Yesterdays Child

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 25, 2000


Howdy people. Guess what ... it's the next chapter!!! Thanks to everyone who like wrote in an encouraged me to continue this series. When you're an author you can't always tell how well a story is going to take off, but from the feedback, I'd say pretty well.

WARNING: as much as I hate this I have to do it, but I'll be brief. You're under 18... go away, you're offended by m/m concepts... go away. There's some other reason you shouldn't be here... go away. I am Australian and am trying to write to a more American terminology. It's hard but bear with me.

That's done now on with my other usual stuff.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) Brilliant Story. You can't tell where it's gonna go next and I am just loving it so much.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) I do the shameless self promotion thing here. It involves JC Chasez (ain't he a hottie) from Nsync

Garden of Dreams - (boy bands) Again the shameless self promotion thing. Daniel from Savage Garden is featured in this one.

Chris and Nigel - (high school) I love this series. Two boys ... and they're in love ... how Mills and Boon without the pathetic writing.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) This series is like a spin-off of the series 'Bleeding Hearts'. It is a truly beautiful story, pulls all the heart strings.

Okay, well, I'm all done now ... feedback to -= =- Please put the title of the story in the subject so I can understand what you are talking about.

Okay, here we go:

Yesterday's Child 02 by Sun Child

As Nick and I pulled apart from the kiss I looked over his shoulder and saw someone walking through the car lot.

"Fuck, we've been caught." I told Nick. Nick looked over his shoulder then back at me smiling.

"No we haven't. That's Bec, she helps with my Caleb." Nick told me reassuringly. He smiled and kissed me again lightly on the cheek. He then leant back and drew on his smoke and blew the smoke out his mouth.

"Hey Nick." Bec grinned. "I thought you might like a little visitor for a while." Nick drew again on his smoke and threw it away.

"Always Bec." Nick put out his hands for Caleb. Bec smiled slightly and handed the boy over. I watched as Caleb squirmed slightly then settled into his father's arms. I smiled to myself, they were both so beautiful. I guess it really is like father like son. Bec looked at me.

"And you are?"

"Hey, I'm Jesse." I told her and offered my hand for her to shake. She took it and while shaking it dragged me off the car bonnet and away a little.

"So what is your interest in Nick?" She asked me.

"Excuse me?" I asked not comprehending.

"Well when I came out here you two looked pretty cosy, making out actually. What is your interest? Do you want some quick fuck? Are you after his money? That's be it ... you'd be after his money." She accused. I looked straight in the eye and felt her shift uncomfortably under my hardening stare.

"Actually, Nick has just had the shit kicked out of him and I cleaned him up as returning a favour for helping with my drama performance proposal. We were kissing because we both wanted to. I'm not after him for a quick fuck because I don't even know if we are going out. As for the money thing, I didn't even realise he had any. Get your facts straight before you go off at me you docile bitch." I spun on heel and walked away from her. I walked back to where Nick was, grabbed my bag.

"I gotta go talk to Marshall and do the last of this assignment, I'll catch you later." I told him and walked off.

Walking up to Mr Marshall's office I thought about what had just happened. As I knocked on the door I pushed all thoughts out of my mind concerning anything that involved Nick or anyone associated with them. Marshall opened his office door, saw me and motioned me inside. Smiling I went in and sat down.

"Now Jesse, before we start there is something that I need to talk to you about. Before you came, I was walking by the student car lot. I looked out and saw you and another student. Another male student and I couldn't help but notice your, uh, intimate contact. I am not going to do anything to stop or discourage you, I don't have time for that, but I do want to say, be careful what you do and where you do it. You know this town in very closed minded." I just nodded stupefied. Mr Marshall nodded understanding why I didn't reply. I grinned weakly and rose to my feet.

"Uh, I think I might go outside and get some fresh air. Thanks Sir." I told him weakly.

"I understand what is going through your head Jesse, I've been where you are. That isn't common knowledge and that's the way it will stay. Am I understood?" He told me. I again nodded weakly, a fact I did NOT need to know about Marshall.

"Okay uhhh.. yeah... thanks Mr Marshall." I finally got out. Marshall just nodded.

"Well if you ever need to talk, you know where you can find me." I nodded and walked out the door.

As I was walking away from Marshall's office I ran into Jason, a close friend.

"Hey Jess. What's up?" He asked.

"Oh, hey Jase, nothing much, just thinking over some stuff." I tried to ditch the situation before it started.

