Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jun 30, 2005


Xmen Story Chapter Six

First off, thanks to everyone who's joined, means a lot. Especially Jake, Rick, Carlos and Mike for the emails. This is your story since you were the guys who MADE me write it. Well, hope you all like this chapter. Email at or post on the group with ideas.

Special thanks to Demetris (hope I got the name right) for the comments. This guy is writing "Slutty Xmen" on Go read it! It's under the Celebrity section.

Note: Text enclosed within [ ] indicates communication over a Com Link.

Text enclosed within { } indicated Telepathic conversations.

Special Note to All the Nifty Readers

I'm really really sorry about leaving you all hanging, but my computer was being a bitch with a glitch and it had to be fixed. And to top it all off, I didn't get time. Hope ya'll forgive me. I felt compelled to write this apology, Sniff Sniff after some of the emails ya'll sent me, I had to dodge the flames! I'm a busy boi, and I have a life to attend to. Some of you take this a little too serioulsy, and are cruel, pleaze pleaze take it easy on a guy...... :( I'm posting chapter seven with this one, and i'm almost done with chapter eight.



Just so you know, i'm not totally dumb. All that crazy formatting and stuff in the other chapters, thats cuz i didn't listen to the Nifty guidelines and posted to them in plain text. Sure it wont be fany, but it'll be stable, sorry bout that, i know it must have made my stories here difficult to read, but it won't happen again.


Chapter Six

After the drama that went down on the front lawn that morning, going to class was the last thing I wanted to do. Since Jake and I both shared the Psionics class with Ms. Grey, it would mean that I would have to face him. Ever since we had hooked up, we kind of became permanent seatmates in Jean's class, and now I'd have to spend the rest of the period there. So I figured I would take as long as possible in getting dressed, and go to class with only a few minutes to spare. I'd already missed most of the period already. I stayed in my room, biding my time, wondering if it would be a bad idea to just skip school today completely. I had training in the Danger Room with the rest of the guys (including Jake) later that afternoon. But I figured, I can't avoid him forever, might as well face it now and get it over with. I glanced at the clock. Hmmm...9:45 am. I set off for Jean's class.

She began the grilling the moment I set foot into the room. She said she wouldn't be cutting me any slack, but did she really have to do it out loud, for the rest of the class to get their kicks off of it?

Jean: "Ah, so you finally decide to show up for class Mr. McKenzie? With only ten minutes left in the period too. Well, better late than never I always say. So, what kept you?"

I sensed an angry telepathic impression from Jake and glanced at him. He was eyeing me contemptuously. I decided to switch into telepathy to answer her.

{Uh, I fell asleep outside on the front lawn and didn't wake up until a little while ago.}

Unfortunately, almost everyone in the room picked up on what I'd said. Big surprise there, most of them had telepathic ability to at least some degree. It was the equivalent of just saying it out loud, except at the Psychic level, instead of the Aural one. The next minute, they were all laughing scandalously. Except Jake, he was scowling. I hadn't a clue what they found so funny. Were these fools seriously this easily entertained? Jean decided to enlighten me.

{Jean: Rick, I'm talking to you privately now. That grove, in the front's a...well-it's a bigtime make out spot here at the Mansion.}

{What?! Really? Well...the trees do give good cover}.

Damn! No wonder Jake was so upset. I remembered when I had come here with my parents. They had been talking about some adolescent encounter or another out in that grove. Apparently, some things never change...much. It didn't take long for me to start wondering. I was a teenage pregnancy baby. Oh my gosh! Was I conceived out front in that grove!? wonder I was so fond of it. I was thinking to myself all this time, Jean had to snap me out of it.

{Jean: Rick, is everything all right with you?}

{What do you mean?}

Jean: "Okay class, the period will end in about five minutes. I'll be gone for a bit, do whatever you want. As long as no one gets hurt, and it doesn't disturb anyone else, got it? Jacob, keep an eye out for me."

Jacob: "Yes Miss Grey."

{Jean: Come on outside Rick, I want to talk to you a little. And you could probably use something to eat too. Have you eaten breakfast yet?}

{No...I'll just grab something at recess, it's only a short wait.}

{Jean: Well, while we're talking, you might as well eat something. Let's go to the kitchen}.

We started to head out. I could hear some people laughing. Probably thought I was going to the Principal's office. When we got there, I just grabbed a can of Orange juice to stave off the hunger and waited for Jean to begin. Which she did, after she had finished staring at me.

{Jean: Rick, is everything alright-between you and Jacob that is?}

{What makes you think something was wrong?}

{Jean: Who said anything was wrong, my my, aren't we defensive all of a sudden?}

{It's just a temporary setback. Nothing major.}

{Jean: Does it have anything to do with why you're late for my class this morning?}

{Well, in a way}.

{Jean: Rick, you and Jacob, haven't(She hesitated here)done anything-hasty-have you?}

{What...are you talking-}

{Jean: Don't play that game with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I tried to ease the subject at the dinner table yesterday. I mean, that morning you and Jacob had some issues that needed ironing out. Then, miraculously, by Dinner time, you're all lovey dovey again. There's only a few things I know that can change a guy so much so fast, so spill}.

