Yesterdays Child

By Sun Child

Published on Oct 18, 2000


Hey Guys, sorry about the delay, I have just been really tied up at the moment with college and performances and moving and the list just goes on but I will do my best to make it up to you. Thanks for being patient with me.

WARNING: if you are underage whatever the legal age is where you are please leave now. I refuse to get into trouble for you doing something that you aren't meant to when I have warned you otherwise. All characters that feature in this story are born purely of my mind. Any poems or songs, unless otherwise noted at the bottom of the story are mine, if you want to use, please just ask.

Stories that I recommend:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) A surprising and beautifully written story, can't be beaten. It's an Nsync story with Justin and a NON-celebrity. JC Dreams - (boy bands) I write this one, it involves JC (as the name would suggest). I'm enjoying writting it like I am enjoying writting this one. Garden of Songs - (boy bands) Again I am writting this one. It involves Daniel Jones from Savage Garden. I hope you all enjoy it. Reap the Whirlwind - (college) It's a truly beautiful story that enthralls all who read it. Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Jonathan Brandis, while we haven't seen him in anything for a while, he's here and the story just melts the heart.

If you want to send in feedback... write to -= =- When you do write please let me know which story you are writing about otherwise I get confused.

Okay, I'll stop talking now. I hope you enjoy reading the story.

Yesterday's Child 03 by Sun Child

As I walked away from Caleb, Nick managed to catch up with me.

"Was that worth it?" He asked. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Was what worth what?" I asked in return.

"Losing a friend over?

"Caleb is so set in his ways, and is so phobic of anything different that I'm surprised I haven't done it before this." I admitted to Nick. Nick shook his head.

"Jess, I think you need to realise that boyfriends, or girlfriends, come and go but friends are for always. Don't ever doubt how much friends can mean in the long run. One day you may need Caleb and he won't be there. Don't discount his loyalty or friendship just yet. Give him time, I'm sure you'll find that it'll all work out in the end." Nick advised. I just nodded and didn't say anything. By this time we had made our way out to the front of the school and sat down on the grass. I looked over at him.

"Nick, do you think ... better question... how do I know?"

"Know what Jess?"

"You know... know if I am."

"I guess, deep down you already know, you just have to grow the courage to acknowledge it. I don't know if you are or you aren't. That's something that you have to identify for yourself." Nick told me. I nodded and let it sink in.

"I wouldn't worry too much though. If you decide you are, or if you decide that you aren't, well it will be easy for you to get someone either way. You are one of the cutest people I have seen in a long time." I felt myself turning a bright red. Still looking down at the grass I spoke.

"Well, at the moment I don't need to draw anyone, I already have someone in my life don't I." I glanced up at Nick who just smiled sweetly at me.

"If you want me to be in your life like that I have no objections whatsoever." I just smiled back at him.

The rest of the day went by semi-okay. Only dragged down by death stares from Caleb. When I was walking to my car after school, I noticed a fairly big group of guys standing around in the car lot. I quickly grabbed my keys and headed for my car. Nick was standing next to it when I finally got there.

"Hey Jess, I hate to ask but can you drop me home? Those guys are all around my car and I don't really feel up to another fight today." I nodded.

"No probs, it's cool. Jump in, you'll just need to give me directions." With that we both climbed into the car. As I was starting the car, the group of guys started to walk towards us. The fact that Caleb was within the group unnerved me. I turned the key in the ignition and thankfully the car started right away. I released the park brake and put my foot on the accelerator. Moving out of where my car was parked, a few of the guys started to run towards the car. I tried to go a bit faster, but it was difficult in amongst all the other cars. I guess some people get their licenses off the back of capt'n crunch boxes or something. Once I was free the guys were almost at my car, I pushed the accelerator down and took off. I exhaled heavily as we pulled out onto the main street. Nick looked over at me.

"Thanks for that sweetie." I looked over at Nick briefly, surprise written across my face. I think that confused Nick a little.

"What did I say wrong?" I just shook my head.

"Nothing. Just when you called me sweetie, it took me by surprise. I guess I wasn't expecting it." I told him. He just nodded.