"Anything you need to talk about?" He asked.

"No, it's all fairly much cool. It's just a lot of little things making one big mess in my head." Jason grabbed my arm and led me towards a seat and pushed me down.

"Okay talk." He told me.

"Well, you know that new guy Nick? Well, Caleb told me this morning that the rumour around was that he was gay. I yelled a little at him and all of that. Then after first period today, I was walking by the shit houses and I could here yelling and that and I walked around and there was Caleb and a group of guys who were kicking the shit out of Nick. I took Nick into the locker rooms and cleaned him up a bit. Then I took Caleb aside and he more or less said I was gay, I think he's still in there on the floor, I hit him pretty hard. Anyways, I was then out in the car lot with Nick having a smoke and he kissed me and I enjoyed it and I don't want to be gay." I told Jason. Jason just sat there not knowing what to say. In the end he just leaned forward and hugged me tight.

"Well, Caleb has always been an asshole to anyone and everyone, you know that. As for not being gay or maybe even being gay, I don't care, but you need to follow you heart and all that's inside." Jason advised. I looked up and smiled weakly.

"Thanks Jase. The only problem is at the moment I don't know what's inside. It's all so confusing."

"Well, why don't you talk to Nick about it. If he knows his sexuality, he can probably help you figure out yours." Jason advised. I reached over and hugged him.

"Thanks Jase, I might just do that." With that I stood up and headed back towards the parking lot.

Walking into the parking lot I saw Nick there with Bec having a heated arguement. I strode up to them and took Caleb from Nick's arms.

"If you two are going to fight it will not be infront of the baby." I told them and walked away with Caleb. The other two were mildly shocked and didn't know what to do. Sitting down on another car, I could hear the other two start to argue more softly now. In the end Nick said something, turned away from Bec and walked over to me.

"Hey Jesse. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to upset you." Nick told me quietly.

"It wasn't me you upset, I was worried you would upset Caleb." I said holding him gently in my arms. Nick looked at me holding him.

"You look so good holding him like that. It's almost like you are his father." He admitted to me. Laughing quietly I looked at Nick.

"Somehow I don't think so, you seem to be better at it then me."

"You never know. One day maybe." Nick smiled at me. I looked up at him.

"Nick, what happens now? I mean I may or may not be gay, I enjoy your company and enjoyed kissing you before... but what now?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping that you would consider going out with me and maybe letting me help you find out where your true sexuality lies." He suggested. I just smiled.

"I think I like that idea." I admitted. With that Nick leaned in and kissed me again softly on the lips. There was the sound of a throat being cleared behind us. Looking around we both saw Bec standing there looking very meek. I glared and she took a step back.

"Look, Jesse, I wanted to apologise for the way I behaved this morning. I was just looking out for Nick's best interest, I get a little over protective of him." I just nodded.

"Well you don't need to, I'm not going to hurt him and aside from that, he's big enough and ugly enough to look after himself."

"Gee thanks... I'm ugly now?" Nick groused playfully.

"Of course you are." I joked. He just snorted and picked up Caleb from my arms and handed him to Bec then grabbed my hand getting me off the car.

"Come on, we have class to get to." I waved as I was dragged across the parking lot to class.

Sitting in class together I slipped my hand under the desk and placed it on Nick's knee. Surprised, he looked over at me. I just smiled and squeezed it lightly. The lesson seemed to drag on and then when the bell rang, Nick and I headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Grabbing what we wanted we headed off to a slightly more secluded table where we could sit and talk.

"So what did you think of Caleb?" Asked Nick.

"He is beautiful, just like his dad." I told Nick. Nick just blushed slightly and I laughed then looked over towards the door. There was the older Caleb walking in the door. I groaned and looked away. Caleb looked around then spotted me and headed over to where we were.

"So Jesse, see you've made a new friend." He sneered at me.

"Oh get over it Caleb and go away." I told him. Caleb just looked at me.

"Why fag boy, are you gonna hit me again?" I just shook my head.

"Caleb, I don't have time for you. Until you can grow up and get your head out of your ass, stay away from me. If you can't do that, consider our friendship over." With that I stood and walked away, Nick following me.

There we go, confrontation. Yeah I know, it wasn't that long but I have like heaps of work to do for college and I am writing three different series at the moment... give me a break. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for all those who wrote to me last time and I'm sorry I didn't reply if I didn't. I have just been so snowed under lately. Anways, feedback to till then, keep safe. SC.

Next: Chapter 3

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