Zacks Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 5, 2022


Roger considered what had happened in his last session with Zack carefully. It shouldn't have surprised him that Zack's nipples were so sensitive: he had rarely dominated a man who didn't have them. He realized that his knowing about them was going to work on Zack's head: and it was. He knew that from the next few nights when they went to bed. He'd chain Zack's wrists together, and then, Zack would pull his arms in as close to his chest as he could. Roger knew that if he wanted those pecs, he could get them: Zack would put up a fight, but the disadvantages of the shackles, and Roger's access to Zack's cock, made it a foregone conclusion that he'd get to them eventually. Instead, he would drape his arm around Zack's middle, maybe stick a finger in his navel until he jumped, and whisper something like "that ass, though" before he'd bump Zack from behind, or run his tongue over Zack's ear before he whispered "you're gonna make the BEST FUCKING SUB EVER," followed by a chuckle when Zack tried to pull away. Roger would also run his finger down Zack's ass crack, provoking Zack to tighten his glutes as hard as he could. After Roger did it twice, Zack would tighten them as soon as they went to bed, and they wouldn't loosen until Zack fell asleep. Roger wanted to torment him by staying awake and running his finger back there as soon as Zack was snoring (yes, he snored), but he decided to save it. He was formulating his plan: what day he'd break the man, and how he'd do it. It would be before the Dom/sub event his friend had called him about. Roger decided to do it in 3 days. Roger began his "campaign" by rolling Zack over in bed when they woke up. Once he had his stud in that position, he'd grab the shackle chain and keep Zack's hands up above his head. Then, he'd slide his other hand down to Zack's cock, and begin stroking. On the first day, he stroked him twenty times, and then increased it to 30 and then 50. He took his time, and when Zack started uttering little moans and groans, and occasionally a "please", Roger would chuckle and say "you'll get to shoot. After I do. Inside you." Those last two words would make Zack tense up, and Roger would address that by moving his hand from Zack's cock to a nipple, and teasing it.

Zack couldn't tense up because his nipples were so sensitive, so when Roger would say "you know you're gonna give up stud," he'd just gasp and hope for more, and for an end of the tit torture, at the same time.

Roger also stepped up the bondage: he was keeping Zack tied up for a minimum of three hours, and sometimes as many as five, every day. He never made Zack strip completely nude: there was something much sexier about seeing this hot "sorta ginger" shirtless, or with his shirt opened, gagged, his legs spread. Roger thought about some of the early erotic artists' work he had seen: not "Tom of Finland:" Zack wasn't that type. But there were other artists, now retired, who had specialized in fit men - military types - taken by other fit men and then flogged, or tortured in other ways. He thought that at some point, he might have to look for an artist to do something like that with Zack but first.... yeah first. Roger was getting pretty excited too.

Roger had to administer punishment one time during those three days, and it meant the three days had to become four because even though Roger had forbidden it, Zack had jerked off when showering one day. When he had finished, Zack thought about how Roger was fucking with his head: he had jerked off to a fantasy of going down on Henry - something he had never done. The thought of sucking that wimp had gotten him SO hard: was he replacing Roger with Henry? He never got to think it out: Roger was waiting outside of the bathroom: he had heard the yell when Zack released.

