighbours set aaron landed the jet and put it on cloak, they walked the rest of the way and as they got closer to where they were meeting Jaime they heard a lot of people shouting mutant scum.

"sounds like we got a bit of fun first babe" aaron said changing their clothes into the x uniforms, they walked round the corner and saw a large group of people standing around a fire they then noticed someone was tied up by a rope and was hanging about 20ft above the fire. When they got nearer delta realised who that person was

"oh god Jaime".

Part 9

"Aaron we've gotta help him" delta screamed

"Don't panic babe he'll be ok" Aaron replied starting a storm, the skies went pitch black only to be lit up by lightning and everyone looked over to Aaron and delta they were floating in mid air, Aaron's eyes where white and delta's hair was flying around in the wind, Jaime was even more scared until he realised it was delta. Aaron let a bolt of lightning hit the rope holding Jaime, he started to fall towards the fire but delta caught him with her powers and brought him over to where they were standing, Aaron froze the people in time

"What the hell happened?" Jaime asked

"I froze time they'll be ok, oh I'm Aaron Davies"

"Jaime Reyne, nice to meet you"

"What was going on here, why did they have you tied up" delta asked giving Jaime a hug

"When we were filming one of the cameras was knocked over and broke, I said something like who's gonna buy a new one and all of a sudden one just appeared in front of me"

"How long have you known you're a mutant?"

"About 30 minutes, god its good to see you again delta"

"Guys I hate to break up the reunion but we better clear this mess up and get back to the mansion" Aaron said

"Can you put the fire out with rain?" delta asked

"It'll take too long I'll use the phoenix, the stupid pigeon should be able to handle that", Aaron un-froze the people and let the phoenix flow, it let out a cry and started to draw the fire into its body, within 10 seconds the fire had gone As they were about to leave some of the people pulled out guns and started shooting at them, Aaron put up a TK shield and the bullets hit the floor

"You humans and your guns" he said as he orbed them out of the their hands, `psyche to blackbird get down her girl and lose the cloak', with that the jet came flying over the buildings and landed about 20ft from them, as they were about to leave they heard magneto's voice

"that was a nice show you put on there psyche, nearly as good as storms"

"what do you want magneto?" aaron asked

"my dear boy I want you to join me in the fight against humans"

"never gonna happen magneto I'm an x man and always will be, now if you don't mind we're shattered and wanna get back to the mansion" aaron replied as they started to walk to the jet

"tell me aaron, after bringing Xavier back to life and having the phoenix inherit your body, are your psychic powers still weak?" just after magneto had said this, Michael and two other mutants appeared, they were wearing small head units

"Michael I know are uniforms are crap but that head thingy, honey its just lame" delta said trying not to laugh

"this lame head thingy delta will be what kills you and gay boy there" with that Michael and the other two mutants held hands, instantly aaron and delta grabbed their heads in pain, they found it hard to stand up and fell down to the ground, Michael started talking and they could barely hear him thru the noise in their minds

"this is a miniature version of cerebro, capable of killing mutants, hope your enjoying this power of three performance in your heads". Aaron's psychic powers had been weak lately but even delta couldn't concentrate enough to use her powers and they were at 100%, Jaime had an idea he thought of some kind of gun that would knock someone out but not kill them, just after he'd finished `making one' in his mind it appeared in front of him he fired it at magneto and the others but it hit an invisible shield and did nothing.

"you're pathetic weapon can not harm us you fool" magneto said laughing

<aaron if you can hear me, you need to separate them, that cerebro thing is getting its power from them> <I need your help I cant focus on my powers, grab my hand> Jaime took Aaron's hand, and instantly his eyes turned white and a storm started forming, about 40 bolts of lightning came out from Jaime's hand and hit the brotherhood sending them flying away from each other, aaron and delta got up and walked to the jet, neither of them realised Jaime was hurt where the lightning came from his hand. It didn't take them long to get back to the mansion where they were greeted by jean and storm

"what happened?" jean asked

"magneto tried to kill us again, nothing major" delta said

"what do you mean nothing major, I was scared shitless" Jaime said in disbelief

"magneto is the x men's number one enemy, you get used to his attempts to kill us" jean said

"oh Jaime this is Jean Grey and Ororo Munroe also called Phoenix and Storm" delta said realising he hadn't got a clue who he was talking to, as he went to shake their hands, he cried in pain from the wound

"what's wrong?" storm asked

"my hand is burnt from where the lightning left"

"why didn't you say something?" delta asked looking a bit pissed

"there was no point you cant do anything", they all smiled at him

"always expect the un-expected with us mate" aaron said as he healed the wound, they left the hanger and went to find Xavier, as they passed the games room they saw john, bobby and rogue playing on the PS2

"you guys hent been on that since we left have ya?" aaron asked

"tell me about it sugah, bill and ben here wouldn't go to bed until you got home" as rogue was saying this she noticed Jaime standing there "damn you're even sexier in real life", Jaime blushed and bobby gave them a very evil look