{Well, you said to talk to him, and I did}.

{Jean: Talk? Talk did that?}

{Yeah. You said to talk to him and it worked. What's the problem, you don't believe in your own advice?}

(Wasn't a complete lie, I did talk to him after all, though that wasn't the only thing I did).

{Jean: I do belive in my own advice. And talking things through always helps, but this fast?}

An awkward pause followed. I had the feeling that she knew more than she was letting on. She soon confirmed it though. What came next was like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky.

{Jean: I'm going to be frank. Are you two...having sex? Yes or no please, and look me in the eye}.

!!!! Oh no!!!! What was I going to say? She had hit the nail on the head all right. No beating around the bush or anything. Couldn't she be a little more considerate and ask it in the way that regular people did, when they didn't want to put the party in question on edge? Like you know- Are you two doing it-or something.

{Well, it was just one time okay. Before dinner that day. But we haven't done anything since}.

(This was seriously embarrassing. I really, really, didn't want to talk to anyone about this stuff, and her being a girl-well woman, wasn't helping. I knew I'd have to just spit it out or she'd just prolong the torture and keep asking me. I didn't even have the luxury of lying. I'm a horrible liar, and she's telepathic. No doubt she'd know if I were lying).

{Jean: Good God! Rick, don't you think you could have waited a little longer. I mean, you're not even eighteen yet. And he's already nineteen going on twenty}.

{Um...Jean, how old were you when y-}

{Jean:......That's not the issue here. Stop trying to change the subject!-

(Ah hah! I knew it! The saintly Jean Grey wasn't so innocent after all)-

Wait...did you two use-protection? Rick, answer me.}

{Well, no}.

{Jean: You didn't? What if, what if you caught something huh? How would we explain it to your parents? You could have gotten hurt or-}

{Jean, you do know that Jake has healing abilities right?}

{Jean: Oh....right. Didn't think of that. }


(She eyed me here, maybe a little rude).

Besides, I doubt he has anything and I doubt I can get pregnant.}

{Jean: Hahaha! No, I guess we don't have anything to worry about there.}

That lightened her tone some, but none the less, the interrogation continued. She asked the inevitable question.

{Jean: What made you decide to do it?}

I thought about it for a while before I could put it into words. It was a little difficult to do so. Mostly because, well, the reason I thought Jake was being a dick-(Major Insecurity Issues)-seemed to be the tip of the iceberg now. There seemed to be more to it than that. I remembered how roughly he had pulled me away from Bobby that morning. He all but pulled my arm out of my socket. I still had a dull aching pain pulsing there.

{Jean: Well, I'm waiting}.

{Well, I thought that-he might have been afraid he wouldn't be my first and that he might have some insecurity issues and it was tearing us apart. I didn't want that to happen. I couldn't stand the way things were between us anymore, and well...He didn't force me into anything Jean, really he didn't and he didn't guilt trip me either. He was in my room when I got there, and he apologised to me. And that made me decided to put out.}

{Jean: Why do you think he was so insecure?}

{I-I don't know.}

She started eyeing me here. You probably know what I'm talking about, that drilling, penetrating gaze of scrutiny. In all the Universe, only a woman seems to be able to pull it off. It was having its effect here too. I started fidgeting.

{Jean: I think you do know something, but I'll leave it at that for now. Back to you and Jake. Rick, I hope you know that sex is not something that can solve all problems, right? It can make some things worse too. It's not an effective quick fix...sigh believe me. Now, Jake and you seemed fine just yesterday, but now...Rick, I haven't been prying. But I sense you two. Since Jake walked into class today, he seemed different, and I couldn't miss the jolt I felt whe you walked in and he looked at you. Believe me, I couldn't place a finger on what it was exactly, but I didn't like it. Now, back to my original question-does this have anything to do with why you were late for class today.}

{I don't see what-}

{Jean: Rick, you said that you fell asleep out front right? Uh...were you there with Jacob? Rick, did you go there with Jacob? It's like a major make out spot. Was he expecting something and you denied that why things are the way it is between you two?}

I listened to her reel off her theory. I almost felt like laughing, it was amusing, to say the least. Keyword-almost- I don't think that laughing over it would help matters in her current state.

{Jean, hold up and let me explain everything.}

So I told her about me not allowing Jake up into my room last night. She immedialtely interpreted that as( Me not letting Jake have his way with me and him getting upset over it).

Which I assured her was not the case. Then I told her about the dream and my decision to go outside for some air under the trees. She eyed me slightly.

{Jean, I had no clue that those trees see so much action, I swear. I think I'm actually becoming a little disgusted right now. I sit under there to calm myself and God knows some of the stuff that happens there!}

Things started to get interesting, judging from her facial expression, and the fact that she started paying a whole lot more attention to what I was saying, when I mentioned that Bobby was there.

{Jean: Wait, what was Bobby doing there?}

{He said that he was having some air too. He couldn't sleep and well, I think he's going through something.}

I explained his mood swing in the hall yesterday. Granted, I had to explain about Amara's come ons on Bobby. Jean listened intently. I told her my theory, that Bobby had some other girl in mind and if he got mixed up with Amara, then the other (Lucky Lucky) girl would get the wrong idea. That raised her eyebrow, hey she can't be the only one to make up theories. I conveniently forgot to mention my eaves-stumbling onto their conversation out front.