"You came, didn't you Zack?" Zack knew he was in trouble, but he was who he was. He continued to dry himself off. "When you're done, get to the living room. Don't bother with dressing." "Sure. You gonna paint me like one of your French girls," Zack teased. When he saw the expression on Roger's face, he blanched. "Just do what you're told. It'll be good training." When Zack came out of the bedroom suite, into the living room, he saw that Roger had attached restraints to all four of the table legs. "Spead out. Belly down on the table. NOW." "What're you gonna do?" "Teach you a lesson, stud. DO WHAT I SAID OR I'LL DO IT FOR YOU." When Zack hesitated, Roger grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him down on the table. He cuffed Zack's wrists and ankles quickly and then... first the paddle. Thirty times. Henry had liked being spanked, but Zack had NEVER spanked him this way. This was NOT erotic. It was painful. VERY painful. Well, maybe it WAS erotic because Roger had left his zipper opened, and his cock was getting harder and harder. "I should FUCK YOU right now and get it over with, bitch. But no... I want you to BEG for it. And you will. Instead." Roger put a collar on Zack and attached a leash. He pulled his head up with one hand. Then he began to stroke himself. "KEEP YOUR EYES OPENED. I WANT YOU TO SEE WHAT YOU'RE GONNA GET BUTT BOY. " Roger smiled as he got closer. "To waste this jizz on your face, when you've got such a gorgeous peach.... Peaches and... FUCKING CREAM." Roger exploded all over Zack's face. When he was done, he zipped up. "You're gonna stay like that for a while Zack. If it hurts, oh well, you gotta learn to do what you're told. Here, one last thing." Roger unzipped again and pulled out his handkerchief. He wiped his cock, and then stuffed the cloth in Zack's mouth. "Gotta go make myself beautiful. I'll see you soon." He left Zack tied like that for three hours. Zack's back hurt for a good part of the day.

Roger was still letting Zack dress himself, because he had an extremely good sense of what made him look good. To Roger, it was impossible for the man not to look sexy, but the day he had chosen for it to happen: he wondered if he were giving off some kind of chemical "signal" because Zack looked especially delicious. He wore a blue on blue check twill shirt, two buttons opened, showing off that delicious chest hair (Roger still hadn't decided what to do about that), and gray khaki trousers that hugged his ass. He almost seemed to be teasing Roger, smiling with an attitude that suggested he was saying "look all you want because you're not getting it." Roger resisted until late afternoon/early evening. Roger grabbed Zack in a bear hug, and Zack knew, and he fought. He struggled harder than he did when Roger captured him. Roger just laughed. "I know about your nips now, stud. I could drain your strength in minutes. " "GO FUCK YOURSELF" "No, I'm gonna fuck you." "NEVER." but Zack whimpered as he felt his wrists tied and as Roger dragged him to the bedroom. "FACE DOWN, BITCH TO BE," he yelled as he threw Zack on the bed. He climbed on top of him, and Zack felt the hard on. He felt Roger slide back and forth, teasing him. Roger's mouth covered Zack's ear. "How long is it gonna take Zack? Five minutes? Ten minutes?" "IN YOUR DREAMS ASSHOLE" "Ho ho. There's one asshole in my dreams, and it's yours." He rolled Zack onto his back and opened his shirt four buttons down. Zack struggled again. "Please don't do this?" he begged. "Then submit." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Roger closed fingers on each of Zack's nipples. He began working them the way he did when he got his blowjob. "Gonna take you more than that you jerk!" Zack growled, not realizing the mistake he had just made because now, Roger was challenged. "I think... stud... it's gonna take me LESS than that." He rolled to Zack's side and took one nipple in one set of fingers, and began manipulating it very, very softly and gently. "OH FUCK" came out of Zack's mouth. Roger saw Zack's hard cock fight against his jeans. He moved his mouth to Zack's ear. "You want your zipper opened Zack?" "MMMMMM. Yes please." Roger paused. "Submit." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Please stop." Roger went silent and continued to play with Zack's nipple. Zack's moans got louder and more consistent. "Submit." "Nooooooooooooooooooooo" the refusal was much more subdued. Roger knew: he was winning. "Oh, you're gonna make a GREAT sub bottom, Zack. I can't wait. " He licked Zack's ear and whispered "submit." This time Zack didn't answer. His legs began to shake though. His moans had gone from consistent, to constant. He felt Roger's free hand descend to his zipper and open it. "OH MY. Look at that beautiful cock. Someone REALLY wants SOMETHING.