"we better go see prof x" storm said, as they reached his office jean and storm walked off, aaron was about to go when Jaime stopped him

"aaron could you stay with me please, I'm a bit nervous"

"yeah cause I can", they knocked on the door and waited for a reply they walked inside and Jaime took a seat in front of Xavier's desk and arron lent against the wall

"jean has told me what happened in Australia and I know you are here on vacation Jaime but if you wish I'm prepared to give you a place in the school where you can gain control over your powers and get an education, when you pass your exams you can either stay here and teach others or leave it'll be up to you, I know this is a lot to take in after what you went thru tonight so I'll leave you to think about it for a few days"

"I don't need to think about if professor I would like to stay" Jaime replied without any hesitation

"ok here's a list of the classes we provide, if you tick which ones you'd like to do and I'll arrange it for you. Aaron can you find Jaime a spare room on the x men floor and show him around the main school", with that they left the room and made their way to the hall

"what courses are you doing?" Jaime asked looking at the paper Xavier had given him

"I'm not a student, I teach P.E with scott"

"wow you don't look old enough to be a teacher" Jaime replied

"I'm 26 and thanks", they walked round the corner and saw john making his way upstairs

"hey you coming to bed?" he asked aaron

"not yet I'm just showing Jaime around the school, he's staying with us", john gave Jaime a strange look

"well don't keep him up to late" he said to Jaime in a bit of a cold tone, they continued to walk around the school for a bit, then came to the kitchen

"you hungry?" arron asked Jaime

"starving mate", aaron walked to the oven to see if anything was left from dinner

"all we got is cold pizza, but I could orb us into the city and get a fresh one if you want " he said

"cold is fine and what is orb when its up and dressed?"

"it's like teleportation, another one of my many powers" aaron replied as he put the pizza on the table, they chatted while eating then made their way up to the bedrooms

"here ya go, I know its nothing fancy but you can decorate if ya want" aaron said letting Jaime into a spare room

"where's your room" Jaime asked

"down the hall with john"

"what is one of your gifts putting up with that guy?"

"you don't like him?" aaron replied

"he just seems arrogant that's all, what am I gonna be doing tomorrow?"

"well you came at the right time, school doesn't start again `til next week but I imagine prof x will want to do some tests to find out exactly what your power is"

"ok, see ya in the morning" Jaime replied

"night mate", aaron went back to his room and john was waiting up for him

"why didn't you go to sleep?" he asked

"I wanted to make sure you were ok after what the brotherhood done to ya"

"yeah I'm fine just got a bit of a headache, I don't know how Jaime managed to control my powers though even I cant hit that accurately"

"well he had help from the best" john said pulling aaron into a hug, they had a kiss and soon john was fast asleep. Aaron was thinking about what bobby had said about him and john being married, he looked at the clock and it was only 11.30 <Jeanie, are ya awake?> he sent softly so if she was asleep it wouldn't wake her <yeah what up?> <I'm gonna orb into the city to get something, do ya wanna come?> <yeah I cant get to sleep, scott is snoring again> <ok meet ya in the kitchen in about 10minutes>, aaron quickly got dressed and left a note by the bed in case john woke up while he was out, he went down stairs and jean was already waiting for him

"what's so important that you couldn't wait `til tomorrow?" jean asked as aaron walked in

"I need to get a ring, I'm gonna propose to john, if you don't wanna come it doesn't matter" he replied, jean stood in silence for a moment

"of course I wanna come you idiot"

"you sure?" he asked

"yes, you'd probably get a ring out of Christmas cracker if you were left alone, have you got money?" she asked

"doh, wallet" he said and it appeared in his hands, jean smiled at him and they orbed to the mall. They had looked in 10 stores and where about to give up and go home when aaron found the perfect ring

"jean, come look at this" he said trying not to scream in excitement, jean walked over to him and picked up the ring

"oh my god that's beautiful" then she noticed the price "shame the price aint as nice, have you seen this?" she asked, aaron shook his head and she passed it to him

"$1500, well he's worth it" he said without any hesitation

"don't be stupid, john would settle with a candy ring if meant spending the rest of his life with you", aaron blushed as the shop keeper could here them

"I know but I love him so much I just wanna show him"

"why do you have to be gay, scott would never buy me something like this" she said jokingly, aaron paid for the ring and then they grabbed something to eat before heading home, aaron orbed them outside jean and scott's room

"thank you so much for coming" aaron said kissing jean on the cheek

"that's alright I'm just glad you're happy" she replied

"well I hope he says yes"

"if he doesn't I'm gonna implant me best home made nightmares in his head for the rest of his natural existence then marry you myself" jean replied smiling, aaron orbed back to his room and john was still asleep, he tore up the not he'd left and put the ring in his desk he quickly got un-dressed and hopped into bed , soon they were both fast asleep.

I hope you're liking this please could you let me know and if you've got some ideas let me know, I've got a new email address but you can still reach me on the old one. alex@cementcraft.co.uk

Next: Chapter 10

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