{Yeah, well, he said he had problems. He didn't want to talk about it, at least not with me right then and there. At first I didn't know what was the problem exactly. Well last night, while we were both there, sleepless, I figured I'd ask him. And he gave me an explanation, sort of.}

I mentally sent Jean a flashback of the events so she could see for herself.

{See, so now does ny theory make sense?}

{Jean: I guess some credibility...Anyhow, what does all of this have to do with with you and Jacob?}

{I'm getting to that, who's telling the story anyway, you opened up this can of worms so you are just going to have to listen to it all.}

She shot me a look of mock anger and I continued. I explained about him going on and on about the regular stuff, unwinding and what not and me getting sleepier and sleepier.

{Well, it ended up with the both of us falling asleep under the tree. But see I must have fallen onto Bobby's lap in the process and he didn't wake up. We slep late until this morning out there and Jake...Jake went to my room to check on me. He didn't see me there and decided to find me on his own. He knew how much I liked the trees out front and well...I guess you know what he saw.}

{Jean: Yeah...}

{And given the front lawn's've got to know that he flipped. You know that he doesn't trust Bobby around me, right?}

{Jean: You've mentioned it before.}

{Well, I got so scared. I don't know why he over-reacts like that, I mean he doesn't even need to feel that way over Bobby, Bobby's straight. Anyhow, he decides to just walk over and pull me away from Bobby. He didn't even care if it looked odd, in front of my best friend too. Then that's not even the worst part. He thinks that something went on between us. We had an argument and I asked him if he wanted to read my mind and find out. I didn't actually mean for him to do it. He actually wanted to.}

{Jean: The nerve of that boy.}

{Well, Bobby noticed we weren't talking to each other, just staring so obviously, something telepathic was going on. He asked me what was up. I made up an excuse, but while I was talking to him and distracted, Jake entered my mind and tried to tear the information out of it. Jean, I'll admit I've had a crush on Bobby from day one, I still get hard ons, but, well it's a dead end. Anyhow, Jake knew about my crush on Bobby from the beginning, but for all he knows it's gone. I've had to shield certain thoughts from our link and I got so scared that he'd see, but he didn't though, something happened.}

{Jean: What?}

{Well, Bobby saw me fall to the ground holding my head screaming for Jake to stop whatever it was that he was doing to me and he punched Jake to make him stop. Jake was already in a bad mood and well...}

{Jean: They started fighting...}

{Yeah, but that's not the worst part. I stopped the fight and set them apart. But Jake just wouldn't quit. He Psionically Pained Bobby from a distance. I've never seen him do something like that before, well against the Brotherhood, but against Bobby? There was something different about the way he attacked Bobby. I sent him flying back a few feet, it startled him and stopped him. He left after that, went back inside and well, here we are.}

{Jean: This is just foolish, the Professor will have to hear of this!}

{Jean, please don't.}

{Jean: Rick, we have rules here and Jake has broken them. Telepaths are not to enter the minds of others without express permission. Jake has broken that rule twice with you already. You asked for me not to tell on that so I didn't. But Bobby is another matter, Jake showed no regard for rules AND he attacked another student, ruthlessly. We can't have that here Rick}.

{But Jean, he'll think that I-}

{Jean: Told?}


{Jean: Believe me Rick, you have every right to tell. He has to learn a lesson. Rick, I want you to stay away from Jacob for a while, let him think about what he did.}

{I planned to. Before I wanted some time away from each other, and now I'm convinced it's for the best. He just doesn't seem to trust me, and I can't stand it, I trusted him after all.}

{Jean: Maybe you shouldn't be so trusting, it hasn't done much to help you two}.

{Maybe you're right. But still Jean, I don't exactly relish the idea of him getting into trouble...}

{Jean: Okay, here's what I'll do. I'll have a talk with Bobby, if he doesn't want to "Press Charges" I'll let it slide, THIS TIME.}

Bell went then and I wanted to go see the guys and get as much relaxation out of recess as possible. So I left Jean and headed down to the cafeteria. I had to get something to eat and decided to just grab a sandwich to go. The rest of the guys would proabably be in the rec-room enjoying themselves. I'd just grab something and head down there myself. So I made my way to the cafeteria and just as I got myself something to eat, I saw Bobby just joining the line. He probably went without breakfast too. I decided to wait up for him. He got a hotdog and came walking up to me, smiling. I gotta hand it to him. He has one of those smiles, when you see him smile, no matter how sad you're feeling, you just can't help but smile too, even if it's only a weak one you give in return. I did smile, a weak one, but it counted as a smile.

"What are you so happy about?"

Bobby: "Well, maybe I'm just happy to see you."