"Nicky, can you put a CD on for me. I like noise while I drive." He nodded and looked for the CDs.

"Glove box." I told him. Nodding he opened it and started to sort through CDs I had in there. Finally selecting one, he put it on. When I tried to find out what it was he refused to show me, making me wait for it to start playing.

Who do you think I am

Don't you know that he was my man

But I chose to let him go

So why do you act like I still care about him

Looking at me like I'm hurt

When I'm the one who said I didn't want it to work

Don't you forget I had him first

Watcha' thinking

Stop blaming me

He wasn't man enough for me

If you don't know now,

Here's your chance

I've already had your man

Do you wonder just where he's been yeah

And I'd be worried about him

Now it's time you know the truth

I think he's just the man for you

What are you thinking

Didn't you know about us back then

Do you know I dumped your husband


I'm not thinking 'bout him

But you married him

Do you know I made him leave

Do you know he begged to stay, with me

He wasn't man enough for me

Didn't he tell you the truth

If not, then why don't you ask him

And maybe you be more into him

Instead of worrying 'bout me

And hopefully, you won't find

All the reasons why his love didn't count

And why we couldn't work it out

Watcha' thinking

Stop blaming me

He wasn't man enough for me

If you don't know now,

Here's your chance

I've already had your man

Do you wonder just where he's been yeah

And I'd be worried about him

Now it's time you know the truth

I think he's just the man for you

What are you thinking

Didn't you know about us back then

Do you know I dumped your husband


I'm not thinking 'bout him

But you married him

Do you know I made him leave

Do you know he begged to stay, with me

He wasn't man enough for me

What are you thinking

Didn't you know about us back then

Do you know I dumped your husband


I'm not thinking 'bout him

But you married him

Do you know I made him leave

Do you know he begged to stay, with me

He wasn't man enough for me

I just shook my head and looked at Nick.

"There's only one problem with that song."

"Okay, and what would that be?"

"My man is plenty man enough for me." Nick just shook his head.

"Cheese alert people." I just laughed and continued to drive with Nick giving me directions back to his place.

As we pulled up outside his place he looked over at me.

"Thanks for that Jesse, I really do appreciate it." I just shrugged.

"It's cool." With that Nick leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. I kissed back lightly, not wanting to put on too much of a show for the neighbours.

"My mom won't be home for a while." Nick offered. "Do you want to come in have a coffee or something?" I looked into Nick's eyes.

"Coffee is all it would be though Nick." I told him.

"Did I offer anything else? Despite what you may think, I don't sleep with the guys I go out with on the first day." Nick told me defensively.

"Nick, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just cautious, I'm still new to all this. I mean you're the first guy I've ever been out with. First anyone I've been out with actually. Yeah I know girls that have chased me but they never interested me in any way. I went out with them with no feeling or interest attatched." I admitted.

'Fuck I've known him all of a day and I'm admitting things to him that I've never admitted to anyone else.' I thought to myself. Nick just nodded his head.

"Well, I guess I'm lucky, I'm your first boyfriend and the first person you've ever really wanted to go out with." Nick grinned at me. I grinned back and then turned off the car and climbed out.

Walking inside his house I was struck by the money that must have been behind all the furnishings.

"Bec wasn't kidding when she said you had money was she." I stated in awe of my surroundings. Nick laughed and shook his head.

"Life insurance pays well." I cocked my head to the side and looked at him.

"Life insurance?"

"My dad passed away a few years ago and his life insurance pay out is what bought us most of this." Nick admitted. I turned to him and hugged him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy." Nick shrugged.

"Doesn't make a diffence anymore. We all die, he just died young." I nodded, still feeling bad inside. He then slid his arms around me and hugged me back. I felt strangly comfortable standing there just holding him, him holding me. I dunno, maybe I was gay. I still wasn't sure. I kissed him lightly on the forehead. Even if it turned out I wasn't, I knew I would work hard to be a friend.

After a while we let go of eachother, him before me. He then grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen where he started to busy himself with making coffee.

"How do you take yours?" He asked me.

"Single hopefully." I smiled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I just laughed.

"White with two thanks Nicky." He then turned to me.

"Why do you keep calling me Nicky?" He asked.