Submit." Just moans from Zack. "You're not answering stud. I'll ask again. Submit." Zack's moan was desperate. He took a deep breath. His hips were pitching, but without friction, his cock was helpless. "I SUBMIT I SUBMIT I SUBMIT. " "MMMMM. Surrender tastes sweet." Roger licked Zack's ear. "What's gonna happen now, studbitch?" "You're... you're gonna fuck me. You're gonna fuck me, Sir. " "That's right. Now I'm gonna untie you, you're gonna get undressed, and you're gonna give up your ass. You understand?" "Yes sir . I understand." After Roger untied zack, and zack was sitting up, he massaged zack's nipples while he chewed his ear. "You always wanted this, zack. You may have topped for years, but you were always a bottom at heart, and within that heart, you've always been a sub. A closet sub." zack leaned back into his new Master and whispered "yes sir. I needed a real man. " "And you have one. Finish getting undressed. " "Yes sir. On my back or belly. "On your back. I want to see your face. Grab your knees like you're diving." "Yes sir. I understand. " Roger pulled off his own clothes. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. That beautiful hole. That BEAUTIFUL perfect hole. All mine. ALL MINE." He pressed his cock up against zack's hole. No lube. No rimming. Nothing. He said nothing. He just smiled. Then he said one word "Conquered," as his cock began to enter zack. It had been a long time. Zack wasn't used to being fucked, and he had never been fucked by a monster cock like Roger's. Still, he knew what to do. He had told enough people how to relax into it and, so to speak, he practiced what he preached as Roger's cock slowly entered him. "IT FEELS SO GOOD SIR," zack said, truly meaning it. He realized something that Roger already knew. Roger had captured him by taking him by surprise, but when he got zack to blow him... he had already won. zack had already surrendered. Everything else was just role play. "I'd ask you how you felt, but to be honest, I don't care, FUCKTOI." Roger thrust in. He didn't mean that, and zack knew, in his gut, that he didn't. Still, he began to feel much more passive, much more... taken. "Should I widen or tighten Sir?" he asked, pleasing Roger. "No need to do either, handsome. I'm doing just fine. Just fine...." He began to pick up the pace of sliding back and forth inside of zack. In response, zack tried to slide back and forth. He had let go of his knees a few minutes previously, and had spread his arms out as if he were tied down. He noticed how it turned on Roger and he whispered. "YES. TAKE ME TOP MAN. TAKE YOUR GINGER BITCH. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" It had been years since zack had taken cum in his ass. The sensation was strange to him. For Roger, the sensation itself was not odd but... he had the man he had wanted under him for years, impaled on his cock. He had his submission. He was about to become the DOM to one of the hottest men he had ever seen. No, THE hottest man he had ever seen. He looked down at zack. "You know what happens now?" "Yes sir. I need your permission. May I climax Sir?" "Yes. Enjoy it. You won't get another chance for a few days." "Thank you Sir. I understand." zack started pulling at his cock, almost furiously. A part of him was angry at having given up but another part accepted what Roger had said. At his core, he was always submissive. It took a true DOM like Roger to bring it out. He thought about what life was going to be like as Roger's bottom and... as those thoughts flooded him, he shot. And shot. And shot. "Open your mouth, boy. I want it." "Yes sir," zack yielded and Roger's tongue took command. Roger lay on top of zack's spent body, pinning his wrists as he let zack know how a DOM kissed. zack wanted to wrap his legs around Roger, but Roger's own strong legs were keeping zack's spread. When he finished Frenching his new bottom he smiled. "No more leg irons for you zack, and no more cuffs. Not at night at least. But if I want my hands on your pecs, you don't stop me. " "Yes sir. I understand." "I think I need to celebrate. I got something I wanted for a long, LONG time: your ass. We're going out for a cocktail." As they were getting ready, Henry was showing up at the bar with his new escort, Oscar. As different from zack as one could get. But still as hot.

Next: Chapter 4

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