I know he didn't mean it that way, but hey, a guy can dream/fantasize/go delusional, can't he? I know I was VERY happy to see him, that was a given. I was amazed that after his face off with Jake that morning that he could be in such a good mood. I doubt that in the same situation I could be that way. I was currently pissed at Jake. I was going to have to deal with him soon. We ate quickly and headed on to the Rec-Room. No doubt the rest of the Gang would be there. The Recreational Room had a lot to keep teens busy with. Video Games, Televisons, Internet Access, Pool tables, you name it. Sure enough when we got there, the Room was full of students, de-stressing. Ray, John, Jubilee, Jamie, Roberto, David and Amara were there. Amara...she didn't seem all torn up. She sure could bounce back all right. Wish I had that kind of...nah on second thought, I didn't want to be anything like Amara.

Ray and the rest of the guys were busy shooting some pool, and Jubilee and Amara were (I assume) girl talking about something or the other. As soon as we entered the room Ray beckoned us over. He probably did it more for Bobby though. Like I said, me and Ray weren't too tight since that day that we had our falling out. He wasn't an absolute dick to me, but I could never shake off the feeling that he really did hold it against me. Our little tangle in the Danger Room probably didn't help things either. Well Bobby went over and and started playing with them. He did call out and ask me if I wanted to play. I didn't. Firstly, I didn't know the first thing about pool, and I wasn't feeling all that about playing anything right then. Besides, Ray had invited him over, not me. I basically chilled on a comfortable seat on a couch and tried to figure out how to handle this situation with Jake. I didn't know how he'd react...and to be honest...I was a little scared. He had quite a temper and it could get the best of him. Outside that morning, he didn't care how pulling me away from Bobby would look. He didn't think about me getting outted to anybody else, just about himself when he was in that mood. I was wondering about it for quite some time. I was jolted back to reality by Ray walking over and sitting next to Jubilee and starting to cuddle, I sighed. Guess there would be no more of that for me for a while. As if to confirm my thoughts, Jake walked in through the door.

I was instantly on edge. I didn't even know how Bobby would react to seeing him. I glanced at the pool table. Bobby was occupied with the game, he didn't see Jake yet...yet. He had some nerve coming here after what he did. I didn't mean the Rec-Room, this room was Public, but right here into our circle. He came over and took a seat next to me. I shifted away to the right. I saw him frown. He moved a little again and for a moment I thought that he would try and move over closer to me, but he didn't, that would have been too suspicious. With Ray, Amara and Jubilee right there I was safe...or so I thought. Just then Jamie came bounding over from the pool table. Before I could shift all the way to the right, and force him to sit next to Jake, Jake moved right next to me, and made room on his left.

************************************************************* * JAMIE JAKE ME * *************************************************************

Not good. At least for me. Jake looked considerably happier now, only thinking of himself. Several times I sensed him trying to make contact with my mind but I was successfully able to block him out. When I talked to him, it was going to be on my own terms, not his. As if his constant telepathic attempts at communication were not enough, he did something a lot more daring. He knew how I felt about public displays of affection, he actually tried to hold my hand, IN PLAIN VIEW! Someone could have seen. Thankfully, everyone was too busy to notice it. I jumped and all I got were a few stares. I guessed it would be better to just talk to him now and get it over with. I didn't dare walk out of the room with him, so I decided I would say it telepathically. Or maybe here wasn't the best place after all. What if he exploded on me? It wouldn't go down too good. While I was wondering exactly what to do and how to go about it, he took advantage of my momentary indecison and talked to me telepathically, first.

{Jake: Can we talk?}

{Sure we can talk, just not to each other and not right now.}

{Jake: Why are you being this way I want to-}

{Apologise? I think I've seen the sincerity of your apologies Jake. I don't want to hear it, I really don't.}

{Jake: What do you mean you've seen the "Sincerity" of my apologies?-}

(There was an edge to his telepathic "Voice").

I reponded as icily as I could.

{You really can't see can you? Do you remember when you pulled me into the Astral Plane?}

{Jake: Not that again...I thought you forgave me for that.}

{Forgave, didn't-couldn't forget. You said you were sorry, swore you were. When we fell out over this ridiculous Bobby paranoia of yours, you told me you were sorry again. Now you've done this shit and you expect an "I'm Sorry" to be enough?}

{Jake: Just listen, hear me out.}

{No, you listen and hear me out for a change. I trusted you Jake, God I let you.....all I wanted was alittle of that same trust I gave you, but maybe that was just too much to ask. Look in front of you.}

Jake: {What...}

{Just look and tell me what you see.}

He stopped conversing for a while and took in the cuddling that Ray and Jubilee were doing.

{Jake: So, it's Ray and Jubilee, they always cuddle.}

{Are either of them telepathic?}

{Jake: What are you asking me for, you know they're not.}

{Right. Notice anything about Jubilee.}

{Jake: What about her?}

{She's one hot girl huh?}

{Jake: What, so you're Bi now?}

{Don't be an asshole. I'm gay, not blind. See how much Ray loves her, trusts her. He doesn't watch her movements day and night does he? He doesn't spy on her does he? You know she could have any straight boy in this mansion in her bed, at the drop of the hat. No doubt Ray knows it, but he trusts that she'll do the right thing. Why can't you see me like that? Or maybe you think I'm like Amara-(he glanced at her)-I don't know because you don't seem to have any faith that I'll do the right thing.}

{Jake: I do trust you.}

{You don't act like it Jacob.}

I used his full name here instead of a contraction. I knew he liked it when I called him Jake, but he wasn't Jake to me anymore, he was Jacob now. And time would have to tell if he'd ever be Jake to me again.