"Term of endearment? I'm sorry I didn't realise you didn't like it." I told him, slightly uncomfortable.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just what SHE used to call me." Nick told me.


"Caleb's mom." Nick finally told me after waiting.

"Sorry I didn't realise. If you don't want me to call you that I won't."

"No it's okay. I don't mind it coming for you." I just smiled.

"Do you want to tell me about her and Caleb?" I asked.

"Not just yet. Maybe another day." I nodded and left it there, not wanting to push it.

When we had our coffee, we sat down at the table across from eachother.

"Well, you know about me, well some of me. Are you going to tell me about you?" Nick asked.

"Not much to tell, I was born, I grew up, my parents divorced when I was 12, I've fairly much raised my sister on my own, my mother was too lazy to care. I've worked hard to get this far." I told him. Nick just nodded. I looked at my watch briefly then again realising the time. I drained the mug and looked at Nick.

"I'm sorry, I've got to fly. Anna will be waiting at home for me to take her to swimming." I explained. Nick nodded and stood up as I did.

"Well can I get your number off you so I can call you later." I grabbed a pen and paper off him and wrote it down and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"I'm sorry I have to bolt like this." I told him as I disappeared out the door.

Climbing into my car I started it up and reached for my cell phone and called home.

"Hello Kitty Kat." I said as Anna answered the phone.

"Hello Jesse, where are you?"

"On my way home. Be waiting out the front and I'll take you straight to swimming as soon as I pull up."

"Okay, just don't be long, I've only got another half an hour." She told me.

"I know Kitty, I know. I'll see you when I get home."

"Bye." With that she hung up and I pulled out of Nick's driveway and waved as I drove away.

Feeling lonely I threw on another CD. No idea what I had put on I just pressed play.

Oh Desert speak to my heart

Oh woman of the earth

Maker of children who weep for love

Maker of this birth

'til your deepest secrets, are known to me

I will not be moved

I will not be moved

Don't try to find the answer

Where there ain't no question here

Brother let your heart be wounded

And give no mercy to your fear

Adam and Ever live down the street from me

Babylon is every town

It's crazy as it's ever been

Love's a stranger all around

In a moment we lost our minds here

And lay our spirit down

Today we lived a thousand years

All we have is now

Run to the water

And find me there

Burnt to the core but not broken

We'll cut through the madness

Of these streets below the moon

These streets below the moon

And I will never leave you

'til we can say "this world was just a dream

We were sleepin' and now we are awake"

'til we can say

In a moment we lost our minds here

And dreamt the world was round

A million mile fall from grace

Thank god we missed the ground

Run to the water

And find me there

Burnt to the core but not broken

We'll cut through the madness

Of these streets below the moon

With a nuclear fire of love in our hearts

Yeah I can see it now lord

Out beyond all the breakin' of waves

And the tribulation

It's a place and the home of ascended souls

Who swam out there in love

Run to the water

And find me there

Burnt to the core but not broken

We'll cut through the madness

Of these streets below the moon

With a nuclear fire of love in our hearts

Rest easy baby rest easy

And recognise it all as light and rainbows

Smashed into smithereens and be happy

Run to the water (and find me there)

Run to the water

'Well,' I thought, 'That'll be what Anna does as soon as I get her to swimming.'

Pulling up outside the house Anna scooted out to my car.

"Took your time didn't you." She told me sarcastically.

"Oh bite me doe bitch." I threw back smiling. Shrugging she pulled the CD out I had just put on and looked at it then groaned.

"When will you get taste in music?" She groaned at me.

"Probably at the same time when you have a boyfriend." I shot back at her which earned me a punch in the arm.

"Just drive." She told me and we drove off, a smile on my face as I thought about my own boyfriend.

--- Yeah I know it took me a long time to get this up but I have been so totally busy, I am really sorry. If you have any feedback send it to -= =- 1) He Wasn't Man Enough - Toni Braxton ... this is my theme song at the moment.... Derwan -- fuck you! 2) Run to the Water - Live ... just a cool song and I felt like it :o) Hope you liked the story. Keep safe y'all. SC.

Next: Chapter 4

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