{And I'm beginning to wonder. If you can't trust me I can't love you and I don't think I can trust you either.}

{Jake: Just what the hell do you mean you can't trust me?!}

{I haven't known you long and I think we've gone too far, too fast. How do I know that you're not measuring my trustworthiness by your own low standards, expecting me to do what you would in my position.}

{Jake: This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!}

{I'm glad you feel that way about the way I think Jacob. Do you know, even care how scared you make me feel when you invade my privacy like that, when you force your way into my mind?}

{Jake: We share-}

{A link! Not minds. You know what can happen if I'm scared. You've seen it happen. And you still don't think of that, you don't think of me, only yourself.}

{Jake: That's not-}

{It is. When you pulled me away from Bobby, you didn't care how it would look, you know I don't want to get outted in front of my friends. You attacked him with a vengeance , you could have seriously hurt him, did you think of that?}

He was silent. Which was a blessing. I really didn't want to hear him counter argue.

{Jacob, I think we should stop seeing each other for a while, just to let things cool off.}

{Jake: You're, breaking up with me?}

{It's not a breaking up. I just want to have some time away from you for a while. It depends, maybe when you've sorted out whatever is eating you, we can-}

{Jake: I just want what's best for you. I've seen the way he looks at you Rick. I never suspected anything concrete before, but I'm convinced now. Just give me one more chance and I'll-}

{ Don't start that up again! This is your "One More Chance". You have issues, your attitude towards Bobby proves it. I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just-just giving you time to sort out your problems and for me to sort out mine.}

He looked at me with the saddest pair of eyes that I'd ever seen and I almost capitulated, but with an effort, I didn't give in. He may have had those sad eyes now, but I'd seen the same sadness, in my own eyes, staring back at me in the mirror this morning. I had to think about me too, I couldn't let him keep doing this to me. It hurt like hell, to see him that way, but he'd hurt me too, on multiple occasions. He got up and walked towards the door. He stopped briefly and looked back in. It was the look that threw me. It was one of pure, unadulterated Anger. I think I actually flinched at the sight. It was then I noticed he wasn't looking at me. He was watching across the room, at Bobby. It saddened me. If he kept this kind of attitude up, we'd never be able to get back together. I couldn't have him hating my best friend like that. He'd even went so far as to say that I shouldn't see Bobby anymore. What right had he to decide who I should or shouldn't see?

As if that weren't enough, Jubilee decided to act up. What happened was this. Ray and Jamie went back to the pool table, to answer a dare from John and Roberto. Bobby was heading back. As soon as he sat down, Amara left and headed after Ray, saying she wanted to play too. More than likely she wanted to get away from us. She didn't seem to mind me much, but Bobby was her latest Rejection. Besides, I'd "Broken" up with her nicely. When he sat down, he decided to poke some fun at Amara's departure, conveniently, to play pool.

Bobby: "I don't know why she'd get so excited about pool all of a sudden."

He was talking more to me than Jubilee, but she was listening religiously though. No doubt waiting for whatever line he had next. He didn't dissapoint her either.

Bobby: "I mean, what would she know about playing pool? It's a game of sticks and balls, right Rick?"

That caught me by surprise. I couldn't help laughing however, much to Jubilee's discontent. No doubt he was saying this to get her angry. I'd never do that. He obviously didn't do it to insult Amara, because then he'd say it to her face. I was giggling at it all. Jubilee had a death glare on her face, looking at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead ten times over. He didn't stop though.

Bobby: "Then again. Maybe she's had enough practice, maybe she can handle it. Maybe she's got a hidden talent. God knows she's handled enough-"

Jubilee: "That's enough Bobby! I can't believe you. When did you become such an irritating prick?"

Bobby: "When Ms. Amara tried her slutty antics on me and wouldn't quit until I had to to tell her off. Besides, it's not like she's hearing what I'm saying. Would you rather I say it to her face?"

Jubilee: "So I take it you're still not going to apologise to her, she's all broken up over-"

Bobby: "Does that look like a broken shell of a girl to you Jubes?"

He was motioning his hand towards the table. Amara was standing with a poolstick, seductively posed, trying to get Roberto's attention. I didn't know much about pool, but I know that the way she was chalking that poolstick, was waaaay too slutty to pass for normal. Jubilee just took in the sight and didn't reply. What could she say, Amara didn't seem to be on the verge of a breakdown. I had a study period next and I decided to head on up to the Library. I had some Biology to catch up with and after the talk with Jacob, I couldn't take any new arguments, and that was exactly where Jubilee and Bobby seemed to be heading. When last I glanced at the pool table, Amara was bending over to shoot, cocking her ass out for inspection, and moving erotically slow. I couldn't help but laugh going out the door. I left Bobby and Jubilee to their discussion.

The trip to the Library stood out in sharp contrast to the mirth of the Rec-Room. There I had Bobby's joking and Amara's slutty performances to distract me from the fact that I was now somewhat single, and, dare I say it...miserable. I hated my current state of affairs. Why couldn't Jake-Jacob, I corrected myself, be a little more understanding? If only he'd have let his stupid Bobby paranoia drop. I mean, that was all he had to do, that was the only problem that stood between us. He didn't fear to leave me with any of the other guys, just Bobby. I honestly didn't get it. I made my way to the Library with an extremley sombre look on my face. A few people saw, no doubt, but what did they care? I was prepared to suffer in silence. The only other person I could talk to was Jean. The Proffessor knew about me, but he ran the school, he wasn't a guidance councilor. It looked like I would be on my own for a while, I was bracing for it, trying to stay strong, I couldn't afford to breakdown, not here in the library. It all probably showed on my face too.

I sat down and took out my Biology text, trying hard to concentrate on the notes. Cell division, unfortunately, wasn't something that could easily take my mind off of my current crisis of sorts. But I had to try. I put all my focus on it and phased out. I was completely oblivious to the outside world. Naturally, when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I jumped, and looked back. It was Ororo. What was she doing here...oh right...Library.

Ororo: "Hello Rick, is everything all right?"

"Yeah, just great."

Ororo: "That's all you seem to say whenever I ask you about anything. And I'm getting the impression that all is not well with you."


Ororo: "I don't have to be telepathic like Ms. Grey to sense something is wrong. Especially with someone I helped raise. Now, why don't you drop that hard exterior and open up. What's wrong? And don't insult my intelligence by lying. That is not the face of a happy sixteen year old I see."

I looked at her and wondered. Jean could have handled the fact that I was gay. I wondered what Ororo would think. I honestly didn't know. For one thing, Jean had already had suspisions about me. She said that she didn't sense lust from me, didn't see me gawking at her and such. So it wasn't a complete shock to her. But Ororo didn't have the benefits of telepathy to go on. What if she couldn't handle it? What if she was disgusted with me? Ever since I found out from Mom that she had really helped out a lot when I was born, I wanted to have more of a relationship with her. She was really nice and she even let me go into her Greenhouse whenever I wanted to. But I still wasn't as close as I was to her as I was to Jean. I was afraid that if, by some cruel twist of fate, she found out about me, whatever relationship we had would dissipate. I didn't want that. I rather have a half baked relationship than none at all. I think it made her sad, I don't know. I'd like for her to be the Mom away from home, but there was just so much to lose. For one thing, the topic of Girls always seemed to come up. It came up with both Jean and Logan. I was pondering too long.

Ororo: "Rick, you do know that you can come to me, talk to me about whatever it is that's bothering you right?"

I looked up at her. Her face softened. This was the same Ororo who had stood up for me against Scott. She'd done nothing but help me since I got here. And she seemed like a tolerant person. She had some serious self-control all right. With the extreme nature of her powers, it was a must. She was one of those teachers that could command respect without raising her voice too. She was here since the school's inception. Whatever Jean and the others had learned about tolerating the differences of others, they'd learned it from her, Logan, Hank and the Professor. Surely that tolerance had to be stronger at the source. I decided I'd chance it.

"Ms. Munroe"

Ororo: "Ororo is just fine."

"You've been real nice and all, but there's something you don't know about me. I don't know how you'll react to it and..."

Ororo: "I assure you, I'm sure I can handle it. I'm a tough old gal."

"I don't think you understand just how...shocking this might be for you."

Ororo: "Shocking? Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"

"You all are really tolerant of differences here right. I mean with mutations and all...right?"

Ororo: "Yes, it's what we preach, we'd be hippocrites if we didn't follow our own code."

"But-uh-are you guys tolerant of just mutations, or-(Man, just where was I going with this?)-other things?"

Ororo: "Other things?"

"About people. Are you tolerant about other things that are different about people."

I was glancing around now. We were alone in the corner, but I just wanted to make sure there were no prying ears.

Ororo: "Everyone has differences, it doesn't change who they are, or why you'd love them, so tell me what you think is so shockingly horrible about yourself."

"O-Ororo, I'"

I waited for the fireworks, not even looking at her. I didn't think I caould stand it if I looked up at her face and saw revulsion. I couldn't take that one. But, surprisingly, there were no fireworks. I still hadn't looked at her. She hadn't said anything. Did I shock her heart out of beating or something? I decided to glance at her to satisfy my curiousity. The look on her face was-COMPLETLEY NORMAL.

"Uh Ororo, did you hear what I just said? I said I was Gay."

Ororo: "I heard you Rick.'re a little bit different. That surely isn't the cause for all your melodrama now is it?"

My melodrama...? She was joking about it?

"You aren't disgusted or anything, you don't hate me or-"

Ororo: "Why would you think that?"

She went into the same basic chant that Jean had given me about tolerance and everything. I wasn't even listening. I was just marvelling at the fact that I'd just come out to another person her at the Mansion, and they didn't hate me for it.

Ororo: "So the long face was all because of this?"

"Well, something to do with it but, not completely."

Ororo: "Do you want to talk about it."

"No, not right now."

Ororo: "Oh okay. It's understandable. Rick, uh, do your parents know?"

"No, they don't. Don't you tell them either."

Ororo: "Wasn't even thinking of it. But you should, it's your decision though."

"I don't know if they'll understand."

Ororo: "Rick, they're your parents, of course they'll understand."

"They always go on and on about their imaginary Grandkids Ororo. I don't know what they'll think."

Ororo: "They love you Rick. They will understand."

"You think so?"

Ororo: "I know so, think about it."

"Maybe I will."

Ororo: "Just give it some thought."

When Ororo left, I was feeling a lot better. Not about being single/without Jacob, I didn't think I'd get over that one so easily. But I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. One more person I could be open to. I wished I didn't have to hide it all from my friends. Pity they couldn't absorb some of the tolerance stuff. Well, I can't speak for all of them...but I knew where Ray stood on all of this. Hmpf! When the bell rang announcing the end of the period, I made my way back to my dorm room. I had to get ready for the Danger Room training I had next. I had aquired the idea of just getting ready from my own room, that way, I could avoid all the stuff on display. With Jacob gone now, I wouldn't have a ready outlet, so it wouldn't be long before I'd be popping boners in the changing room. That was exactly the way I got outted back home. No way I was going to let that happen here. All the dorms on my level had their own showers, so I wouldn't have to shower there either. It might look a little odd, I know. But it would be far worse if I started popping boners. I had to choose which would be the better of two bad decisions and stick with it. Then, there was the other reason. No doubt Jacob would be there too, and I couldn't stand seeing him all naked. I might crumble, I wasn't going to put myself through the torture. So I followed through on my plan and changed into the uniform. Then I headed down to the Danger Room. The rest of the guys were there, already changed too. I hoped that my absence in the changing room would go unnoticed but it was a hope in vain.

Jamie: "Where you been Rick?"

"Uh-in my room."

Jamie: "But you're dressed in uniform already."

"Yeah, well, I figured I was there already, I might as well get ready and save myself some time."

He let it drop. Thankfully. I was grateful that Ray wasn't the one who had brought it up. Jamie was fifteen and younger than me. It was easier to deal with him. Ray being nineteen and older didn't exactly help things. I admit his age intimidated me. We all waited until whenever Scott would come in and give us our assignment. I could see that Bobby and Jubilee were still at odds. Amara was still up to trying to impress Roberto. Everyone was pretty much talking. Except me and...Jacob. I saw him sulking in the corner, alone. I wanted to be able to go over to him, and a couple of times I had to stop myself. I walked over to Bobby and Jubilee instead.

"Hey guys, what's up."

Bobby: "Rick, will you give me a hand here and tell Jubilee to back off."

Jubilee: "Stay out of this Rick. Bobby, you're changing into an absolute dickhead, how, when or why, I have no idea. So help me understand."

Bobby then started laughing. I didn't know what exactly for...until I looked in the direction he was looking in. This was a tough blow. The sight of it sickened me. Just where will this, this WHORE stop?!

Amara had given up her attempts at seducing Roberto. She'd moved on all right. Apparently she'd seen Jacob in the corner, all on his lonesome and decided to go keep him company. The sight of it made my blood boil. There seemed to be nothing I could do to put a stop to it either. At least nothing that wouldn't look suspicious. Jake was keeping his distance, making it look like he wasn't interested. I knew he couldn't be interested, but the sight of Amara coming on to him like a Bitch in heat was getting to me. I said a few words all right. I didn't even know I'd said them until I saw the effect they had on Bobby and Jubilee. They were staring at me.

"Just look at her! Four in two days. Me, Bobby, Roberto and now Jacob. I swear I've never seen an absolute...whore before. You're sure she's blue blood and not some illegitimate pretender to the throne?"

Bobby: "Uh, Rick, you're okay?"

Jubilee: "Of course he's not okay! Can't you see what's wrong with him?"

Oh no! What's wrong with me?

Jubilee: "You went and corrupted him, that's what's wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself Robert."

Robert? Uh oh...Full first name, not good. Still, I'm glad Jubilee answered her own question with her wacked up theory. Whew! I had by this time recommenced my watch on Amara's attempt on my guy, well ex-hell not even Ex. He's just on parole. I could see that he was uncomfortable being on the receiving end of Amara's attentions. I decided I'd had enough. Amara was edging dangerously close to Jacob. I decided to chance something. She was walking closer up to him. I telekinetically caught her foot and made her trip and fall. Unfortunately, she fell toward Jacob, and as she did, she decided to clutch his crotch for support. I heard him yelp in surprise, saw her grin (What ever happened to "Pride goeth before a fall"?). I saw the rest of guys laughing, even Jubilee and Bobby forgot their quarrel and had a good laugh. I felt like shit. I had actually helped her get her hands on him. Anyhow, knowing her, she'd no doubt have tried it when she got up to him anyway, at least she wouldn't get the full benefits this way. Or so I thought. Jacob was sporting a raging hard on, plainly visible through these ridiculously tight uniforms.

John: "Yo, Amara, you can let go now!"

More laughter. She pulled, herself up, and Jacob's dick at the same time, shook herslef off and grinned. The nerve of this girl! What made me madder was the fact that Jacob did nothing to knock her off. I suppose I couldn't blame him, he was supposed to be a straight guy afterall, it would look awfully strange. Amara finally let go, but I could tell she really didn't want to.

{Amara: Damn, I got to get me some of that!}

The Bitch was actually thinking about it. She'd thought it so loud even I had picked up on it. We'd see about that. I may have put Jacob and me on a hiatus for now, but there was NO way I was letting any chick near his dick. I'd have to think of something. Just then Scott walked in. And our class commenced. Amara eased herself off Jacob and walked towards the center of the room, where we all were. Jacob came up too, red-faced. I saw Ray give him a pat on the back. I hated him for it. I was staring so long at the scene, Scott's voice took me by surprise.

Scott: "Okay, today I want to start you off on something new. You've been in the maze already, so we got that covered."

I shuddered remembering the maze. It was where I had morphed into my darkside, when I thought Jacob had been killed. I glanced at him and he smiled weakly at me. I returned a weak smile. I really didn't want us to have any hard feelings, and I never said we couldn't be friends until we sorted our problems out. Just not lovers.

Ray: "But, uh, we didn't get to see who would have won on that one."

"Oh that's easy, we won."

Ray: "What! I don't think-"

"Of course you weren't thinking, as I recall, I knocked you out, remember. I doubt you were thinking anything much afterwards."

Bobby: "I suppose so. I mean, it was only me against him and Jacob. He had the flag. I could have taken on one of them at a time, not both, they would have won." We didn't say anything more for a while. No doubt everyone was remembering. I saw some of them looking at me a little oddly. Ray, I noticed, looked at me a somewhat harshly. Scott: "Okay, now that that's settled, we can start today's training course. Today, I'm going to be putting you up against every mutant's worst fear. Sentinels."

I saw them all start freaking out. I could sense the fear screaming out of their minds. I didn't even know who or what a sentinel was.

"Uh, what's a Sentinel?"

They looked at me like I'd asked the stupidest thing in the world.

Scott: "Sentinels are robotic mutant hunters. They were developed several years ago by a scientist called Bolivar Trask. For a while the Government funded a program that built them."

"But, they, don't-kill mutants do they?"

Scott: "They were originally designed to capture mutants deemed dangerous and transport them to Prisons, but their programming was flawed. They were programmed to simply seek and capture, but, well...I think you know what they started doing. Immediate Termination."

"But you said the Government funded the Program. They don't do it anymore, do they?"

Scott: "No, they don't."

"So, then why do we have to train for them. They are all gone aren't they?"

Scott: "No."

Ray: "What, you mean there are more of them?!"

Scott: "All of them were never recovered. Bolivar Trask was never taken into custody, and he's out there now, with a grudge against mutant kind. And there are a lot of hateful parties, with the resources to start things up again. I think you see why we should all be concerned."

"Have any of you ever fought against Sentinels?"

Turns out that they had, but the major fighting was done by the senior team. The Sentinel Program was a Pilot project and hadn't spread nationwide. Just citywide, before the fatal flaws in Sentinel Technology became apparent. The Media was suppressed by the most powerful of government connections. As such, Sentinels became almost a myth. No wonder I'd never heard of them. If my parents knew about them, they no doubt felt that it would be better for me not to know they existed.

"Well, at least the Government got smart and stopped the Program."

Bobby: 'I wouldn't give them any credit, they did it to save themselves too."

"What do you mean?"

Scott: "Well, it's like this. The Sentinels were Programmed to protect regular humans from mutants. But mutants are humans, so they thought, humans had to be protected from themselves. The Sentinels figured they could carry out that imperative better if humans were subjugated under their heel."

"And you want us to fight against one? What about Jak-Jacob, he's pure Telepathic, I doubt that he'll be able to do much against them."

Scott: "Well, there's no telling what could go down in the field, so we have to prepare, even if it's just improve our chances of survival against them. Besides we are a team. We have to work together. Sentinels are-heh-well they are more than a handful for any of us alone, so teamwork is a must, got it?"

We assured us that we did. He went into the Danger Room computer control room, whilst we all headed into the main Holographic Chamber. Teamwork. I hoped Bobby and Jacob could put aside their differences. Well, Jacob, Bobby didn't seem to hold anything against him, at least not before this morning. There were ten of us there. Scott hadn't split us into smaller groups. Obviously he thought that we would need to group together. That alone said volumes. I didn't even know what a Sentinel looked like.

"Bobby, just what does a Sentinel look like? I don't know what one looks like and I might miss it."

Bobby: "Oh believe me, you won't miss it. It's like two and a half storeys tall. Can't miss it."

"T-two storeys tall?!", worry evident in my tone.

Bobby: "Hey, don't worry. We just need to stick together, that's all. It'll be tough, but together, we can take them."

"Easy for you to say. You got Ice Armor. I don't even know how to put up a Telekinetic shield. I got to talk to Ms. Grey about teaching me how to do that."

Bobby: "Well, if it gets too intense, just-ah-just get behind me, I'll use the Ice Armor to cover you."

"Thanks, that'll come in handy. Say, you better keep that trick ready all the time. Jacob will probably need it a lot more than me anyway."

Bobby: "Yeah...I guess."

Scott's voice boomed over the Intercom.

Scott: [All right people, enough chit chat, get in line!]

Here goes...

Next: Chapter 7: Xxx Men 7

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